The atmosphere is so heated, and the statements are getting more and more extreme. Let’s just assume Harris wins the election. After a campaign like this, how could you ever have a normal relationship with your pro-Trump neighbor/father-in-law/Uncle/Barber or what ever again?

  • Alice
    -774 months ago

    Your father is going to pass away and you’re really gunna let politics affect your relationship with him like that?

    Looks like you’re the one in a cult. I feel bad for your pops

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      GTFO with that “politics” bullshit. It stopped being a purely political difference when Trump made it about racism, sexism, and all other possible forms of bigotry. It stopped being about purely bigotry when he tried to stage a coup.

      Above and beyond, you don’t know their life. Maybe they needed a life-saving abortion and their father gleefully cackled when that right was effectively removed in many states. Maybe they’re black and their father bragged about the shootings of black folks, they’re latin and he chortled over the deportation rhetoric, or they’re Muslim and he rubbed the travel bans in their face. Maybe they have/had long COVID and their father gave it to them because “it’s a hoax.” There are so many reasons for cutting MAGA idiots out of your life and Trump’s political policy is the least of them

    • ALQ
      544 months ago

      Unfortunately, when “politics” equals “whether certain people deserve basic human rights,” it’s not a minor issue. I don’t keep company with people who think I’m subhuman.

    • @lemmy_outta_here
      444 months ago

      You say ‘politics’ like it is some trivial thing. Politics involves beliefs on personhood, human rights, racism, equity, crime and punishment, and fundamental ideas about morality. I think it is totally appropriate to make judgments about a person’s character based on their politics.

    • Prehensile_cloaca
      134 months ago

      “Someone has an abusive relationship and you’re really gunna deny them the right to abuse you like that?”

      That’s how you sound, Alice.

    • JaggedRobotPubes
      84 months ago

      “My political opinion is I am going to strangle the person you love the most to death in front of you while you watch, and if you don’t let me have my political opinion, then who’s the real bad guy here?

      Make anything ok using this one neat trick!

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      Let’s say your mom needs chemo treatments and can’t drive herself. You wanna be good to your mom and drive her, but she’s recently developed a behavior from the stress and medication that when she’s in a car with someone, she fights with the driver trying to grab the steering wheel and aim the car at pedestrians.

      It’s not her fault that she’s developed this behavior, but you’d think she could at least control herself and stop trying to run over pedestrians, but she says she doesn’t want to. Technically, since you’re driving, you could convince the police that you’re actually the one trying to commit vehicular manslaughter, so while you could deflect the blame, you really know it’s her own fault.

      You could also physically restrain your mom, except for all those pesky elder-abuse laws and what kind of person would do that to their mother anyway?

      So, what are you gonna do? Will you be a complicit party to your mom’s desire to see pedestrians run over, or will you stop letting her into your car and let her ride the train and bus like an adult? Remember, she’s dying from cancer, but lots of other people experience intrusive thoughts without acting on them and lots of other people don’t have family to support them but still manage just fine.

      So, what’s your answer? Support your mom and tell her it’s okay to try killing/hurting people, or let her figure things out for herself and hope that she comes to her senses? She could always prove to you that she realized her behavior was wrong and that she’s ready to ride in the car with you.

      And don’t worry, no matter what you answer, I’m still going to call you an asshole, because that’s how reductive internet trolls work. Cuz “fuck you, this is your mom, damn,” and “it’s just simple defensive driving.”

    • @Jackthelad
      -404 months ago

      Yeah, I really can’t understand this. I have family and friends who vote differently to me, but I would never let that get in the way of our relationship, and I can’t understand the mentality of people who do.

      I mean, if someone I knew turned out to be a full on neo-Nazi, then I’d steer well clear. But if someone just votes for the other main party to the one I do, who cares?

      • @Grimy
        4 months ago

        If my father was on his death bed, chances are I’d put most of it behind me and would ignore a lot of past transgressions.

        OPs actions are a bit extreme. That being said, there isn’t much that separates a neo-nazi from a trump supporter in my mind. I can’t imagine anyone supporting him that isnt a complete piece of shit, and it is 100% a valid reason for cutting ties with people.

        • @SassyRamen
          34 months ago

          My wife and son are from another country, my children aren’t safe in American schools, my wife and daughter have less rights than a man in America, my 13 year old son was being bombarded constantly by what a “man should be” racist christofacist bullshit. My parents vote against my family, so they are no longer a part of it. We moved to my wife’s home country and never looked back.

          I love my parents, but their hate for others was stronger than their love for my wife and kids. They can die alone with their red hats on.

        • @Shadywack
          -274 months ago

          Politics change, but blood is thicker than water. The way people are writing off family instead of just talking to them is awful.

            • @Shadywack
              -94 months ago

              What makes you think we haven’t tried talking to them? Often times that detail is left out, and what you see or hear about is how they just don’t talk anymore.

                • @Shadywack
                  -124 months ago

                  At the end of the day (or life), your mother/father was and forever have been, your mother and father. Family is immutable, giving up is reprehensible.

                  • @SassyRamen
                    24 months ago

                    I’m a US Army combat veteran, my wife was a foreign national (we left America), my son was born in his mothers home country making him a foreigner in America, my other two (son and daughter) were born and raised in America.

                    My parents voted against support for Veterans, they voted against immigration, they voted against gun regulation (guns are the main cause of death for children in America), they voted to take rights away from my wife and daughter, they voted against my family. Ignore all of that I kept trying to talk to them, kept trying to keep in touch… my dad told me in a letter, that if we aren’t for trump we’re against him and told me to no longer try to contact him or my mom.

                    I’m glad they cut ties, because I was already done. I just helped them keep to their words and have ignored them since.

                  • @Jackthelad
                    -54 months ago

                    If they treat you badly, cutting them out of your life is fine. No one should put up with that from anyone.

                    But cutting people out of your life purely because they vote differently to you is just weird and petty.

          • @barsquid
            64 months ago

            I agree. I wish Donald’s cultists would talk and listen to these family members trying to pull them out. It is a shame that Repubs are writing their family off and instead deciding to believe bigoted delusions.

            • @Shadywack
              -24 months ago

              I agree with you, and it’s also a shame that Democrats are writing their family off instead of deprogramming in a non-hateful way. You’d be surprised how Trump supporting relatives can get onboard with socialized medicine, by just talking to them as if they’re not monsters. That’s something a lot of the fucking idiots here on LW could benefit from, instead of yelling “bigot” while acting like a bigot themselves.

      • JaggedRobotPubes
        74 months ago

        Maga are nazis, so you’re phrasing your agreement like a disagreement, but agreement it remains.

      • @agent_nycto
        64 months ago

        The problem is that said political party is in bed with if not just straight up neo Nazis now. Maybe ten years ago your perspective would be reasonable but it simply isn’t anymore.

      • @elbucho
        4 months ago

        But if someone just votes for the other main party to the one I do, who cares?

        People who will get hurt by that other party gaining the presidency, or people who care about people getting hurt. Or just people with an ounce of empathy.

        None of which seem to apply to you.

      • @barsquid
        44 months ago

        What’s the remaining distance between a MAGA and a full-on neo-Nazi in your mind? Like as long as they’re voting for the US equivalent of the NSDAP, they’re not officially there yet?

        Insane that anyone can be comfortable writing a strawman like “it’s just a different vote,” when they’re voting for “I need generals like Hitler’s, I will be dictator for a day, it is legal to murder political opponents, we will do mass deportations, Haitians are eating cats.”

      • JayTreeman
        -264 months ago

        Libs think there’s a difference between the parties and the Republicans are fascist. Republicans don’t see an actual difference which is where you’re at. Leftists don’t see a difference, but think both sides are fascists. I don’t sit down with fascists, but you do you

        • @Jackthelad
          54 months ago

          You assume my entire political philosophy and views based on the fact I’m civil with people?

          For the record, I’m in the UK and would vote Harris in the States.

          • JayTreeman
            -274 months ago

            Frankly, I think I nailed it. You’re comfortable around fascists because you’re supportive of fascists. Harris is a fascist, so is Trump. Without going into your comment history, I’m betting that you support the bombing of gaza. That you might understand that crime is a social construct, but also that criminals should be punished sometimes severely. It’s OK that you think it’s OK to sit down with a fascist. I’m of the opinion that it’s OK to punch them.

            • @Jackthelad
              4 months ago

              Okay, you’re clearly a terminally online person.

            • palordrolap
              54 months ago

              Only one of the two candidates is talking about turning the US into a dictatorship with them at the helm.

              • JayTreeman
                04 months ago

                You’re right. The supreme court has said that the president can’t do anything illegally. What have the democrats done to reverse that? The democrats do the same things as republicans, but they’re more palatable. There’s a lot of people on the left that think Trump is the harm reduction candidate because people are upset when he does things.

                • palordrolap
                  14 months ago

                  So what you’re saying is that in order to not be fascists, the Dems would have to pull out some actually fascist dictatorial tricks in order to reset things?

                  I’m sure you can imagine how well that would go.

                  • JayTreeman
                    -14 months ago

                    I’m saying, they haven’t even attempted to change things. They’re complicit.