During an appearance on the network, Pelosi touted President Biden’s record on the economy, saying, he “created 9 million jobs in his term in office. Donald Trump has the worst record of job loss of any president. So we just have to make sure people know.”

Host Katy Tur briefly interjected, telling Pelosi “there was a global pandemic” during Trump’s presidency.

Pelosi paused, looking shocked, before shooting back at Tur that “he had the worst record of any president. We’ve had other concerns in our country.”

“If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump, that may be your role, but it ain’t mine,” she added.

  • @[email protected]
    511 month ago

    A global pandemic which he facilitated by removing the pandemic response team (although it was underfunded before), he downplayed it publicly, promoted false remedies, etc, etc, etc.

    He (and his administration) had every chance to reduce the impact and he didn’t. It’s bc he’s arrogant and stupid. He cost jobs but more importantly a lot of lives.

    • @A_Filthy_Weeaboo
      171 month ago

      I hold him responsible for all the needless death that occurred during Covid

      • Optional
        101 month ago

        As you should. He was worse than incompetent, he actively made it much worse.

        And the CDC just folding under him like that. Sad and infuriating.

    • @[email protected]
      121 month ago

      My dad got radicalized toward Trump because of how the media constantly attacked him. It was his terrible handling of Covid that made him reject him by the time he was out.

    • @FlexibleToast
      21 month ago

      Honestly, I think this is the only reason Biden won in 2020. Trump once said he was like a war time president with the pandemic. If he had kept that mentality and rallied to battle it, I think he would have won. However, I’m not sure which scenario is worse in the long term… I suppose the darkest timeline is yet to be seen. If Trump wins in November, we will truly be in the darkest timeline.

  • @Rapidcreek
    171 month ago

    Tur is definitely either a right leaning sympathizer or at least a bothsides believer and has been for a while.

    • @return2ozmaOP
      31 month ago

      Trump used to single her out and had the crowds boo her when she covered his campaign.

      • @Dkarma
        81 month ago

        Sounds like everyone hates her.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      At least she gave up House speakership. Her constituents need to primary her. Last time her Dem opponent got 22% of the vote…and forget about the Rep

    • Kid_Thunder
      1 month ago

      Starts at 12:55 for anyone that wants to get right to it.

      Though Pelosi should have taken this as an opportunity to talk about how poorly Trump handled the epidemic and promoted false information instead of taking the childish and weak way out of personally attacking her for making the point their opponents always make.

      Frankly, Pelosi’s saddling both sides but still criticizing pro-Palestinian – or perhaps I should say, pro-Humanitarian protestors was weak and propagandizing. She basically said ‘I don’t hear them considering the Hamas who are terrorists’ when obviously they have and it is a tired irrelevant counter-point when the issue here is the actual innocents, including many women, children and aid workers; as well as the blockade of humanitarian efforts and lack of accountability from the US to Israel.

      She did a bad job here on both points, IMO. There’s no reason we couldn’t fund our ally while putting constraints on it like “you have to do x, y and z while reducing collateral damage to x and following LOAC while allowing UN inspectors at their discretion” but even if that’s done now, I think it is too late as far as history will be concerned. This will be a black mark. Though we should do the right thing now and save as many innocent lives as possible and broker peace (which we also aren’t doing).

      • @Ensign_Crab
        21 month ago

        There’s no reason we couldn’t fund our ally while putting constraints on it like “you have to do x, y and z while reducing collateral damage to x and following LOAC while allowing UN inspectors at their discretion”

        Oh, there’s a reason. “We don’t want to” is a reason.

  • @anticolonialist
    -31 month ago

    She needs to fade into obscurity like Clinton does.

  • PP_BOY_
    -31 month ago

    For those of you not in the know, Pelosi is best known for her defense of insider trading as being her right as Speaker of the House, amongst other things

  • @distantsounds
    -131 month ago

    Any criticism of Biden and you will be labeled as a Trump apologist. The DNC clowns are really testing people’s limits

    • @just_another_person
      31 month ago

      Do you have a positive thing to say about Trump’s policies or literally anything he did while in office?

      • @distantsounds
        81 month ago

        Absolutely not, he was one of the worst. He was propped up by Clinton & the DNC as an easy opponent because he is an absolute moron. Unfortunately that backfired and is still here.

        The DNC are playing another a dangerous game again this year. They play this Trump extortion bullshit instead of pursuing policy that could land an easy W…but they’d rather see Trump again than move left to gain votes.

        • AmidFuror
          11 month ago

          I see this sentiment a lot, but moving left could easily lose more votes than it gains. Blame Nixon, Reagan, or Fox News if you like. G.W. Bush won twice because Gore and Kerry were successfully painted as “too liberal,” and the public was happy to accept that.

          • @[email protected]
            91 month ago

            Right now the crisis facing democrats isn’t “radicalization” - the independent vote in America is miniscule… it’s that there is a huge population left of “center” (i.e. the brand of conservative currently undecided between Biden and Trump)… the thing we need to strategically attack is voter apathy.

            Giving young people and other dissatisfied liberals a reason to turn out is critical.

          • @distantsounds
            91 month ago

            Moving left will not lose Biden any votes. The Trump supporters will not change; they’re ride or die for that idiot. The disenfranchised and the youth have nothing to vote for, only something to vote against. Give those people a reason to come out to the polls. This election feels more like extortion than anything else.

            • @24_at_the_withers
              -21 month ago

              My boomer in-laws have voted D their entire lives, but are considering voting Trump because they think Biden is too liberal. They are not as unusual as you might think.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            31 month ago

            I see this sentiment a lot, but moving left could easily lose more votes than it gains.

            So centrist voters are fickle and unreliable, which is why we listen to them?

            • AmidFuror
              -11 month ago

              By definition, swing voters can go either way. We try to get their votes because in our FPTP system, you only win elections by getting the most votes in enough states.

              Don’t forget that you need to appeal to a majority of the voters in many of the states to win a Presidential election. That includes in swing states where the center is well right even of Joe Biden.

              I’d be happy to read about polls that show otherwise. For now it looks like a lot of progressives like to think their policies are very popular but can’t win outside of California and Massachusetts.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                21 month ago

                I’d be happy to read about polls that show otherwise.

                Uh huh. I’ve seen what this platform says about polls that indicate that people aren’t happy with centrist Democrats.

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            I’m not the person you were asking, but no, I don’t. I don’t feel I owe you one. I feel it’s awfully presumptuous of you to imply I need to pass a purity test before I can criticize Biden. He’s the fucking president. We’re supposed to criticize him. That’s an important part of a functioning democracy. Acting like “our guy” is above criticism is what magas do. I have no use for them, and I have no use for you.

      • PP_BOY_
        -31 month ago

        Making animal cruelty a federal offense is a pretty nonpartisan cool thing to do and “take their guns now, due process later” was maybe the most candidly progressive official comment from a POTUS on gun control I’ve heard in a while

      • @Dkarma
        51 month ago

        Both of these idiots pretending like they’re not voting for trump is hilarious.

        In B4 Cornel west

        • @[email protected]
          -21 month ago

          These are relevant articles, maybe you could start a “pro-biden-politics” community and moderate away dissenting opinions?

          I, personally, like to be informed of news like this whether I’m happy with it or not… because being ignorant just means I’m more likely to be surprised.