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ok, I snorted… well played.
Shrinkflation at its finest.
No, this is just the dollar store travel version and they didn’t want to resize the bottle. Normal deodorant is more like 3 oz. My spray sure deodorant is 6 oz
That being said it’s still a rip off
This makes the most sense actually.
Totally misleading due to the bottle size. I’ve purchased travel overpriced deodorant and it was a half stick anyway.
But the point of a travel size isn’t the amount of product, but the size of the container. This is beyond stupid, before we even get into the unnecessary plastic waste
I bought a 2 pack of Gel Deodorant recently before flying, put them in my carry on with whatever else I brought. TSA didn’t care to check the sizes as it went through the scanner. It might not matter as much as we are told.
I mean… it’s not a liquid…
I always do solid deodorant. Never thought about that…
Gel is a liquid.
Gel is a thick liquid.
Gel is a thiquid.
Dayum girl you Thiquid.
Last I saw dynamite was made in gel form. Seems more pertinent than liquid in a way. I actually was going to leave them, my mother convinced me to leave their place and fly home with them. Said to myself I will just chuck them in the trash if they had a problem with it.
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I cant decide if this is mildly infuriating or very infuriating. Wow, the fact someone thought this was a good idea. No, fill the goddamn thing. Nobody needs a quarter amount of deodorant. What a waste of packaging.
I was trying to think of an ergonomic justification, but probably they want to sell x amount of deodorant paste at $y price and to fill the thing and still charge that much would make the stick more expensive than they wanted.
Shitty, thanks capitalism.
Yeah, don’t get caught in the trap of trying to defend them lol, it’s a waste of time
I hate to spoil a good consciousness raising party but it’s still useful to understand why companies do this stuff:
raising prices leads to more backlash than anything else
when costs go up, wholesale prices (per unit of product) must go up to match or the product becomes unprofitable
redesigning the package to fit the smaller amount of product requires very expensive retooling whereas dialing down the amount of product is basically free
You might say “why do they have to be profitable at all?” But then why would they even bother making the product if they weren’t?
Shame that the record profits companies are having aren’t consistent with that “costs going up is what’s pushing shrinkflation” theory of yours but are absolutelly consistent with the theory that they’re trying to get away with increasing their profit margins by reducing material costs (by using less materials) whilst selling at the same price using tricks to deceive human perception of how much product comes in a package.
You can see the design they used is the maximum the plunger will go down without changing what might be a patented shape or making the whole thing larger or the top area smaller to shrink the plunger. It’s still wasteful and deceptive though.
And possibly trying not to bear the price of retooling the packaging. Was it ever sold in this packaging completely full?
It’s known as shrinkflation. Companies want to make more money. Simply asking the customer for more money is hard because we’re all well aware of the price we’ve been paying for something, plus they have to sit on a shelf next to a competitor who might not have raised their price. So instead most products will reduce what you get instead.
Dollar stores
The fact that someone thought this was a good idea is not the problem.
If someone else bought this more than once, and also didn’t bother to call the company seven shades of utter cunts on social media, they’re the problem
it’s a lot easier for a company to change their behavior than it is to get everyone buying deodorant to be on the same page. this is why things like the FDA exist, for example
You get 45 grams according to the package. It’s more cost effective for them to just put it in the same packaging as the regular sized and just change the label rather than shut down and change the production line to accommodate the smaller size.
I get that, but from an environmental point of view, this is an absolute travesty.
I guess that could go for deodorant overall. It’s not a very necessary product.
Environment problems are only affected by necessary products? If people use it, then it is making pollution
Unnecessary products create unnecessary environmental problems… Didn’t think that needed clarifying lol
Then there are unnecessary products creating more pollution and less pollution
Big if true.
And of course the fact this obviously creates the illusion there’s more product and therefore can trick customers it’s just a happy accident, right?
Well, by a trully, utterly AMAZING coincidence…
Could also be a function thing too. My travel deodorant has an amount that is 3 times smaller and it kinda sucks to hold.
Yes they even have to consider things like accessibility for disabled. It’s not all trickery. Not to say shrinkflation isn’t a problem I don’t want to ruin the circle jerk but not everything fits.
That doesn’t change the fact its misleading. Not everyone walks around with a god damn scale, knows the average weights of deodorant off the top of their head. The average person is going to look at this and assume its full and that’s how the manufacturer wants it.
ackshually if you get out your scales and do a little homework…
no. fuck you.
So you, I dunno, read the label where it shows the net weight, and compare it to other similar products nearby on the same shelf? Hell, most store shelf pricing has price per unit on it now, so you can compare prices pretty directly. Yeah, I get that it’s not completely consistent where that’s implemented, but it’s far and away better than the days of “price gun sticker on item and that’s it.”
Which boils down to ‘make sure you look hard to see how they are trying to trick you’
And, in that scenario…you blame the people who don’t catch the trick as opposed to the corporation trying to trick people.
The case is clear, you can see how much is in it. How is that deception? And yes, you should read labels. That’s what they’re there for.
If you were comparing it to something similar and it was different you’d have a case. Not with this particular product though.
I certainly do not do that. Who has time to inspect every item they buy nowadays? Ridiculous.
Literally everyone has the time…
Uh, that’s incorrect. When you’re buying groceries for your family, getting household essentials, cleaning supplies, etc, you’re going to be in and out because you have to get home to make dinner and get ready for work the next day.
Then get scammed I guess…it takes literal seconds to to read things.
The time it took you to reply on your addiction device could be spend actually being productive by ensuing you aren’t being scammed at stores.
But when you’re buying 40 things? Have other stuff to do? You are being incredibly naive
Do you just blindly grab random objects of the shelf and pretend to be shocked when you get home or something?
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WarmSoda is just a contrarian. I’ve literally seen them argue two sides of an argument across different posts. I wouldn’t recommend seriously engaging with them, but they’re not very bright so it’s funny to get them to contradict themselves or make comically bad arguments.
Sure buddy
lol are you refreshing this post looking for people to argue with?
That’s rich coming from you.
When someone name drops me in a thread I’m already in, yes I will respond.
So you’re just willfully ignorent?
Nope. I explained very clearly how they are being misleading but, for shits and giggles, I will summarize my post again.
Yes its not technically false advertising because they put the weight on the package, but by putting it in a larger package they are counting on the average person to not actually sit there and think about exactly how much deodorant should weigh. To see this at a glance you would have too, off the top of your head, know the average weight of deodorant vs its size. You are acting like this is something the average consumer should already know off the top of their head, and talking down to people who explain not everyone is going to notice this right away and simply assume they are getting a full package.
This is deliberately misleading. They are going out of their way to trick people.
You are acting like this is something the average consumer should already know off the top of their head,
I do expect the average person to have passed 4th grade, yes.
They still have to ship the empty packaging. You have to wonder if it’s really worth it to the company to package and ship air. The missing deodorant gel probably costs pennies to manufacture.
Looks like the amount you get from buying it at a Dollar Store. I’ve had a similar issue when I forgot deodorant on vacations in the past.
Real asshole design would have been to use an opaque container so you couldn’t see that you were being ripped off.
I just got a new stick of Old Spice, and it’s solid red. Wondering how much i’m getting from it now.
Update: happy to say that more than 3/4 of the tube is filled. The rest had protective plastic in it, but i’ll let it slide
The net weight is supposed to be accurate and is its own proof if they screw it up. The real problem is knowing that exact container may have 1.6 oz or 3oz of content and you need to notice which
Secret’s small enough for a 3-1-1 bag but made to rip you off through shrinkflation.
that’s terrible
Is it? How much did it cost?
I’m sure it’s full price
Full price for the 1.6 oz size? Probably. Does it go on sale? I don’t know how much that is. Point is no one here knows.
I use crystal deodorant, and I’m nearing the “end” of what I can actually use, but there’s probably another 9 months worth of actual deodorant left (this stuff lasts YEARS).
There’s no way to actually remove the last half of it without breaking the dispenser.
Like with yours, they put this in a clear container, so it bothers me every time I use it.
I tried crystal, but even after my body got used to it I still smelled super bad. Now I’ve been using Native and it works well for me but it’s pricey. Everyone’s body is different I guess.
The crystal stuff helps me to sweat less, but it did very little for the odour (which is surprising because it’s the opposite of what it claims to do)
My routine now is to use the crystal, then put a drop of diluted (skin safe) tea tree oil on a cloth and rub that on my pits.
At first the tea tree oil was just to disguises the odour, but after a few weeks even if I forgot the tea tree one day the odour was much improved. My theory is that the antimicrobial properties of tea tree combined with the crystal have worked together to prevent the bacteria and yeasts that make odour worse.
I like the crystal because I have circulation issues and it causes hyperhidrosis in my peripheries, so I’ve been able to use it on my hands and feet too. I don’t want my hands to smell like deodorant but I do want them to be less wet. It doesn’t help the numbness, coldness and blue skin, but it’s less embarrassing to just have zombie hands than to have soggy zombie hands.
The whole point of the salt stick is to make it so that bacteria can’t easily grow in the region. Most have certain salinity levels they can live in comfortably. If you use it repeatedly over time, I’d expect that whatever bacteria are remaining is far lower than when you started.
The crystal works well for me, provided I wash my pits (with soap) before applying it. Every time.
But the best product I’ve used is the clear gel antiperspirant from Mitchum. Unfortunately, that’s stained so many of my shirts, and I hate that so much.
None of the natural or baking soda-based deodorants work well for me, or I tend to develop irritation within about a week of regular use.
It really is different for everyone!
I love the bamboo Mitchum, it smells so good and I’ve been lucky that it hasn’t stained anything.
But it’s $8 here, and it’s also sold barely half filled, and it doesn’t stretch very far. I ask for it for my birthday because it feels luxurious to me. But the rest of the year, I use the crystal deodorant and a drop of tea tree oil.
Bamboo mitchum? Now that’s not one that I’ve heard of before. If I can get it in Canada, I might give it a try!
Oooh, I’m not sure if it’s available in Canada, I’m in Australia. This is what it looks like
if you do find it.
I’m glad I looked it up just now because it’s “on sale” so I might go stock up 😂
It says “for women” but the scent is just musky and coconuty so it’s unisex as far as I’m concerned.
The ones I see online are 73 grams in the same container. Where was this purchased? And yes of course they ought to have put it in a squatty travel sized container. But this one is not the standard amount.
The great irony is putting it in a squatty travel sized container is probably more expensive, and doesn’t save nearly as much plastic as you would think.
Having to set up an entirely new production line just to make smaller containers, or retooling your existing production, would likely incur a significant cost.
On the plastic front, the overwhelming majority of plastic in something like that deodorant is in the base, lid, and “pusher” system. Making it shorter only removes a small section of the least-plastic-dense portion of the whole thing.
They could make a smaller one, but the only real benefit would be show & portability, and it would probably come at a premium per ounce
Well they are sold by weight so you know what you’re getting if you pay attention.
I’ve switched to spray deodorant, which I’m sure hides just as much shrinkflation but seems more efficient.
Get salt sticks. They last for years.
Coming from someone who’s friend did this…no…no they don’t. Not even remotely. You just got used to your stink, and people typically aren’t assholes enough to say anything about it to you. It’s about as effective as using a magic crystal to ward away the smell. Hell, the salt stick even smells like an armpit after the first 2-3 times you use it.
I like how it says on the package “Apply to clean underarms. Lasts up to 24 hours!”
Translation: “Look, you filthy fucking hippie… if you just rub this rock of salt on your stank it’s not going to do shit, so don’t pretend it’s a substitute for bathing. You have to clean yourself every goddamned day, FFS.”
It definitely doesn’t work for everyone. I have known plenty of people who use them and they do not stink. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you but don’t spoil the party for everyone else.
I shower with water only and it works well…
The naysayer definitely had a “trust me bro” vibe going on. Not sure why they wanted to die on that particular hill, though.
My ex gave me a Norwex deodorant stick years ago. It works pretty dang good.
It’s cheaper to put less product in the same packaging than it is to put less product in different packaging. You are paying for the product, and I believe there is a “net wt” shown. That’s (supposed to be) for the product alone without the packaging. If you were to buy a greater amount of product in the same packaging, it would cost more, and you would complain about that instead.
Same with chips (crisps if you’re outside of FreedomLand). The extra space in the bag is to prevent crushing, and is often filled with nitrogen or some other relatively inert gas to extend freshness. The product is sold by weight of the product.
In this case, it’s deceptive. If the packaging used to contain more product, you could reasonably assume the same package would contain the same amount of product. This is shrinkflation. If you’re going to raise prices, just do it. Don’t try and trick people, because many will notice and get pissed off.
Are you seriously implying that you check the net weight of every single product you ever purchase, especially ones You’ve purchased regularly in the past?
And how are you even supposed to know how many uses that amount corresponds to?
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You are demonstrating willful ignorance by conflating my previous two completely separate paragraphs.
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I get the sense that a LOT of people are idiots and just make the observation that “big bag, lot product” instead of simply looking at the net weight… it’s on EVERY label ffs!
Yea these poor companies artificially inflating their product containers to provide a sense of more product within while stating the actual product amount in 6 pt font at the bottom of the packaging are getting a bad wrap! Sure the net weight is provided and without comparison to another package it’s difficult to ascertain exactly what that weight equates to but that should be on the consumer and not the poor company trying to deceive you into thinking you’re getting more than you paid for!
When will the consumer finally accept how dumb they are and apologize to these conglomerates?!
I’m not defending corps here, I’m just tired of hearing people complain and whine and moan about the same bullshit over and over. If you aren’t researching and comparing price per ounce between brands to get the best bang for your buck, you are LAZY and have no right to complain you got “cheated”. You see, people like that me that grew up poor all our lives HAVE to tirelessly be on the lookout for this shit because we have no other choice. If we waste money needlessly, we are FUCKED. You can fight this corporate trickery nonsense by just paying attention, just doing a little math, it’s not hard, I promise you!
That’s dumb. I get dozens of items on every trip, of stock that’s constantly changing, and where different brands have different sizes to try to stand out. Brands repackage and re-label all too often: with shrinkflation, a lot of my normal for one person sizes have been relabeled “family sized” to look like more. Plus I do try to change things up, so I’m not getting the same things every week, and usually get something I’ve never gotten before. There is no reasonable way to have known all the typical weights, typical ingredients (same goes for sneaky reformulations), typical prices, and be able to compare them to some history, while I’m walking through the store
TBH I’ve never used up a deodorant before I lost it somehow, but I would like less plastic waste.
You may have a pretty severe case of something like ADHD going on. I don’t me an this to be a jerk. If you lose things so much that you have literally never finished a thing of deodorant, you’ve certainly lost many other important things in your life.
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Amazing that someone can project so hard. Wow. My comment should not elicit such a violent response. You really need to make a self assessment and figure out why you felt the need to attack.