Former President Donald Trump is now at the “go to any lengths necessary” stage of his public career to get attention. To wit? He just posted a satirical version of Paul Harvey’s famous “So God Made a Farmer” video in which HE is the subject.

And yes, it’s just as creepy and a messianic bit of messaging that will cause many to cringe but others to fall to their knees in supplication.

The former president shared the video on his Truth Social account and was included in a slew of “joking but not joking” and over-the-top political videos for which Trump is known.

  • Grayox
    849 months ago

    He is so clearly an anti-christ, absolutely sickening.

    • @Wermhatswormhat
      479 months ago

      I’m not a religious dude, but I do know that the antichrist will come as a false prophet. Followed by the whore of babalyon, taking all bets on who that one is 🤔

        • @mojofrododojo
          9 months ago

          I’ll do one better! WHY IS MELANIA?

        • @Daft_ish
          9 months ago

          Me, I’m the whore of baybalyon. Meow.

      • SuiXi3D
        159 months ago

        Almost like they didn’t actually read the book. Nothing made me an atheist faster than taking the time to read the Bible.

        • @Daft_ish
          39 months ago

          I contest that it’s impossible for someone with ADHD to be Christian. Theres no way they would be able to read that scribble.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        I consider myself a Christian, and I don’t think this is fine at all. In fact, I can’t think of a single circumstance under which I would vote for Donald Trump.

    • @CitizenKong
      159 months ago

      Collecting deadly sins like they are Pokemon.

  • @dhork
    9 months ago

    I need somebody with arms strong enough to wrestle the deep state, and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. Somebody to ruffle the feathers. Tame the cantankerous World Economic Forum. Come home hungry. Have to wait until the First Lady is done with lunch with friends. Then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon and mean it. So God gave us Trump.

    Does this mean Satire is dead? It reads like the Onion and the Babylon Bee had a baby, but the toddler writing this is apparently Trump himself.

    I don’t even know what “deliver his own grandchild” even means. Are we sure he didn’t mean “father his own grandchild”?

    • Flying SquidOP
      469 months ago

      Even if they didn’t mean ‘father his own grandchild,’ are we to believe that Trump watched as a baby came out of his daughter’s vagina? Because bigly if true.

      • @dhork
        339 months ago

        Ah. It came directly from the Paul Harvey speech:

        I need somebody with arms strong enough to wrestle a calf and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild; somebody to call hogs, tame cantankerous machinery, come home hungry, have to await lunch until his wife’s done feeding visiting ladies, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon, and mean it.

        So it’s not even satire, it’s a dumb copy

        • Flying SquidOP
          129 months ago

          So Paul Harvey was also kind of sick and twisted is what you’re saying. (I already knew this.)

          • @Zombiepirate
            109 months ago

            At least now you know the rest of the story.

            • Flying SquidOP
              89 months ago

              I once heard Paul Harvey argue in favor of making more nuclear weapons. He was a lunatic.

        • Jaysyn
          79 months ago

          Ironic. The farmers I personally know really dislike the hundreds of thousands of dollars Trump recently cost them via his misrule.

        • @Daft_ish
          29 months ago

          But read the title, “So God made a farmer”. The fact that farmers aren’t ready to fight someone over this.

          If some one came after tubby middle aged nerds like that I’d… eat a donut so angrily.

    • @pete_the_cat
      29 months ago

      It really does read like it’s straight out of The Onion. I love how God is so involved in US politics.

  • @[email protected]
    469 months ago

    I can’t say I’m surprised he’s the Antichrist. I just didn’t expect rhe antichrist to be so goddamn moronically stupid.

    • andyburke
      239 months ago

      It’s really quite surprising how many boxes he checks.

      Although perhaps the better reading is: terrible leaders are of a feather throughout history.

  • @ChillPenguin
    459 months ago

    I just watched it. This is the most cringe fucking thing I’ve ever seen. But it’s terrifying because I know it’s a cult. We are so fucked.

  • Goku
    429 months ago

    If I believed in Christianity I would 100% think Trump is the Antichrist and this further cements that.

  • @[email protected]
    219 months ago

    This vainglorious, fragile, lying and blasphemous joke of a human being is “going too far”, in the words of a guy I saw today. However, he’s still “on the Trump Train” and will be voting Trump in Nov.

    There truly is none so blind as those who will not see.

  • Keith
    189 months ago

    Didn’t his base become angry when DeSantis did the same thing?

    • Flying SquidOP
      239 months ago

      Wouldn’t be the first time they were total hypocrites where Trump is concerned.

  • @captainlezbian
    189 months ago

    Cringe. There’s no other word for it. This makes me cringe. It’s embarrassing.

    • billwashere
      39 months ago

      The man’s whole persona is cringe. The whole thing.

      • @captainlezbian
        19 months ago

        Full agreement though just in case you haven’t seen folding ideas video on the nostalgia critic this is a reference to that

  • @kromem
    189 months ago

    In the context of the original it’s even worse.

    The original is a celebration and recognition of the difficulties of blue collar labor with long hours doing physical labor and of depending on the uncertainties of nature for one’s livelihood.

    All things Trump would know nothing about, having been born with a silver spoon and having the physique of not a single day of physical labor in his life.

    So fucking gross. How the hell do people buy this bullshit?!?

  • @CharlesDarwin
    149 months ago

    We are on such a dangerous timeline.

  • tygerprints
    129 months ago

    If trump is sent by “god,” then it’s obvious that “god” is a worthless imbecile without ethics or morals. I’d sooner have Satan, or Jeffrey Dahmer, or even Michael Landon in charge. Yes, I did go there.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      I was thinking (I’m not religious btw, but studied some) that if God sent Trump it was a test and the people got a bit fat F grade. Like if he sent Jesus saying be nice, why the hell would he expect Trump to lead his followers? All a thought exercise in pointlessness I know. Sure believe what you want, but if you use those beliefs to act like an asshole or excuse other assholes then it’s not a good one regardless. Even asshole isn’t a strong enough word these days, bunch of hypocritical fucks.

      • tygerprints
        29 months ago

        The caring “Christian” god people think of as god would never send a vile creature like trump as a test. Unless that god is a total imbecile. Yes I was being facetious about Jeff Dahmer and Satan, but only sort of. Politicians are all hypocritical fucks but not all of them are trying to foment treason upon our county.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Trump isn’t so much a full test as he is a professor’s joke answer on a multiple choice question that you should immediately dismiss. Choosing that answer seriously should, indeed, earn you an F.

  • @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    not even beer goggles can do this much magic as to how that video did it.

    now I want some parody videos of this to surface.

  • @kalkulat
    69 months ago

    Sure it’s worth a try for him… it’s fooled a lot of people before the Pharoahs, even. They learned that, if you’re just God’s messenger, and not a God yourself, you’re a smaller target.

  • nifty
    59 months ago

    No one seriously says this or believes this without a mental illness, he’s trying to get a rise out of his opponents. This is a textbook distraction technique, say something so ridiculous and stupid that your opponents are too busy dissecting your crazy to focus on what’s important. Trump incited an insurrection and is probably going to jail, and/or may be ineligible to run for president. Does anything else matter?