• @[email protected]
    1218 months ago

    I’m not crazy about Biden, but I’ll happily vote for the shitty status quo vs literal “I’ll be a dictator”

  • @[email protected]
    628 months ago

    Yep, Biden is not a great choice- but I’d take boring and uninspired over a wannabe-dictator, flunkie mob boss that failed his way upwards-

    Any day.

      • Echo Dot
        248 months ago

        It’s so bizarre to me that the world over personality is a trait that the media seem to think I care about.

        If they will actually govern the country with something approaching talent and not siphon money off into their own pockets that’s about as much as you can really ask for.

        The bar for politicians is so low that being entirely average is exceptional.

  • @[email protected]
    268 months ago

    A reluctant friend sounds like someone who really isn’t sure if they want to be your friend.

    • @Dkarma
      -268 months ago

      They’re reluctant to vote.

      Stop eating lead paint.

      • @Tuggles
        208 months ago

        This was unnecessarily rude, but I won’t deny I had a chuckle.

      • @III
        48 months ago

        Why would they be reluctant?

        • @[email protected]
          08 months ago

          Because, unfortunately, a lot of people don’t fully understand what’s at stake here, or just don’t care. I have friends who are over the age of 21 who still haven’t even REGISTERED to vote, let alone think about WHO they want to vote for.

    • @Dubman
      238 months ago

      Left one is Billie Eilish

      • @TexasDrunk
        308 months ago

        I’m not positive because I’m bad at faces, but I think that’s America Ferrera on the right.

        • @Chocrates
          28 months ago

          It is! I had to look it up!
          She looks a little different these days than she used to I guess. Apparently she got her first nomination!

          • @TexasDrunk
            18 months ago

            Like I said, I’m bad at faces, but I’m not so bad with blatant distinguishing features like scars. There’s something about the shape of her mouth that made me pretty sure.

            Good for her. I caught a few episodes of Superstore and she was good.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    How exactly is Biden even an evil? So much discourse around him complains about his handling of Gaza and Ukraine lately.

    What do people actually want him to do?

    Feels like so many people saying I don’t want to vote for the lesser of two evils or I’m going to vote third party slept through civics class and think that the President can do things like unilaterally declare war or distribute aid package to other countries. That’s now how the US government works. Congress is the one who creates those packages.

    Here’s what he can do, officially https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powers_of_the_president_of_the_United_States. I don’t see much there that helps with any of the things people are complaining about. Pretty much any executive order he’s tried to make has also been shot down by our current very useless Congress.

    It’s time to stop blaming the President for not doing the things he cannot do and start blaming our current Congress for being utterly useless. Get every obstructionist regressive Republican out of Congress and then we can blame Biden when we see him veto a bill that grants trans protections or aid to Ukraine and Palestine. Then we could call the man evil.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        I didn’t see that he’d done this, and now that you mention it he definitely did do something similar with Ukraine at first. Kinda makes me irrationally angry [but I’m actually not sure how he’d show support to Palestine still since the Hamas are the only group that he could really use to do that and they’re not exactly the good guys either… He did recently command the US military to air drop supplies], but unfortunately anything Trump would do is going to be much worse so now’s not the time to try and stick it to the DNC as a wider group. Next cycle is going to be another good opportunity since they won’t be able to just put forth Biden again.

        • @QuaternionsRock
          18 months ago

          Trump would do is going to be much worse so now’s not the time to try and stick it to the DNC as a wider group.

          First, I didn’t say anything about “the DNC as a wider group”.

          Second, if stating a simple fact will cost Biden the election, then he’s going to lose the election. I will be voting for Biden, and anyone with half a brain should be able to see that Trump would be worse in just about every measurable way, but if that isn’t the case, it won’t help to pretend he didn’t do something that he very clearly and publicly did.

          People here aren’t criticizing Biden because they want to see him lose the election (for the most part). They’re criticizing Biden because they strongly disagree with a decision made by the person they voted for to represent their interests. How is Biden supposed to know the sentiment of his base if they avoid discussing it? Applying political pressure to your representatives is a good thing and should be encouraged.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            This is true. The fact that I can be irrationally angry about something Biden and his administration has done and still find thing to agree on is fine. I fully intend to vote for him anyway. I wouldn’t be so quick to just call him an evil, at worst he’s like a chaotic neutral. There is very little I can find to agree on with the current, highly regressive, Republican party and the few remaining individuals who have at redeeming features are all being driven out. This is horrible and effectively gives anyone save one option and it’s the scariest thing about all of this.

            You get to vote for something rooted in reality or a bunch of lunatics living in a made up fantasy land.

    • @hamid
      7 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        I think you may be shadowbanned or something? Everything you post gets automatically deleted for me.

      • @Sludgehammer
        128 months ago

        Who’s predicted to be Trump’s pick for vice president… because apparently watching Trump supporters chanting about hanging his last VP wasn’t a large enough red flag.

  • bitwolf
    8 months ago

    I’m confused. On the issues states RFK is Pro-Choice. Did this change recently? Or is this listing just too anecdotal?

  • @DigitalFrank
    -28 months ago

    If he were to issue an EO barring abortion, a federal judge would issue an injunction before he got through signing his last name.

    Also, SCOTUS has already ruled it a states issue.

    • @assassin_aragorn
      58 months ago

      SCOTUS also said it was settled law, so I wouldn’t trust them.

    • @Phegan
      48 months ago

      SCOTUS also has been breaking earlier rulings. I fully expect them to side with the federal ban.

      • @Jimmyeatsausage
        18 months ago

        BANNING is a state’s right…not allowing. Except with guns, reverse it for that one.

    • @LesserAbe
      208 months ago

      I’ll vote third party anytime someone has a realistic chance to win, but that’s not the U.S. presidential election. There’s a reason for the trope “throwing your vote away”.

      In an ideal world we’d get rid of the electoral college and implement ranked choice voting. Until then, the primaries are where we maybe have some chance to influence who becomes president.

        • @LesserAbe
          48 months ago

          From your other comments seems like you’re trolling.

          But for anyone else reading this: I had seen numbers between 10-20% from Michigan and Minnesota for people who voted “uncommitted” in the primaries. There is smaller turnout for primaries than general elections, and democrats are only half or so of the turnout at the general election.

          It’s extremely unlikely that a 3rd party candidate will win with a fraction of the primary voters who are a fraction of the general election voters. If people went forward with a 3rd party candidate it does seem likely it could throw the election to Trump.

          I support the uncommitted campaign in so far as it alarms Biden about losing voters who want to see action protecting Palestinians and makes him change his positions.

          I don’t think those same people should vote 3rd party during the general election because of the classic bullshit choice we have to keep making: the lesser of two evils.

          Let’s also remember: there are many obstacles to even getting listed on the ballot, and those requirements vary state by state. Even if someone well funded decided to run today, it’s unlikely they could get their name on the ballot in every state. (So add ballot access reform to the wishlist along with ranked choice voting and eliminating the electoral college)

            • @QuaternionsRock
              38 months ago

              Why should 10% of third-party voters support the Democratic nominee when 90% of Democrat voters could simply support [third-party candidate that I can’t even name]? Surely getting 81 million voters to change their minds is a trivial task! Y’all are just dense!

        • Flying Squid
          38 months ago

          there 100% will be a strong front-running 3rd party here in a couple of weeks or so.

          I’ll wager money against that considering a “strong front-running third party” takes more than two weeks to happen.

    • Flying Squid
      98 months ago

      Ross Perot got nowhere.

      Ralph Nader got nowhere.

      Why would it be different this time?

      • @amansman
        78 months ago

        Military Industrial Complex

          • capital
            38 months ago

            Careful, my eyes almost rolled right out of their sockets.

          • Flying Squid
            18 months ago

            Did you check @RoyalEngineering’s passport? Otherwise, I’m not sure that you can assume they’re an American.

            Believe it or not, the world is not America.

              • Flying Squid
                18 months ago

                Got it, you used your psychic powers to figure out what country they’re a citizen of.

          • @RoyalEngineering
            08 months ago

            Or maybe it’s just that nobody uses the shortened “MIC” in regular conversation–they would just say the full thing. No need to shorten, just write it out.

    • @III
      538 months ago

      As opposed to? You either choose the lesser evil, choose the greater evil or you opt-out which in turn is choosing to allow the greater evil. You aren’t choosing good by not participating.

      Vote your ideals in the primaries. But when the general election comes along, you choose the best option. Simple as that.

      • @Nudding
        -248 months ago

        The lesser of two evils is enabling a genocide. When do you guys rise up?

        • Catpurrple
          248 months ago

          The greater of two evils will accelerate the exact same genocide in question (Gaza) and enable genocide in other areas, e.g. Ukraine, and possibly Taiwan in the future if and when that situation escalates. This is not the argument to make, unless you’re intentionally arguing in bad faith.

          • @[email protected]
            118 months ago

            They are arguing in bad faith, friend. These types of people are just trying to sow dissent. I am glad you made your point, as it succinctly points out the flaw in their logic. Kudos! 👍

            • @Nudding
              -18 months ago

              The third option is to start fresh. Maybe you guys can finally outlaw slavery!

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Hey, buddy. Do you have a job? Are you able to quit that job and never have to worry about anything else?

                Because if not, well guess what! You are also a slave, just like I am! The true enemies of us all are the elite who throw their infinite wealth around like candy, and fuck us all from the top down, except of course, themselves. The only way to combat this egregious issue, is to band together. Right now, in our reality here in the states, is that we have to choose crusty ass Biden, instead of Wannabe Dictator, rapist, and pedophile extraordinaire Donald Trump who has also gone bankrupt around 7-8 times, and that’s not even including his moral bankruptcy!

                So, your argument here is kind of lost in the void, because the above is our only legitimate way to keep whatever little bit of Democracy we sort of have.

                • @Nudding
                  -18 months ago

                  You’re so close you could almost taste it. Strike breaking Biden isn’t going to reverse decades of social decay. Trump is the symptom, not the problem. At best you’re kicking the can down the road, at worst the climate apocalypse starves most of us before it matters.

          • @Nudding
            -108 months ago

            You people are saying that you’re okay with genocide as long as it’s Biden doing it on the other side of the world, and not trump doing it to you. Rise up and fight back.

            • @Crashumbc
              58 months ago

              We are saying you are choosing to escalate genocide. I’m not sure why you want MORE genocide, but you keep trying to push people in that direction…

              • @Nudding
                -48 months ago

                I’m literally saying y’all need to rise up, can you not read? Choose no more genocide.

                • @Crashumbc
                  8 months ago

                  All I see is someone claiming to “want” to end genocide, but working to escalate it through supporting Trump’s election…

                  It is really rather baffling.

        • @[email protected]
          -158 months ago

          Apparently not any time soon, judging from the amount of defensive outbursts and copium in the replies. I guess it hit a little close to home. Anyways, Cornel West 2024, truth, love and justice, y’all✌️

    • @[email protected]
      338 months ago

      Your apparent strategy of choosing the greater evil also means evil always wins and is worse.

      • @hark
        -28 months ago

        You must be 8 years old or were asleep from 2000-2008 because Bush was also the end of the world before Trump. There’s just going to be another bad guy of the week and democrats will only encourage it because it’s the only thing they run on.

    • @FidiFadi
      48 months ago

      Remember when evil was allowed the greater evil to win (Reagen/Thatcher) and the Left in the English-speaking world turned more left as the after effect, creating a wave of new and innovative left-leaning thought?

      Oh right, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.

  • @Guy_Fieris_Hair
    8 months ago

    Dumb ass dems have themselves a pretty sweet situation, they get to perpetually be shitbags, put up shit candidates, line their pockets with dirty war money. All because they only have to be slightly better than the shitbag on the other side of the isle. We Americans really are getting fucked. For a LONG TIME. We have been drug into a hole that will take us decades to get out of. And the dems are jut taking advantage of the lowered ethical standards.

    They will still lose this election. And they will blame the people that didn’t show up to vote for their shitbag candidate. Fuck them all, greedy fucks. Our children will suffer.

    • @Holyginz
      468 months ago

      We suffer because of idiots like you and the right doing their best to drag us back to the dark ages. I hope one day you gain enough knowledge to realize how stupid what you just wrote is.

      • @hark
        -28 months ago

        Actually, we suffer because idiots like you insist that democrats don’t need to improve because the other guys are worse. How about a party that actually fights for us instead of the other way around?

      • @Guy_Fieris_Hair
        8 months ago

        What about my comment is incorrect? Do you actually like Biden and think he is the best person for the job? I am still going to vote for him in November. Because he is slightly less shitty than the other shitbag. I’m just pissed off about being forced to do so. I am pretty politically active and I always vote. There are a lot of people like me that won’t take the time out of the day to stand in line and vote for Biden, and I don’t blame them. However, there are a ton of morons that will do it for Trump. Trump is going to win. And it will be the dems fault. Just like 2016. Should be an easy election but they have to go as far to the right as possible and take advantage of the situation to get a controllable sock puppet in there, to the point that we have to worry that a bankrupt, corrupt criminal that is guilty of sedition the last time he lost an election is a candidate we actually have to worry about. This election should be a slam dunk. But here we are, and they know exactly what they are doing.

        • @PlantDadManGuy
          18 months ago

          You make a lot of good points. It sucks to choose the lesser of two evils but at the end of the day it’s still the best choice. I agree the Democrats could do better, and there is still no excuse for genocide, but no one will listen to your points until you get over the name calling and mud slinging.

    • @CrayonRosary
      228 months ago

      We need ranked choice voting. It’s the only thing that will end the tyranny of our two party system.

    • Apathy Tree
      8 months ago

      I really wish the dems would run more progressive candidates, but time has told them to run right-leaning centerists, both because that’s what gets votes from everyone who doesn’t want to be a theocracy/dictatorship (“vote blue no matter who”), and because that’s the best the conservatives have historically been willing to work with. (Plus their owners want that, let’s be real)

      They haven’t realized the rules have changed and conservatives won’t work with anyone who isn’t them, and it’s going to be their downfall. We need to fight the maga crowd with progressive candidates, not democrats. But they need to run as democrats or they stand no chance. So basically we are fucked.

      • @III
        38 months ago

        If the voters, in large, supported progressive ideas as strongly as you do, Democrats would be passing more progressive laws. The issue is, you are outnumbered by people who don’t care as much as you. By people who have no interest in paying attention, much less participating. Those, like the person you were replying to, who are more willing to give up than to make change. The fight isn’t being upset that Democrats aren’t more progressive, many would be more progressive if it reflected what the voters want. The fight is energizing the voters about progressive ideas. And painting Democrats, who are immensely more progressive than conservatives, as the problem does nothing but destroy that energy.

    • @[email protected]
      -118 months ago

      It’s depressing how many people are downvoting this. We can’t even express frustration at the lack of representation in our government without centrists trying to shove us under the rug.

  • @[email protected]
    -1148 months ago

    Biden and the Democrats have already taken away abortion rights and are in no rush to give them back. I’m tired of them getting away with it because “it was the Republicans who pulled the trigger.” Ya, and the Dems stood by and did nothing to stop it for 51, God damn, years

    • @[email protected]
      878 months ago

      not a fan of biden, but saying he took away abortion rights is literally wrong and anyone reading this should question why someone would frame it that oversimplified way.

      • gila
        8 months ago

        Questioning that leads me to think that while the commenter is literally wrong, they were not attempting to state a literal fact. They are trying to point toward inaction (re: abortion not being codified) and equating it to the action of criminalisimg abortion (even laying blame on the inaction over the action).

        That’s obviously literally false, but it’s also pretty clear to me that isn’t the point they were making, which you appear to have chosen not to engage with. Anyone reading this should question why logical one-ups take precedence in discourse over addressing the material argument. Just an outsider perspective, what I don’t see here is any reason for animosity for placing blame on democrats for something they were inarguably involved in. When blamed by someone totally estranged from the right, that feels the D’s are supposed to be their representation, it’s pretty piss poor representation in some respects and arguing it isn’t just seems ridiculous to me

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Anyone reading this should question why logical one-ups take precedence in discourse over addressing the material argument.

          Instead I challenge folks to consider what place illogical and false statements have in a discussion, especially when there’s no acknowledgement of exaggeration, and it’s over a medium that allows for no additional context (Lemmy comments). Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Your best friends might know that you’re actually a fairly well informed person who just exaggerates a little when getting on your soapbox, but there is no such assurance of that online, we’ve all read far more insane comments.

          A certain orange Cheeto always had his acolytes interpreting his statements by going “what he REALLY meant was…”, let’s do our best to avoid ambiguity where we can.

          “It’s as if the Democrats banned abortion by not taking action while roe v wade was enforced”

          • gila
            8 months ago

            On the whole I agree with you, I don’t think it warrants such absolute statements though. I often subconsciously expect people to fill in the gaps without providing sufficient context, because of my ADHD. Discerning intended meaning behind a potentially ambiguous statement is something I do constantly and would hope others to do of my statements. I don’t think I should need to disclose my condition to others as a prerequisite to converse, and I think my thoughts on various topics have value even if I’m not careful to put them forward in a well-rounded way. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt transcends the literal nature of conversations generally and instead goes to considering the material conditions of the speaker. For instance, the literal indications given by the commenter would suggest they are republican, but I’d put it to you that they consider themselves estranged from the right. Would you disagree? I’m not asking for your opinion of how appropriate their rhetoric is for purposes of advancing the causes of those estranged from the right - just to guess at the position you think they’re coming from. Because if we can agree that they think they are coming from a position of progress, but you still think it’s most appropriate to lambast people in such a position for speaking incorrectly on it, I don’t know if either of your positions are viable towards helping that progress to come to fruition. It seems needlessly divisive and counterproductive in the context of the unity of the right. Some republicans might come out and say they’re voting Biden as part of a strategy to protect their own positions in other elections, I wouldn’t count on the actual republican constituency having any issues voting as a bloc.

            I get that it’s a tough position to be in and that you’re likely trying to foster unity of the left yourself, but I’d encourage you to actually look into things such as voting uncommitted in earnest, to be able to convince people it’s a bad thing more effectively, if that’s still your opinion on it. If you’re interested, here’s a video someone I follow uploaded the other day that I felt gave me a decent and well-reasoned alternative perspective on it: https://youtu.be/63wxNNd33Cg?si=b6CY0R9_-mHB9s99

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              The proper reply to being called out for relaying an untruth is “my bad, what I meant is __”, and life goes on. That’s how discourse should go.

              It’s not asking for much.

              There’s no need to pander to ambiguity when a miscommunication is easily corrected.

              RE: actual subject on Biden, no horse in this race. Just chimed in because I hate seeing potential misinformation.

              • gila
                8 months ago

                I feel like you’re demanding the take part of the give-and-take flow of constructive argumentation upfront. This serves mostly to misdirect from the issue rather event attempt to tackle it, and that’s why it’s not compelling to me

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  That’s fair.

                  IMO online comments are an extremely poor medium for ambiguous comments because:

                  1. There’s very little context provided.
                  2. “Conversations” typically are composed of, at most, 3-4 messages from each party.
                  3. It takes a while for each party to type up their response.

                  Due to these reasons, ambiguities should at least attempt to be cleared up with up front.

                  Sure you don’t have to do that, but then you just get misunderstood, wasting everyone’s time.

                  What you’re suggesting applies far more easily in an IRL conversation. I can look for body language, like a smile indicating joking. Conversations take seconds instead of minutes, and there’s far more back and forth

      • @Guy_Fieris_Hair
        -448 months ago

        I bet you think he honestly tried to forgive college debt as well…

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          nope. i’m immeasurably frustrated with the system as a whole and believe biden to be cut from the same cloth as other presidents: barely disguised puppets for the ownership class that are forced to make impossible compromises at the expense of the working class.

          they keep wars going for profit. they play with our lives for profit.

          that includes people who spread misinformation in order to suppress voter turnout because they falsely equated their vote to a personal endorsement rather than a chess move.

          but if it makes you feel better continue to think of me as a biden loving fool who you can write off in your culture war against whatever.

          i’ll be here doing direct action, calling for unionization, and getting people out to vote especially in local elections.

        • @Nudding
          -28 months ago

          Thank God we got that ceasefire he’s been talking about for weeks!

    • @PunnyName
      158 months ago

      Could you provide evidence of that claim?

      • @[email protected]
        -418 months ago


        Has the Justice’s opinions. Relevant quote:

        We, therefore, conclude that the right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision, but that this right is not unqualified, and must be considered against important state interests in regulation.

        From day one of Roe vs Wade everyone knew that in order for this to stick it needed to be put in federal legislation. Every time this was brought up, Democrats say that there was no way Roe v. Wade would be overturned. And here we are, Roe v. Wade is overturned. Are the Dems furiously trying to ram through legislation to give back abortion rights? No. They are campaigning that this time will be different while Womens’ lives are endangered.

        Oh and Roe v. Wade being overturned puts all 14th amendment decisions in jeopardy. Can’t wait for these same empty promises to be dug out when the conservatives start targeting interracial marriages next.

        • @PunnyName
          268 months ago

          Democrats didn’t overturn RvW, tho…

          No, they didn’t codify it into law, but that’s not the same action. Nor would it have been super easy to “just” codify it.

          • @[email protected]
            -178 months ago

            Nor would it have been super easy to “just” codify it.

            I get that but they didn’t even try

            • @FidiFadi
              88 months ago

              When was the legislature in Democratic hands, and they were not busy with more important political priorities (which, if you were living in the early Obama 1st term, people wanted a lot out of government than codifying Roe V. Wade).

              What is the point of wasting everyone’s time if the Republicans control part of the Congress?

    • @[email protected]
      148 months ago

      All your comment is is noise in a sea of misinformation. What could Dems have done to prevent the Supreme Court, one of the branches of government that controls the laws, from rolling back abortion protections? Do you even understand how American politics works? Are you a Russian bot?

      • @[email protected]
        -58 months ago

        Sadly yes. Voting Biden. But I consider them to both be pieces of shit. Different pieces of shit, yes, but still pieces of shits

        • @[email protected]
          68 months ago

          When crapping on Bidey boi I’d recommend letting folks know that part.

          Personally I can be tough on him again after the election. This is an unfortunate time to express certain entirely reasonable and truthful feelings. Feeling the way you do means you’re an ally to what’s good in the world. Expressing it right now could be counterproductive to those same sensibilities.

          That’s all I have on self censorship for now :)

          • @III
            68 months ago

            Sadly it’s still a “both sides” argument that is either horribly misinformed. I am not saying people have to like Biden. But “they are different pieces of shit” still implies similarity to Trump. Which… no.

          • @[email protected]
            08 months ago

            I get where you’re coming from, but I disagree vehemently. Your comment invokes the same logic that has always been used to suppress the voice of the left. The US is never not in election mode, and people like you will, with all good intentions, always claim it’s “not the right time.”

            I find it rather absurd to say that during an election is an inappropriate time to criticize a politician. If a politician is so weak and uninspiring that mere criticism of them from the electorate could cost them the election, they’re a bad candidate and shouldn’t be running. That sort of political ego is what got us Trump in the first place.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              Already having a nominee is a big factor here. I hope you didn’t hear this kind of thing about Biden 2021, 2022…

              they’re a bad candidate and shouldn’t be running.

              !remindme after election for a response 😉

              • @[email protected]
                -18 months ago

                Have you been on the Internet in the last 8 years? It’s been the same thing since 2016, without stopping. Online Democrats can’t ever let anyone criticize the party, or take any blame for their own past failures. Especially the one that gave us Trump in the first place.

                For the after the election smirk, I’d refer you back to the comment you first responded to. Not to mention, Democrats were similarly arrogant and entitled in 2016. The Democrats treat this like a race to the bottom and run the most centrist candidates they think they can get away with. And if they ever lose, they just scream at the left for not supporting them enough.