• @MicroWaveOP
    1 year ago

    That’s about 38 degrees celsius for non-Americans.

    • @Buffalox
      931 year ago

      I think it’s 38 degrees celsius for Americans too. But I’m not quite sure, could also be 2 ounces, their system is kind of weird.

      • @june
        91 year ago

        It’s just over half the temperature of a cooked chicken for us normal Americans.

      • @joel_feila
        71 year ago

        the weirdest part is size 8 men shoe and size 8 women shoe are not the same size

      • @irkli
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

    • @DangerousDetlef
      181 year ago

      Really had to do a double take. Like, what the fuck, the ocean is boiling, it can’t be that be that bad, right? Then it clicked that you’re using that weird Fahrenheit system.

      Yes, sorry, it’s weird. Celsius is easy - water freezes at 0 and boils at 100 and there we go…

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          As an American this is how I interpret Celsius

          • 100 is boiling
          • 50 is you’re gonna die from heat exhaustion eventually
          • 40 is hot
          • 30 is a little warm
          • 20 is a little cool
          • 10 is cold
          • 0 is freezing
          • Rhaedas
            81 year ago

            30 is hot.
            20 is nice.
            10 is cool.
            0 is ice.

            40 and 50 can just not, please.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Yeah I’m down by 30° latitude. I’d be inclined to agree with you back when I lived north of 40°

          • Terrasque
            61 year ago

            As a Norwegian:

            • 100 is boiling
            • 40 is we all gonna die
            • 30 is hot
            • 20 is a little warm
            • 10 is a little cool
            • 0 is cold
            • -5 is maybe time for a jacket
            • -10 shit, it’s freezingly cold outside!
            • -15 I’ll stay indoors if I can
          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            I regularly convert between the two just by remembering the conversions for 10, 20, 30, and 40. It’s actually pretty easy.

            • 0C is 32F (of course)
            • 10C is 50F
            • 20C is 68F (a cool room temp)
            • 30C is 86F (reciprocal of 20)
            • 40C is 104F

            If you ever forget what one of them is, then just add 18F for every 10C from the last one you remember.

          • @Buffalox
            1 year ago


            10 mm = 1cm, 100 cm = 1m, 1000 mm = 1m, 1000m = 1 km.

            1 cm3 water = 1 gram

            1 Watt heats 1 gram of water 1 C°

            1 dm3 water = liter = 1 kg

            1 m3 = 1000 kg = 1 tonne


            1 mile = ?? yards = ?? feet = ?? inches

            1 ton = ?? stone = ??punds = ?? oz = ?? grain

            1 Galon = ?? pints = ?? fluid ounce

            1 inch3 = ?? grain = ?? power to heat ?? fahrenheit

            There is no system to any of these, they are unscientific and impractical.

            How does Imperial still have any relevance as a measurement system?

            • @AnUnusualRelic
              21 year ago

              That’s exactly how I’ve memorised imperial as well. We must have used the same manual.

              • @Buffalox
                01 year ago

                Yes, you could say Imperial is easier, because you’d never calculate anything in your head, you ask Google.

                But how did that even work before we had Internet?

                • @AnUnusualRelic
                  1 year ago

                  I suppose they had little booklets. A bit like the logarithmic tables that people kept for complicated calculations. Maybe they were issued on the first day of school or something. People would keep them all their life and look at them surreptitiously whenever they had to convert units.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            This is actually great, I’ve never found a good way to remember Celsius temperatures. I might go closer to Terrasque’s scale though, 30 is definitely hot where I am.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            If you’re from somewhere up north, 30 is hot, 20 is pretty warm, 10 is cool, 0 is still freezing, and -10 or -20 is cold lol

        • Norgur
          51 year ago

          Thinking about it… Isn’t that exactly what the Celsius scale does just with reliable definitions about what “cold” and “HOT” mean?

          Shower water with 38°C is hot, a bowl of rice at 38°C/100F is decidedly not “HOT”. So the perceived convenience of the Fahrenheit scale is not applicable to everything, is it? How is it convenient then?

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            O F is the freezing temperature of a saturated brine solution, while 100 F was the body temperature of a human. Yes, body temperature has been revised a bit, but the two points were chosen as stable points that anyone could access that would generally be unchanged by pressure changes, etc. Human homeostasis is quite good at keeping a temperature in a narrow range. Also, boiling is massively affected by air pressure. At 5000’ elevation, boiling is approximately 202 F and continues to get lower as altitude increases. Lots of people live at higher altitudes. (Hi! I am one of them !)

            Edit: I was a little off on the temperature selected for body temp, but still pretty close: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fahrenheit

            • inspired
              21 year ago

              This is really interesting and I think there is a lot of support for the body temperature point. I was curious about whether the method of deriving 0F is insensitive to pressure changes and I can’t find any evidence of that. But I don’t know enough about chemistry or physics myself. Do you know, or have any details on where you learned this?

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                So I was a little off on the temperature chosen for the body, but the Wikipedia page has some good details: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fahrenheit

                Re: freezing temperature of brine and pressure sensitivity, of course it is sensitive but we are talking about MPa-GPa of pressure, way beyond small pressure changes due to changes in altitude. You can get started by looking at physical chemistry of solutions if you are interested! A good place to start is “freezing point depression” and “boiling point elevation” of solutions. Also, single component phase diagrams: here it is for water.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            It is convenient because they are used to it. That is all there is to it, and peace be to that.

            It only becomes silly when they begin to claim that F is better for “human temperature”, because again it all comes down to what you are used to and celsius is just as convenient if you are used to that.

      • Nepenthe
        1 year ago

        With how mountainous Europe is, no it doesn’t. What bothers me (aside from the ongoing, increasingly vivid global extinction event) is the sense that, were the situation flipped, you guys wouldn’t miss a beat telling people to look it up instead of assuming every country works like theirs does.

        Good news is, we’ll both have something else to complain about in a year or two, if we’re…still able to do that.

        • Norgur
          11 year ago

          Oh, I think you might be projecting there. Have you ever been to Germany or France or any other European country? If the situation was flipped and we Europeans were the only ones using a system no one else does, we wouldn’t tell you to look it up, we would never stop complaining about our governments for not changing shit.

          • Nepenthe
            1 year ago

            Well, I’m…american, so I’m generally too broke to leave my house. I will openly admit I’m increasingly jealous of the French tendency to fuck shit up at the slightest inconvenience. They seem to know a lot more about getting things done.

            I think one would also have to account for geography in that, no? If a country were landlocked and surrounded by a ton of others that all used the same separate system that they themselves do not, then there would be very significant reason and pressure to change. As much as it’s derided for it, America IS very much a universe unto itself, and the only dealings it has with nations that do things differently are in areas of work that have switched over to more standard measurements.

            All science and engineering are primarily or totally done in metric after we crashed the Mars Orbiter headlong into the dirt at mach speed. Everything else tends to use the more mathmatically sensible kelvin. Mexico uses metric and celsius, but I’ve literally never had a reason to go to mexico and probably never will. Canada uses both, but same deal.

            I make a concerted effort to include both systems whenever I have to type for an audience of mixed/ambiguous nationality, but in my day-to-day, I will never meet another person who can easily switch between them and I have no use to do that either. It is a useless skill for me to have. Despite this, I have the sense that I see more europeans complaining about farenheit than I ever see Americans complain about celsius existing, and for such a damn stupid populace, I’m left to assume we either comment less or google it more.

            Regarding projecting, I could be tongue-in-cheek and ask if you’ve ever met a European before. Our food. Our language. Our buildings, cities, cars, media, sports, slang, holidays, garbage disposals, windows, classrooms, whether or not we take our shoes off in the house. I struggle to think of a single subject you guys will not routinely make an inordinate amount of fuss over, as if it killed your children, and I’m convinced at this point that it’s for love of spite and there’s literally nothing we could do to make Europe happy if we wanted to. It makes sense that any chance to acknowledge the alternate measuring system would be prime ribs.

            Brits especially will snark about american english that routinely turns out to be a defunct british word. Germans will complain about the drywall, but their own houses have the same drywall. Houses in Switzerland are made of wood, but nobody bitches at the Swiss.

            Parting note, the downvote feels in keeping with that kind of pettiness.

  • Jaysyn
    851 year ago

    If only someone had been warning us about this for the past 40 years.

    • inspired
      431 year ago

      If only that someone had won the popular vote over 20 years ago leaving the deciding electoral votes to Florida with the narrowest of margins (hundreds of votes, by the certified count) giving it the ability to choose its own fate in a historically close election.

      • @solstice
        151 year ago

        The number one alternate timeline I’d like to see is if Gore had become president in 2000. Even more than if the Nazis had won WWII or if Caesar hadn’t gone to the senate that day.

        (I’d also like to see the world if the spanish armada had taken a different course back in 1588 and avoided that typhoon though…)

        • @Soggy
          91 year ago

          I’d like to see “what if Columbus died and Europeans left the New World alone a while longer.”

          • @kmkz_ninja
            91 year ago

            Instead of regular old genocide for the natives, it could have been 𝕴𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖎𝖉𝖊.

        • @WldFyre
          21 year ago

          Why would you want to see a timeline where Nazis won??

          • @solstice
            61 year ago

            It’s a very commonly cited example of alternate history. I’m surprised you’ve never heard that before. There’s been multiple books written and there’s a show on Netflix called man in the high castle, all of them exploring this topic.

            To answer the question, it would be interesting to see how it played out. How long would they maintain control over the US and Allies? What would resistance look like? How long would hitlers regime have lasted before being deposed? How long before collapsing under its own weight? What would the entire Cold War era have looked like, assuming the soviets lost too, and what would THEIR resistance look like? How would technology have developed without a Cold War driven space race?

            Obviously it would’ve been a catastrophe but it’s fascinating concept to speculate about.

            • @WldFyre
              11 year ago

              Ahh your phrasing made me think you meant you’d want to physically see that world, I was just tired and it was right after your Al Gore what if so I got confused haha

              My bad

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            Curiosity? To see what the geopolitical situation would become? Alternate fiction is a genre. I doubt they’re saying they want to live in that world.

    • @[email protected]
      181 year ago

      iirc the first publication about climate change resulting from the industrialization was released in like 1910.

  • @CheeseNoodle
    671 year ago

    122°F (50°C) is the required sustained ocean temperature to theoretically form a continent spanning hypercane incase anyones interested.

    • @solstice
      221 year ago

      Well great, that’s a new terrifying word I never heard of before today, one more thing to worry about fuck.

      • @Pika
        41 year ago

        same… I didn’t know hypercanes were even hypoteticallized, super concerning

      • @LemmyRefugee
        101 year ago

        Wikipedia needs to be updated about the highest recorded temperature of the ocean 😓

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Hypercanes would have wind speeds of over 800 kilometres per hour (500 mph), potentially gusting to 970 km/h (600 mph)

        Nope, nope, nope !

  • @Carvex
    561 year ago

    Oh no, if it isn’t the consequences to our own actions!

    • @Mog_fanatic
      71 year ago

      No no no that’s where you’re wrong. This is simply God’s will. Carry on.

  • SeaJ
    491 year ago

    There is a scene in the book Ministry of the Future where there is a wet bulb event in India and tons of people flocked to the water to cool down. The water was also like 100°F so the waterways ended up being filled with dead bodies that does from being too hot.

    Looks like we may not be very far from that…

    • DrDominate
      181 year ago

      The Oceans definitely don’t though.

  • @irkli
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @Alenalda
    241 year ago

    As the arctic ice continues to accelerate it’s thaw, water levels will rise a foot in the next 30years. This is going to continue as temperatures rise. Better move to higher ground Florida. Your state will look like Atlantis in the next 100-200years.

    • @solstice
      1 year ago

      No see, governor rick scott (Republican) banned his administration from using the term climate change, just like governor desantis (also Republican, surprise surprise) banned covid. So Florida is safe from both of those without any action required. Freedom!

      /s because Poe’s Law

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      It will be continuously wrecked by heat and storms in the mean time. 100 years is now beyond being only a highly optmistic timeline for these places.

      It’s like that meme about a high voltage station. It will not only die but suffer a lot while dying.

  • mookulator
    191 year ago

    Anyone have historical data at that location? Just how crazy is this?

    • @Buffalox
      261 year ago

      Higher temperature is equal to more energy in the atmosphere, the result is worse hurricanes.

    • QuinceDaPence
      71 year ago

      To really get the answer there you need surface temperature and temperature 100ft deep.

      The surface can be hot but if it’s cool deeper then then the storm churns it up and the cold water calms it down.

    • @andrewta
      41 year ago

      There’s the important question

  • @Cromulons
    131 year ago

    Welcome to Salmonella Beach!