• @[email protected]
    -434 months ago

    Single-issue voters are ignorant

    I think killing is wrong. Feel free to call that ignorant.

    • mosiacmango
      4 months ago

      Trump told bibi to "hurry up and finish the job. He will kill 10x as many Palestinians and say they deserved it.

      He has also promised to “round up millions of illegals” in the US and put them in camps, itself a genocide. He will undoubtedly kill thousands doing it.

      He also stated that he will use the military to eliminate " the enemy within," who he specially called leftists like yourself. He will kill people in the process.

      Your choice should be pretty clear if you abhor killing.

        • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
          184 months ago

          As a modern state with a functionning justice system

          That might just be the best joke I’ve heard all week.

          • @Fedizen
            24 months ago

            As a 19th century state with a two tier justice system…

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Yes, my choice is for a party which doesn’t support killing innocent people. The Dems still have time to campaign on that platform.
        I agree that one party has said that they are even more pro killing innocent people. And I don’t agree with that. That’s because I don’t agree with killing innocent people at all.

        There is no level of killing innocent people that I’m okay with.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Then you’re making an emotional decision based on refusing to accept anything less than perfect, and since perfection is not an option in this election, and because not voting is essentially a vote that trump doesn’t have to counter, abstaining voters are proportionally more helpful to trump than they are to Harris.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Then you’re making an emotional decision based on refusing to accept anything less than perfect

            You can continue making practical decisions based on accepting killing innocent people. I’ll be over here waiting for people like you to notice what you’re doing. Maybe when you are one of the innocent people being killed you will decide it’s not acceptable?

            • @[email protected]
              194 months ago

              You need to realise that the world is not black and white - it exists in shades of grey where nobody gets everything they want, and have to accept compromise for the greater good. You seem to be stuck in a mental state where you can’t bring yourself to vote for a party that isn’t offering a perfect world to you, and you must get past that and look at the bigger picture, and the impact of disgruntled blue voters staying home in protest. If trump wins, your protest will have contributed to that win, and you’ll have to live with that.

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                If trump wins, your protest will have contributed to that win, and you’ll have to live with that.

                No, I promise you, I won’t. Me living with being in a world where killing innocent people is politically acceptable is far more harmful than the guilt I will feel on Trump winning. This is because my protest is not contributing anything to that win whatsoever. You might as well ask me to feel unhappy that the moon has craters when I - as far as I can tell - am not a large mass hurtling through space that has hit the moon.

                If Trump wins, then that will simply show that enough Americans want to hurt innocent people. As is shown by America being a country which finds itself unable to strongly counter IDF terrorism visited upon Palestinians.

                I will be sad, but I won’t be completely surprised.

                I say it again: my protest will have no effect on Trump winning.
                My protest will also have no effect on innocent lives being taken. This is because we live in a morally grey world, where people can rationalise harming innocent people as an acceptable byproduct of doing business. After all, the price of compromise for me getting a better candidate is allowing brown strangers to die. Doesn’t that sound great? I deserve more than them. I’m not brown, after all! It’s their fault for being born where they are.
                And, finally, my protest will have no effect on Trump winning.

                • @[email protected]
                  124 months ago

                  You’re quite mistaken about that. You will be responsible for trump if you had the option to vote against him and chose not to do so.

                  • @[email protected]
                    4 months ago

                    You’re quite mistaken about that. You will be responsible for trump

                    I promise you, my protest against killing innocent people will have no effect on Trump winning. You might be seeing things in black and white.

                • @[email protected]
                  54 months ago

                  You can tell yourself that but it doesn’t change the reality that you will have directly contributed to Trump’s victory, and the elimination of the Palestinian people (and as anyone who knows anything about WW2 will tell you: genocides can get worse).

                  • @[email protected]
                    -54 months ago

                    You can tell yourself that but it doesn’t change the reality that you will have directly contributed to Trump’s victory

                    I promise you, that is not possible.

        • @[email protected]
          234 months ago

          What about all the innocent women who are dying in our country because of who trump appointed to the supreme court and the result was the overturning roe vs wade?

          Do those lives matter at all to you? Women bleeding to death in their cars because hospitals refuse to treat a miscarriage.

          What about the kids who get massacred in school shootings because Trump and people like him won’t support increased gun control legislation?

          What about all the innocent people of color who have been killed by police? Do they matter to you?

          If trump gets into the office not only will the Palestinian people be far worse off, so will every group I mentioned above and more.

          You said you are against killing innocent people, then why dont you care about the women, children, and people of color who are getting killed in our country needlessly?

          There’s far more destruction for far more people if trump gets into office. If you want to double down, go for it, because I think it’s worth reminding people just how much death in our country can attributed to Trump. Every woman who dies from preventable pregnancy complications. Trump directly contributed to that.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            What about all the innocent women who are dying in our country because of who trump appointed to the supreme court and the result was the overturning roe vs wade?

            See state ballot initiatives. they’ve been far more effective in 4 years than democratic presidents and congress critters have in 5 decades.

            What about the kids who get massacred in school shootings because Trump and people like him won’t support increased gun control legislation?

            see above.

            What about all the innocent people of color who have been killed by police? Do they matter to you?

            see above. biden and harris support the police remember? they actively fought against police reforms.

            If trump gets into the office not only will the Palestinian people be far worse off, so will every group I mentioned above and more.

            yes that is unfortunately true, maybe you should inform harris to change her position on genocide to ensure the other groups are not put at risk over her hubris? On the flip side its a lot easier to protect the groups you’re white knighting for in your local community via your local reps and processes and your own personal actions.

            Maybe you should realize you can in many states safely vote third party for president and democrats down ballot and essentially have the same national outcome while simultaneously undercutting the genocide harris is dead set on committing. thereby giving left wing congress critters more leverage with harris post election.

            What you are really telling everyone here is that you are unwilling to give up a bit of your privileged lifestyle over a little bit of genocide. That says more about you than it does about the individuals withholding their support from harris.

            • @[email protected]
              04 months ago

              state ballot initiatives

              LOL, way to immediately tell everyone that you have no fucking clue how this country works.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                oh dear am I embarrassed!

                • legalizing weed -> state ballots.
                • min wage increases -> state ballots.
                • legalizing mushrooms -> state ballots.
                • health care improvements -> state ballots.
                • abortion -> state ballots.
                • LGBT+ rights -> state ballots.

                seeing a pattern here?

          • @[email protected]
            -144 months ago

            If trump gets into the office not only will the Palestinian people be far worse off, so will every group I mentioned above and more.

            There is no level of killing innocent people that I’m okay with.
            I’ll support a political party which does not want to make people worse off because of their identity.

            • @brygphilomena
              4 months ago

              The problem, as I see it, is that there is literally no chance for a third party to win the presidency.

              Which means that I have three options:

              • Vote Trump. Someone who has called for more violence.
              • Vote Harris. Whether I’m happy with her or the Democratic party or not. Try and mitigate as much killing and harm as I am able to. Actively try to prevent things from getting worse.
              • Vote third party/Don’t vote. Either Trump or Harris will win, and I can claim my conscious is clear. If Trump wins, I will have not done what little I could have to lessen the evil. I have to be okay with someone who is far worse getting into power

              We can’t solve the genocide by voting third party. All we can do, all that the little power granted to us can do, is try and prevent it from getting worse. So if you want to prevent as much killing as you actually can, if you want to give the most people the opportunity to live, then morally as I see it, you need to vote Harris.

              Is she perfect? No. Hell no, man. But she is the candidate that with this genocide happening, and it is happening regardless of who is getting in, who will give the most Palestinians a chance to live. A third party candidate isn’t making it to the White house so a third party candidate can NOT lessen the harm.

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                Which means that I have three options

                I do not have three options, myself.

                It is said that Americans have three options, the best of which only might improve the situation where one country is terrorising another country by killing innocent people, every day.

                • @brygphilomena
                  144 months ago

                  Which means that I have three options

                  I do not have three options, myself.

                  It is said that Americans have three options, the best of which only might improve the situation where one country is terrorising another country by killing innocent people, every day.

                  So are you American? It sounds like you aren’t and, if not, why are you advocating for people not to vote or vote third party?

                  • @[email protected]
                    -114 months ago

                    why are you advocating for people not to vote or vote third party?

                    Can you point out where I advocated for any particular voting choice? I just said that I don’t find killing innocents acceptable, and would prefer to have the choice of voting for a party which agreed with that - in my mind, perfectly acceptable - moral value.

                  • @[email protected]
                    14 months ago

                    You’re right, there is a fourth: kill yourself. Save million of Palestinian lives by ending yours before next Tuesday.

                    Thanks for revealing what kind of person you are, champ!

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            I don’t like killing innocent people. Which is something Trump will do, so I don’t like him.

            I checked your post history, I don’t care much for you, either.

            • @[email protected]
              34 months ago

              Oh wow, the perpetually-online militant fuckwit read my comments, that’s just terrifying!


        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          K while everyone else at the adult table discusses things you can play with your imaginary options.

          Every country kills innocent people. It happens.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              Thanks. As I said to the commenter above. We are sitting at the adult table. Come join us once you realize everyone has blood on their hands and the world isn’t black and white.

                • @blackbelt352
                  24 months ago

                  Genocide is not a necessity, but it is an ongoing reality. The only feasible choices we as americans have at the present moment is Trump the genocide accelerationist, and Harris the genocide status quo and even reduction, ideally continuing the slow rolling supplies policy Biden has adopted and furthering that policy to slow the movement of weapons into israel. At the end of the day Netanyahu is the one actively waging genocide, and getting funding and weaponry from a wide number of countries. I would much prefer is we completely stopped sending weapons to Israel, but unfortunately thata not how internationally binding treaties work.

            • @[email protected]
              34 months ago

              Where is yours?

              Oh, you aren’t sorry about the war crimes your government has accomplished?


          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Every country kills innocent people. It happens.

            Thanks for admitting this.

            imaginary options.

            Not respecting a human world which purposefully kills the innocent is not ‘imaginary’.

            • @[email protected]
              174 months ago

              Not even trying to minimize the amount of killing in the human world because it won’t reach 0 seems like you don’t actually care about human life at all.

              • @[email protected]
                -84 months ago

                That’s interesting. I have to support a party which supports killing innocent people to be against killing innocent people.

                Wow, humans sure are good at rationalising things in a nonsensical way. No wonder they’ve made such a fucked up world.

                • @[email protected]
                  114 months ago

                  That’s not what I’m saying. You can absolutely continue to condemn and fight the democratic party on any topic you deem worthwhile.

                  But putting that tiny mark on the ballot paper might ever so slightly get the world moving closer to the ideal you imagine, instead of veering away from it.

                  That is the rationale I’m using here.

                • @brygphilomena
                  64 months ago

                  Voting doesn’t mean you support them.

                  You aren’t giving them money, you aren’t campaigning for them. You are saying that between these two, admittedly fucked up, parties this is the one you think that will be better.

                  So for the presidential election, vote to reduce harm - not to increase it.

                  If you want to do better, support, fund, campaign for third parties down line. Local elections and build the momentum until they become a viable presidential candidate. Work to reform the electoral system that can dismantle the two party system.

                  But don’t think voting for Harris is de facto supporting the Democratic party.

                  • @[email protected]
                    4 months ago

                    So for the presidential election, vote to reduce harm - not to increase it.

                    Then give me a party which does not allow harm to be done to the innocent. I will gladly vote for them.

                    Voting doesn’t mean you support them.

                    Ah, so someone could vote for Trump, but then say “I didn’t vote for Trump because I support him.” Does that make sense to you?

    • @LovableSidekick
      4 months ago

      Thinking killing is wrong is not ignorant. Deliberately ignoring the point is ignorant. If Harris loses Trump wins, and if Trump wins things will be a lot worse for Palestine. Refusing to help because you’re standing on an imaginary moral high ground is both wrong AND ignorant, because you’re clearly smart enough to look beyond your own righteousness. You have no excuse.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Refusing to help because you’re standing on an imaginary moral high ground

        How do you want me to help?

            • @[email protected]
              54 months ago

              Then we hold our politicians accountable? Because we still can? Because we still have a functioning Republic, and not a fucking Autocracy?

            • @Fedizen
              24 months ago

              You’ve done the dark calculus and made a strategic vote, its doesn’t mean you endorse everything Kamala does.

              The reality is Kamala will likely be more amenable to pressure here than the Trump. At worst you’ve protected the small number of palestinian refugees to the US from further persecution. At best you create a lasting problem for Netanyahu by electing people who aren’t cheerleading the genocide.