• LazaroFilm
    597 months ago

    Brought earplugs to the Slayer/Slipknot/Mastodon/MachineHead concert…

    • strawberry
      87 months ago

      haha only now am I learning to maybe throw some earpugls in every once in a while

      • LazaroFilm
        157 months ago

        That concert was so brutal in terms of sound level. I was in the pit and people were using cigarette filters as earplugs. That’s how loud it was. I’m pretty sure that’s why I have mild tinnitus now.

          • LazaroFilm
            7 months ago

            That was all we had.

        • @A_Very_Big_Fan
          27 months ago

          I went to a Death Grips concert (my first “real” concert) and got in super early, so I ended up in front leaning against the guard rails right in front of a speaker. I only had one ear plug because my friend lost his pair, and god damn the speakers felt like canons against my ears but I wasn’t about to move because I had a great spot with nobody in between me and MC Ride.

          I ran into another friend of mine on my way out of the building, and my ears were so bad I couldn’t understand a word he said lol. Shit was wild, 10/10 would do it again

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      I don’t understand how people can go to music shows without ear plugs. I don’t even attend metal music, which seem to crank it up to the point of losing sound quality, just for the sake of “bad assery” I guess.

      I feel bad for kids being brought to concerts without them, too.

      • @agent_flounder
        97 months ago

        There was no Google when I was 18. Jesus if I had somehow been able to buy Microsoft and Apple … But at the time Apple wasn’t looking too good.

        • gregorum
          37 months ago

          Google was very new when I was 18. The best time for me to buy apple was when I was 14. Something like $0.35 a share in the early-mid 90s.

          • @agent_flounder
            27 months ago

            Yeah, I should’ve thought to buy when the iMac came out. It was pretty clear they were on a good trajectory. I had money then too. Easy to say in hindsight though. Hell I should’ve bought some nVidia a year ago lol.

    • @StephniBefni
      97 months ago

      Same, I waited till I was 27, I’m happy I’m finally there, but it woulda been nice to start 10 years earlier, woulda been a lot better for me mentally especially.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      I’m glad you figured yourself out. I waited until I was 22 to come out of the closet and until I was in my 30s to dress how I wanted (I didn’t transition, but I do identify as non-comforming and wear clothing that isn’t standard for my gender). It’s extremely comfortable being who you are.

  • @cabron_offsets
    7 months ago

    (1) work out, (2) ditch an extremely toxic relationship without ever looking back, (3) have more fun, (4) buy aapl.

  • @psmgx
    227 months ago

    Less fucking about, more fucking

  • @MissJinx
    207 months ago

    Warn my boyfriend he had a brain tumor while still possible to treat

  • @superduperpirate
    207 months ago

    Stuff that would theoretically have been possible, in no particular order:

    • develop better study & time management skills so college doesn’t kick my ass nearly so badly
    • walk on to the college’s cross country team. After all, it was a D3 school, they’ll take just about anyone. Would’ve been a great way to avoid putting on 60 pounds in school.
    • spend more time taking advantage of the free therapy sessions in the student health center and maybe God forbid not fall as far into the pit of depression
    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      All of this. Wish I had applied myself and found someone to tell me constant criticism for making mistakes isn’t normal.

  • BirdEnjoyer
    167 months ago

    Bought Bitcoin or have tried to buy a shoebox of a house.

    But I listened to all the “sensible” people and went for a graduate level program instead like an idiot, and then couldn’t do anything with it for a litany of reasons. Just one family emergency or health problem after another.

    The worst of all maybe could have been avoided if I hadn’t been off at school in the first place. I don’t regret college, but my education should have stopped there. I was finally an adult, but I still let everyone else dictate my life, right from the getgo.

    Biggest regret of my life, right out of the gate.

    • Otherbarry
      67 months ago

      But I listened to all the “sensible” people and went for a graduate level program instead like an idiot

      Oof, yeah similar situation though for me it was more around 20-21. Went to college for about 2-3 years, wasn’t doing too great with the required calculus classes & sort of dropped out. The upside was during that same time I landed a full time job in IT & was getting paid plenty, had a 401k, all that stuff.

      But the “sensible” people around me (aka the boomer parents/uncles/etc. with their lifetime pensions) kept telling me to stop working & go back to school. That got into my head & eventually I quit my well paid job, burned another 2-3 years on school before realizing that just wasn’t going to work out for me. Then cashed out my 401k to pay off those school loans… those same “sensible” people didn’t tell me anything about retirement savings & I was too young & dumb to understand that stuff back then.

      Nowadays I’m okay & don’t have any debt. But all that essentially meant I started over with my career later in life & am still trying to catch up with retirement savings.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      In an alternate timeline I totally should have bought bitcoin when it was memed on and was literally sub pennies. On the other hand, anyone I know with wallets that old either have lost access to them or spent them when they went to a few dollars so likely wouldn’t be any different

  • @FlashZordon
    157 months ago

    Hit the gym brother. Instead of starting my work out journey now in my 30s.

    I was fortunate enough to have had a fast metabolism through out my 20s but starting a workout habit earlier would’ve helped maintain it better.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Yeah i did this then injured myself at 24and spent the last 6 years out of the gym.

      I’m back in now and i am making great progress from previous experience and muscle memory.

      Its not as easy now but i cant imagine starting from nothing at all now.

      Good luck with your journey though.

      Every day you go to the gym is a little closer to improving and the days you dont want to do it and still do are the days you make the most gains.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          I crushed the gell between facet joints in my lower back, then i tore the tendon that lets my wrist move side to side out ofbits spot and had to be a reattached.

          Not one afterbthe otherbbut a few years apart causeing a long time out of the gym

          Heavy diesel fitting is a killer to the body

  • SuiXi3D
    157 months ago

    Gave a shit about school. Instead I was way too worried about finding that one girl for me. Now I’m dumb, poor, and have the most wonderful wife in the world… after a few false starts.

  • Ioughttamow
    147 months ago

    Wish I had gotten diagnosed with adhd. Earlier would have been better, but really it was college and early 20s where it hurt me the most (ie the period of time where I no longer had my parents managing my calendar, and before my wife and I started divvying up personal and household tasks based on our strengths)

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      This hits hard. I was 29. My daughter was 3 and my god, I wish I was diagnosed earlier. After that it still took me several years to get a hold of my life.

  • Corroded
    137 months ago

    I wish I would have taken relationships less seriously. I started dating people when I was young because I thought it was what everyone was doing but I should have been having fun and goofing around.

    Investing in Bitcoin, I suppose, is the other thing. I nearly did it when people were paying multiple Bitcoins for a pizza for the novelty of it but stopped because I couldn’t figure it out at the time.

  • @[email protected]
    137 months ago

    Skipped years of college that didn’t do me any good and just moved out instead of living with my family for another 4 years.

  • @[email protected]
    137 months ago

    Kept in touch with friends.

    Got back on ADHD meds that my parents took me off as a 10yo as they didn’t like the side effects.


    Study, get the certification I ended up getting eventually (that i was repeatedly recommended to do but was too perpetually exhausted to study for), and breaking into IT as a career sooner.

    Not waste years 18-22 in a shitty grocery store/fast food job. To this day I can’t stand to look at a rotisserie chicken cooker.