• @SpaceNoodle
    599 months ago

    As an adult, I can bake as many cakes as I want, and everybody will want to hang out with me even more than usual because of all the delicious cakes.

    • @angrymouse
      129 months ago

      Some recent studies point that bacon is not that bad if you not mix it with a lot of carbos

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        99 months ago

        It’s cured fatty meat.

        Too much of it isn’t going to be great no matter what you do.

        • Cethin
          49 months ago

          The thing is, fat isn’t all that bad for you. The idea that fat is unhealthy is mostly dead outside of sugar lobbyists. It’s sugar that you really have to look out for.

          Salt is also likely not as bad as reporting used to make it out to be. It causes short term blood pressure increases, but potentially not long term and also we don’t know the direction of causation with that and heart disease.

          Basically, don’t over-indulge, but bacon probably isn’t going to kill you.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            29 months ago

            Basically, don’t over-indulge, but sugar probably isn’t going to kill you.

            • Cethin
              19 months ago

              This made me laugh but, in case it’s not a joke, I meant high BP causing heart disease, heart disease causing high BP, or them both being caused by something else related.

          • CopHater69
            09 months ago

            Animal fat that has been cooked to temperature is absolutely fucking horrible for you.

            You’re thinking of plant-based omega-fats which are essential for health.

            • wowbagger
              19 months ago

              I haven’t heard that before, do you have a source where I could read more? I know fish at least is high in omega-3s… What is it about cooking the fat that makes it bad, and does that mean raw or rendered fats are fine?

      • @phoneymouse
        79 months ago

        Weren’t there studies that showed it’s linked to increased risk of cancer? Even all processed meat like hot dogs and sausages.

      • @DillyDaily
        39 months ago

        Red meat and nitrate salts are still not great. It’s not as bad as the internet wellness influencers say it is, but if your other option for breakfast is oatmeal, then bacon is a bad choice for heart health.

        But if your other option is breakfast sausage, then yeah, bacon isn’t too bad of an option.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    279 months ago

    When I was an early teenager I realized with an epiphany that I could take my paper route money, go to the grocery store, and buy my own cookies! It was a light bulb moment. No mom to tell me how many I could have. An entire box of cookies all to myself! So I did it, and I ate half a box of Oreo cookies, and drank 2 cherry Cokes. I got so sick that I threw up and had to go to bed several hours early. At that point I realized that my mom wasn’t just being mean when she told me “no” and put limits on me, and I started listening to her more. Of course a couple of years later my real teenage years started, and I completely forgot that valuable lesson.

    • TheHarpyEagle
      59 months ago

      Did the same when I got to college and ate three packets of pop tarts for breakfast.

      • @LemmyKnowsBest
        9 months ago

        In my early twenties I started getting into the habit of eating a couple Pop-Tarts every morning for breakfas and began to notice Pop-Tarts were giving me pain in my heart. Literal pain in my heart. I’ve always been a healthy fit person, those Pop-Tart pains are the closest thing I’ve ever felt to a heart attack, and anyway that’s how I stopped eating Pop-Tarts.

        • @scarilog
          19 months ago

          Probably heartburn or indigestion haha, someone correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure heart attacks and other related problems generally don’t manifest themselves as pain localised around the heart’s physical location?

      • @madcaesar
        29 months ago

        And that kids, is how I met your mother got diabetus.

  • slazer2au
    279 months ago

    Ah, you see not everyone has a car.

    • @thehatfox
      259 months ago

      I don’t have a car, I get the train or bus instead.

      Because nothing will stop me having cake.

      • kratoz29
        39 months ago

        I have carried a cake on a bus before, I don’t recommend it.

  • @[email protected]
    219 months ago

    I was raised poor so even now that I can afford it, I feel something forbidding me from buying cake. That and knowing that I gain weight very easily and it takes me lots of hours to get raid of it.

    • @AA5B
      59 months ago

      Regular grocery store cake is usually not worth it anyway. You’re much better off making your own, or at least your wallet and taste buds are better off, even if your blood sugar is not

    • @LemmyKnowsBest
      39 months ago

      yeah every time I eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, it takes a literal month to burn it off. The last time I had Ben and Jerry’s was probably 2021. I’ve learned that hard lesson so many times. I figure it’s easier to NOT eat something than it is to run a literal marathon to burn it off.

    • @robocallOP
      39 months ago

      Where I live cake isn’t that expensive to make, or to buy, as long as it doesn’t have some elaborate decorations on it. But any excuse to not eat it is probably the healthier choice.

  • @AeonFelis
    209 months ago

    Do this enough, and physics will stop you from getting in your car.

    • @RGB3x3
      9 months ago

      Adulthood is being able to buy and eat as much cake as you want, but knowing that you really shouldn’t.

    • MacN'Cheezus
      39 months ago

      They’ll probably stop you from fitting your pants long before that.

    • XIIIesq
      39 months ago

      That’s when you buy a bigger car

      • @AeonFelis
        39 months ago

        That explains the entire USA.

    • Mario_Dies.wav
      119 months ago

      I shot up to 50 pounds above my healthy weight during 2020, and a big part of that I can attribute to the availability of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food at a nearby gas station

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        For me, the brand is Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream. They’re pricey, but I ended up buying a couple of pints and eating them over the weekend. It completely undoes all my progress throughout the week too.

        Aw, shoot. Maybe I need to cut out ice cream.

        • Mario_Dies.wav
          59 months ago

          I’ve had a pint of Phish Food in my freezer for months now. I keep wanting to eat it, but that stuff is so outrageously high in calories, and I know I’ll eat the whole pint the moment I open it!

          • @AA5B
            49 months ago

            That is the problem. If only there was a way to put less in a bowl, but I’ve never figured out how to do that

      • autokludge
        9 months ago

        Its only 1100 Cal per pint, what could go wrong?

        edit: don’t tell me you stop at half a pint, that is clearly impossible.

  • @[email protected]
    169 months ago

    I remember realizing this at about 20, and that if I bought my own cake ingredients I could make cake for startlingly little money. The most expensive part was probably the ready made frosting.

    Anyway I started making cakes for friends and neighbours in my apartment building after work. I didn’t keep it up for very long, maybe a year, but I’m convinced my reputation is still riding high, decades later, from the goodwill I sowed during that time.

  • @Eheran
    9 months ago

    If only bought cake were nearly as good as home made.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      Yeah I bake cakes and sweet treats for my family. I am kind of worried about the consequences on all of us. Please help.

      • @LemmyKnowsBest
        49 months ago

        In my early housewife days I thought I was supposed to bake things so I did that and it didn’t last long because baking is never really healthy and why would I want to sabotage my health and my family’s health? I stopped baking.

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          It depends what you are baking and what your health goals are. Sweet things are pretty bad, though probably better than chocolate. That’s what makes me feel kind of guilty, because I like baking sweet things. It’s also important to note I am not really overweight and what excess I have is lack of exercise from being unemployed and living at home in a tiny village not dietary reasons. My parents who eat the baking are overweight though especially my dad.

          I think freshly baked pie and pasties are a lot better than say junk food, though they can be high in calories. A vegetable pie would be a lot better than say chicken pie with a creamy sauce. Something like a Cornish pasty wouldn’t be too bad either I wouldn’t think as it’s largely vegetable and lean beef.

          Baking bread at home can be potentially healthier especially if you live in the US where they add lots of sugar to bread and it’s heavily processed. Some homemade whole grain should be better than this. The only issue here is people can overeat fresh bread more than they would supermarket bread simply because it tastes better. I know some of my extended family had this problem and stopped baking bread because of it.

    • @KoalaUnknown
      19 months ago

      They can be. You just need to go to a local bakery instead of a grocery store.

      • @Eheran
        19 months ago

        Sure, but I am not going to spend a ton of money just to find out that 50 % of the stuff does not taste.

        Obviously(?) I am not talking about the trash you get in a supermarket.

    • @prime_number_314159
      59 months ago

      You need a bigger car, yours is missing critical features. I bet it doesn’t have a bowling alley either…

      • @Buddahriffic
        19 months ago

        I had to get rid of mine to make room for the raptor enclosure. Muldoon keeps telling me I should just destroy them because they are too dangerous, but I might be able to monetize them so they must stay. Safety is his job anyways, so I don’t know why he bugs me about it.

        But I did keep the bakery, I’m not insane.

  • @linearchaos
    149 months ago

    You can, you absolutely can. The thing is now it’s not just that cake at the bakery counter in the grocery store. You’re going to commit to buying a 10,000 calorie pile of wonder. You need to make sure that you do a good job. You need to go find the best goddamn cake in your area. But then, that means you got to drive a little bit. And it’s going to be expensive, and you already a couple of pounds heavier than you should be because you’re out of time and dealing with the kids. Ah crap, the kids they’re going to want some cake. I have to eat this in my car. Do you think the bakery has utensils? Damn now I’m going to have to go two places. Ahh screw it maybe the next time this is posted.

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      Yeah it makes me want to go out and get a cake. For about 30 seconds before I think about the logistics of actually getting a cake, having to pay for it myself, then eating like 2 pieces before I start feeling sick and overloaded on sugar and just leave the rest in the fridge until it goes stale.

      Freedom is wasted on the old

      • Flying Squid
        49 months ago

        This is one of the benefits of children. You eat the two pieces you want and they eat the rest. They don’t care if it’s stale. It’s cake.

    • @dustyData
      49 months ago

      OMG, coffee shops exists who sell cake by the serving. Some are delicious and they will keep bringing you new slices of cake as long as you promise to pay for them until all the cake is gone. And the waiter might judge you, but she will do so silently and from afar.

      • @linearchaos
        39 months ago

        Diners are also a pretty good place. The desserts are usually somewhat generic repeatable things but they are of a consistently decent quality, and as you point out sold by the slice.

        It seems like every time I find a favorite place they just disappear.

        We (me, wife and 3yo) were driving through a fairly urban area. There was this little sign outside this place that said vegan spiced chai cupcakes. I’m not vegan, I’m not vegetarian, but what I have found is that if a place says they’ve got vegan cupcakes or vegan cookies, somebody has been working on that taste and texture for years to get it right.

        They were absolutely the best cupcakes I’ve ever had in my life. The store closed up shop after about 6 months.

  • @quantumfoam
    119 months ago

    Can you order cake like you can order pizza? This calls for further investigation.

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      Yes but it’s up charged by the delivery app you use + tip to the driver so an $8 cake becomes $16 after taxes fees and tip.

      On the other hand, cake.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        I thought food is way cheaper in the US but considering the taxes and tip, the prices seems similar to Europe.

        What type of cake are we talking here? Industrial or home baked? Also what size? I am talking about a cake of 6 portion of around 200g.

        • @AA5B
          9 months ago

          I would never spend that much for grocery store cake …. I’d spend the same amount and get the Costco 5 lb cheesecake with like 20 servings

          Is that American enough for you?

  • @LemmyKnowsBest
    119 months ago

    I discovered that in my mid-20s. I enjoyed eating a whole cake all by myself whenever the hell I wanted a few times and then the consequences begin to show and that’s how we learn our lessons about things like that and then we eventually teach our kids the right way to do things and then they get bored with that and they turn around and rebel and then they learn their lessons in their 20s and the cycle continues.

    • @PDFuego
      69 months ago

      I think about that kid every time I’m sitting there eating a whole cake straight out of the box without even bothering to slice it up or anything.

      Which is uh… not often >_>