• Stern
    9310 months ago

    While I am sure it is a thing that happens, I hope you’ll excuse me if I don’t hold my breath waiting for Mr. 10 Strikes to get his turn.

    • themeatbridge
      3310 months ago

      Trump wants to be locked up. He has the tweets ready to go. Unfair, biased against him, did nothing wrong, silenced, caged, election interference, crying like a toddler as though everything isn’t entirely his own fault, as though he hasn’t been given, and taken, every advantage and benefit. He wants his legions of acolytes to take to the streets, demanding his freedom. He wants to raise funds with it. He wants the publicity to attract pro-bono lawyers to replace the ones who have quit for various reasons. He wants to sue and use pending litigation to further stall all court cases against him.

      And the Judge knows this.

      • @Dkarma
        4810 months ago

        Fuck what he wants. I want to see that orange turd.suffer consequences for his actions. Let the crazies be crazy…like they’re NOT going to to those things anyway?

          • Tiefling IRL
            310 months ago

            I can’t wait for a judge to rule that being at a Trump rally fits that definition

          • Karyoplasma
            210 months ago

            He cannot pick up himself. He is out of his preferred age range.

          • @CharlesDarwin
            210 months ago

            Yeah, I’d like that a lot. I do wonder if they issue orange colored adult diapers to match the jumpsuit.

            It will be really tough to try to pull off a stupid bad-boy image like that GD mugshot where he’s posing with a practiced pose (whoever took the mugshot should have never cooperated and found the most pathetic and least-flattering picture instead) if he’s out picking up trash by the side of the highway.

        • themeatbridge
          510 months ago

          I agree completely, but I do think we should be prepared. As the wise philosopher once said, “In the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces.”

          • @CharlesDarwin
            210 months ago

            I think the National Guard should be prepared in such an instance. Just let the magabrained try something like J6 again. These gaslighters have been clutching their pearls over Ashli Babbitt; seems like many of them are just dying to have many more instances of Ashli. Next time around, I hope the adults let them have their wish. Maybe they will finally get the freaking message.

      • comador
        3010 months ago

        Regardless of all that, it still would be a victory for the integrity of the legal system and the people to see Orange Man in an orange jumper on the front page news.

        • @dirthawker0
          110 months ago

          I feel like it would be a balm to the majority of people to see him finally actually get consequences for his actions rather than just threats that he keeps ignoring. But the justice system and politicians are afraid of that noisy, mostly white minority that is allegedly armed and claims to be willing to use force.

        • themeatbridge
          -610 months ago

          I agree with you there, but then he will be released, at which point he will start doing victory laps and daring the judge to do it again.

          I want to see him convicted and sentenced, preferably before he’s reelected, and that’s not going to happen if he can keep derailing the process with his antics.

          • @sylvanSimian
            1510 months ago

            This sentiment is so frustratingly purposefully helpless.

            “We can’t put Trump in jail! That’s what he and his followers want! When he gets out of jail, he will be able to go back to doing the things he is currently doing! People will even give him more money! Our entire judicial system is too frail and weak to have any possible thing they can do besides fine him ineffectually and give him more warnings! I’ve never heard of community service being assigned anyone before! I even like to pretend that probation and house arrest aren’t real! We just can’t do anything ever or he wins!”

            • themeatbridge
              -110 months ago

              I get that it’s much easier to argue with things you’ve imagined, but I didn’t say we can’t, or shouldn’t put him in jail. He should already be in jail. And he should stay there.

              I’m saying we should be aware of his plan and prepared for the response. We should recognize that we don’t have a functioning justice system, and that he has far too many followers to consider our country free or just. We should make the utmost haste with his trials, and ensure his punishment is swift and proportionate to his crimes. If we do that, he’ll never see the light of day again, and we will all be able to focus on different threats to democracy.

              • @sylvanSimian
                210 months ago

                There isn’t an argument. It’s just a statement that I think you sound purposefully pathetic and that’s an annoying sentiment to see online.

                Ah yes, thank you for reminding us to be aware of Trump. If only we as a nation could just reach sufficient awareness of Trump

                • themeatbridge
                  10 months ago

                  If it’s not an argument, why are you arguing? And why do you feel the need to misrepresent what I said?

                  Forgive me if I don’t trust that there’s a plan to counter what Trump wants, because failure to anticipate what Trump was going to do is exactly how he won in 2016.

      • @Red_October
        2610 months ago

        Of course letting him run free, facing no consequences at all for flagrantly breaking the law and ignoring court orders means that he and his rabid followers are harmless, right?

        He might have contingency plans for when he goes to jail, but that doesn’t mean he should remain free of consequences.

        • themeatbridge
          610 months ago

          I don’t want that. I want him in jail. I just know that he wants it, too, and while I want him to stay there, I know he won’t until he’s convicted and sentenced.

      • @BradleyUffner
        610 months ago

        I like what I’ve seen others suggest. Community service. Send him to the must run down soup kitchen and make him clean the dishes.

        • @SpaceNoodle
          310 months ago

          They don’t let you do things that actually help the community. You just smack weeds with a dull McLeod somewhere the public won’t spot you.

    • @disguy_ovahea
      10 months ago

      It’s not ten strikes, it’s two. Although there were ten violations, there have been only two hearings. At the first, Trump was fined the state maximum and reminded that he could face jail time for further infractions. At the second hearing, Merchan fined Trump the state maximum, and after having expressed his disinterest in jailing a former President, he then stated that further violations would result in jail time. That’s the reason Trump has been so quiet this week.


      Merchan is doing the right thing by following standard practice. He’s careful not to give the defense any justification to appeal his rulings based on bias. He wants his rulings to stick just as much as we all do.

  • HubertManne
    3710 months ago

    He should be punished with an ankle network interferance box that keeps anything wireless from working. even talk radio.

  • @korny
    3310 months ago

    People do? Or is it just the poor?

    • @AdamEatsAss
      1510 months ago

      Bobby Seale was bound and physically gagged during the trail of the Chicago 7. Of course he was a black man in the late 60s. So I guess it’s just those who are already disadvantaged.

    • @Dasus
      1110 months ago

      I know it’s a fringe position, but… personally I’ve always considered the poor to be people.

      • @korny
        710 months ago

        You’ll never make it in politics with that attitude.

  • @[email protected]
    2010 months ago

    Just one more chance bro all the justice department needs is one more chance bro and the whole system will prove that it’s working please bro just trust me bro the fascist dictator is going to be punished bro I swear bro you gotta have faith bro

  • @blazera
    1210 months ago

    How many violations was that, must be 20 or something. Cus Trump’s not locked up for 10 violations already.