• @hemmes
    718 months ago

    You are a blip in history

    Atheists are as old as time and predate religion as we know it

    • @saltesc
      8 months ago

      In order to have atheism, the concept of theos must first exist. You can’t have an ism if no one knows what the thing is that its suffixed to. So there’s no atheism before religion or at least one theos.

      Just like Tinklipism. What is that? Who knows? No one’s invented the idea of a Tinklip yet, whatever that may be. Definitely no Atinklipism yet either.

      That’s just how isms be.

      • @FooBarrington
        8 months ago

        No. Atheism is not defined as opposition to religion, it’s absence of religion. That means that before religion, there was only atheism.

        Before humans, the concept of “human” didn’t exist. Yet we can still say that the animals living before humans were non-humans, just like non-human animals today are.

        • @saltesc
          -168 months ago

          No. Atheism is not defined as opposition to religion,

          Reply to the wrong comment? I literally said nothing even close that that.

          And before religion there was no atheism or theism or any other ism involving.divinity.

          Atheism does not mean “without theism”.

          • @FooBarrington
            8 months ago

            No, I replied to the right comment. Which definition of atheism do you go by that requires “the concept of theos” existing? I’ve seen you repeatedly stating your position, but no formal definition or actual argument.

            Would you then say that all animals before humans can’t be described as non-human?

            • @saltesc
              8 months ago


              I don’t know what to say. We haven’t changed the language, the construction of Greek morphemes within Greek etymology, made a recent exception, or changed the meaning of Atheism to suit a collective of people recently misunderstanding fundamentals of philosophical and/or psychological stances on topics.

              I don’t want to sound patronising, but I really did not think this needed sources.

              If you can think of any other word—just one of the thousands—ending with ism that breaks any of these common understandings, where ism isn’t a suffix to the thing that precedes it, rather is attached to an existing ism and the prefix morpheme is actually the defining stance of the word, please, share. To my understanding, it simply doesn’t exist and one ism has never been nor suddenly is an exception.

              • @FooBarrington
                8 months ago

                Could you please cite the part of the Wikipedia article that supports your point? I looked through it and couldn’t identify it.

                It seems to me that you’re arguing from a linguistic point of view, and missing the forest for the trees. Again I pose my question - are animals that existed before humans non-human?

                • @saltesc
                  8 months ago

                  What you’re asking has no relevance to positions of belief. It has relevance to physical things. These aren’t isms.

                  Did humanism exist before humans? No.

                  Did non-human things exist before humans? Yes.

                  If you’re saying atheism is a lack of theism, that’s fine—loosely. But it will be confusing to other people if you don’t clarify that stance. people with English as secondary language, other atheists or theists, people that delve into atheism, or people that are curious about how their stance fits in etc.

                  Deism is without theism, that doesn’t make it atheism. The article is quite clear. Being a position of belief is indicated by the ism. The part before it defines the position of belief. Whether disbelief/lack of belief of the gods, or belief in no gods. It is not being without the belief of the belief in gods. That’s just anything that’s without theism which is soooo many things.

      • astrsk
        178 months ago

        Their point was just that humans existed for a long time before theism was invented. Atheism is just a word to describe a lack of theism. Which there was definitely a lack of before theism existed.

        • @saltesc
          -138 months ago

          That’s not how isms work and that’s definitely not what atheism means.

          A+theosism. No. Atheos+ism. Yes.

          It is the ism of being without god. The concept of god must exist in order for the person to think about and decide there isn’t one, ergo atheism. Theism if they decide there’s at least one.

          There are other words that exist for what you’re trying to explain.

          • astrsk
            78 months ago

            And my point is that you’re splitting the wrong hairs. Still are.

          • flicker
            -58 months ago

            I had to really consider this, but I agree.

            You can’t claim that a person is an atheist of they can’t conceive of a God. “Atheism” is ancient Greek for “without God.” A (without) and theos (God). The “ism” part was added much later.

            You wouldn’t call ice cubes “without magma” because you wouldn’t be able to expect there to be magma.

            You wouldn’t refer to an infant as “without Alzheimer’s” as it’s a ridiculous thing to clarify. So referring to ancient humans that predate the concept of religion as atheistic is a needless clarification and not a good argument for or against something, regardless.

            Though I have to say the argument itself is super pedantic and probably not enriching anyone’s lives.

      • @danl
        78 months ago

        You’re thinking “antitheism”?

        • @[email protected]
          -28 months ago

          It’s mostly semantic but the usage of atheism as the absence of theism is quite new and not really used in philosophy in that manner. In the end it shouldn’t really matter. It mostly matters for the religious that want to define you themselves instead of listening.

          • @saltesc
            28 months ago

            It matters a lot to atheists that don’t want people to be confused. It’s also a bit hard to be taken seriously when a small portion of your mob doesn’t even understand what atheism is and then tries to tackle the bigger concept of deities with someone. Breeds the idea that atheists are idiots and don’t understand what they’re talking about.

      • @A_Very_Big_Fan
        58 months ago

        This is like saying you can’t not collect stamps if stamps haven’t been invented yet. Before stamps are invented, it’s impossible to collect stamps, which makes everyone… Not a stamp collector.

  • KingJalopy
    8 months ago

    Oh shit, I’ll be right back, got to go tell my wife and kid they’re not real and it turns out I’m gay.

    • @[email protected]
      288 months ago

      Not to mention, all of us atheists most likely came from religious backgrounds. Atheism isn’t fuckin genetic.

      • KingJalopy
        8 months ago

        Maybe we could start some kind of support group that meets at the church once a week for those of us who just found out recently we are gay and have non-existent significant others

    • @Bwaz
      38 months ago

      Yeah, me too. And the grandkids. Rightwingers livingninva universe of their own ignorance.

  • @EdibleFriend
    408 months ago

    Hey! I’m not gay. I mean, yeah, I’d do Henry Cavill but that doesn’t count.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago


    The reasoning in the commenter’s argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it:

    A) Incorrectly assumes that atheism is a hereditary trait that can be subject to natural selection and extinction.

    B) Fails to acknowledge that the existence of atheists with children contradicts the claim that atheists do not reproduce.

    C) Makes a hasty generalization that all atheists share the same sexual orientation and emotional state, without sufficient evidence.

    D) Mistakenly treats antinatalism as a universal characteristic of atheists rather than a personal philosophical choice that varies among individuals.

    E) Overlooks the possibility that atheism can continue to exist independently of the reproductive choices of current atheists, through the persuasion of others or change of belief over time.

    • @[email protected]
      218 months ago

      I think they are mostly being anti-gay. Just imagine they didn’t say atheists and it makes sense.

    • @joneskind
      108 months ago

      The whole point of the commenter is stupid because if atheists do not reproduce then every atheist is a child of a theist, hence atheism will continue to exist as long as theists exist.

    • @[email protected]
      68 months ago

      I’d say E undermines their point the most completely, whereas the others undermine their garbage argument. Based on this and not much else I’m inclined to believe that E would have the best odds of leading to a conclusive discussion.

  • @saltesc
    268 months ago

    Thirty-nine per cent of Australians now identify as non-religious, up from 30 per cent in 2016 and almost double the 22 per cent of Australians who ticked the “no religion” box a decade ago.

    In the mid-1960s, less than 1 per cent of people in Australia identified as having no religion.

    A blip indeed. Statistically their grandchildren are likely to be non-religious, good chance of being atheist.

  • Gazumi
    248 months ago

    People trying to use their understanding of science to explain god. Its fair to say that we wouldn’t copy their science homework.

    • @[email protected]
      78 months ago

      Me too. We should kiss our sad gay selves out of existence. Tell my wife I’m ambivalent towards her.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    Instead I will align my life centred around a story about a dude who sought out 12 guys to hang out with which then concluded with a supper where he asked everyone to pretend that they were consuming his body.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  • TxzK
    168 months ago

    Bruh this is so insane it’s both tragic and hilarious at the same time

  • @shyguyblue
    148 months ago

    The meek shall inherit…

  • IWantToFuckSpez
    8 months ago

    I don’t know any highly educated Christian of my generation (millennial) who is deeply religious. Even if they tell everyone that they are religious they rarely go to Church or even pray at home, and their Bible is somewhere in a box in the attic. They don’t even indoctrinate their kids with their religion. Chances are high that their kids will be atheist or agnostic. They will run the world.

    Christianity is slowly dying out in the developed world at least in the parts with a good education system and where most people trust the sciences. I bet the same will happen to Islam in the west. Once the third gen muslim migrants are all dead the generations afterwards will slowly turn non-religious. End of the century the descendants of Muslims who are in the West for generations and middle class and educated will be atheist or non practicing Muslims.

    • @NABDad
      88 months ago

      They will run the world.

      The Christians are working non-stop to make sure there isn’t a world for them to rule.

  • Repple (she/her)
    128 months ago

    Dammit. I’m a depressed gay atheist… now I’m also a stereotype?

    108 months ago

    Ahh yes exactly how biology and psychology works . You heardbit here first people only atheists can make atheists because duh GOD and not science. I wonder why god didn’t give the people who follows it brain oh i got it because then they won’t follow it.

  • @Blue_Morpho
    8 months ago

    Someone needs to send him a list of Atheists. God blesses Atheists with fame, fortune, and children. If he gave up his false belief in God, he too could have a blessed life.

    Arthur Miller (rich, famous, married Marilyn Monroe)

    Jack Nicholson

    Brad Pitt

    Bill Gates

    George Clooney

    Warren Buffett