A woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande on Friday while trying to enter the U.S. near a section of the southern border where Texas National Guard soldiers have prevented federal Border Patrol agents from processing and rescuing migrants.

  • PugJesus
    1056 months ago

    Imagine being so shitty you make Border Patrol look like the fucking good guys.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      This is becoming a common refrain in Texas. The Uvalde shootings were bungled by multiple Texas agencies; it was Border Patrol agents who eventually stopped the shooter.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    766 months ago

    Conservatives rejoice at the misery, oppression and death they cause. This is who conservatives are.

  • Flying Squid
    456 months ago

    Can we give Texas back to Mexico so they can learn a little bit about human rights?

  • kubica
    416 months ago

    You could divert the trolley without killing anyone but they are immigrants what do you do?

    • Kalkaline
      66 months ago

      Is there a way to flood one side of the tracks, run the trolley over the other, and kill everyone on board the trolley and the switchman to own the libs?

  • @Suavevillain
    346 months ago

    There is so much evil going on in this world you don’t even have time to process each act anymore. Because there is something else every few hours.

    • 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
      -26 months ago

      Yes. Just to be clear. It’s been the same since the beginning of humanity. TV, Internet, social media, etc… just puts it in easy burst of info.

      • @[email protected]
        136 months ago

        What am I supposed to do with this semantically corrected information?

        What do you wish to influence by saying this?

        I’m not sure when “things have always been bad” or even “things used to be worse” became a valid responses to “things are bad”.

        • @Copernican
          116 months ago

          They are saying we didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been turning.

        • @mhague
          6 months ago

          The person said that things are so bad now you can’t process it anymore. They’re implying the world is getting worse and that it’s overwhelming.

          The reply is trying to help the person see that they’re responsible for the lopsided intake of negativity, not the world.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      “We’ll teach those goddamn migrants. How dare they come here searching for a better life?”

  • @[email protected]
    266 months ago

    I didn’t realize states had the power to block federal personnel from performing their duties. Maybe they should activate the National Guard to protect the border patrol guys so they can do their jobs.

    • @Furedadmins
      176 months ago

      They don’t but they told their soldiers they do. Federal border control isn’t going to get in a shootout over it while it goes through the legal system.

      • @Thrashy
        6 months ago

        What’s got me is, why bother with the legal system? Just call up the Texas National Guard into federal service and order them to enforce the law as regards Border Patrol’s access to the border. If they refuse, court martial ‘em. Either way, Border Patrol gets access to the border to cut down Texas’ illegal barriers, and Abbott gets an unsubtle reminder about how the states are subordinate to the federal government. Win-win scenario.

  • @gAlienLifeform
    256 months ago

    So, these agents hear about an emergency situation at the park, but when they get there Texas state cops don’t want to let them enter, so the agents… Just give up and go home? Gosh, no wonder people in Congress are talking about more funding for securing the border, we apparently don’t even give our Border Patrol firearms if this is how easy it is to stop them.

    • @Mamertine
      216 months ago

      Are you suggesting the Border Patrol get into a shooting match with the TX national guard? Both sides are armed. It deserves a court case, not a gun fight.

      • @theluckyone
        126 months ago

        While a woman and two children drown? With all due respect, you can shove that court case right up Abbott’s ass.

        • 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
          -136 months ago

          Shut up. It sucks. But, risking an actual shoot out that could kill several people, possibly even collaterally damage, isn’t an acceptable alternative.

          • @guacupado
            86 months ago

            Imagine this is what people said before the revolution.

          • @theluckyone
            56 months ago

            So you’re fine with people dying, as long as they’re migrants.

            • @zuch0698o
              -96 months ago

              Violence is not the answer. Advocating for violence is even less of an answer.

              • @theluckyone
                76 months ago

                I’m not advocating for violence. I’d prefer seeing the Texas National Guard stand down and the Border Patrol rescuing the drowning people.

                Other folk have other opinions, apparently.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        Don’t bring a gun to a tank fight. Don’t even need to shoot back, just roll over them if they don’t get out of the way.

  • @[email protected]
    246 months ago

    Why is the federal government waiting for access from a state like Texas? Their officials are monsters and should be steamrolled to save lives.

    • PorkRoll
      36 months ago

      Because the federal government isn’t all that motivated to do anything about it. Republicans are evil and Democrats are apathetic.

  • @[email protected]
    166 months ago

    When they grandly talk that every soldier must refuse orders going against human rights, and if not, be legible to be tried and punished afterwards, they are talking about these kind of orders…

  • Melody Fwygon
    126 months ago

    Biden needs to send the Army in and take over the Texas Border enforcement.

    Army outranks the National Guard, especially the state ones. The POTUS absolutely also does have power to command any National Guard unit to stand down as well.

    • @TommySalami
      136 months ago

      Biden needs to send the Army in and take over the Texas Border enforcement.

      He legally can’t. He is not able to unilaterally use the military as a domestic police force. This keeps the executive from using the military as their personal cudgel.

      I agree with the strong arming via national guard though. I think there are some hoops, but there’s absolutely plenty of precedent for a president taking command of a state’s national guard (specifically in regard to border control as well).

      • Melody Fwygon
        56 months ago

        He absolutely can send an army unit with Orders to enforce his orders to the Nat. Guard.

      • @CaptainProton
        26 months ago

        Not police force, but actually to patrol the border? Isn’t that what they were set up to do? (Albeit to defend against state actors and not individuals)

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        66 months ago

        That would be a step up from the meat packing plants, crop picking, and dishwashing they usually get.

    • @CaptainProton
      6 months ago

      Ironically, pretty close to what Texas wanted before being forced to do it themselves when the federal government did nothing about their complaints except denounce them for political points.