I’ve been seeing a lot of anti-voting sentiment going around. Can’t believe I have to say this, but you need to vote. Not only is there more to the election than just the president. (State policy, Senate, house), but not voting is not an act of protest. C’mon guys

  • Julian
    1391 year ago

    Seriously. I get feeling like you don’t have much of a choice, but not voting is just giving up. Like, you’re actively removing the little choice you have and handing democracy over to an overt fascist.

      • Taser
        221 year ago

        Literally, indeed. (An up vote wasn’t enough)

    • Binzy_Boi
      41 year ago

      Third party candidates still exist and are legitimate options to vote for despite what everyone wants you to believe.

      • FenrirIII
        451 year ago

        3rd party is a lost vote. Parties need to start small and build. Everyone knows this.

          • FenrirIII
            241 year ago

            Start small, at the local level. City, county, school board, or even a state representative. You build up a following starting at a smaller level because there are fewer people to have to convince to vote for you.

          • JJROKCZ
            41 year ago

            Got them into local positions and let them build power in the lower levels before moving up. Voting at the federal level for anyone other than the big two is a wasted vote at this time

          • FenrirIII
            241 year ago

            None of the 3rd party candidates has national support or awareness. If you start small, you build support at a local level. People see what you can do and it instills faith while bringing in donations. As more people join the party, your influence grows. A real 3rd party candidate, who isn’t super rich or funded by rich donors looking to spoil the election, has never shown up.

            • Binzy_Boi
              51 year ago

              You know what also helps third parties? Votes.

              Without votes what purpose do they have in continuing?

              • FenrirIII
                221 year ago

                There are no 3rd party conservative candidates. The cult of power (GOP) makes no room for competition. 3rd party candidates only exist to split the progressive/non-fascist and are usually funded by conservative donors for that very reason. If a 3rd party candidate was funded by grassroots support and had actually gained popularity by repressing a large constituency, the votes would mean something.

                • @Kalysta
                  71 year ago

                  The Libertarian party is a third party conservative party and they did take votes away from Trump last election

                • @[email protected]
                  31 year ago

                  I dunno, I don’t feel like a lot of otherwise dems (or at least not more than gop) would vote for RFK. And historically I don’t think the progressive side was voting for Ross Perot (as an independent) or the libertarians who still run within the gop like Ron or Rand Paul.

              • FenrirIII
                191 year ago

                Because people smarter than me have done the research and I am merely repeating it for everyone’s benefit.

      • Julian
        361 year ago

        Maybe for some local elections. But you really need heavy support, otherwise you’re dividing the vote which can lead to more harm. Some places have rank based voting now though which makes it possible to vote for 3rd parties without dividing the vote. Hopefully that becomes more common.

        • Binzy_Boi
          81 year ago

          I get where you’re coming from. I’m definitely in favour of a ranked choice voting approach cause it does a lot more to get rid of the spoiler or dividing vote fallacy.

          The entire spoiler or dividing vote hoax is based on this false assumption that the voters carry the responsibility for not voting for a “lesser evil” candidate when that burden of responsibility should instead be on the nominee for not doing enough in their power to win over votes.

          With the current election, Biden is being a complete dumbass and is hemorrhaging support from Arab Americans and young people because of his refusal to stop giving weapons and aid to Israel and properly withholding those until a full and permanent ceasefire is reached. He’s also losing support from Hispanics, though the reasons there are more to do with how he hasn’t been doing enough to better the lives of working-class people.

          Arab Americans and young people aren’t going to turn around and vote for Trump, or in the off chance he receives a conviction before November, whoever else the Republican nominee will be. They’re more likely to vote third-party or independent or not vote at all, and unfortunately with the latter, that’s when the burden of responsibility becomes shared.

          • @CoggyMcFee
            1 year ago

            The entire spoiler or dividing vote hoax is based on this false assumption that the voters carry the responsibility for not voting for a “lesser evil” candidate when that burden of responsibility should instead be on the nominee for not doing enough in their power to win over votes

            No, that’s just plain incorrect. The spoiler vote phenomenon is an inevitable consequence of our first-past-the-post election system. Whatever you start from, this voting system trends to two parties over time. You can model this and watch it play out. It’s not a hoax. We even saw Ross Perot make a serious run at the presidency in the 90s, and he ended up with zero electoral votes, and 4 years later he did much worse and his Reform party fizzled out and nothing came of it. Because it is absolutely suboptimal in our voting system.

          • @Crashumbc
            01 year ago

            Ah a Trump supporter! Let me know how that works out for you!

            Question? How did Trump treat Arabs last time? Did they enjoy the travel ban? The exponential increase in hate towards them in this country?

            Once Trump, wins and helps Israel turn Gaza to glass, will helping him win make them feel good? Once Trump puts them in concentration camps in this country, will they be happy?

            When, Trump cements his dictatorship so there is no vote in 2028, will they they be satisfied?

            I don’t like Biden, but not supporting him now, is supporting a repeat of 1930s Germany…

      • @jumjummy
        171 year ago

        In the realities of the US electoral system, a vote for a third party is akin to a vote for Trump. Twist and spin all you want, but that’s reality.

        Anyone who argues this is either naive, or a disinformation Russian asset.

        • @FreakinSteve
          41 year ago

          Why isnt a third party vote a vote for biden?

          • @Crashumbc
            81 year ago

            While technically “possible”, the likelihood of Trump supporters switching to vote 3rd party is very low at this point.

            Just about everyone talking about voting third party is a progressive that would have voted for Biden. If they weren’t being duped by Russians.

            • @FreakinSteve
              31 year ago

              Explain “duped by Russians”, and how trump voters are not being duped by Russians while unconvinced biden voters are.

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                They are being duped by Russians… into voting for Trump. But anyway, the question is who the third party voter would have voted for otherwise.

      • ditty
        21 year ago

        I’m voting for a 3rd party in the general bc my state is a staunchly blue state (every presidential election since 1972) so my vote counts more that way. If I lived in a swing state like WI, PA, GA, AZ, CO, etc, I would definitely vote Dem.

    • anti-idpol action
      1 year ago

      both wouldn’t be happy if you wanted actual democracy (like economic democracy for instance). both will utilize the police and alphabet agencies if they will find it necessary. PRISM was exposed under Obama. Democrats Kennedy and Johnson did not stop COINTELPRO. I’m not even convinced by reducing this to which of them will be weaker and less competent, like you realize the senile octogenarian Biden would fit the description, but that actually makes it easier to control him. Trump on the other hand is harder to control for his own trustees, but at the same time would mean way less stability. Ousting either along with the whole system that brought them into power is a must and I’m quite convinced that it will not be an easy task in either case, especially if you consider that the police force is always a fertile ground for all of the most disgusting trash of the ruling class, like homophobia, racism or hatred towards the poor. Democrats can promise defending the police but will they? Or wouldn’t that be shooting themselves not in one foot, but both?

      And lastly, speaking of another Trumpist coup. The situation in the US is not yet comparable with e.g. Spain in the 30s. But back to Biden’s incompetency, y’all should study how the Azaña’s government absolutely botched the coup in July 1936. Then the lack of sufficient cynicism towards the government with “anarchists” taking ministerial positions and disarming the workers was what largely contributed to the Francoist triumph. With no illusions towards the government, there would be no mechanism to blunt the militant social tensions to come but force. And if you are afraid to actually fight for your ideas, you’re already unfree.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Americans: do what you want in the primaries. Vote for Biden in the general, because he will be the nominee. I am not stoked about that, but that’s the choice our system gives us.

    Non-Americans: please, please do a bit of research on how weird and fucked up and fractious our electoral system is before going off on someone for voting “undecided” in the primaries, which is how I voted myself. Compared to the nationally-organized stuff you guys seem to mostly rely on, ours could charitably be described as “intentionally byzantine”.

  • @[email protected]
    931 year ago

    100% agree with this. All of it.

    I’m deeply dissatisfied with Biden. I’m angry with him for not pressuring Israel, and I was already angry at him even before that. And I will likely end up voting against him in the primary because of it. But realistically:

    (1) He will be the Democratic nominee for President

    (2) He is an infinitely better choice than the fascist who already attempted a coup once

    (3) Either he or Trump will be the next president

    There really is only one way to go in the general. Especially if you’re here on Blahaj, which means you’re either LGBTQ+ or at least friendly to us.

    • anti-idpol action
      1 year ago

      Many people in Poland half a year ago felt similarly about ousting the ruling national conservatives as well during the last election with historically high turnout. 6 months in and the new government proved to be just as much of a reactionary enemy of the people as that of PiS. They almost fired at the protesting farmers recently

      Nothing has changed in terms of abortion laws either, which still remain one of the most draconic in Europe. Recently a young Belarusian woman was murdered in downtown Warsaw in broad daylight.The only response of the “progressive” government? MORE FUNDING TO THE COPS, just roughly a year after another woman was severely traumatized and humiliated by the police just because she sought medical attention after taking an abortion pill. The so-called “lefts” don’t even have enough respect for the female/AFAB voters to leave the government – why would they, after all they WILL employ the media to do this sort of fearmongering in 4 years to save their comfy positions and call it a day.

      All this in a (de facto) multi-party system with relatively weak role of the president, so what sort of mental gymnastics must that be in the US where the Democrats were not able to do jackshit about Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and there was and is not even a major party to hold them accountable for that, only the people capable of overthrowing their broken system.

      And it’s like that anywhere in the world in this rotten system – best those professional politicians screaming about fascism and creeping dictatorship can offer us is just “fascism with a human face”. Their policies fuel the openly reactionary side precisely because they are just as morally bankrupt, worthless and entrenched.

      In case of the Polish parliamentary left, some of them quite likely won’t leave the government because they fear the other 2, bigger parties will seek to form one with the ultra-right Konfederacja. And if that’s the case, then it speaks volumes about the condition of reformists who more and more haven’t been able to form a government that offers anything of value to the broad working masses ever since the Soviet Union dissolved and they felt confident that now it’s time to focus mostly on identity politics and economically become more and more in line with the neolibs, because without KGB backing, the Stalinized, bureaucratic communist parties who nonetheless weren’t really a revolutionary threat lost relevance almost universally.

      But then once capitalism’s honeymoon caused by the opening up of new markets in the 90s was over and Marx was once again proven right by crisis after crisis, those foolish lackeys of the ruling class so certain about the end of history didn’t see the writing on the wall and now are running like headless chickens wondering why after three decades of failing their traditional voter base they still hardly manage to stay in power just merely because some people know that the ultra-right is no alternative – and erroneously, but sometimes at least with some cynicism – assume that the reformists will take any notes and change their ways, much like hoping a narcissistic, abusive partner would change their ways – to no avail.

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          They use Poland as an example of why voting is bad but ignore Tusk being one of the loudest European voices in backing Ukraine. Sounds convenient for a different major world power tp argue against that…

          Bc theyre sooo totally gonna be able to get the proles to their side to overthrow their shackles instead -_____-

      • @[email protected]
        511 year ago

        This is such a garbage fucking take. A vote for Biden is a vote to delay fascism for 4 years, which we can use to fight it more effectively. You vote to buy time, and you use that time to fight. There’s not much point in voting if we don’t fight, but if you don’t vote fighting will get a lot harder and things will get worse. Go read a book and touch some grass.

        • Not if you vote democrats though. 2016 should have been a wakeup call, but wasn’t to the party elites. Then 2020 should have been a wake up call but wasn’t. Now it is 2024 and they are still not waking up.

          As long as they are not punished vor being neoliberal far right economists with an imperial war hawk approach to foreign policy nothing will change.

          Everyone should vote for a third party imo. If the Dems suddenly need to compete with an actually progressive party, they would need to bring actual progressive politics. Right now they are just becoming more and more like what the republicans used to be, just with some LGBT rights, but only like if it isn’t inconvenient.

          • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
            101 year ago

            Everyone should vote for a third party imo.

            How to split the party vote and hand Trump the presidency in one easy step.

            • Your alternative is the Dems continueing to fuck over the poor people in and outside the US and the Republicans to sucessfully blame it on the libs, but doing the same, fueling an ever far right extreme spiral.

              In the end i guess voters get what they deserve for never demanding actual positive change from the party that proclaims for itself to be progressive.

              • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
                1 year ago

                I agree that the democratic party is a shit show. I hate it too. But if the goal is progress, handing Trump the presidency is wrong move.

                The correct move is to begrudgingly vote Biden in and work on election reform at a local level. In no way am I suggesting sit around doing nothing and letting the status quo persist.

          • @Crashumbc
            31 year ago

            Ah so you want to give the country to Trump and turn it into a dictatorship, so you don’t get to vote ever again?

            That’s some really “SMART” math you have!

          • @[email protected]
            121 year ago

            Hello from Europe. Please inform yourself about Project 2025 if you haven’t. If you already did and insist on your position to vote 3rd party and still don’t get that you won’t have fair elections in your lifetime anymore when orange cheato & the heritage foundation come into power I can’t really feel sorry for you. I’m sorry for anybody who’ll get dragged with you into a christo-fascist handmaids tale nation, though.

          • @[email protected]
            121 year ago

            You’re making a whole lot of unreasonable assumptions about me and misrepresenting my position pretty throughly. Read a book and touch some grass.

      • @StupidBrotherInLaw
        431 year ago

        Did you actually think before posting this?

        “Not eating pie this weekend is eating pie next weekend!”

        “Might as well rear end someone. Not doing it now means you’re going to do it later.”

        “Why lose weight? Not dying earlier means you’re just going to die later.”

  • @tills13
    601 year ago

    And I don’t think I should have to remind y’all that while neither candidate has a good outlook on Palestine… at least one won’t end democracy in the US.

      • @Crashumbc
        291 year ago

        No there really isn’t, not the way US politics work.

        • bruhduh
          21 year ago

          deleted by creator

        • @Linkerbaan
          -81 year ago

          Strange. So you’re only allowed to vote for one candidate or Democracy ends?

          • @force
            1 year ago

            when the other candidate incites an attempted insurrection, engaged in election interference multiple times, and has proven multiple times that his goal is to strip his enemies of their rights, and is one of the loudest voices behind republican politicians and their bills which have already been passed in many states that take away basic human rights from the population, yeah pretty much

            you gotta remember that he’s effectively trying to be another reagan, and reagan effectively disentigrated all of the progress america made, sent worker’s rights back a century, and removed what little semblance of choice we had in politics

      • @QuaternionsRock
        91 year ago

        Create a pledge to vote for a leftist candidate. If it surpasses ~85 million signatures, everyone who signed it will vote for the leftist candidate. Otherwise, they will all vote for Biden, since a minimum of 85 million votes are required to guarantee an election win.

        I’d sign that shit, and I bet just about every leftist around here would, too. There’s literally no downside.

        It is immensely difficult to get 85 people to agree to do something—never mind 85 million—but still not impossible. You almost definitely won’t be able to get 85 million signatures, but you’re more than welcome to try. If you don’t succeed, however, I encourage you to consider the realm of possibility when filling out your ballot. Voting for a third-party candidate and voting for Mickey Mouse—or a dead guy, or Vermin Supreme, or yourself—are equally irrelevant if the third-party candidate does not stand a chance of winning.

      • @tills13
        121 year ago

        Dude he’s all but said that he wants to be a dictator

        • @[email protected]
          -81 year ago

          He made a joke and it was taken as a real thing. What were the two things he said he was going to do?

          • @RagingRobot
            91 year ago

            I think the big thing for me was when he lost in 2020 and refused to admit it then proceeded to insight an insurrection. Now he is gaslighting everyone trying to say they are good people and it didn’t happen like we watched live on tv.

            What’s up with you? Why don’t you see that he’s just a big sore loser grasping for power so he can stay out of prison. Why would you defend him?

            I ask because I’m from GA. One of the places where he tried to throw out our votes and substitute ones for him. I specifically voted against trump as many did because I was sick of his poor response to the pandemic. At the time we couldn’t even leave our house. Shit was crazy when he was in charge. I specifically wanted him out. I’m still waiting to see if he gets punished for his crime against me and the voters of my county. I feel lucky that the leaders in my state didn’t go along with him but I fear that they may in the future.

            I get the sense that you see this as your side vs mine but it’s gotten a little more out of hand than that so please pay attention to “your side”

            • @[email protected]
              -41 year ago

              I dont like trump, but there is no evidence he is going to be a dictator. If I had to pick between him and Biden, I would definetly pick trump because Biden is 10x more dangerous to democracy than Trump. The issue is the narrative that was told people believe. Like the narrative about the GA votes, if you read the narrative, it seems that he is talking about bad votes, not just votes.

              • @RagingRobot
                1 year ago

                So what’s the evidence that Biden is dangerous for democracy? How?

                Why is what I believe a narrative and what you believe is true? Although what you are saying is harder to believe given the things trump has already done in the past.

                Joe Biden is the president now and democracy is fine. The only thing that could ruin democracy if he wins is if Trump lies about winning again and tries to plan another riot.

                Also what he says are “bad votes” were just votes against him. Of course he thinks they are bad if they make him lose lol. Why would you believe him but if Joe Biden said the same thing you wouldn’t?

                • @[email protected]
                  -21 year ago

                  The votes his was referring to he claims were fraudulent. I am not saying I agree they were fraudulent, I am just telling you that I have seen no evidence that he was trying to flop votes.

                  He is the threat to democracy by staying silent throughout the justice departments russian inquiry into trump, his dictatorial executive orders by trying semi-force vaccinations and loan forgiveness, his lack of action or comment when the main candidate is being attacked by states and the federal government, and his overall rhetoric about how trump and his supporters will end everything. And that doesnt even get into the fundemental risk he has put the whole world in with how he and the rest of the government has put us in with Ukraine.

          • @Custoslibera
            1 year ago

            I don’t want an American president that jokes about being a dictator for one day.

            Decent candidates for the presidency and leader of the free world don’t joke about wanting to be a dictator.

            Besides, when Trump tells you he wants to be a dictator he is not joking.

            Trump covets the power Putin and Xi has.

              • @Custoslibera
                31 year ago

                As I said, trump isn’t joking about wanting to be a dictator.

                So yeah, I’m going to support whoever isn’t a literal fascist.

      • @TankovayaDiviziya
        11 year ago

        How is trump going to end democracy?

        I will say this: the United States is in a pre-dictator era.

        No one notices the slide into authoritarianism it until it’s too late.

          • @TankovayaDiviziya
            11 year ago

            As I said, no one notices slide into authoritarianism until it’s too late.

            We are willing to give up our rights increment by increment.

            We’re like frogs in simmering water. We don’t jump out unless the water is boiling from the beginning.

              • @TankovayaDiviziya
                1 year ago

                If you have been living under a rock in the past 8 years, you have a lot of catching up to do.

                And I don’t even religiously follow the news on Trump.

                • @[email protected]
                  -11 year ago

                  Gotcha that is the problem, you have been listening to the corporate news. I would recommend diversifying who you listen to.

  • MossOPM
    351 year ago

    On the other hand, not voting or voting uncommitted in the presidential primary is completely fine. Literally no issue with that

  • Cowbee [he/they]
    251 year ago

    First of all, I will absolutely be voting in the general, for whoever has the backing of the Democrat party, whether that be Biden or someone else if something unforseen happens. However, I think it’s important to recognize a few key key matters.

    1. Not voting is an act of protest, but it is a largely ineffective form of protest. Protesting is the way the people voice their concerns, and deliberately not voting is in fact a way of voicing concern. However, this is an emotional, unobjective form.

    2. Biden, and the overall US war machine, is complicit in genocide. This fact should not be denied for the sake of an election. Simply voting third party is unobjective, this results in the outward fascists taking power, but at the same time, toeing the line results in further entrenchment of liberalism.

    How can we resolve the former 2 statements? Simple. Protest loud, as much as you can, during the primaries. Force Biden’s hand.

    Just as we can hold people responsible if they vote third party during the general, or not voting, we can also hold Biden accountable. This isn’t simply a matter like Single Payer Healthcare, which would take tremendous effort with the support of congress to pass, this is something in his hands.

    I’ll reiterate: if your goal is to help the Palestinian people, there is only one correct path: protest as much as you can, as early as you can, until Biden caves and ceases the genocide. If you do not protest Biden now, while we still have the chance to change his course, then we risk protests lasting even longer and hurting his chances during the General, backfiring.

    The Condition for Victory is a swift, loud, uncontestable wake-up call for Biden, followed by rallied support once genuine, positive change is shown to happen. Biden has already started to feel the pressure, and has begun sending some petty aid. Biden cannot risk losing the general, and we cannot risk Biden losing the general either, nor can we stand by and watch Biden support genocide.

    Vote in the Primary against Biden, and vote in the General for Biden.

    • DaBabyAteMaDingo
      -21 year ago

      Not voting to protest is as effective as setting yourself on fire in a first world country.

      • Cowbee [he/they]
        1 year ago

        It’s not particularly effective, but is still a form of protest. It’s important to recognize it as such, because:

        1. It means that there are people who are attempting to have their voice heard

        2. They can be steered towards better forms of getting what they want if they are shown better forms of praxis.

        At the end of the day, protestors are people with goals, and if you can convince them that this goal may be met more effectively otherwise, they can be allies.

        • @Jimmyeatsausage
          21 year ago

          Unfortunately, lots of folks here on lemmy seem antithetical to the idea that slow or minor progress still counts as progress. Maybe it’s a communication issue inherent to this format, but the crux of the argument I see most often is “Biden did genocide, genocide is bad. Therefore, any support for Biden is support for genocide outright.”

          It seems like an inability or unwillingness to recognize degrees of tragedy…it’s the worst case of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m getting pretty damn nervous about the number of folks saying outright that they won’t ever vote for Biden because they don’t accept the premise that, as long as we still have FPTP elections and the electoral college, voting anyone other than the mainstream Dem candidate makes a Republican victory more likely, regardless of the candidates either party puts forward. I know that at least some of these folks are just trolls, but we’re on a razor-thin margin, and in a scenario where 100k votes across a handful of states will likely decide the contest, I worry about even a single person being talked out of participating meaningfully in the election.

          It’s exasperated by the fact that, for a lot of young voters, every election they’ve been old enough to participate in has been a boring old white person vs a wannabe dictator and so they’ve started feeling like “it’s the most important election ever” is just a scare tactic to make them vote blue.

          • Cowbee [he/they]
            41 year ago

            I think a key issue here is that you’re combining unlike things and trying to make coherent sense of that, rather than analyzing what is driving people to feel this way.

            The first part you mentioned, is a key disagreement you have with people opposing reformism. A significant part of leftist history is the conflict between reform and revolution, whether reform is even possible at a large scale or if revolution will ever be more likely to succeed, and so forth. The people opposing reform are not saying that incremental change isn’t good, but that:

            1. Incremental change is simply too little, too late, in a modern late-stage Capitalist dystopia

            2. Because the course of politics in modern first world Capitalist counties like the US follows whatever the interests of large Capitalists are, any meaningful reform will be hindered or even reversed unless the system is overthrown in its entirety.

            The second claim, that Biden doing genocide is bad and voting for Biden is voting for continued genocide, is built off of the prior point. Because voting for a right winger like Biden or a fascist like Trump will both result in more genocide, their conclusion is that voting for either is to continue genocide, though it remains implicit that if Biden stopped the genocide, they would vote for him.

            I of course believe it would get worse under Trump, so as I already mentioned, I will vote for Biden. However, I also understand that protesting against Biden is the best way to change his course now, rather than later.

            The final disagreement you have with these people is the idea that Biden is a “slow good” rather than a “slow evil.” You’re not talking to liberals, you’re talking to leftists, who wish to see some form of Socialism take place in America. Biden is continuing the Imperialist project of American Liberalism at the expense of Workers both inside and outside of the US, you can’t convince leftists that Biden is good, actually.

            The truly best way to get leftists to vote for Biden is to get them to see what is directly more beneficial to the international Proletariat, protest voting for a third party or picking Biden and trying to use that time to organize on the ground, which is easier than under Trump. That’s the real key, not to try to convince them Biden is good but slow.

            • @Jimmyeatsausage
              31 year ago

              This is actually very useful framing…I’m gonna chew on this for a bit and try to untangle some of my own implicit premises.

        • DaBabyAteMaDingo
          11 year ago

          Never said it wasn’t a form of protest. I said it’s not effective and I’d like to add that it’s also very dumb. Like setting yourself on fire in a first world country.

          • Cowbee [he/they]
            1 year ago

            That’s why I elaborated, though if you’re only going to read the first sentence then why even bother replying?

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      The sentiments in this thread (by large) are objectively correct and based as well. I am impressed with you, 196


  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I’ll proceed to describe in this post the gigantic amount of political change and sweeping reforms we will achieve when we valiantly protest against the system by not voting up until we get the turnout to 10%:

    • @Crashumbc
      71 year ago

      Yes! Under Trump’s dictatorship there WILL sweeping changes, just not the ones you think. I mean ending democracy in this country will be a change. But you’ll sleep well (until the gestapo comes for you) thinking “you showed them!”.

  • @guriinii
    111 year ago

    In the UK you can spoil your ballot if you’re unhappy with the options and is a recorded vote. Perhaps there’s something like that.

    • AnyOldName3
      291 year ago

      It’s not a good tool if one party is likely, but not guaranteed, to win without your vote, but is much worse than the other. You should only spoil your ballot if your constituency is has a large enough majority that your vote won’t matter at all, or none of the parties are less bad than the others.

      If you’re voting on the single issue of Palestine in the US presidential elections (not the primaries), then no state has a large enough majority to justify as spoiled ballots, and one party wants to support a genocide while the other wants to discourage it (even if they’re doing a crap job of it), so there is a least bad option to vote for.

      • @daltotron
        11 year ago

        It’s not a good tool if one party is likely, but not guaranteed, to win without your vote, but is much worse than the other. You should only spoil your ballot if your constituency is has a large enough majority that your vote won’t matter at all, or none of the parties are less bad than the others.

        The first instance is realistically the only case in which it would really matter that you spoiled your ballot, though. In the second example of when you might spoil your vote, it wouldn’t really matter at all, precisely because they have a large enough majority.

    • @Crashumbc
      111 year ago

      Except we have an actual self proclaimed dictator, trying to gain power. These fucking “progressives” are helping him.

      As someone with a modicum of common sense, it boggles my mind that these spoiled children think helping Trump seize power is a good idea for anyone including themselves.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      I don’t understand the motivation to spoil your vote. First past the post is the shittiest voting system but the rational response is to vote tactically instead, perhaps reduce the majority of your disliked incumbent. Even if you can’t overturn a majority, MPs on smaller majorities may be less arrogant, and less likely to vote for unpopular policies. But sometimes you do overturn a majority. It will happen lots in this/next year’s election.

      I don’t think any politician gives a shit about the numbers of spoiled ballots, they literally don’t look even once at those numbers.

    • ✺roguetrick✺
      1 year ago

      I live in maryland so my ballot doesn’t matter much regardless for the presidential election. If Biden loses maryland he loses. And I won’t be voting for him. The worst thing missing my vote will do for him is reducing his popular vote. Since that’s mostly a talking point, good.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Oh, I’ll be voting.

    For Claudia De La Cruz.

    EDIT: People hard mad about this lmao

    • MossOPM
      221 year ago

      Okay I mean this is marginally better, at least you’re voting, but still until some sort of change happens a vote third party is a vote thrown away

      • Cowbee [he/they]
        21 year ago

        I’m not suggesting voting third party or protest voting, I personally plan on voting for whoever has the Democrat party’s backing come the general. However, I do want to ask, what do you believe is a realistic plan for gaining that change?

        The people that are voting third party or not voting are doing so because they believe that’s the best option for change. Even if I disagree with that, how can we show them a better path?

    • @Crashumbc
      -11 year ago

      Ah a Trump supporter! Let me know how that works for you once you get Trump elected!

  • riwo
    1 year ago

    its funny(?) how i only see posts criticising ppl for not voting/voting third options but i dont currently see anyone actually advocating for doing that

    • Julian
      151 year ago

      Might depend on how you sort or what instances you have blocked. I’ve seen a few personally, although not in blahaj.zone as far as I can remember.

    • a lil bee 🐝
      141 year ago

      There are multiple people advocating for it in this thread…

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    If you are against both dominants in a two-party system, vote for the party more likely to win, so that the margin would become bigger, the winning party would split and the losing party would have unpredictable change.

    I’m in the second world, just thinking.

    In the US this seems to have already happened once, in the 50s.

  • anti-idpol action
    31 year ago

    “The Republican and Democratic parties, or, to be more exact, the Republican-Democratic party, represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences as arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles.

    With either of those parties in power one thing is always certain and that is that the capitalist class is in the saddle and the working class under the saddle.

    Under the administration of both these parties the means of production are private property, production is carried forward for capitalist profit purely, markets are glutted and industry paralyzed, workingmen become tramps and criminals while injunctions, soldiers and riot guns are brought into action to preserve ‘law and order’ in the chaotic carnival of capitalistic anarchy.

    Deny it as may the cunning capitalists who are clear-sighted enough to perceive it, or ignore it as may the torpid workers who are too blind and unthinking to see it, the struggle in which we are engaged today is a class struggle, and as the toiling millions come to see and understand it and rally to the political standard of their class, they will drive all capitalist parties

    of whatever name into the same party, and the class struggle will then be so clearly revealed that the hosts of labor will find their true place in the conflict and strike the united and decisive blow that will destroy slavery and achieve their full and final emancipation.” - Eugene V. Debs