In a democracy, I don’t see how their vote really matters less. Plus it’ll help improve prisons perhaps.

  • @drislands
    1395 months ago

    I can’t remember where I heard this originally, but I subscribe to the belief that you need to maintain the rights of criminals (like voting) to prevent tyranny.

    Because if being labeled a criminal is enough to remove your rights, a corrupt government need only declare you one to take your rights away.

    It used to be criminal in some parts of the USA for black and white people to intermarry, for example. Imagine losing your right to vote because of who you married.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      It was Nelson Mandela:

      A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.

      To be honest I was shocked when I learned about this stripping of rights when you are imprisoned in the US. It is literally a tool of tyranny to lock people up in order to silence them.

      • @[email protected]
        135 months ago

        there are states that have government employees who engage with prisoners and get them back into a eligible voter status. sadly not all of the USA believes in Democracy.

      • @Mango
        45 months ago

        And that’s precisely why I can’t own a gun! I got framed for some bullshit and compelled to plea guilty probably because I’m vocal enough to end up on someone’s list.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Woah so that’s where jkr stole that quote from always thought dumbledore had really good quotes and now i know jkr must’ve stolen most of em .

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          I don’t think there’s anything at all original in JKR works. Mashing a bunch of fantasy tropes together into an interesting world seems to have worked though. At least, the films are decent.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            I like the books but yeah there definetly is massive issues that the movies fixed like harry breaking the fucking wand aside from that i’d say the books are on par if not better than the movies .

    • @makeshiftreaper
      425 months ago

      I’d guess it’s probably from a curated Tumblr post which I’ll paraphrase:

      “Every criminal deserves rights”

      “Except pedophiles, they’re true scum”

      “Yes, also pedophiles”

      “You’re a piece of shit”

      “If pedophiles don’t have rights, then everyone they want to not have rights will be declared a pedophile. For example, transgender people, queer people, liberals, and more have all been accused of preying on children”


      • @Mango
        35 months ago

        Meanwhile pedophiles, knowing they’re taboo, go to great lengths to be undetected and therefore never seek treatment and cause more harm.

    • @surewhynotlem
      75 months ago

      I mean, it’s true. That’s how we still have slavery.

    • @Drivebyhaiku
      25 months ago

      In Canada voting is considered a Charter Right (or basic level of freedom nessisary to preserving human dignity and right of participation in society). While I keep pushing for voting reform regarding the first past the post system it’s definitely something I think we got right. Everyone should decide what sort of society we live in including those who have run afoul of it in some way or another.

  • Maple Engineer
    485 months ago

    They are allowed to vote in civilized countries.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      What do you think of France, UK, Italy and China? Because a prisoners right to vote can be removed in those countries as well.

      • @kerrigan778
        185 months ago

        Ah yes, China, a well known bastion of civil liberties.

      • @gaael
        65 months ago

        In France we treat our prisoners like utter shit. If they way you treat the people you have power over is an important marker of civilization/democracy (and I believe it is), we fail this test real hard.

        That being said, the tribunal has to specifically add to the prison sentence an exclusion from the right to vote. Iirc, about 25k prisoners (among the 75 or 80k total) have been deprived from the right to vote during their sentence.

        Voting from prison in France is complicated,there are 3 options afaik:

        • you can delegate your vote to someone on the outside
        • you can resquest a “day off” to go to the polls
        • since 2019 you can vote by correspondance

        The “can I please go out to vote” has to be approved by the warden, and dosen’t happen much.
        Delegating your vote isn’t always easy either, prison has a tendancy to isolate people from their former close ones.
        The correspondance vote is recent and seems like the best of the three. In 2017 (presidential electio ), less than 2% of imprisoned people had voted. In the 2022 presidential election, more than 20% of them did.

        So far, voting logistics and the feeling that society doesn’t want you has imo prevented far more people to vote than the “you can’t vote for the next x years” addendum to sentences.

      • Maple Engineer
        5 months ago

        Whatabout the UK, France, and China?

        The UK whose flailing neo-fascist government just passed a law allowing it to deport refugees to Rwanda? Whose government is about to experience a historic blowout at the polls? Whose government destroyed their economy by pulling them out of the EU to try to regain the glory of the empire? That UK?

        France with is neoliberal government? Macaron had spent so much time attacking workers and their rights to steal from the rich and give to the poor that he’s almost handed the counry to the fascist brownshirts of Marine Le Pen?

        This Italy? ?

        And China?

        I believe I said, “civilized countries”.

        • @[email protected]
          -15 months ago

          I’m very familiar with what aboutism, and that’s not what I intended to do with my question.

          This forum has many biases and I feel that for us to have an opinion on an issue it should be applied to all equitably and not just because the party someone hates does it.

          I don’t disagree with the topic, I just disagree with how you stated it.

          • Maple Engineer
            5 months ago

            In civilized countries every citizen has the right to vote and equal access to the ballot box. The US has neither of those things. I stand by what I said.

      • @Drivebyhaiku
        15 months ago

        They just handing out babies where you are? That just doesn’t seem responsible!

  • @ZagamTheVile
    435 months ago

    But if you let prisoners vote, you’d have to let the black ones vote too. And if you did that, there’d be next to no point in locking them up in the first place.

    • @Ep1cFac3pa1m
      195 months ago

      Not true! You’d still have the benefit of slave labor!

        • Logi
          35 months ago

          Wait, aren’t we already doing that?

    • BruceTwarzen
      65 months ago

      Nex you let women vote. You never know. Wait can women vote in america? How progressive

  • CaptainBasculin
    305 months ago

    Bruh, the democracy in my country is a joke and even we have votes on prisons, what the hell? I thought this was standard.

    • @Dasus
      145 months ago

      I thought this was standard.

      I think a lot of Americans don’t share that belief.

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        The War On Black People Drugs created a generation of people entirely fine with the idea that not only do prisoners not have rights, they deserve to suffer out of prison as well.

  • @IchNichtenLichten
    235 months ago

    I’ll go one further, voting should be mandatory, punishable by a fine. The ballot should also have “none of the above” as an option.

    • FlaxOP
      95 months ago

      Based. Spoiling the ballot is also common but in this case, a “none” box would make sense too

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      I agree with this, except that the punishment should be a short stay in jail, like maybe as long as a week for repeat offenses. That way it serves as a deterent and being wealthy won’t make it worth it.

    • dream_weasel
      45 months ago

      I like the theory, but the practice is that you can force people to vote but not to be informed. People can just show up and push the button on the top.

      It also means you gotta decide what to do when every election is won by “none of the above”.

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        No! If None Of The Above wins the election, we simply go without a president for four years, and the parties think long and hard about how to find a candidate that’s better than literal empty space

      • @acetanilide
        15 months ago

        Can we at least make it so write in candidates don’t have to pre register?

    • Hildegarde
      25 months ago

      And if none of the above wins, the office should be left vacant for a term.

    • @Mango
      15 months ago

      I’ll bring my d20.

    • @[email protected]
      05 months ago

      I don’t know, I’m more of the opinion that everyone should do a competence test or something before they are even allowed to vote.

  • mechoman444
    225 months ago

    If one is a citizen of a country the right to vote should be the same as the right to breathe air.

    The only qualification should be citizenship.

    • @AA5B
      5 months ago

      I can see the argument that when someone has committed a felony, you are taking them out of society as punishment. However once they’ve done their time and re-enter society, they have all the rights and privileges

      Geez, connect this with the previous article on “pay to stay” debt, combine it with background searches for most jobs and debt …… how the heck does anyone come back from even a short sentence? If we’re making it unnecessarily difficult to reintegrate, how are we surprised when they fall?

      • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
        35 months ago

        how the heck does anyone come back from even a short sentence

        That’s the neat part: You don’t.

        It is incredibly difficult, bordering on impossible in some states.

    • KSP Atlas
      35 months ago

      So I can’t breathe air if I’m not a citizen? Guess I’ll die

      • mechoman444
        65 months ago

        Correct. Go breathe air in your own county. /S

    • FlaxOP
      15 months ago

      One of my really unpopular opinions is that the voting age should be removed as well, but that’s for another post 😏

        • FlaxOP
          15 months ago

          Do suppose that’s how brexit happened

          But everyone who disagrees with me is stupid as well so 🤭

    • @BassTurd
      115 months ago

      If you live in the United States, I think think answer to that depends on which state you live in.

    • @njm1314
      35 months ago

      Extremely unpopular Nationwide.

  • @[email protected]
    185 months ago

    Even if not while they are in prison, definitely once they have served their time. Absolute bullshit that you can never vote again once you’ve done time. (Federal crimes I mean)

  • Caveman
    5 months ago

    It’s a seriously bad idea to remove imprisoned people’s rights even though point of prison is to remove rights to freedom of movement.

    Why it’s bad is because if you remove voting or communication rights then it opens the door to removing those rights with laws targeted at a minority. If a certain minority votes against you you can find a behavior in than group and make it illegal.

    Black people in the US were especially targeted with this because of the War on Drugs as an example.

  • @[email protected]
    85 months ago

    This is one of those posts that make me think “but that’s already how it works” and then I remember “oh right, America”.

    • FlaxOP
      75 months ago

      In the UK prisoners cannot vote :(

      • @southernbrewer
        35 months ago

        NZ too. They can when they get out though unlike US

        • FlaxOP
          25 months ago

          Wait- USA doesn’t allow people with a criminal record to vote?

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            Only federal crimes and it depends on the state. Most states restore voting rights after release from prison, some only restore after probation/parole is completed. A handful never restore voting rights unless the state governer allows it.

  • @repungnant_canary
    5 months ago

    In many countries they do vote!

    Restriction of personal freedom and restriction of citizen rights are two different forms of punishments, ideally useful in different circumstances. But I guess thiie US applies them jointly?

    • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
      45 months ago

      The US loves to disenfranchise prisoners and felons, because the US has carefully throughout its history jiggered the system so that black people are significantly more likely to wind up as prisoners and felons. Felon disenfranchisement became suspiciously popular among US states immediately following the Civil War. No points for guessing why.

      The situation has improved somewhat recently, with many states (although most of them not in the deep south…) relaxing laws and allowing previously convicted people to have their voting rights restored either automatically or via some process. To my knowledge, however, only two states allow incarcerated people to vote: Maine and Vermont.

      • @acetanilide
        15 months ago

        In Texas, incarcerated people can technically vote by mail. But they have to apply (and can’t be felons)

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    BuT WhaT iF tHey VOTe To FRee aLL pRiSONErs???

    And to your second point: if people were trying to improve prisons, they wouldn’t be so damn lucrative

    • FlaxOP
      75 months ago

      They don’t have the right proportion to do that. And if they did, then maybe it would actually be a valid vote