• OptionalOP
      503 months ago

      Good point. But given that it’s Italy, maybe they already finished.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      The Netherlands just finished and walked out of this picture. But yeah we now have new discussions in Congress if umvolkung/the great replacement theory is a fact or if it a fascist conspiracy theory. According to the cabinet it’s a fact and you can be minister and believe in it. (For example the minister that’s decideds about immigration)

    • @MadBigote
      13 months ago

      The boys are back in town, huh!

  • *Tagger*
    563 months ago

    Why are the UK on here, were about to vote in a left wing party.

    • @[email protected]
      733 months ago

      were about to vote in a left wing party

      Bahahahahahahaha, omg I needed a good laugh this evening., thanks…

      Guy literally purged every halfway leftist in the fucking party, and has spent his entire time as leader, and is aiming his entire election campaign on, pleasing capitalists and maintain the status quo. The man doesn’t have a left leaning bone in his spineless self serving body.

      • @[email protected]
        273 months ago

        Eh, still better than the Tories. Supermajority begins the process of dragging the overton window back left, which I’m all for

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Supermajority begins the process of dragging the overton window back left

          Literally the opposite.

          Normalising the current Labour party as anything even remotely left, which it isn’t in any way shape or form, shifts the window to the right by removing actual left from the map altogether. That’s the whole point of Starmer - to regain back ground for the right after what Corbyn awoke in the party and country.

          We are getting a Tory whoever wins, they just wear different coloured ties.

          • @sunbytes
            23 months ago

            I’m hoping that everyone to the left of Starmer makes their move post-election.

            Coming at him hard and forming a new party out of purged leftists, greens and independents.

            But without a labour victory today we’ll be voting against fascism next time. The Tories just did such a good job of failing and disgusting everyone capable of being so.

            • @[email protected]
              -23 months ago

              That’s the same bullshit born out of wilful ignorance and cognitive dissonance that Biden supporters spew. It might make you feel better, but it has no basis in reality.

              There is no voting fascism away. There is no reforming the system from within, since it’s working exactly as designed - by providing an illusion of choice to make you feel like you’ve had a say, when in reality your only available options all serve the establishment (which is why while a leftist party would be nice, it wouldn’t matter, because it would never be allowed to gain power since it would threaten said establishment).

              Starmer isn’t here to save you or fix the country, he couldn’t care less and has made it clear over and over and over again, you just refuse to listen. He’s here solely to shift our politics to the right by eliminating any hint of opposition, never mind leftism, in preparation for an even more right leaning government to come.

              Your blind loyalty isn’t serving you, it never will, despite how comforting it might feel.

              • @sunbytes
                23 months ago

                Who said anything about loyalty?

                I said I hope everyone moves against him as soon as the Tories are dealt with.

                I see you’re angry, but I think you’re telling this stuff to the wrong people.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            Corbyn got absolutely fucked at the election. Running as an out-and-out leftist awoke fuck all in the general electorate.

            The right were more than happy to get their foot in the door with Cameron, before dragging politics in this country further and further right. Why are we so unhappy to do the same?

            Also, when on earth do you think the Tories were planning on setting up a nationalised energy company, renationalising rail?

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              Corbyn got absolutely fucked at the election.

              Right, because he was obviously the one who launched the massive media smear campaign against himself, dubbing himself “unelectable” and the biggest antisemite in Britain, to ensure the wealthy are protected from the devastating thereat he posed to their avoided taxes… 😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

              Running as an out-and-out leftist awoke fuck all in the general electorate.

              I guess hundreds of thousands of people joining the Labour party, more than ever in history (and definitely more than have ever joined the Tory party), and hundreds of thousands if not millions more becoming engaged in politics who had never before, is nothing. Or maybe it’s just that you’re being wilfully ignorant, or even more likely - deliberately misrepresenting reality… 🤔

              Why are we so unhappy to do the same?

              Because it’s not what’s fucking happening, Starmers foot in the door is categorically never going to move the oveton window left (his entire purpose in politics is to position Labour so far right that real leftists aren’t even in the window anymore), and you wanting to model the Labour party after what the Tories do (voting with no morals or integrity and against the interests of working and other marginalised people out of blind loyalty to the party, sound familiar?) proves just how far right them, and their voters, have shifted in said window (proving what he’s doing is working exactly to plan, and you’re falling for it).

              He doesn’t represent me or any of my best interests, and never has any intention to even try to, why the fuck would I endorse him??

              Also, when on earth do you think the Tories were planning on setting up a nationalised energy company, renationalising rail?

              What makes you think New Labour is? 😂😂😂

              (E: in reality, it’s one of the many “promises” they’ve already u-turned on, or more like lied about, before ever even getting near power)

              • @gmtom
                23 months ago

                Also need to point out that in his first election Corbyn was only 7 seats away from winning, or 2,227 votes away from winning that election. So the conservatives and the liberal media and right wingers in his own party absolutely shat themselves and started doing whatever they could to make sure he didnt win the next one. Combined with the 2019 election being mostly about brexit and Corbyn being in an impossible position of trying to unite a party that was deeply split on the issue. meant he had his “historic” loss. And even then he still got 10,000,000 votes compared to Johnsons 14,000,000 so it really wasnt even as big of a blowout as the media pushed it as.

      • ✺roguetrick✺
        3 months ago

        Dude literally promised to continue tory policies. He’s a fucking Tory in a labour suit.

        • @[email protected]
          63 months ago

          Yup, but people don’t want to hear it, they want to pat themselves on the back for “doing their part” and move on with their lives without ever having to stop to consider what they’re actually endorsing and what part they are playing in this charade designed to keep us forever subservient to the owning class.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          We laugh because when they say both sides they’re thinking about left and right, but in reality left isn’t even represented in our politics at all (be it US or UK and plenty others, but really all nation states, since leftists don’t even believe they should exist), so they’re really talking about two different coloured representations of the same side being the same, which they are. Both serve and worship capitalism, and therefore fascism.

          Also I never said anything about not voting, that’s what people like you who refuse to see the reality always like to insert to make yourselves feel superior for doing the bare minimum, I simply refuse to endorse someone so blatantly acting against my own interest and the interests of the country and its people, nor do I believe the vote I did cast will make any difference, because the system is designed to be irreformable, and as they say - if a vote changed anything, they wouldn’t let us do it. No matter who is elected, the system ensures we remain in service of the owning class.

          Also fuck linking that to me, assuming I must be ignorant because I don’t agree with your uninformed centrist take when actually being disabled I have actively and consistently been on the direct receiving end of Tory cuts for 15 years, and have suffered greatly for it. Labour is literally offering me nothing different, worse, they make it crystal clear over and over and over again that they don’t give a shit about people like me (not just disabled, but poor, and queer, to name a couple more groups they don’t give a shit about).

          So you feel free to pat yourself on the back for “getting rid of the Tories” all you like, but all you’re doing is endorsing another shade of exactly the same shit, and letting people like me know how little you care about our safety and rights (nor your own, since first they may have come for us, but they’ll be coming for you eventually).

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        I’m with you about the authoritarian purging of the party. Nevertheless, with the size of the majority that’s being predicted it will be hard to keep so many people in line once they have gone from being candidates to actual MPs. The biggest opposition in parliament may end up being socialist rebels within the Labour party itself.

        Labour tried to do things the proper way under Corbyn and got completely destroyed. Back to lies, treachery and ‘Realpolitik’. The fact is that after all the u-turning that Labour’s leadership has done under Starmer, nobody can count on them doing anything. That includes the corporations and financial sector, who are just as likely to be getting played for fools as the rest of us.

        • @[email protected]
          -23 months ago

          The biggest opposition in parliament may end up being socialist rebels within the Labour party itself.

          You can keep telling yourself that, but it’s never going to happen, Starmer made sure of it.

          Labour tried to do things the proper way under Corbyn and got completely destroyed.

          By the establishment they threatened, which you are now completely willing to bow down to and cooperate with.

          That includes the corporations and financial sector, who are just as likely to be getting played for fools as the rest of us.

          Wow, lmfao, if you think that you’ve really not been paying attention, Starmer has been pretty openly licking corporate arse so hard his tongue is its own shade of brown, his whole neoliberal existence is to make sure capitalists remain top priority.

          Starmer doesn’t give a shit about you or me, and he has no intention on making our lives better, nor do the rest of the neoliberals he’s made sure to surround himself with.

    • The Snark Urge
      293 months ago

      Starmer’s Labour is about as left wing as the US Democrats are; by comparison only.

      • *Tagger*
        123 months ago

        I mean, he really isn’t. He’s far to the left of them.

        • @iarigby
          93 months ago

          as i understood he has no intention of reversing the institutional damage from the Tories so he’s effectively supporting those anti welfare policies

          • @[email protected]
            183 months ago

            He’s pledged to set up a nationalised green energy company, increase funding to the NHS, and build 300,000 new homes per year. That seems a fairly decent start.

            Issue is the Tories have tanked the economy and cut taxes, so Starmer’s got fuck all money without raising taxes (unpopular, even though I think it’s the right thing to do). Post election and with a massive amount of political capital to spend, I think we will see tax rises on those that can afford it, to help fix some of the damage.

            • *Tagger*
              83 months ago

              Not to mention renationalising passenger rail.

              I swear some of the people on here only think you can be left wing if you want an 80% wealth tax of millionaires and are going to institute universal basic income.

              Starmer is running a balance between left wing and actually getting fucking elected

              • @[email protected]
                53 months ago

                I swear some of the people on here only think you can be left wing if you want an 80% wealth tax of millionaires and are going to institute universal basic income.

                Welcome to Lemmy.

              • @gmtom
                03 months ago

                Not to mention renationalising passenger rail.

                Which is also a Tory policy put forward by a Tory thinktank.

            • @gmtom
              23 months ago

              He’s pledged to set up a nationalised green energy company,

              That isnt actually an energy company and will own 0 infrastructure or generation capacity.

              increase funding to the NHS, and build 300,000 new homes per year.

              But he refuses to reverse the privatisation of NHS trusts and also those are both policies the Tories are supporting as well.

      • @Aux
        3 months ago

        Nope. Both murican dems and cons are further right than Reform in the UK.

      • @then_three_more
        3 months ago

        Tbh the question is just how big a majority labour get, and whether the Tories will even be the second biggest party.

        Nigel Frog Face Farage’s far right Reform UK do look like they might get up to maybe 15%-20% of vote however. But thanks to our very unrepresentative FPTP system they’re looking to get 0.15% to 0.31% of the members of parliament. In short they’re facing the same issues that have held down the left in the UK for years.

    • @Pirasp
      93 months ago

      Don’t worry, you are still in the running, it’s just a temporary setback.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        it’s just a temporary setback.

        Barely even that, the man is the establishment, and has proven time and time again that he isn’t interested in the working class and other marginalised people. If anything, he’s there to keep things the same so that in the next cycle of this sham theatre the Tories can point to the lack of improvement as Labour failing and get right back in to power again.

        The system is designed to self preserve, this isn’t a bug, it’s a feature, and as long as people keep playing along and pinning their hopes on the establishment reforming itself, we’re going to continue our rapid descent in to full blown fascism.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Seriously, the Tories ran that nation into the ground and they did it with the full support of the voting public.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      When did the UK get a new major party? Or are you just being wrong and calling the labor party left wing while their policies are just torie light?

      • *Tagger*
        93 months ago

        Honestly, they are talking about relations allowing the rail - they are left wing. Starmer just happens to be a pragmatist who actually wanted to get elected. You wait and see how much better state the country is in after 5 years under a left end labour government

        • @[email protected]
          73 months ago

          While privatizing healthcare and continuing anti trans policies. If the only way to be elected in the UK is to really far right shit then that’s some societal rot right there.

          The UK may even be doing better in 5 years but that would be an insanely low bar, currently the only economically viable area is London and the whole country is being overtaken by fucking Poland economically.

          • @Anomaline
            13 months ago

            I was tentatively optimistic about Starmer on some of those fronts after writing him off as a hack but yeah, recently he ranted about how trans women shouldn’t be allowed in bathrooms so…the grey area is gone, he just wants his party to be the Tories but painted a different color.

        • CurlyWurlies4All
          33 months ago

          Honestly, good for you. I think you’re entirely deluded but maybe I’m just jaded from seeing centrist parties worldwide fail for the last two decades.

    • @then_three_more
      33 months ago

      Everyone’s scared of Reform UK I guess. Forgetting how FPTP will fuck them in the same way it usually fucks the Greens and the Lib-Dems.

      • *Tagger*
        13 months ago

        It’s really not, it’s just actually electable

        • @gmtom
          -13 months ago

          Well he’s pro privatisation of the NHS, pro Israel,

          anti-trans, dropped his electoral reform promises and to abolish the house of lords

          dropped his green energy promises,

          decided to keep private schools as charity status,

          Is keeping the Tories cuts to welfare,

          is pro university tuition fees,

          is against taxing the rich more,

          dropped his commitment to nationalise public services like water gas and energy,

          dropped his promise to defend freedom of movement and refuses to start the process of rejoining EU or EEA,

          dropped his promise to stop new oil and gas licences in the north sea,

          dropped his promise to scrap the universal credit system

          So please tell me, what is he offering to do thats actually left wing, that the Tories arent?

  • Veraxus
    413 months ago

    If only the American public responded like the French public when fascists try to seize power.

    • @mkwt
      393 months ago

      You’re allowed to use any mode of locomotion in a track race, including skipping, crawling, or moonwalking, as long as it’s under your own power.

      • @Agent641
        53 months ago

        A bicycle is under my own power?

        • @chaogomu
          143 months ago

          It is not. There are also rules about the type of shoe you can wear. But other than that, if you can cartwheel and backflip fast enough while staying completely in your lane, then you can do it in a race.

          Because that’s another rule. No leaving your lane.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          A bicycle is a machine with mechanical advantages that propel you faster and further using the same energy input. So while it is technically locomotion powered entirely by you, it is not soley under your power because of said mechanical advantage. There have been similar trouble with amputee racers using blade and spring type prosthetics.

          • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ
            43 months ago

            The bicycle is one of best inventions of our species.

  • @CptEnder
    293 months ago

    As an American moving to France soon (work), come on mannnn…

  • @lugal
    273 months ago

    Germany: “We won last time. It’s ok to be third place this time.”

  • Todd Bonzalez
    193 months ago

    Don’t group the US and the UK together here. The UK is on track to expel most of their Conservatives in the next surprise election because the Conservative in charge is an impulsive man-baby. The US is on track to hold their very last election as they fall into a tyranny built by Christofacists and Ultracapitalists and lead by the most ridiculous cult of personality you’ve ever seen.

    • @Hamartia
      43 months ago

      Eh? Labour has been racing over to the right since Starmer buried all of his leadership election pledges and surrounded himself with all the most reactionary neo-liberal ghouls he could find. They’re little different in political outlook from the 2010-15 tory-libdem coalition. Austerity and the “sensible” backing of the expedient genocides here we come.

      They aren’t out and out fascists but they are heaving that Overton window to the right, so fascist rhetoric will flourish.

  • @gi1242
    153 months ago

    what did France recently do to leap ahead?

    • OptionalOP
      383 months ago

      Marie Le Pew’s far-right party is gathering more followers for ? reasons?

      • @[email protected]
        233 months ago

        Macron’s party is pulling out of races to give the socialists a better chance of cutting off the nazis.

        It could work. We will see.

        • @joneskind
          3 months ago

          Don’t give Macron too much credit here.

          He’s the one to blame for the far right’s victory with his same-same language, has he pushed the discourse that the left party is in fact a dangerous antisemitic far left party.

          The left party was the first to pull out of races to let macron’s representatives win against the far right, even though it would cost them much more.

          Macron is an absolute POS.

        • @Valmond
          133 months ago

          Don’t give them too much credit, everyone’s doing it and they were the last to do so too.

      • @joneskind
        3 months ago

        Marie Le Pew sounds way too nice for that POS

        It’s Marine Le Pen, and her goon Jordan Bardella (who has Algerian origins from his grandmother but ignores that completely and prefers talking about his Italian origins from his grandfather)

        • OptionalOP
          33 months ago

          Yes, right. That.

      • Something Burger 🍔
        123 months ago

        The reason being that a single fascist billionaire owns several TV channels, radio stations and newspapers.

        • OptionalOP
          83 months ago

          Hey - Hey, I’ve seen this one!

      • @Aux
        83 months ago

        Le Penis party didn’t achieve anything yet.

      • @smooth_tea
        53 months ago

        I’m speaking in general terms because I’m not familiar with French politics, I just live in a neighboring country. But are we really surprised that it’s moving in that direction? In a general sense, the right will always blossom in climates like these, migrants pouring in from decades of war, prices skyrocketing, the Russia affair further polarizing and instilling fear, a general lack of progress. But more importantly, while the right does its best to cultivate the most basic of emotional responses, the left seems unable to come up with anything attractive let alone exciting. And we can argue that progress and good choices can be utterly dull and unappealing, at some point we will have to realize that good ideas still need to be marketed to the people and that it’s not enough to equate anything right-wing with fascism and hope that it will do the heavy lifting. We have become preoccupied with complaining about the right in such a way that we can no longer allow critique of what the left is failing to do. If they can do no good then we can do no wrong.

        • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ
          3 months ago

          It’s a combination of fools and fool-proof fascist propaganda. What liberals did was, as usual, to tolerate fascists and their propaganda (and refused to reduce the power of capitalists).

    • @samus12345
      3 months ago

      Whatever it was, the US Supreme Court deciding that presidents are immune from prosecution beats it by a very, very long shot.

    • @TropicalDingdong
      63 months ago

      People think that Macrons gambit was a mistake.

      They’re wrong, but its what they think.

  • @RizzRustbolt
    -133 months ago

    That’s what happens when you over-regulate food.