• @robocall
    255 months ago

    If you do pick up the phone, tell them you already started drinking alcohol, so you can’t come in. But best is to not pick up at all.

    • @[email protected]
      95 months ago

      bro it’s just one modal on the website bro please just one more calendar integration bro promise just this one more fix to the email subject lines and you can go back to your vacation honest

      —my boss

      • partial_accumen
        35 months ago

        “Whatever you did broke prod. Please join this P1 call for the duration of the weekend”

        – your boss 30 minutes from now.

        • @edgemaster72
          35 months ago

          “Joke’s on you numbnuts, I didn’t even start working on it yet”

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    135 months ago

    Yeah, this seems like a no-brainer now that we all have caller ID. It was a real issue back in the 90’s though. You wanted to answer your phone in case it was your friends inviting you to a party, but you didn’t want to answer it in case it was work, or your parents.

    • @AnUnusualRelic
      55 months ago

      Can’t they send the butler with a note, like normal people?

  • teft
    45 months ago

    This chihuahua has the same eyes as Dame Maggie Smith.