Had to supplement her $42,000 per year teacher salary with OF and made nearly $1 million in six months (almost 50 times as her salary) before the school caught wind of it and forced her to resign. Got a new job out of education and was fired five days later when they discovered news articles about her.

Edit: To those basically saying she had it coming because she made her OF account public…

  1. Sex work is real, valid work.
  2. There is nothing wrong with sex work. Sex-shaming is Puritanical horseshit.
  3. “But her students could find her OF!” is a problem their parents should have to solve. It is not her responsibility to use an alias, because of points 1 and 2.
  4. Every other argument criticizing her for her sex work during her non-teaching hours is fucking moot.
  • @[email protected]
    25611 months ago

    This all because US society views sex as something shameful, especially when it’s a woman being sexual. I think that all these anti-porn laws we’re seeing in the US is about controlling free speech, and controlling sexuality (women’s moreso than men’s)

    If what she’s doing on her own time isn’t illegal then employers should not be able to fire her for it.

    I guess the silver lining of all this is that she made a million bucks in six months. If she’s smart with her money and invests it she could set herself up for life after doing this for few years.

    • @[email protected]
      7611 months ago

      If what she is doing in her own time is against school policies, they better be paying her for that time too.

    • TurtleJoe
      2111 months ago

      US society sees a woman using her own body to make a bunch of money, and wants to cancel her. It’s not necessarily about being sexual, although that’s part of it.

      • eightpix
        11 months ago

        US society sees a woman exercising self-empowerment as a reason to cancel her.

        It’s not necessarily about being sexual,l. It’s about subverting misogynistic, capitalistic patriarchy with the only totally exclusive resource she has.

        She’d have been shamed, imprisoned, ostracized, and burned as a witch in 1624.

        She’d have been shamed, imprisoned, and ostracized in 1724, 1824, and 1924.

        So, her being shamed and ostracized and her job loss in 2024 is viewed as “progress” in America.

        e: Yes, I admit, OF is another element of the patriarchy, servicing the male gaze and devaluing women to the level of exploiting women’s bodies. The system is what it is until it isn’t. America should be paying teachers more and celebrities — of all categories — less. Until then, this is the world we live in. The best that some of us can do is subvert the system.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      This all because US society views sex as something shameful, especially when it’s a woman being sexual. I think that all these anti-porn laws we’re seeing in the US is about controlling free speech, and controlling sexuality (women’s moreso than men’s)

      While I agree with this, it’s a subset of the wider issue which is why does your boss get to care what you do when you are not there doing what they have paid you to do.

    • @AlpacaChariot
      311 months ago

      Do you honestly think the school would have been cool with a male teacher doing this? I think it might actually have been worse…

      • @TokenBoomer
        111 months ago

        A male teacher would get high fives in the teacher’s lounge from the principal and the gym coach.

        • @AlpacaChariot
          111 months ago

          Yes, and everyone would clap them in assembly.

    • @hightrix
      111 months ago

      Would you include protesting? What about protesting an abortion clinic? What about attending a MAGA rally? What if you found out a coworker was heavily involved in the KKK but never discussed it at work?

      I’m asking these questions because I entirely agree with you. Activities outside of work should have no influence on your treatment at work. This includes both things we support and things we do not support.

      Would you still agree?

      • @AllonzeeLV
        11 months ago

        I would. I consider the capitalists we’re forced to work for under threat of homelessness to be the primary cause of the emboldened cults of willfull ignorance you mentioned.

        They’ve been propagandizing us en masse since Reagan to reject evidence for their profit, stuff like “climate change is a hoax to sell books!” That led to a self-sustaining American proud ignorance they can no longer control.

        The MAGA people are the capitalist’s Frankenstein. The capitalists are more responsible for them than the poor gullible bastards are for themselves.

        And I can’t report them, as they own this fucking place and all of us. The MAGAts and freshly emboldened white supremacists are just side effects of Wall Street.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Are you comparing a domestic terrorist organisation that regularly commits hate crimes to adult work?

        • @hightrix
          -111 months ago

          I’m comparing two topics that tend to be controversial.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            A domestic terrorist organisation with a history of racial violence isn’t “controversial” it is objectively terrible and putting both sex work and domestic terrorism on the same set of scales to be weighed against is totally fallacious and suggests that that you are not being a fair actor in this.

            As for maga, there are plenty of teachers out there who are maga, anti vax, religious conservatives, and other out there organisations who aren’t getting fired for their out of work connections.

            However if the teacher participated in insurrection or promoted their beliefs inside classrooms then it becomes a significant issue.

            Just like if someone is engaging in legal and consenting adult work at home what business is it or anybody else.

  • @ladicius
    9511 months ago

    Why look for a regular job? Continue OF for another year, retire with this fuck you money and do whatever you want.

    • @[email protected]
      12911 months ago

      I think she’s just doing this for free promotion. Every article that’s written about her she probably gets tons of new subscribers.

      • @Tylerdurdon
        5911 months ago

        Yup, work the system for all it’s worth. The damage to the reputation is long done, so bleed it dry.

      • @EnderMB
        511 months ago

        While I don’t think she should have been terminated from her role, I do wonder why this tactic seems to work so well.

        Many smaller news outlets (especially in the UK) regularly run stories about a young woman going through employment disputes, being dumped in some way, or going through something borderline newsworthy, and many times these women have a OF page they actively promote.

        I wonder if it’s just easy stories from people that want to be promoted?

      • @jpeps
        411 months ago

        I don’t want to dismiss the issue of people being fired for doing completely legal things, but I can’t help but agree, this always seems to be the case. I saw an article recently about a woman struggling with other parents and teachers at school because of the size of her breasts. Seemed sad enough and didn’t really understand why it was newsworthy, until I saw the mention of her OnlyFans and it all clicked haha.

      • @[email protected]
        -2611 months ago

        If you follow the link another helpful commenter left, it’s pretty obvious she’s not interested in being an educator. She’s using the controversy to promote her dick-sucking videos.

        • @Cossty
          6711 months ago

          I mean… for that salary and the work you must do, I am surprised anyone is interested in being a teacher.

          • @TrickDacy
            11 months ago

            deleted by creator

                • @Cossty
                  2511 months ago

                  Nobody was talking about “getting rich” In some states you cant even live on a salary of a teacher and people are forced to work secondary or part time jobs. Of course, teaching is beter for sociaty than making videos for onlyfans, but I don’t blame her one bit.

            • @[email protected]
              2811 months ago

              You’re missing the forest for the trees. Teachers need to be paid more so that they can actually support themselves. Making derisive comments about people moving to other careers because they pay better is just attacking the wrong people. Making millions on OF is an extreme exception, but there are plenty of teachers who have left the education field to become a bartender or such, because teaching wasn’t paying them enough to afford rent and groceries. Teachers leaving the field are the victims of this, get mad at the system not at the people trying to survive.

              • @SoleInvictus
                11 months ago

                No, you don’t get it. Every single person needs to grab their bootstraps and pull so hard that everyone is promoted to management! Then we’ll all make management salaries. Having no employees left to manage, we’ll resort to managing each other.

                #upwardmobility #ownboss #yourboss #allboss


              • @TrickDacy
                -811 months ago

                You’re making a huge leap here and assuming a lot

                I was simply saying it’s kind of a shitty thing to say “I’m surprised anyone wants to be a teacher”

                If I’m “attacking” anyone, it’s that person

                Not sure where you got that I’m attacking teachers… Never did at all.

            • @NightAuthor
              1011 months ago

              How about: it’s a good thing, so we should properly compensate people willing to do it and do it well. This is a societal problem, not a her problem.

              Btw, putting the onus on the woman is something that misogynists would do, so you’re probably not really making any kind of point anyone would agree with except for maybe misogynists

                • @NightAuthor
                  211 months ago

                  I dont get what you meant then, without much context “good little capitalist” sounds condescending as fuck.

        • Neato
          2411 months ago

          Or maybe she’s falling back on her only option after she had to quit and got fired.

        • @jj4211
          2111 months ago

          she’s not interested in being an educator.

          I think it’s probably better to say: " she’s not interested in being an educator anymore. "

          You are probably right now, but I’m willing to believe that she did at one point want to be an educator, but the financials didn’t work that way. Can’t blame her.

    • @kvasir476
      4411 months ago

      “Not having to get up and go to a 9-to-5 has been tough on my mental health,” Coppage said.

      Sounds insane to me, but whatever, different strokes for different folks.

      • exscape
        4111 months ago

        Most people need something to do. Being free all the time is rarely good for mental health.

          • @[email protected]
            -211 months ago

            Lacking external forces to structure your week and help motivate you? “Just be internally motivated!”

          • @NightAuthor
            2211 months ago

            Her skill was teaching kids, probably wanted to keep doing that for fulfillment despite the poor pay. But they wouldn’t let her.

            • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
              211 months ago

              teaching kids online pays as much or more.

              China was desperate for proper kids teachers to teach English and everything else (as opposed to the ESL teachers, or the “generic white people whose only skill was being born in North America”).

              She already has the equipment for it too.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              If she gets financially stable from OnlyFans, she can probably find a way teach. There’s no need to rot just because your time is free.

              • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
                311 months ago

                absolutely. online is super easy (to find work for someone with her training).

                • @[email protected]
                  211 months ago

                  Thanks for the reply. But this is not what I meant. She seems politically locked out of schools, not inable to find application forms.

                  I was thinking more along the lines of non-profits which are always looking for volunteers. She could even spearhead an advocacy group with her current influx of money and fame

                  One can dream

      • It's A Faaaahhkeah!
        511 months ago

        I’m pretty sure my mates mum would die if she ever stopped working, she recently had to slow it down and give up one of her 10 jobs.

      • @SoleInvictus
        311 months ago

        … different strokes for different folks.

        According to her videos, she has mastered several different strokes.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        I have no idea how people like this exist.

        If it’s your own business or hobby then cool. But people out there feel the need to do some sort of basic job is crazy to me.

      • @[email protected]
        -111 months ago

        It’s about structure and routine. A lot of people hospitalized for psych report issues with too much free time. And for a lot of people one of their only protective factors is a stable and satisfying professional life

    • em2
      2511 months ago

      Income isn’t stable and isn’t enough to be considered fuck you money.

      • @NightAuthor
        511 months ago

        A million in 6 months, I think if she could keep up near that for a couple of years, she could invest in something safe and live off of the gains.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          711 months ago

          if she could keep up near that for a couple of years

          Which part of “not stable” did you not understand?

          • @NightAuthor
            011 months ago

            What part of “if” and “near” and “a couple of years” did you not understand.

            • @Viking_Hippie
              211 months ago

              That’s a mountain-sized if pretending to be hamster-sized.

        • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
          511 months ago

          why would you need more than a couple million?

          7% of $2mill is $140,000 dollars a year, and anything you don’t spend just makes you more money.

          • @NightAuthor
            -211 months ago

            Idunno, just didn’t do the math. I’ve definitely done it before and knew that at typical safe interest rates you can live comfortably off of the interest of…. Something in the realm of 1-10 million.

            • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
              211 months ago

              you can live comfortably off of $50k USD/yr, which at a shitty 3% interest is $1.7million.

              But that’s my point. You don’t need more than $2million. The $3mil-$10mil in your range is crazy.

              This is why we shouldn’t just eat people with over 1000 million dollars, but even 50 million is an insane amount to need.

              • @NightAuthor
                -311 months ago

                It was a vague statement, based off a vague memory, about some shit that doesn’t matter. Calm down.

                • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
                  111 months ago

                  yes, it was vague. And now you have been educated. You’re welcome.


                  Jeezus christ on a cracker, that’s how you sound, child. 🤦‍♂️

  • ji59
    9311 months ago

    They claim that I violated their social media policy, but will not respond to me with how I violated it.

    WTH is social media policy? Is it written somewhere that employees can’t have OF? (And also who found her on OF and snitch on her?)

    • @Maalus
      6611 months ago

      It’s probably some bullshit like “your social media presence cannot hurt the company” - i.e. if someone is a full on Nazi, clients could look them up and it being a controversy. But now it’s applied to OF by puritans.

        • my_hat_stinks
          011 months ago

          Workers having rights does not force employers to employ and associate with Nazis.

            • my_hat_stinks
              011 months ago

              I’d say somewhere far beyond having a second job but not nearly as far as hate speech. If you’re confused about the concept I suggest you check out how labour laws in most developed nations.

              • @nomous
                311 months ago

                You didn’t answer their question at all, just tried to dodge it by talking about labor laws lol.

                • my_hat_stinks
                  011 months ago

                  The only question there was where to draw the line, which I answered. Hate and other illegal stuff past the line, legal stuff not.

        • @[email protected]
          -311 months ago

          You are equating hiring someone who makes and sells their own porn to hiring someone who subscribes to a hateful, violent ideology. They absolutely aren’t the fucking same. One is a legal adult legally providing a digital service to other legal adults, and the other is a member of a group known specifically for violence to advance racial superiority. Only one of those people does anything that could ever lead to another person being harmed or threatened, and as such only one of them should be driven out of society by any means necessary. This is not a “both sides” thing, this is discrimination against someone who has caused no harm, plain and simple.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  Serious reading comprehension issue

                  Hi, new guy in the convo, dont point your guns at me, just wanted to point out the irony of you saying this after openly admitting you wouldn’t even read the other person’s comment in full

                • @Zehzin
                  11 months ago

                  If you think they’re right to fire her for porn say they’re right for firing her for porn. Don’t say they’re right for firing her because nazis exist, that’s an excuse not a reason.

                  We have the technology to tell apart porn makers and nazis, we don’t need to treat them equally.

      • @problematicPanther
        4711 months ago

        that’s exactly what it is. I work for an employer like that and i can unequivocally say that they are the best employer ever and do a lot of good for the world and never ever ever do anything wrong.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        So like if I post “Cease fire now!” and my employer is “embarrassed” I can get canned?

        • @TrickDacy
          111 months ago

          That would be your employer’s thing, not mine, but yeah maybe if that’s what they want to do.

    • @hightrix
      111 months ago

      Nearly all white collar employees are covered by a social media policy. We have social media training annually and have to sign a document saying we agree to a number of rules on our public accounts.

    • @TokenBoomer
      111 months ago

      She has enough money. You get a lawsuit, and you get a lawsuit….

  • @alyth
    8011 months ago


    About bricoppage: I am THAT Teacher from the News! Google me 🤫 OnlyFans.com/BriannaCoppage

    • Brianna Coppage (REAL teacher) does DP for the first time! 💦
    • Brianna Coppage Missouri teacher gives sloppy BLOWJOB
    • Brianna Coppage (REAL Missouri teacher) rides COCK until she cums!
    • Missouri teacher Brianna Coppage masterbates on camera
    • @isthingoneventhis
      6111 months ago

      When you make lemonade because life gave you lemons, and then realized being a lemonade salesman was your calling all along.

    • @problematicPanther
      3511 months ago

      did missouri teacher brianna coppage misspell “masturbates”?

      • @Maalus
        2611 months ago

        Nah, when you are really good at it, it’s "master"baiting. Also, it’s not because she doesn’t know how to spell it, it’s because people looking her up can’t spell it.

        • @problematicPanther
          611 months ago

          that makes a lot more sense. but i’d totally watch her teach the correct way to spell while on of.

    • @[email protected]
      911 months ago

      That’s super interesting. All this time I thought she was doing it on the side in a “mind your own business” way.

      But intentionally advertising like this bridges the two lives so the “other life” is correct to respond, IMO.

    • @Zehzin
      -111 months ago

      Miss Coppage, you might have to update the titles of those videos

  • @Surp
    5711 months ago

    Honestly who gives a fuck if people wanna make onlyfans pages. I live in America and y’all a bunch of closet prudes…we’re totally fine with violence in the open but any bit of sexuality and omg the Jesus republican nuts come out but separate church and state amiright# ? Lol. Here’s a thought…pay teachers significantly more and all school staff on that note.

    • @[email protected]
      -711 months ago

      I think if you’re a teacher, regardless of thinking if it’s right or bad, you’re asking to be bullied by kids for the rest of your life.

      • @[email protected]
        1311 months ago

        Then the problem is incompetent administration. “Kids attempting to bully teachers” is already a thing, and routes to deal with it exist.

      • @wavebeam
        1211 months ago

        lmao who gives a shit what a kids thinks about an adults job?

      • @fidodo
        1011 months ago

        She was already making way more doing OF than being a teacher. She still chose to be a teacher even though she didn’t have to. I trust that means she either already had ways of handling it or it didn’t bother her. Either way, that’s her decision to make, it shouldn’t impact her being fired.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          Being a porn star is not a sustainable careeer though. Not saying being a teacher is much of an alternative though.

          • @[email protected]
            811 months ago

            Get over yourself. Even if they don’t do porn, the kids will make shit up about the ones they find attractive. Or are teachers not allowed to be attractive, either?

            There was a rumor at my high school that one of the math teachers used to pose for Playboy back in the day. Whether she did or not (I never found out, and who cares), she knew her shit and was a damn good teacher.

            Let people live. For crying out loud.

          • @TokenBoomer
            411 months ago

            I’d welcome it. It is an opportunity to teach young adults about consent and how women are not sexual objects. What’s next? Your religion says not to drink alcohol and your teacher is a bartender after work. *Straight to jail.

              • @TokenBoomer
                11 months ago

                When would you tell kids that women are not sexual objects? At the strip club? Is this pornography ?

                Because it was during Victorian times. And before photos they painted it. Pornography never was the problem. It’s sexual repression and the way men view women that is.

                For further reading: The sex work debate

          • @abbotsbury
            211 months ago

            That’s great. But there’s a shortage of teachers so maybe unless they start paying more to attract people that don’t have to resort to pornography, we should probably not put more restrictions on teachers, particularly if they are pointless puritan pearl clutching.

    • @CaptPretentious
      -1611 months ago

      IMO, we NEED teachers. We DON’T need more porn. And a high school teacher doing porn seems like a conflict of interest. And frankly it’s not about prudes as much as some of these comments want it to be. This sort of optics exists for lots of jobs.

      If she wants to quit being a teacher to do porn, go for it. But, and I know this is going to be a wild concept for people, but you can’t get everything you want the way you want, i.e. “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”.

      • @Maalus
        711 months ago

        How are the two related? Why are you saying that it is a conflict of interest? It literally is about prudes, otherwise people wouldn’t give a shit and “optics” as you call it wouldn’t matter.

        • @CaptPretentious
          011 months ago

          I get it you’re hot for teacher… Considering you put optics in quotes I’m going to guess you’re a kid yet. “As you call it”, fucking lol.

          If someone wants to do porn do porn. If someone wants to have a lot of casual relationships and private of their own home go for it. But if you’re going to sit there and act naive that teenagers don’t have access to the internet and don’t know what porn sites are and don’t talk… And you can’t figure out how that’s a conflict of interest… When you’re supposed to educate the kids. That’s a mental disconnect on your part, and everyone else at downloaded me that I can also assume that just wanted to see a naked teacher because fetish.

          • @Maalus
            111 months ago

            Try again weak troll. All you are worried about is “what would the people think?!” Which when you don’t care what people think about you, is not an issue at all. She’s there to do a job - teach people. Her also being a porn star doesn’t make her job any different, it makes prudes like you worry, because you can’t imagine a world in which someone doesn’t care about what people think about them.

            • @CaptPretentious
              011 months ago

              Try again weak troll

              So a troll in your mind is just someone that doesn’t agree with you… ok.

              You’re making a lot of wild assumptions, acting like you know me at all. You REALLY need me to be this mega-prude because that’s the only truth you know in your mind, it’s the only way your argument holds water. Gosh, would be weird if I said… she could do porn I wouldn’t care… but being doing porn AND being a teacher, probably not so much.

              You act like teenagers don’t go to porn sites. They do. You act like teenagers don’t talk. They do. Your acting like kids wouldn’t lie about their age and use their parents money to pay for crap online (porn or otherwise), they do. You’re acting like a class full of hormone fueled teenagers are going to be respectful and pay attention in class and not be disruptive… delusional. You seem to believe actions shouldn’t’ have consequences so long as you agree with it because it fits in your personal world view and everyone should just shut up and agree. Sorry, world doesn’t work like that.

              I don’t know how to help you. Honestly at this point, trying to show you how teacher selling porn is not ok… it’s like trying to argue with a Tumper that the election wasn’t stolen. Both of you have dug your heals in and only subscribe to your truth and everyone else, every reasonable argument be damned, and you lash out to anyone who doesn’t agree.

              So, I’m checking out of this pointless conversation with you.

              • @Maalus
                111 months ago

                Nah, you are a mega prude and don’t even see it. I said already - people who don’t care what people think about them don’t give two shits. If you think a class full of teenagers can’t “pay attention” because their teacher does porn, you are part of the problem. Otherwise, no attractive young teacher can teach, since “horny teenagers”. You know jack shit about teaching, about this topic. You just throw in your worthless 3 cents with a centuries old “would someone please think of the CHILDREN?”

  • @Korne127
    2211 months ago

    It’s insane that this is just possible. That labour rights are so terrible you can just fire someone directly after employing them when they clearly stated what they are and were doing.

  • @TheEntity
    1811 months ago

    Do these bogus “social media policies” even work retroactively?

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      I’d say so, at least sometimes. Imagine finding somewhat recent Facebook posts from a new hire and finding out they’re a Nazi, racist, etc. I’d still want grounds to fire them.

      Whether this situation applies? I don’t think so. Some company just doesn’t want to risk bad PR.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Bad PR because they don’t pay teachers enough or bad PR because sex work isn’t considered legitimate by some?

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Definitely the latter.

          Sex work in the US is still considered highly shameful, even as the amount of content grows every year and is clearly consumed by a ton of people in the US. Businesses don’t want to be associated with the taboo.

    • @fidodo
      11 months ago

      This happened in missouri, so I don’t think they give a fuck what they’re allowed to do.

  • @VinnyDaCat
    11 months ago

    Honestly, I’m all for privacy and your employer not doing this, but this is a strange situation. If I recall, on another post I saw she essentially made her OF very public as if she wanted someone to find out.

    Again, I support our teachers being paid enough to survive, and employers not invading your privacy and acting on your private life, but in this case she definitely stirred the situation up herself.

    Edit: For anyone confused, let me put it this way. This woman brings up an important issue, but I can’t sympathize with her specifically. She’s making an insane amount money, and she was privileged to be in a position where she could abuse the news/media for even more exposure. There are absolutely teachers out there in her situation who don’t have that advantage, who need both their regular job and their OnlyFans, and they likely lose what little sleep they’re getting in fear of being found out and losing one of their sources of income.

    Further edit: Discussed this with someone else for a bit, and I didn’t think of it, but if this blows up further, conservative parents are going to see this. You are going to have conservative parents up at schools, you’re going to have them in PTAs and other meetings, and they’re going to be demanding more privacy invasion in the form of increased background checks on teachers and other school staff. Schools are already struggling with staffing, and you’re going to potentially have people lose their jobs over it. Yeah, this lady is an asinine grifter for all of this.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      Why is everyone always so afraid of conservatives and their hypocritical positions? So what if conservative parents make demands against privacy? You know what happens then? You deny them. You fight for privacy. Showing them your belly is never a winning political position.

      • @VinnyDaCat
        011 months ago

        It’s not that simple. You can push back against them yes, but ultimately they exist in this world with us. You act like they’re not going to push back or fight and that it’s some sort of easy win.

        It’s ultimately easier to work around them and avoid fights when necessary.

  • @spikederailed
    811 months ago

    Clearly much worse than what my highschool math teacher did, which was have sex with students </s>

  • Mr. Satan
    811 months ago

    So my initial reaction was I wouldn’t want that teacher. Then I actually thought about it try to find valid arguments for my position and I found none. So here’s my opinion.

    There are two main issues here:

    1. Teachers are payed way too little for the work that they do;
    2. Sex (talk, work, etc.) still has a stigma associated with it.

    This whole situation is a symptom of that. I still think an employer has the right to choose the employees just as I get to choose my social circle. I wouldn’t want to be associated with Nazis or KKK. Similar reasoning can be applied to employers.

    Now is this situatios fair? Abslosutely no. Should this outcome be expected? Saldy, yes. Until there’s a major economic and societal shift in values, these things are to be expected and will happen again.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      Good on you for recognizing you were coming to conclusions based on your early conditioning/training. You should try to take it a little further. If you are going to make an enlightened decision about sex work, why go back to the puritan stone age by drawing comparisons to the Nazis or the KKK?

      Like when you say you believe an employer has the right to choose their employees, I doubt you are saying you believe an employer has the right to not hire certain minorities. Or that they don’t have to hire women if they don’t want to deal with being short-handed during a pregnancy, you see where this is going I’m sure.

      No shitty outcome should ever be expected.

      • Mr. Satan
        111 months ago

        Well yes, I didn’t go in details or nuances. The line for me is whether or not the “group” in question is actively destructive.

  • @Poxlox
    711 months ago

    Unpopular Lemmy opinion: A HIGH SCHOOL teacher shouldn’t be making easy to find, non-anonymous porn

    • @Phegan
      3011 months ago

      This is treating the symptom. Teachers shouldn’t need to supplement their income by making porn.

      I don’t disagree with your statement, but I want to treat the root cause.

      • @DillyDaily
        411 months ago

        But what if you like teaching, and also like making porn.

        Teachers shouldn’t have to, but they should be allowed to if they want to.

    • @abbotsbury
      1311 months ago

      Agree, but firing her fixes nothing. Maybe they should have offered her a raise

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Can you expand on why? Is it because her students still aren’t legally allowed to view her content? Because she isn’t bringing the content into the classroom?

    • Yer Ma
      311 months ago

      There are reasons why that opinion is unpopular

  • @Aux
    211 months ago


  • @ryanalexhowell
    -511 months ago

    my friend says that’s disgusting! he’s also asking what her account name is…?