Stocks, Investing, Gambling, Bitcoin .etc

Look, I’m not a fucking broker or a hustler, okay? I don’t care that you keep running around telling me or others to go waste our time and money to put into markets that can be incredibly unpredictable. It is all about luck, chance and risk. Things most wouldn’t want to put themselves on the line over even if they were down next to nothing. They’d rather buy lottery tickets.

  • @reversebananimals
    1359 months ago

    Sports. I’ve tried to care many times, but its just so boring and pointless.

    • @friend_of_satan
      9 months ago

      Oh. My. God. Can fucking apps learn that when I say “block” and “less like this” I fucking mean it? Don’t show me fucking anything about baseball, soccer, tennis, basketball, and especially not American football. I AM NOT YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE.

      Also, I have to block a large fraction of my social feeds at certain times of the year because all they talk about are sports.

      • @TheHotze
        29 months ago

        I had a few years when the ad algorithms decided since I am in my 20’s surely I’m a parent, then just bombarded me with diaper ads no matter how much I blocked. I wonder if they found some tidbit of info about you that is common among sports fans.

    • @Usernameblankface
      229 months ago

      I’ll never understand letting the outcome of a game make or break my mood in the following days.

      • snownyteOP
        109 months ago

        “Lost muh marriage”

        “Lost muh job”

        “Lost muh car”


    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I spent >10 years of my youth playing a sport competitively. I don’t think I ever watched a professional game to completion. Unlike pretty much all my teammates, I just could not have cared less.

      Play the sport myself? Fun, sure! Watch someone else play? Uh, why?

      I think it’s great that people enjoy watching sports. I dunno why but it just bored the hell out of me.

    • @Matriks404
      29 months ago

      I don’t mind playing sports even if I suck at them, but watching them? Uggghhh.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Social media. Both personal (instatwitface) and business (LinkedIn). Lemmy is as close as I get, and to me this is just a modern forum.

    In my opinion social media has done nothing but make people stupider, and I want nothing to do with it. (It’s probably just a sign I’m old now - “get off my lawn!”)


    • @the16bitgamer
      139 months ago

      I too do not understand social media. The best I get is it’s about people shouting into a void and hoping someone else heard you to interact with it, by repeating it, liking it, or shouting back at you.

      Hashtags are the only way to organize these posts and you need to add them or no one else will hear your shouts into the void.

    • Hucklebee
      9 months ago

      Interestingly, I think people like you and me use Lemmy because one of the same underlying reasons as social media people:


      1. Endless amounts of stuff that speaks to your interest. (With us it’s stuff like technology. On Social media, people are “interested” in what others are up to.

      2. Getting likes/dislikes. Even though likes aren’t important on Lemmy, I notice in my usage that I do subconsciously get the same dopamine hits jf a post gets liked a lot, just like Social Media does. It’s less aggressive on Lemmy because you don’t get alerts for it, but it does factor in on engagement.

      3. Engaging in conversations/discussions with other people.

      4. Sharing things you find interesting yourself

      The content might be different, but the underlying principles are really close. Social Media is actually really close to how forums work at it’s core.

      But I know this is an unpopular opinion. And no, I wouldn’t call Lemmy Social Media per se. But the line is more blurry than I’d like to admit if I look at my time spent with Lemmy.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        1,2,&4 yes.

        #3 not at all for me. I miss the old days of the internet where there were discussion forums on usenet / then replaced by somewhere forums. Many of my favorite forums are dead. I’m hoping Lemmy takes off that way and brings back a bit of the niche underground internet.


  • @[email protected]
    879 months ago

    Celebrity gossip.

    I have no idea how so many people are so invested in the lives of famous people, and all of the “Did you hear that so-and-so and some-other-jackass are having a baby!?” Is so boring…

    I’d rather mow my lawn with fingernail clippers.

    • @hactar42
      299 months ago

      Like the saying goes:

      Everything I know about the Kardashians I learned against my will.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      Hopefully Green Bell G-1008 nail clippers. They’re significantly better than any clippers I’ve used before. They’d make the mowing process much better.

    • @slurpinderpin
      279 months ago

      Add getting married to that for me. I enjoy not being legally bound to another human

      • @BadNewsNobody
        179 months ago

        “Babe I really love you. Like REALLY! What could possibly make our relationship better? OH I KNOW! LET’S GET THE GOVERNMENT INVOLVED!!!”

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          You can get a deal on taxes and healthcare if you live in the US, it’s literally why my wife and I married.

          We’re still happy like before and It’s been 19 years.

  • @Son_of_dad
    609 months ago

    The economy.

    I’m a laborer. When the economy is bad, my cost of living goes up and the price of food goes up.

    When the economy is great, my cost of living goes up and the price of food goes up.

    The only people affected by a positive economy seem to be the people wealthy enough to have stock portfolios and large shares in corporations. It doesn’t affect me as a laborer in any positive way ever.

    • @knightmare1147
      279 months ago

      Whenever I hear the word ‘economy’ I replace it with ‘rich people’s yacht money.’ I feel that clarifies a lot of my opinions on the matter.

    • snownyteOP
      209 months ago

      That’s quite frankly how it’s designed. Capitalism favors no one but those that have built it and continue building on it.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      So, two points.

      First, I’d encourage anyone to save. And as a place to keep savings, the market has done pretty well as to long-term returns. Having money in a portfolio isn’t incompatible with working for a living.

      Let’s take a hypothetical investor named Annie as an example. At 25 years old, Annie has just landed her dream job as a chef, with a starting salary of $30,000 per year. She knows she may never make considerably more than that, but she doesn’t care – she loves her job! She also loves the idea of eventually retiring, though, and because the restaurant she works at doesn’t offer pension or retirement benefits, she knows she’s going to have to make that happen on her own. Living modestly, she’s able to set aside an extra $100 per week, putting that money into an S&P 500 (^GSPC 0.70%) index fund that conservatively returns an average of 9% per year.

      How much will Annie have at the end of just 30 years? Incredibly, somewhere around $790,000.

      Surprised? This is even more surprising: If Annie can keep finding that extra $100 per week for another 10 years, she’ll be sitting on roughly $2 million at the end of that 40-year stretch.

      If she retires at 65, and you figure 2% inflation and use their 9% pre-inflation return, those savings generate a post-inflation maybe $140,000/year for her to live on without cutting into the portfolio in real terms.

      But, okay, second, set investment aside. Let’s just say “does the economy matter”?

      Like, if there’s a recession, GDP contracts. I’m pretty sure that a lot of people look at that and say “Well, that’s just some abstract number. It’s got no effect on me.”

      Inflation, on the other hand, clearly causes prices to rise.

      I was looking at a poll from a bit back talking about how most people – especially in Germany and the US, two of the three countries polled – deeply dislike inflation. They would much rather have a recession than see high inflation.

      In general, economists are going to go the other route. They’ll say that recessions are really bad.

      So, during Biden’s (and Trump’s, during COVID) time in office, a number of policies were made (not necessarily by them) that tended to avoid recession, but encourage inflation.

      Polling shows that people were unhappy with Biden on the economy, because high (well, as the US goes) inflation showed up during his time in office.

      Biden kept quoting figures that are generally considered to be very positive. Low unemployment, for example. But…there was that inflation.

      When GDP drops – and a sustained decline in GDP is what constitutes a recession – it’s indicating that there’s less economic activity going on. What that tends to represent is a lot fewer people working – a lot of layoffs. Companies going under. Maybe furloughs or reduced hours, in some cases. The impact there is that a lot of people have their income go away or be cut, a lot of things get upended.

      With inflation, on the other hand, wages are sticky, tend to take a while to catch up, but do catch up. There aren’t huge job losses. Things more-or-less keep moving along as they were.

      I don’t think that Trump or Biden would have acted wildly different on the matter. You could swap their periods in office, and both would have followed their recommendations, which would have been to favor policy that encouraged inflation and avoided recession, though then the inflation would have shown up when Trump was in office. They’re not doing it because the economists advising them have some special love of having Americans pay higher prices, but rather because they’d consider that preferable to a recession and the problems that accompany that. Also, neither drives the Federal Reserve, which is what adopted an important chunk of that inflationary policy. In the absence of the pandemic, neither would have wanted inflation – it’s not that high inflation is desirable, just that it’s preferable to the alternative of recession.

      • @Son_of_dad
        219 months ago

        You lost me at “save”. Save what? Pocket lint? Nobody has the funds for savings anymore. I used to put aside a few hundred bucks a month 10 years ago. Now I can’t even afford my entire month’s expenses, let alone save any money.

        • @ameancow
          9 months ago

          Yeah also stopped there.

          The commenter above was making that very point, that it’s so worthless to give us financial advice and knowledge of the economy when a large portion of Americans are scraping together their last nickels to pay their water bills or their electric bills and not always both. Most people don’t have a savings that can withstand a minor home emergency or health problem, investing or saving with intention is almost impossible for millions of people.

          The funniest part here is that the commenter got a lecture about the economy anyway.

      • @colforge
        99 months ago

        Save WHAT? The gas station takes their bit so I can get to work. The grocery store takes their bit so I can eat to have energy to work, and so I can feed my child. The phone company takes their bit so my boss can keep in touch with me when they want to. The insurance companies take their bits so I can say that I’m insured and have the right to drive, and to put myself deeper in medical debt if anything goes wrong. The landlord takes his bit so I can have a roof over my head. Disney takes their bit so my kid can have her favorite movies and shows on demand because that’s one thing I can give her. And now my coin purse is empty until my employer gives me my bit again. Where do the savings come from, oh wise one?

  • @neomachino
    489 months ago

    The beach, I couldn’t give less of a bother about going to lay on some burning sand, occasionally dipping my toes in some freezing fish piss water, and getting pelted in the face with sand as a bunch of kids run by kicking up every speck of sand they touch while their parents are getting shitfaced and blasting music no one else wants to hear.

    Put me in a secluded lake in the woods with some shade near by and I’m all in though. I guess more specifically my issue is with the people at the beach, but still.

    • @morphballganon
      199 months ago

      Sounds like you need to find a less popular beach

      • @1371113
        59 months ago

        Or go earlier in the day. At least in my neck of the woods.

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      Actually swimming in the ocean is a pretty unique experience, but it does kind of require you to be a strong swimmer.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        It definitely was, at about 8 yrs old I got caught in a rip tide (only my toes/foot it felt like) got drawn out in seconds and took minutes to return, scary as hell when you can’t reach the surface or even know where it is. Side note; I couldn’t float at the surface like everyone else, I was too skinny and floated about 2" below the surface

    • @southernbrewer
      19 months ago

      Me too. And I live in NZ where there’s bloody beaches everywhere. Can’t move for beaches

  • @ExtraMedicated
    449 months ago

    My boss is pushing the AI stuff pretty hard lately. I just want to write my own code.

    • @dkc
      149 months ago

      AI for me as well. I’ve played with it a little and it’s kinda fun. Every company is pushing AI now including in areas where it doesn’t make any sense or is many years away from being useful. I’m also seeing a lot of developers being assigned to use AI without any directions on what to use it for.

      I’m far enough along in my career I don’t need to worry about being replaced by AI. If it’s ever good enough to take my job I’ll be happily retired writing software for fun and living my life without AI. I just don’t have any interest.

  • Art35ian
    419 months ago


    You’re all like Star Wars fans to me.

      • @spittingimage
        49 months ago

        Killing in the name of a man who said “blessed are the peace makers”. You have to laugh, or else you’ll cry.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        A big part is groups selling Yoda plushies to star wars fans, telling those fans to kill people buying bb8 plushies so they don’t loose out on sales. Many (most?) of those deaths are about money and power

  • @BroBot9000
    9 months ago

    New movies and shows.

    It’s all just shallow products being pumped out by an uncaring industry that rather slurp up product placement, celebrities and milking dead franchises over writing an original story that’s worth telling.

    Check out this amazing essay for more info:

    • @Magister
      89 months ago

      Same, I never saw a MCU movies for instance

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        You’re missing out on some quality movies in the early part. Iron man, captain America, and the avengers were all very good. After that it’s pretty much civil war and infinity war that are any good.

        • @spittingimage
          159 months ago

          Some people just aren’t into superhero movies.

          • @Matriks404
            9 months ago

            Okay, but Iron Man is still a top-notch movie, even if you’re not into superheroes and stuff. And since that’s the first movie in the MCU you don’t need to watch any of the later ones to get the plot.

            • Hucklebee
              9 months ago

              Not necessarily, it’s still taste. I like superhero movies, but hated all iron man stuff. Can absolutely not relate to a cocky billionaire main role. Not enough character arc on a per movie basis to like the movies.

    • atro_city
      69 months ago

      The French word for “entertainment” is “divertissement” and you don’t need to know French to get what it is: a diversion from things that matter.

    • @Yankee_Self_Loader
      39 months ago

      I realized far too late that most mainstream media is about maximizing views and not telling those stories that worth telling as you said. They start with an interesting idea for a story and if it gets popular it just drags on to get the most amount of eyeballs for as long as possible only for it to end long after it should have with an unsatisfying ending.

      And don’t get me started on injecting soap opera esque character drama just to keep the lowest common denominator inerested (looking at you For All Mankind)

  • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
    9 months ago

    Trans stuff. Before you get the torches and pitchforks, I have no problem with them. I believe they deserve equality, and I don’t believe in spreading hate their way. I’m not Trans, so I don’t have a horse in this race, nor do I desire one. It doesn’t appeal to me, it doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I have my own concerns (keeping my house, paying my bills, keeping my family safe) and they have theirs, I guess is what I’m saying. If I see a Trans person get mistreated, I’ll stick up for them, just like I’d do for anyone, but I’m not interested in it. They are no different from me, we are all people. I think constantly bringing it up to people all the time is more of a disservice.

    • @mojo_raisin
      129 months ago

      I think constantly bringing it up to people all the time is more of a disservice.

      The trans community is tiny, I’m an almost 50 year old trans woman transitioned over 20 years ago. The reason we have the rights we do is because it’s “brought up all the time”. When I transitioned, it was rarely brought up, this was because most people were scared of the social and economic consequences of doing so. This is all changing because we talk about it rather than be quiet and let people keep us down. I’d imagine even you might have more negative views of trans people if the only exposure you had was from talk shows promoting us as freaks, this is how it was before.

      Other than that, your attitude is fine, not everyone needs to be interested.

      • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
        -19 months ago

        You are more than welcome to think I “might have more negative views of Trans people”. You’re wrong, but it is what it is.

    • Hucklebee
      129 months ago

      I think the silent majority feels like this.

      “Eh, not my cup of tea, but you do you”

      • @Moneo
        79 months ago

        but you do you

        That’s what they’re fighting for lol

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    stocks…incredibly unpredictable

    The long-run performance of broad index funds can be pretty predictable.

    • @[email protected]
      209 months ago

      Of course, but the people who are constantly talking about “Stocks” and “The Market” are usually constantly trading, wheeling, dealing, doing all sorts of shit and then trying to brag about how smart they are cause they’re “hustling” while… barely keeping up with or not keeping up at all with those broad index funds you already mentioned.

    • atro_city
      29 months ago

      Saving accounts are just a great resource for banks. Their returns are always less than inflation so you’re basically always losing money with them.

    • @[email protected]
      09 months ago

      I’ve had stocks in a couple forms over my lifetime and after a while, both times I have pulled all my money out.

      The first time was shortly after the 2008 crash. All those reassuring words my investing manager person told me were simply sweet nothings. I decided that taking the hit of losing half my money was a life lesson and used the remaining half to go travel and live a life for myself. That investing manager later went on to have a covid party out of defiance for masking requirements, caught covid and died. Felt good knowing my stranger-danger alarms were working even if I didn’t understand my decisions fully at the time.

      The second time I simply put my money into a low risk, government stock option for a few years. After watching global leaders fumble the handling of a global pandemic, I lost faith my own government to have my best interest in mind. I pulled my money out again.

      I personally feel super uncomfortable allowing other people to make money off my money that I am risking. Even if it is low risk. It make me feel exploited.

      Ultimately, I decided I don’t need my money to work for me because I don’t even want to work. I hate the concept of money. To me, money just disconnects us from community and nature.

      If you are curious to how I live, it’s with very little. I spent a number of years of my life living out of a 34 liter sized backpack. Living minimally while making sure what I owned had meaning, purpose or intention transfered over to when I finally started settling into a certain location.

  • monsterlynn
    279 months ago

    Renting forever. Yeah, I’d like to own a house, sure. But on the other hand, I don’t have to remove snow from my place, I don’t have to pay a repair guy to fix stuff when it’s broken, don’t have to mow the lawn, or maintain the swimming pool. If I have problems with my neighbors, I can complain to management and they’ll handle things discreetly without singling me out or involving me.

    I suppose it depends on where you live, and what you’re paying, but while it’s not entirely ideal, it’s also not awful.

    • @JoshuaFalken
      119 months ago

      Seems like you’re describing renting in an apartment complex or similar. Not exactly an apples to apples comparison to owning a single family home.

      Not that you’ve raised bad points. Renting does have the benefits you’ve described, though lawn care in my experience is hit and miss. The issue is getting these benefits must cost something. So long as having them doesn’t mean the rent is double the mortgage, then it’s worthwhile.

      Otherwise, renting is just another more expensive option for all the people that can’t afford the upfront cost of getting into the housing market.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Which country? In France and Germany tenants are expected to do all of that by themselves. On top of financing their landlord’s cocaine, of course.

      Edit: actually in Germany it’s often the opposite, landlords will tell you about how difficult it is to own a place while sucking your blood off. Shitty country

      • @Valmond
        19 months ago

        When stuff breaks, in France you call the owner and it’s his duty to repair.

        Swimmingpool I guess it’s like cleaning the toilet or the fridge, it’s your job :-) as for annoying neighbours, either you try to wait it out, you contact them or call the cops.

        Something like that, it delends a bit whete you are in France.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          Je doute que ton proprio vienne changer un joint de plomberie, et la maintenance de la chaudière est à la charge du locataire, étrangement.

          • @Valmond
            9 months ago

            Effectivement, mais quand la chaudière claque, c’est à lui de le changer.

            Edit: usure normale bien sûr.

    • @thorbot
      49 months ago

      I shovel the driveway when it snows, takes 20 minutes and is good exercise. I don’t pay a repair guy to fix stuff, I do it myself. I mow the lawn once a week and it’s a nice chance to get outside for half an hour. I don’t maintain a swimming pool since I don’t have one. If I have problems with my neighbors I make them brownies and talk to them. And all the money I pay into my mortgage is going into an asset, not some other fuckstick’s pockets.

    • snownyteOP
      49 months ago

      One would love renting because they’ve managed to find the sweet spot that is an area where things are relatively quiet and peaceful. Management actually cares. Tenants keep to themselves. Things are relatively retained in condition.

      But if you’re living in a complex opposite of that, yeah you’ll hate everything about renting. Tenants who make you wonder how they scrounge enough money to pay monthly rents with how they behave. Management who you wonder how they keep their jobs with how they handle things and allow said problematic tenants to come rent from them. You’ll be getting e-mails of management telling you “oh, package room has to be monitored now because package theft is now a problem” or “we’ll be closing the pool down for the rest of the season because children and tenants can’t behave”

      And just a bunch of other issues.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      So, I am not a vinyl fan, and do not own any. And I agree that the “quality argument” about vinyl being analog and thus being higher fidelity is pretty senseless. But a couple of points:

      Vinyl avoided the loudness war

      The loudness war (or loudness race) is a trend of increasing audio levels in recorded music, which reduces audio fidelity and—according to many critics—listener enjoyment. Increasing loudness was first reported as early as the 1940s, with respect to mastering practices for 7-inch singles.

      Modern recordings that use extreme dynamic range compression and other measures to increase loudness therefore can sacrifice sound quality to loudness. The competitive escalation of loudness has led music fans and members of the musical press to refer to the affected albums as “victims of the loudness war”.

      Because of the limitations of the vinyl format, the ability to manipulate loudness was also limited. Attempts to achieve extreme loudness could render the medium unplayable. Digital media such as CDs remove these restrictions and as a result, increasing loudness levels have been a more severe issue in the CD era.

      I’d guess that audio recorded with the expectation that it would be played on vinyl is probably optimized for that format

      Same idea for old headphones or amplifiers or whatever. I don’t know specifics.

      LCD and LED displays, in 2024, are pretty much across-the-board better than CRTs in 1990. But a lot of old video game emulators try to reproduce artifacts that resulted from low display fidelity of CRTs. Scanlines. Blurriness. Blooming. Curvature of display. Even a bit of color fringing or the like. That’s because the game was designed to be played on the system in question (or one closely approximating it). The art very frequently looks better, less jagged.

      I have magnificent MIDI soundfonts that can make any MIDI audio played on my computer sound vastly more realistic than it does on old, 1990s computer synth hardware or on something like a Super Nintendo. But the music can sound much worse, because the artists were designing the soundtrack with an eye to making it sound pleasant on hardware that had the characteristics of the time.

      Album art

      Vinyl records were not very space efficient. But that meant that artists had a huge amount of space to create album artwork compared to CDs.

      That’s not something that I’m personally into, but some people really are.

      Now, all the above being said, I don’t own vinyl or a turntable and have no interest in ever getting one. But there are some arguments that I can understand for why people may prefer them.

      • @papalonian
        29 months ago

        I’m a small vinyl collector (not the kind with a wall full of ancient albums, but if I really like an album or want to support a smaller artist I’ll buy their vinyl). It’s mostly the first and last points for me. I used to be (and still kind of am) an audiophile type but I can’t really tell the difference between vinyl and streaming from Spotify, so the quality argument is out the window for me. But being able to listen to multiple albums without touch the volume knob is great, and I love going through album artwork, reading anecdotes from the artist, etc. One of my favorite vinyls is a sort of concept album that tells the story of a man who threw his life away to the sea only to be “reborn” a new man, and the album artwork inside the vinyl is absolutely phenomenal. (Deep Blue by Parkway Drive for the curious)

    • @disguy_ovahea
      39 months ago

      Not to mention horribly flat eq. No dynamic integrity whatsoever.

    • snownyteOP
      89 months ago

      I’m glad we live in an era now where people finally realized that they can just not have children and for it to become more optional.

      Having a kid and a family is not what it always take to have a fulfilling and happy life. For people to think that’s all it takes, would be devaluing all of their gains and the people that have helped them along the way aka friends.

    • @Moneo
      29 months ago

      The fact that “family values” are politicized and cast as the best, most important way to live is honestly fucked up when you think about it.

      Why did we decide being het and having kids makes you a fucking hero?