    2065 months ago

    The gaslighting bothers me the most. “The soft landing worked! The economy is great! Look at all these jobs!” Are they good jobs? Do they pay enough to live? Why has the price of everything gone up so much? It’s eerie being lied to on such a massive scale like this. Very much a superb example of “don’t piss in my ear and tell me it’s raining.”

    • @[email protected]OP
      885 months ago

      It’s purposeful. The system is collapsing and the only option they have is to lie to people to convince them to continue participating.

      • @AdrianTheFrog
        425 months ago

        “you now have to spend more money to survive” -> “people are now spending more money” -> “the GDP is going up” -> “the economy is doing well!”

      • arglebargle
        -15 months ago

        If you are eating fast food and you give a shit if the price goes up you already lost.

    • Kalkaline
      455 months ago

      The CPI is not the economy, the stock market is not the economy, wages and unemployment are not the economy, there is no one measure that effectively captures what’s happening with the economy.

      • @[email protected]
        245 months ago

        This exactly, and the people making policy are so far out of touch that they don’t even have a friend of a friend that’s as impacted as we are by this insane inflation.

        Worst thing is, we weren’t getting cost of living increases before inflation went batshit.

      • @[email protected]
        145 months ago

        There is the Consumer Sentiment Index which at least tries to quantify what people are feeling about the economy. According to the recent report, 48% of consumers expect bad times in the year ahead for business conditions, which is down from the high of June 2022 when 79% of consumers expected challenging times ahead for the economy.

          • @[email protected]
            115 months ago

            Oof indeed. It’s hard to think back to June 2022, but I’d have to imagine some of the sentiment increases are due to supply chain shortages getting worked out.

            Personally as someone in tech, it feels like with interest rates going up, a lot of investments in technology companies have dried up. Looking back, mid 2010s was low interest rates and it seemed like there was more money being invested, without the focus of immediate profit. Now it feels like the screws are being tightened and every cent they can extract out of customers is being taken advantage of, regardless if that is overall good for the product or company.

    • @[email protected]
      305 months ago

      Since the Great Depression (about a century ago!) The US government has been fudging the numbers so that the economy looks better than it is. Inflation, unemployment, wages, etc. are qualifed with modifiers (because why count anyone who stopped looking for work?).

      The system intends to gaslight us and convince us the economy is doing great. We’re down on our luck, or we suck and deserve to be on the brink of homelessness and starvation.

      After all, if our government was transparent with us, we might see it’s not all because of corporate greed and anticompetitive markets. We might realize regulatory capture has real consequences. We might pressure the government to actually serve the pubic and install some effective social safety nets. And then the companies would have to pay us living wages for short work weeks and provide a non-toxic, non-hazardous work environment.

      And our plutocrats won’t have that.

      • @butt_mountain_69420
        25 months ago

        The “unemployment” calculation has enabled me to completely ignore any economic numbers from the federal government. If they’d make such a ridiculous assertion, the rest of the numbers must be completely fabricated.

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      The unemployment rate has plummeted ever since we started counting jobs per capita instead of employed individuals! It’s been below -50% ever since!

  • @Sanctus
    5 months ago

    I know what a crab being brought to boil feels like now.

    • @[email protected]OP
      5 months ago

      King crab sounds hella good right now, not gonna lie

      Better than a garbage-ass McChicken ever was. I remember eating them when I was on the struggle, before covid. The only good thing about them back then was the price; now they don’t even have that going for them.

      🤔 Someone ought to make a [email protected] sub. EDIT: there we go :P

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      Wasn’t that meme debunked? It’s actually: a frog with brain removed will not jump out of a pot slowly brought to boil.

      A frog with its brain intact will jump out no problem.

      • @Sanctus
        35 months ago

        Yeah but crabs can’t hop.

    • @[email protected]OP
      525 months ago

      How in the actual fuck are you all surviving down there? Are you like hunting down the kangaroos for sustenance?

      • @[email protected]
        375 months ago

        It’s my understanding that kangaroos are plentiful. I’ve had kangaroo meat and it’s pretty tasty, like very lean beef.

        • Flying Squid
          75 months ago

          I was in Cincinnati a long time ago and they have this insane and awesome (in the true sense of the word) supermarket called Jungle Jim’s and they had kangaroo meat, but I didn’t trust the hotel freezer, so I didn’t buy it. I regret it now, although I don’t eat meat anymore. I don’t know, maybe I’d make an exception just once just to try kangaroo. It would be very hard to resist.

  • HexesofVexes
    665 months ago

    Hey now, that’s just not true (!)

    If you pull yourself up by your bootstraps, work an extra shift, maybe sell some things you don’t need, you can afford a McChicken Sandwich (!)

    • @[email protected]
      265 months ago

      Have you seen the price of boots these days? More like pull yourself up by your dirty socks (cost probably $15 to wash) and then get kicked out of any building you walk into for being in your socks then go find a hole somewhere without anti-homeless spikes to crawl into and die then your next of kin get the outrageous bill for the ambulance that was called, the cycle repeats and basically everything will be fine haha!

    • @Phoenix3875
      55 months ago

      If I can pull myself up, I’ll just have the pie in the sky.

  • AbsurdityAccelerator
    655 months ago

    I am and old millennial and have pretty much considered my wife and I somewhat upper middle class. We never paid attention to grocery prices, took a vacation every year and were able to put away money for retirement. And while I am fortunate enough to still be doing well, that comfort and buffer we had has all but dissappeared in the pandemic.

  • @moistclump
    505 months ago

    Half decade sounds longer than 5 years. Someone could have started highschool, and by the end of highschool be in a completely different price market than before. 5 years is way too quick for these things to change that much.

    • PlasterAnalyst
      285 months ago

      Me who started driving in 2001 and then saw gas prices double before I was out of hs. Then the great recession happened when I finally got out on my own and gas was even more expensive than it is now and companies had started raising prices like crazy with the excuse that fuel prices were high. It’s also when shrinkflation started happening. Good jobs were also unobtainable because people postponed retirement for years after the recession. I didn’t get anything decent until around 10 years ago, and now I feel like I’m back where I was when I was 21 working at McDonald’s.

    • @Coreidan
      5 months ago

      Half decade sounds longer than 5 years

      Only if you have no clue how long a decade is (10 years).

  • LinkOpensChest.wav
    475 months ago

    I buy those dollar store packages of refried beans and rice, and cans of mixed vegetables. I put them in individual containers and freeze them to take to work for lunch. It’s pretty cheap, and it makes me feel a lot fuller than anything I could buy at a convenience store or restaurant.

    It’s also vegan and gluten free (I have celiac and severe lactose intolerance)

    • @[email protected]OP
      235 months ago

      A thing I have thought of trying is to take a bean and rice mixture and make stuffed peppers with it. I am certain it will be delicious. Certainly better than a ShitChicken.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        155 months ago

        This sounds really good too!

        Also, whenever I cook something like soup or even pasta, I always cook extra so I can freeze it in portions. It’s so much better than paying like $15 for fast food or junk food that’s not even satisfying

      • @somethingsnappy
        55 months ago

        I have two boys that will soon be giants. I’m working on my rice and beans skills.

      • @frickineh
        25 months ago

        I do that with poblanos (and vegan chorizo if I’m feeling fancy), and I can confirm that it’s so good, and not terribly expensive. The last time I did it, it was probably about $10 for the ingredients, but it made enough peppers for 2 meals each for me and my mom, plus enough leftover filling for at least couple more.

    • @[email protected]
      125 months ago

      I can also very much recommend lentins.

      They are good. There’s even pasta made out of lentins. It is gluten free. You use it like ordinary pasta. It’s good.

    • @droans
      65 months ago

      It would be even cheaper if you bought them nearly anywhere else but the dollar store.

      Unit for unit, dollar stores are almost always more expensive than grocery stores or warehouse clubs.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        65 months ago

        In this case, they are cheaper at the dollar store. I’ve compared prices at Walmart and grocery stores.

        Same with the packages of pre-cooked microwaveable rice.

        While I agree that dollar store prices can be higher, with the foods I buy they’re pretty consistently cheaper per ounce at the dollar store. Believe me, I compare!

    • @butt_mountain_69420
      25 months ago

      packages of refried beans and rice

      You know, making this yourself from scratch is going to be cheaper and taste less like plastic-infused pseudofood.

  • @DoctorRoxxo
    475 months ago

    Not even 15 minutes ago I was in a McDonald’s drive-thru. The only thing I ordered was a Single Cheeseburger, the cost was $3.59…. I told them never mind and came home and made pasta instead. Absolutely ridiculous that a single patty burger from there could cost so much.

  • @gmtom
    365 months ago

    And they can get away with it because your average voter only cares about whatever culture war nonsense Fox tells them to be angry about

    “Idc about cost of living nonsense when there’s migrants caravans at the boarder and kids are being transed!!!”

  • @[email protected]
    345 months ago

    Of course, it’s cheaper to cook at home. But the McChicken is, like the whole industry that is to blame for it’s existance, a serious threat to our physical health and thus to be avoided at any cost.

    • @[email protected]OP
      95 months ago

      The only way to get decent prices is through the app, and even then, it’s really hit or miss.

      • IninewCrow
        105 months ago

        Over a lifetime it’s more economical to not eat any fast food.

        The fast food you eat on a regular basis early on in life just degrades your health later on in life when you will spend money trying to remedy. You will pay for that fast food twice, once when you eat it and again later on life when you pay to treat your heart, weight, circulation, blood and inflammation.

        Eating fast food is investing in having some terrible last years of your life … you may live long but if you’re not healthy now, you’ll spend the last ten or 20 years of your life miserable.

        • JJROKCZ
          65 months ago

          If you’re eating it on a regular basis sure, McDonald’s once every two weeks or longer isn’t going to kill anyone more than the rest of the junk on the shelves

  • @[email protected]
    315 months ago

    The thing that gets me, is that since 2018, I can confidently say that my wage has not even nearly tripled… It’s barely even ~40% higher, and I’ve been on a fairly steady upward path, but the fucking McChicken has increased by almost triple.

    I could not give fewer shits about the numerical prices. It’s the relative price that annoys me. A trip to McDonald’s (or realistically, anywhere) is that much more of a percentage of my paycheque.

    And the icing on this shit-filled cake is that productivity has been on a steady incline the entire time. So we’re doing more work, for the same wages, and prices continue to inflate.

    Where is it all going? (Isn’t it obvious)

  • Stamets
    255 months ago

    I love burgers but I don’t get to have them anymore from anywhere because costs skyrocketed and my income didn’t. McDonald’s even stopped being affordable a while ago. In Canada the price of a McDouble, at least last time I checked near me, was $4. For a McDouble.

    I just eat ramen and dream of burgers.

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      You can get a stack of burger patties from stores usually for like 10-12 bucks then cook one for a burger in your broiler if you got one, 15 min, flip once, throw some vegs as a side, yummay!!

      • Stamets
        85 months ago

        I’ve got an air fryer. Wonder if crispy burgers are a thing

          • Stamets
            65 months ago

            I know what I’m buying at the end of the month then

            • Pistcow
              25 months ago

              I’ve air fried burgers many times. Just need to make sure to clean out the grease next day. Let it build up and it’s a fire hazard.

              • Stamets
                25 months ago

                It’s a fire hazard

                You promise? Daddy looking for a quick way out

                • @Misconduct
                  15 months ago

                  I promise you that fire is not a quick way out lol

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          I’ve made burgers in the air fryer before. Just put it on the Bake setting instead of Air Fry.

        • TWeaK
          15 months ago

          Some air fryers also have steam settings.

          • Stamets
            25 months ago

            Unfortunately not mine. It has exactly two settings. Temperature and cook time. Whole thing is controlled with 5 buttons, the 5th being start/stop.

            • TWeaK
              25 months ago

              Tbf the other ones still only really control temperature, it just controls it automatically in some way. If you can set the temperature to a little above boiling maybe that would be like steam?

    • citrusface
      35 months ago

      Just FYI. If you use the app, you can get 2 mcdoubles and a medium fry for just over $4. It’s the only place I will still get fast food because they actually have prices similar to they used to in the app.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Remember, if you are getting something for free (including a discount) in exchange for using an app, you’re paying for that in data.

        Some people don’t care about that, lots of people care an awful lot about that. Sure you’ll get a McDouble for cheaper but you’ll also be receiving scam phone calls every day for the rest of your life as McDonald’s sells your personal data to anyone who bids for it.

        • citrusface
          25 months ago

          Very true - I do use burner emails and remove trackers. Fortunately my spam filter for phone calls works well, but yeah, they gonna get dat data.

  • @[email protected]
    225 months ago

    Kind of hate posts like this. Yes! Inflation is happening and bad. And yes! The McChicken (and a lot of fast food value options) have soared in price in recent years. But trying to take that and frame it as “look at this… it’s so obvious the government is lying to us and overall inflation is actually over 100%” Is just ignorant nonsense and it tends to play into conspiratorial minds who don’t actually have any experience in economics or data collection.

    You can hate the federal government all you want. Really. I totally get it. But they are unfortunately really good at data collection.

    • @mods_are_assholes
      135 months ago

      Inflation for necessities like food and housing is ridiculous and exceeding 100% over three years.

      Inflation for rich luxuries have barely gone up comparatively.

      But all the reports are averaged.

      So since the rich are doing so fabulous that their numbers make it look like no one is struggling.

      Nevermind the fact that 60% of people live paycheck to paycheck.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        Can you provide… anything to actually substantiate that? Maybe some food items like fast food value options have gone up 100%. Maybe some homes in particular, extremely high demand areas have gone up.

        When you make these gigantic sweeping claims with nothing but vibes and the McChicken to point to it just feels like bad faith

        • @mods_are_assholes
          35 months ago

          Sorry Sealion, I’m not wasting my life to show you stats you can easily get off of the internet. There are literally 5 very high profile search results that will give you historical food inflation values.

          You just want to waste my time because no matter what source I give you, you will find an irrelevant detail that lets you shift the goalposts again and again, and I’ve been through that dance non-figurativley hundreds of times.

          The increase in food costs is obvious to literally anyone who does their own grocery shopping. The fact you don’t understand this either means you are being deliberately obstinate, or indeed, do not do your own grocery shopping.

          In either case neither types of people deserve a moment more of my time.

    • @Huschke
      85 months ago

      I get what you are saying, but think about it like this. If all you ate was McChickens then food inflation for you specifically was almost 300%. So even though “real” inflation was lower, you are still paying 3 times the amount you did before for your food.

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        See I get that, and that’s absolutely fine. There’s just a gigantic difference between saying “hmm, it seems like inflation for ‘budget’ items used by poorer individuals has gone up at a higher rate than other items, let me see if I can find some info on that” and “nope! The government is lying, actually! I can tell from the vibes.”

        One is very solution and truth oriented and the other is impatience that only sets them up to fall for further conspiracy theories and emotional arguement

    • @SlopppyEngineer
      215 months ago

      On average the economy is doing good but people don’t live in averages, especially if the average is skewed by billionaires.

    • Smorty [she/her]
      155 months ago

      In school we learned that when the economy “booms” or is at its current high point, everyone, excluding very rich people, are doing worse. Most of humanity (like 95%) are better off when the economy is doing poorly, as goods tend to get cheaper. Just something I wanted to share.

      • @droans
        5 months ago

        Most of humanity (like 95%) are better off when the economy is doing poorly, as goods tend to get cheaper.

        They’re cheaper because people are buying less.

        People are buying less because they don’t have the money to buy more.

        They don’t have the money because they’re out of a job.

        They’re out of a job because the economy is in the toilet.

        The super rich also love recessions. They still have money. If they want to acquire a company, they can do it for cheaper. The GCF of 2007-2009 is considered to be one of the largest wealth transfers and wealth consolidations in history.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        “the economy” can be replaced with “rich pepole’s yacht money”

        “Rich people’s yacht money is at an all time high!”

        • Smorty [she/her]
          15 months ago

          “trickle down economy” All the trash will magically trickle down from their yachts onto the beaches and onto our plates!