• ivanafterall
    14 days ago

    I’ve only seen the original movie, but I don’t see how anyone can top Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto.

    • @[email protected]
      4214 days ago

      I hate you with every fiber of my being, and with the intensity of a thousand supernovae!

      Good work!

    • @aeronmelon
      914 days ago

      Star Trek The Beginning is 15 fucking years old now!

      I’m going to bed…

    • L@zzerot
      12 days ago

      I know you’re joking but I have a friend who’s like that; their introduction to Star Trek were the 2009 movies and afterwards they started watching a bit of the previous series but never really got into it. So they keep telling me how amazing the 2009 movies are (I’ve seen them all once around the time the released, I don’t recall a lot of the plot, just that I found them to be very un-star trek, they watched them religiously) and how hot all the actors are and I just roll my eyes and say “yeah yeah, suuure”. Still love them, despite their weird Star Trek opinions.

      • Wild Bill
        312 days ago

        Sounds like me. The Kelvin timeline movies were my first introduction to Star Trek, and everybody in them is hot. Now I’m on the second season of DS9 (sorry, couldn’t get through the first season of TNG, even though I wanted to).

  • @sickhack
    4414 days ago

    Uh, Voyager aired in 1995 so if you’re 30 now, you would be 1 year old when it aired. Would have been 2 years old when Janeway and Paris had lizard sex. Timothée “Paul Wonka” Chalamet wasn’t even born when Voyager premiered.

    When Seska was betraying the crew, Square released Final Fantasy 7.

    Voyager encountered the Borg and met Seven about when Baby Hit Me One More Time was released.

    When Janeway finally got Voyager home, Drake was starting his career on DeGrassi.

    • @MrPoopyButthole
      914 days ago

      I love the way you tied those events together, bravo!

    • @[email protected]
      213 days ago

      Yeah but not everyone lives in the US, other places got it later, and reruns exist, yet usually stop after a few years.

      • @[email protected]
        213 days ago

        Slightly off topic.

        I was watching a Tom Baker / 4th Doctor episode where someone refers to the Prime Minister as “she.” Naturally I assumed that they were referring to Thatcher. Turns out that the episode was made before Thatcher took office, and the writers were being wild and futuristic by making the leader a woman.

    • @Dasus
      14 days ago

      Yeah I was TV-watching age at that time and something I’ve watched as new when I was under 10 does is something I might describe as “old”, depending on context.

  • @Juice64
    3214 days ago

    I heard a girl at a bar refer to Nolan’s Batman Movies as the “Classic Batman movies” a few years ago and I still haven’t recovered

    • The Picard ManeuverOPM
      1514 days ago

      For whatever reason, I read your comment as if you were referring to the Tim Burton movies, and I still thought it was weird to refer to them as the “classics”.

          • @ripcord
            1014 days ago

            Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb.

          • @Dozzi92
            614 days ago

            I feel like I didn’t remember it was a movie, but remember the show as a kid. And it was way before my time, but my brother and I still liked watching it, it was just so silly.

        • Flying SquidM
          213 days ago

          People don’t have fun with super heroes like this now. It’s all dark and gritty. Imagine a campy, tongue-in-cheek Fantastic Four movie that they didn’t have to worry about tying in to the rest of the MCU. How awesome would that be?

      • @Juice64
        714 days ago

        Bro!!! I was listening to the oldies station in my car a few months back and they followed up a David Bowie song with Green Day 😭

  • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
    2814 days ago

    Star Trek peaked in 1973, never to be matched again. Only two seasons of The Animated Series, but damn, they only needed two.

  • @UESPA_Sputnik
    2714 days ago

    I have a friend who doesn’t like the (quote) “new Star Trek shows”. That’s anything produced after 1969. He grew up with TOS.

    He’s enjoying SNW though, so there may be hope for him. 😄

    • @aeronmelon
      214 days ago

      That tells me he likes Star Trek when it was the “wild west” in space.


  • @hardcoreufo
    2414 days ago

    I love Voyager, DS9 and TNG. 90s were the best time for trek.

    Enterprise not so much, but it was getting pretty good by the end.

    • @[email protected]
      1114 days ago

      In the 90s it felt like we may be working towards that idealism, aftwards…not so much. Plus after mid 2000s/2010 everything wanted to be gritty which doesn’t work for Star Trek. That said I haven’t watched any series since Enterprise(on my list just not up there), but the recent movies felt less like Star Trek than the TNG ones.

      • daikiki
        914 days ago

        Check out Strange New Worlds. It’s the trekkiest of all the new new treks.

      • @[email protected]
        14 days ago

        Watch Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds! Lower Decks is a little Rick and Morty-ish in the first season but it’s still good. This is coming from someone who really doesn’t like DISCO or Picard.

      • Captain Aggravated
        214 days ago

        You know, I think you’ve got it. The pitch for Enterprise was “What if we went back in time before even TOS when everyone was significantly shittier?”

  • @tpihkal
    2314 days ago

    I prefer ancient, like TNG.

    • The Picard ManeuverOPM
      2814 days ago

      Don’t mind me - just going to browse the AARP sign up page now.

  • @[email protected]
    1814 days ago

    I haven’t even hit 30 yet and it’s weird to hear Voyager called old. I grew up watching TNG and sometimes TOS with my mom. It was one of the few good parts of my childhood. It took me forever just to stop referring to Voyager and Enterprise as “the new stuff.”

  • @Zachariah
    1514 days ago

    🎶 It’s been a long time…

      • @x4740N
        214 days ago

        Is it just me or does anyone else see a falling person holding a newspaper in one hand

    • paraphrand
      14 days ago

      jesus christ, what’s that terrible noise?

  • @[email protected]
    1114 days ago

    Danson had a similar exchange with Woody Harrelson on “Cheers.”

    Ted = Sometimes I like to get out the really old rock and roll, The Drifters, The Marvellettes, bands like that. You ever listen to the old stuff.

    Woody = Not me, but my Mom really likes Devo.

  • Flying SquidM
    813 days ago

    It seems like quite often, for myself included, “the best Star Trek show” is the one you first grew up with.

    So it will always be TOS for me.

    I don’t dislike any Star Trek show, but TOS was my first love.

    • The Picard ManeuverOPM
      413 days ago

      TOS is Star Trek in my mind, even though TNG competes with it for my favorite. The adventures of Kirk/Spock & crew are the core of Star Trek, and it feels like everything since is an encore because of how incredibly beloved it was.

      • RandomStickman
        514 days ago

        I have to appologise in advance. Actually I’m only in my early 30s and I watched in during the lockdowns.

          • @Daveyborn
            214 days ago

            To be fair my aunt had her first grandchild when she was 30, don’t look at the math too closely.

    • @[email protected]
      213 days ago

      If so, do yourself a favor and watch “Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan.”

      imho as a TOS fan, it’s the pinnacle.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    714 days ago

    The opposite of me when I describe albums released by my favorite bands in the 00’s as “the new stuff.”

  • @Ballistic_86
    613 days ago

    TNG is the definitive Star Trek for me. I don’t think DS9 or Voyager would have existed had TNG not been a success. They also appear to be in the same universe, all three had similar aesthetics and had crossover between them. TOS always felt a bit dated to me in the 90s, most of the stuff after didn’t really catch my interest.

  • @lugal
    513 days ago

    I had a conversation with my dad about newtrek and for him “the new series” was Enterprise. I mean it was for me too until discovery aired a few years ago