• @[email protected]
    1361 year ago

    Why do we allow so many terrorists to own guns?

    If you use a gun to commit a crime, you should lose the right to own guns forever.

    • @Fredselfish
      411 year ago

      Maybe, just Maybe if one of these fucking right wing nuts take out a politician then watch real quick we will get new gun laws. Long as they shooting up schools, and churches and hurting us common folk nothing will change.

            • 1024_Kibibytes
              61 year ago

              Thanks for the reminder. I thought it was a congressional baseball game. How these people literally get shot and still don’t see the need for reform, I don’t understand.

              • @[email protected]
                71 year ago

                Hey, I’ll have you know a few feet of your lower intestine, part of your colon, and almost dying is a small price to pay when you can insider trade and rake in that sweet sweet NRA money

      • commandar
        1 year ago

        Easiest way to kickstart it is arming at-risk minorities.

        California’s strict gun laws have their roots in white conservatives’ reaction to the Black Panthers marching with rifles while St. Reagan was governor of the state.

        The upside of this strategy is that if the gun laws don’t change, then at least those minorities will have some means of protecting themselves.

        • @seaQueue
          1 year ago

          +1, if anyone wants to know why California has such restrictive gun laws those started in response to the Black Panthers policing our cops.

          Edit: https://firearmslaw.duke.edu/2020/04/the-black-panthers-nra-ronald-reagan-armed-extremists-and-the-second-amendment/

          So, yeah, have black people show up with ARs in some state capitols and you’ll kickstart gun control right quick. Arming liberal women, gays and trans people in red states and having them show up at the capitol might work too.

          • @30mag
            1 year ago

            deleted by creator

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          The down side is that it gives white supremacists the same excuse to execute minorities in the street as the police use.

          If guns actually helped oppressed and abused minorities, America would be the safest place in the world for them. Instead, they’re routinely hunted by domestic terrorists, almost all of whom are legal gun owners.

          The reality is that the gun lobby figured out that you can sell hero fantasies to leftists too.

          • commandar
            121 year ago

            The reality is that they already have all the excuse they need.

            Personally, I’m not a fan of the side that’s perfectly happy with pursuing genocide having the perception that they have a monopoly of violence.

          • Alien Nathan Edward
            71 year ago

            Have you seen the Ahmaud Arbery video? Did you know that the DA of that county is under indictment for trying to bury that case when all 3 defendants were eventually convicted? These monsters don’t wait for an excuse, the existence of anyone who isn’t a cishet white Christian Republican is their excuse to be violent.

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              If Arbery had a gun they’d have 100% been acquitted. Cops regularly point to weapons in the rough vicinity of black men to justify their shootings.

              • @Katana314
                21 year ago

                That’s the thing, if Arbery had a gun, it’s very likely several of them wouldn’t have survived the encounter. Which, as far as racists go, is a very preferable turnout to me.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Sure, and that’s a systemic issue that needs solving or it will only get worse as people join specifically to kill and oppress minorities.

              But guns are still no solution and anyone promoting them as one is clearly just parroting gun lobby talking points without actually thinking them through.

              If Ahmaud Arbery had a gun within 20ft of him, everybody involved would be walking free.

              But beyond that, when exactly was he supposed to open fire on police and how do these gun advocates expect that to play out? The moment a minority uses a gun to defend themselves from police, they’re as good as dead. The best case scenario is decades in prison.

              And if all minorities started doing it? Police executions would skyrocket – including for unarmed people – and we’d never see them convicted again.

        • @PetDinosaurs
          111 year ago

          If a Republican politician were taken out, it would be open season on Democrats.

      • athos77
        1 year ago

        If they kill a Democrat, the right will just cheer. If they kill a Republican, the right will proclaim loud and long how this proves they’re the victims of violent Democrats and it’ll get brought up for years to “both sides” political violence, the way that the Congressional baseball game shooting is today. Plus the more deranged part of the base wall immediately create new conspiracy theories about how it wasn’t really a Republican/right-winger that did the shooting, it was a left-wing antifa/FBI plant controlled by George Soros, Bill Gates and Tom Hanks using the space lasers to control their 5G+vaccine zombie trial and now that the trial run has succeeded you all need to be aware because the civil defense sirens will sound at 10pm next Tuesday and that’s the signal for the National Guard to come through and scour the neighborhood and arrest everyone and intern then into FEMA camps.

        Edit: fix autocorrect words

        • partial_accumen
          1 year ago

          If they kill a Republican, the right will official loud and long hours this proves they’re the victims

          …and then pass rules that Republicans politicians at all levels be exempt from any gun restrictions, even on someone else’s private property. They would proudly wear hip holsters onto the House floor during debate and claim that is the only way they can be safe. The first shooting victim on the House floor will be a person of color from a Republican gun.

          If it happens to be a radical from the left that does the initial killing, then there’s even a possibility Republicans would support gun restrictions on Democrats.

          Remember, the conservative answer to too much gun violence is always adding additional guns.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          I am going to have to deduct points there. You forgot to add in Hunter Biden and laptop into your well developed right wing conspiracy theory.

      • Falumir
        121 year ago

        No definitely not. They didn’t do anything after Gabby Giffords was shot back in 2011, they’re not going to now.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        41 year ago

        Only if it’s a Republican politician that is not considered a “RINO”.

    • @[email protected]
      291 year ago

      Maybe not 100% of the time but at least 80-90% of the time it’s always the police, or DA failing to do their job properly. If you’re pending a felony trial you cannot own/buy guns until you’re proven innocent, and they should be confiscated. I cannot imagine how this man would not be chargeable.

      Similar goes for many shootings, they plea down to a lesser charge or the cops just don’t do their job and let go obvious crimes.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        1 year ago

        Can’t keep your position as a sheriff or DA who are always “tough on crime”. When you start holding right wing gun owners to the law they get upset and won’t vote for you. They’re the ones most punishment-happy and also simultaneously hold themselves above the law, as events over the last several years should obviously indicate.

    • @[email protected]
      201 year ago

      Which will promptly turn in to

      As you can see, the defendant, a biological MAN in a dress, was carrying a pistol in HIS purse when HE tried to invade a women’s bathroom to express HIS sick gender delusion. I ask the fine Texans of this jury, would you let this sick MAN rape your daughters at gunpoint?

      I’m not making a sophistical argument, they already do this. It’s just that they currently focus more on codewords like “thug” to make sure a black man who had three joints in his house can never vote again. If you want gun control, arm every LGBT person in the country and Republicans will ban everything more advanced than a rubber band shooter the very next day, just like how the first sweeping gun control legislation was instituted by then-Governor Reagan to keep the Black Panthers down.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        Texas will legalize biracial transgender lesbian atheists before Texas starts actually taking people’s guns away.

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          Texas takes (usually black) people’s guns away all the time, they’re not even close to having the most permissive gun laws in the country. As with all things Republicans do, Texan gun culture is massively hypocritical to fulfill a racist double standard.

        • Jaysyn
          41 year ago

          Those are already legal according to the Constitution.

      • Ragdoll X
        1 year ago

        I’m not making a sophistical argument, they already do this.

        Sadly you’re 100% correct. They cling to the bathroom panic even though their arguments have basically no basis whatsoever in reality. Even the “Family Research Council”, a religious right-wing think-tank, was only able to find 23 cases of “bathroom incidents” over the span of 18 years - most of which involved cis men, not trans women or even crossdressers, and two cases of discrimination against trans women who were just using the bathroom. Plus in one case a conservative man entered the women’s changing room when KIDS were changing to “make a point” about a nondiscrimination law that was recently passed. Everything these creeps claim the left is doing is always just projection.

        Meanwhile states that discriminate against trans students have the same rate of sexual assault as other states, and trans teens are much more likely to be victims of assault, especially when they’re denied access to facilities that match their identity:

      • @30mag
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

    • @MeanEYE
      61 year ago

      Kind of self-explanatory. People who are willing to commit crime with guns also don’t care if law forbids them owning one.

      • @Bonskreeskreeskree
        -11 year ago

        Which is why when you pull back the layers, most efforts to curb gun ownership ultimately leads to full confiscation and bans. Restrictions won’t do what they want.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          That’s not true. Banning felons from having guns allows the police to arrest them before a new crime is committed, because they are breaking the gun possession law. They don’t have to wait until the eventual robbery or whatever is in progress.

          It also adds another crime to tack on after the fact to get a confession more easily. It’s easier to prove that a felon possessed a gun than to examine their intent in a minor robbery (robbery vs assault vs attempted murder).

          • @Bonskreeskreeskree
            -21 year ago

            Felons are already prohibited from firearm posession… and have been for quite some time. Violent offenders are regularly released back into the streets. Not sure what your point is.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              You said:

              Restrictions won’t do what they want

              I provided some examples of how that gun restriction helps prosecute repeat offenders.

    • @meco03211
      31 year ago

      The trouble with that is you cannot be deprived of rights without due process. You cannot be guilty of committing a crime with a gun without having gone to trial or plead out. It would be highly unlikely to get some law pushed through that survives both NRA opposition/propaganda and the inevitable SCOTUS case.

      Bail could be used if they still pose a risk, but that’s not entirely the point of bail and would also see heavy opposition.

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        61 year ago

        Due process doesn’t mean found guilty in a court of law. If that’s what it meant then nobody could be held in jail or in police custody even before their trial. If you are booked for a felony, especially one involving a gun, I believe it’s perfectly reasonable to have your guns taken temporarily or permanently if you’re found guilty of a felony offense.

        • @30mag
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

    • @jordanlundM
      21 year ago

      Only works if a) you are convicted and b) it’s a felony charge.

    • @Number1SummerJam
      -21 year ago

      Repeal 2A with exceptions for people who actually live in the wilderness or can prove they have a need to own one for their livelihood