Donald Trump, who is not the president, is using a minority of Republicans to block aid to Ukraine, to undermine the actual president’s foreign policy, and to weaken American power and credibility.

  • FuglyDuck
    1667 months ago

    Because Putin owns him. I thought that was obvious.

    • @lennybird
      677 months ago

      Indeed I wish reporters wouldn’t dance around the obvious.

    • @[email protected]
      197 months ago

      Man does literally everything that would help Putin.

      “Conservatives”: He’s the toughest president ever on Russia! You have TDS! Ukraine are Nazis!

      …I hate this reality

    • @CitizenKong
      107 months ago

      He had meetings with Putin without anyone else present while being president. That alone should disqualify him from holding any public office, let alone becoming president again.

    • TurtleJoe
      67 months ago

      The article is more of an exploration of the consequences of the failure of the US to support Ukraine. Not sure why they went with that headline.

  • Diplomjodler
    687 months ago

    The article makes is all very obvious but the author is too cowardly to spell it the obvious conclusion: the only one who benefits from all this bullshit is Putin. The only rational explanation is that Trump is acting in Putin’s interest against the US.

  • @lostinasea
    637 months ago

    At best it’s because it’s because he doesn’t want Joe Biden and the Democrats to look good before the upcoming election. At worst it’s because he’s Putin’s bitch doing whatever his master says. Personally, I believe he’s a piece of shit traitor and so too are all the Republicans that follow and listen to him.

    • @Buffalox
      7 months ago

      There have been so many examples of Trump protecting and sweet talking Russia and Putin, and he has been surrounded by Russians in all kinds of situations, financial and his security, that there is no reason to believe there are 2 options here. Trump is a traitor to USA, pure and simple.

  • @ghostdoggtv
    397 months ago

    Smells like all Republicans are traitors

    • @[email protected]OP
      137 months ago

      There are a number who aren’t, like Liz Cheney. It’s possible to disagree almost completely with somebody on policy, and still recognize that they’re not a traitor.

      Not that the rest of the Republican party accepts them or will allow them to win a primary anymore.

      • @grue
        97 months ago

        Do Republicans who got kicked out of the party still count, though?

      • @ghostdoggtv
        37 months ago

        Right, but that is what it smells like.

      • @YarHarSuperstar
        17 months ago

        Exactly, they are no longer the same thing. Maybe it’s finally time to realize there are more than two options.

        • @[email protected]OP
          07 months ago

          If you’re a longstanding Republican and looking for another home, that’s not a bad idea. If you want the Republicans to lose the next election, you need to actively vote for a Democrat. These three scenarios show why:

          Scenario 1:

          D - 9 votes

          R - 10 votes

          T - 0 votes

          Republican wins

          Scenario 2:

          D - 9 votes

          R - 9 votes

          T - 1 vote

          Tied election, decided by a coin toss

          Scenario 3:

          D - 10 votes

          R - 9 votes

          T - 0 votes

          Democrat wins

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      -87 months ago

      I mean, that line of reasoning can get a bit dicey. Given that they’re in the electoral majority, I think that technically makes the Democrats traitors.

      • @ghostdoggtv
        37 months ago

        Your “given” is false.

        I’ll grant you this - Republican leadership are all traitors.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          17 months ago

          The Nazis were a nationalist movement with enormous support within the German state. Who were they betraying, exactly?

  • @fox2263
    227 months ago

    So Trump is the deep state

  • @Coach
    167 months ago

    Because a vote for R is a vote for Russia.

  • @Buffalox
    127 months ago

    Question is why is he allowed to dictate policy?

    • @[email protected]OP
      167 months ago

      Republicans control a majority of the House of Representatives, giving them the power to block spending. They do what he says.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Why does the article focus on the small minority of Republicans when the rest of the Republicans are complicit in blocking the aid too? Only a few Republicans need to vote in favor of the aid to pass.

        • originalucifer
          67 months ago

          this is why all republicans are bastard fascists. they vote in lock-step regardless of literally anything.

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            It is unfortunate that All Republicsns Are Bastards (ARAB) wouldn’t be a good acronym, because that would have dovetailed nicely with ACAB.

        • @RedditReject
          27 months ago

          It has to be brought to a vote, which is the responsibility of the speaker of the house, who is a Republican. There is a way around that, but I think it would take more than just a few Republicans

      • @chonglibloodsport
        37 months ago

        That’s the proximate cause. The ultimate cause is that the Republicans stand no chance if they alienate Trump’s base. Many of them would prefer it if he went away but they can’t make it happen.

      • @Buffalox
        -77 months ago

        AFAIK Democrats had the option to elect a moderate Republican as speaker, but instead they allowed Johnson to be elected. So Democrats could as I see it, have prevented the shitshow the House is now.
        It’s allowed because Democrats failed to prevent it. And instead allowed the MAGA crowd to control the House with their majority among Republicans.

          • @Buffalox
            07 months ago

            OK, maybe I misunderstood, but I’m pretty sure there were Republicans who aired the idea, and Democrats shot it down immediately.
            But maybe it was just media talk IDK?

            • @[email protected]OP
              37 months ago

              It was pretty much media talk. The Republican Party purged their moderates during the 2022 primary

        • @dhork
          7 months ago

          There was an interesting news conference with Hakeem Jeffries yesterday where he said that its possible that Democrats might vote to save Johnson if there is a vote to vacate the chair due to putting the Ukraine bill on the floor. Jeffries said specifically its because Johnson hasn’t reneged on any promises yet. It’s clear that Democrats didn’t trust Kevin as far as they could throw him. But they are signaling to Johnson that he might be protected if he did what they wanted.

          To be fair, I think a majority of Republicans also want the Ukraine/Israel deal, too. It’s just the lunatic fringe of the party willing to abandon Ukraine. (I think we know why.)

          Edit: found it

          The headline says “declines to take a position”, but since his position on McCarthy was “Hell No”, this is still better for Johnson.


          Jeffries Suggests Democrats Would Save Johnson From Removal Over Ukraine Aid

          That one has more of the quotes about Not Trusting Kevin

        • norbert
          27 months ago

          Doing anything to place blame on Democrats instead of the people who actually elected the shitgibbon I see.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      37 months ago

      Because the Republican House Reps listen to him and want to appeal to his political base. And because right-wing news media pushes a ton of Trump-friendly media advocating against further funding of the Ukraine War.

      If you really get under the hood of this thing, the Republican positions is that Americans should be allied with Russia and at war with Ukraine because Ukrainians are gay woke liberal pedophile soyboys, while Russians are Based Western TradCath Chads. What gets even nuttier is that Republicans still despise China, and believe they need to ally with Russia against China in a war over the South Pacific.

      Trump’s not even really leading on this issue so much as echoing what the right-wing press regularly puts out. The real hand behind the throne is a cartel of industrialist billionaire hold-overs from the John Bircher movement of the 1960s, plus their larger network of talk radio, TV, newspaper, and social media talking heads parroting their message.

  • @JeeBaiChow
    77 months ago

    Just remember that turnip was willing to suspend aid for Ukraine unless zelenskyy made a particularly statement supporting his narrative.

  • originalucifer
    67 months ago

    trump is a wanna-be fascist dictator. why is he wanting a foreign dictator to win? because hes fucking jealous. he admires putin

  • @TropicalDingdong
    -237 months ago

    More broadly we should be asking how is this possible, since Trump is not the president.

    It really highlights the weakness of Joe Biden.

    • @[email protected]OP
      7 months ago

      It highlights the fact that the Republicans control a majority of the House of Representatives. That’s on the state legislators who gerrymandered the districts

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Yeah, because it typically works that way, that just someone has to say something with courage and the weak president is too afraid to say something against it…