• @aggelalex
    3 months ago

    Imagine if Biden with his newfound immunity decomissions the entire Supreme Court and raids it with military force just for the sake of tragic irony

    • @Phegan
      123 months ago

      Everyone seems to be missing the “in an official capacity” clause of the ruling. That is intended to force each of these cases to the supreme court, allowing them to rule what is and isn’t official capacity. Meaning, they can simply rule that Biden didn’t act in an official capacity and is not immune. The ruling is even more sinister than it seems on the surface.

      • @aggelalex
        113 months ago

        He can make it official. He can make it as official as it gets. He can literally publicly sign this, in his office, with the press. Just because the constitution doesn’t explicitly say he can do it doesn’t mean it’s unofficial. The constitution barely mentions what authorities the president does and doesn’t have in the first place.

      • Sabata
        93 months ago

        Its going to be hard to rule against the president after you been killed by the president.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        The decision specifically states any action involving “core responsibilities” is an official action and grants immunity. One of the core responsibilities of the president is commanding the armed forces. So by their decision any order given to the armed forces comes with immunity by default.

      • @Sylvartas
        33 months ago

        Obviously this will never happen, but good luck ruling that Biden did not act “in an official capacity” when he ordered their murder, after it has actually been enacted. I guess their replacements could do it but that won’t resuscitate their predecessors.

    • @[email protected]
      -83 months ago

      Immunity != authority.

      Biden doesn’t have additional powers because of the ruling. Just can’t be prosecuted for crimes.

      Immunity only benefits criminal Presidents like Trump.

      • @webadict
        133 months ago

        The problem with that thinking is the President is the Commander-in-Chief. He can tell the military to do anything, and anything he tells them to do is protected, because that power is EXPLICITLY written out in the Constitution, and thus is an official act.

        Additionally, he could just hire literal hitmen and pardon them of any crimes. Official act. Fucking brownshirts are gonna be back.

        • Schadrach
          23 months ago

          The hiring hitmen would probably not be an official act though. That’s why you use the military and pardon them of any charges.

          • @webadict
            43 months ago

            You’re right, just start a new branch of the military and just call it the Freedom Squad, and their whole goal is assassinating anyone you deem the deep state.

    • @WraithGear
      323 months ago

      Except when the terms of what an official act is not defined, the Supreme Court gets to decide, after the fact.

      • @firebyte
        193 months ago

        I’ve been thinking about this a bit, I’m not sure it’s been considered and I may be going out on a random tangent…

        Isn’t this whole ‘immunity’ decision just another power grab, or rather further cementing of their power, by SCOTUS? Think about it. They’re essentially the arbiter of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ now, as there’s no further avenue of appeal save for amending the U.S. Constitution.

        Put aside the vagueness of ‘official’ vs. ‘unofficial’ acts for a moment.

        • Trump did something definitely illegal, and Trump argues was ‘official’, like his classified records case. Immune.

        • Biden did something questionably legal yet unofficial, such as forgetfully retaining classified documents after his tenure as VP (which he immediately returned). Supreme Court decides ‘not immune’, and some idiot decides to prosecute.

        Trump might end up as a king, but the conservative majority of SCOTUS are the kingmakers and protectors.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Eh. Not if Biden just says “no. Fuck you. That was an official act.” And then just categorically ignore the court. Which is precisely what Trump would do if presented with a mirrored version of the situation.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        23 months ago

        So he can limit the scope of what the next president can do simply by using the power he’s been given.

        • @WraithGear
          13 months ago

          Nope because he can’t interpret nor create laws. Just break them. The next president is free to do as they wish.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            13 months ago

            And if he breaks them, the Supreme Court will rule that the president can’t do whatever it is that Biden did. Assuming whatever Biden did doesn’t result in the court having a different makeup.

            • @WraithGear
              23 months ago

              Thats the crux of the King’s Gambit to remove this ruling.

      • @njm1314
        13 months ago

        Hard to decide it after the fact if the fact is your death.

        • Schadrach
          13 months ago

          He’s not going to be around much longer either way.

    • @kautau
      263 months ago

      Are you hoping that Biden now sets a precedent by using his newfound king powers to assassinate his opponent? I want Trump to lose in a fair election and go to prison for a very long time. Biden using this “the president/king can do whatever he wants” would lead to an immediate civil war

      • @[email protected]
        413 months ago

        The time for a president to not act like a king was before a corrupt court awarded the powers of a king to a president. The only way to turn it back now is for a non-corrupt king to break the corrupt court and then divest himself of powers before a corrupt king ascends to the throne.

      • @WraithGear
        413 months ago

        What?! No! This is like a riddle. You assassinate the Supreme court first, THEN pack the court. Then have the new Supreme Court strip the presidency of these new powers.

        • @EvilBit
          113 months ago

          Yes but my cabbage is still on the wrong side of the river

          • @Dlayknee
            33 months ago

            You have the leave the fox with it.

            • @EvilBit
              23 months ago

              But Clarence Thomas keeps eating the fox.

        • @LifeInMultipleChoice
          13 months ago

          He has enough troops to hit Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and anyone else he wants at the same time.

          The irony it would be if he called the Official act, “The Purge of Fascism”

          No one would try to bring about an impeachment vote, as they know they would be dead or disappeared before it took place.

        • @scifun
          03 months ago

          Because history is full of examples of people willingly giving up absolute authority.

      • queermunist she/her
        3 months ago

        Weird how if Biden uses any of the power he has to stop Trump from becoming Fuhrer then it will cause a civil war, but when Trump actually uses that power to become Fuhrer he will face no obstacles.

        • @kautau
          3 months ago

          It will still cause a civil war. Also, that was a wild edit from “you’ll fucking wish Biden assassinated Trump”

          • queermunist she/her
            3 months ago

            I changed my mind about what I wanted to say, but was I wrong?

            EDIT And I changed my mind again. If Trump is so dangerous, the only way to really stop him is for Biden to win decisively. Instead, he’s behind in fucking New Jersey in the latest polls. If he wins it’ll be razor thin, maybe only by the electoral college or a few counties, and then the fascist Supreme Court will give it to Trump anyway. Lose/lose, at least if Biden does something really funny before he resigns he could make sure Trump can’t become fuhrer.

            • @SlopppyEngineer
              63 months ago

              The forces that produced Trump remain and will birth a new “strong man” for the masses to get behind, and the GOP does another attempt for Christian fascism.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            I mean, they’re .ml gaslightings to be expected

            edit: Lmao, 5 replies and I can see none of them. Sorry Tankies, I’m way ahead of you

            • queermunist she/her
              3 months ago

              I’m trans in a red state, they’re going to kill me, and the only option I’m allowed to vote for a genocidal mummy who is going to fucking lose because he’s too stubborn and old to realize he has to drop out. Meanwhile, smarmy fucking liberals want to tell me it’s too dangerous for Biden to use his unlimited executive power handed to him by the Court, and they’re frog marching me to my death.

              So yeah, my first instinct was to wish Biden would do literally fucking anything to stop Trump, and he won’t and we’re all fucked.

              EDIT And I’m a stupid fuck and hit enter too quickly sometimes and then think of more stuff I want to say or change my mind about what I wanted to say, and now that I was “caught” being a stupid indecisive fuck because I edited a few minutes after posting I lose this argument so whatever

              • @[email protected]
                -133 months ago

                It’s always so easy to get upset by a narrative you create on your own. I mean, adhering to reality is so much work! Right?

                • queermunist she/her
                  13 months ago

                  You accused me of gaslighting people, like I’m some kind of abuser. That put me in a really bad place.

                  Here’s reality: Biden is going to get me killed because he won’t do what is best for the country and either resign or stop Trump permanently, and you all are telling me to support this genocidal mummy who would rather get me killed than do the right thing.

                  Maybe that makes me a little fucking stressed?

          • @[email protected]
            -23 months ago

            More accurate: Socialists will always choose to side with fascists over liberals, because they really just want authoritarianism.

            Though it’s probably more accurate to say “tankie” isntead of “socialist”, but since you’re referring to tankies as socialists, I’ll do the same.

            • @TokenBoomer
              33 months ago

              The great day of victory over Germany has come. Fascist Germany, forced to her knees by the Red Army and the troops of our Allies, has acknowledged herself defeated and declared unconditional surrender.

              -Josef Stalin, May 9, 1945

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                Yeah… after Stalin worked with Hitler to carve up Poland. It was only when Hitler attacked Stalin that he begrudgingly got on the Allied side. Poland still got fucked by that asshole though.

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        I want Trump to lose in a fair election and go to prison for a very long time.

        I mean, 2020 happened, he lost in a fair election. He did do crimes that should have landed him jail.

        Now what? You’re saying it’s gonna happen this time?

      • @TokenBoomer
        63 months ago

        As if that’s not gonna happen when Trump uses said powers? Indecisiveness will doom America. Act! The Heritage foundation, Trump, and the Republicans do. They ask for forgiveness, maybe, but not permission.

        • @kautau
          33 months ago

          Indecisiveness = not assassinating the opponent?

          America is doomed. Now both sides are calling for their chosen king to execute the other king. The experiment is over, hyper capitalism disguised as theology won. I want to vote for my chosen president in this election. This thread is telling me I should support my king executing the other king. Even if he gives up that power right after said execution, the president has made a precedent that the “checks and balances” are broken.

          My prediction is that if an execution / forceful power grab is to happen, China will immediately invade the Phillipines and Taiwan, seeing the instability of the US, possibly Japan right after, since our new king will be too busy with the civil war or dismantling the government.

          After that NATO and the EU will remove the US from any seat we have during said civil war, as we are no longer a democratic state.

          The US arms companies will move to supplying the civil war in addition to just pumping Israel full of guns, maybe Russia too since it’s profitable and what even is regulation at this point.

          By the time the US does stabilize, we’re a corporatocracy, as the only things left with real buying power are our tech companies and arms manufacturers, which at this point have their own mercenary security to defend against potential profit loss or have moved to other nations (Apple’s risk management division absolutely has these papers and plans drawn up seeing the political climate)

          Canada will absolutely close its borders, and probably will be a hotbed of attempted immigration, ironically their right wing leaning government fighting the effects of our right wing government.

          But yeah, we should yell at our king to assassinate the other potential king, instead of organizing, donating, campaigning and voting

          • @TokenBoomer
            3 months ago

            Yes. Pretty much. Exactly. The alternative is Trump. So, yeah. Glad someone else recognizes America as we knew it is over.

            You know the thought experiment where you go back in time and kill Hitler? We’re there. Take out Hitler.

            The alternative is to do what Weimar Germany did and pretend it’s not happening, or, it won’t be that bad.

            Learn from history.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            That’s bullshit. Most people I have talked to believe trump should be sentenced accordingly to the felonies he has been convicted of, not executed.

            Sure, blowhards in their online echo chambers love to bloviate about all the doom and gloom, but we have seen enough propaganda as of late to question the veracity of these dubious claims.

            Most Americans are pretty much fed up with politics at this point. But the misinformation needs to stop.

      • Queen HawlSera
        53 months ago

        Hell no, this “When they go low, we go high, bullshit!” is why Roe Vs. Wade was overturned and if we continue that nonsense it will be why Gay Marriage is overturned.

    • @[email protected]
      -43 months ago

      Immunity only benefits criminals. Biden is not a criminal so doesn’t get any benefit from the ruling.

      The ruling only benefits criminal Presidents like Trump.

      • queermunist she/her
        3 months ago

        Criminals have to be convicted.

        If you do crime and don’t get convicted, you’re innocent. That’s how the judicial system works and the Court just confirmed Nixon was right: when the president does it it’s not a crime.

      • queermunist she/her
        73 months ago

        The powers just granted to him by the Supreme Court.

        Any “official act” done by the President is now constitutional. He couldn’t, like, shoot Trump at the next debate with a gun he smuggled on stage. What he could do is, as President from the Oval Office, order Trump’s motorcade to be droned.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          You clearly don’t understand how this works. And I’m not going to waste the time to explain it to you. It’s way too late in the game for that shit.

          You’re entirely wrong about how that works. Just know that.

            • @[email protected]
              -103 months ago

              Cool, so you’re an admitted troll. It’s always a good thing when the gifts wrap themselves. I no longer have to take you seriously.

              • queermunist she/her
                3 months ago

                Your entire argument was “no ur rong” and so I responded with as much effort as you gave me.

                • @[email protected]
                  -113 months ago

                  So to summarize-

                  You say incorrect and grossly exaggerated bullshit- and if I so much as even try and tell you that you’re wrong-

                  You get to troll with impunity.


                  Well, I hate to break it to you, but again- shit isn’t going to work that way. You see, there’s a thing called accountability. And you clearly have proven that you have none. So while you think you have made yourself a fun little “gotcha” moment- you’ve really only proven that you can’t hold your own.

                  It’s easy to talk shit when no one asks you to back it up.

  • @[email protected]
    333 months ago

    Does anyone else just not bother reading articles when they see it’s from The Daily Beast? I just don’t have the energy to deal with their paywall.

    • @jeffwOP
      3 months ago

      I feel like their paywall has gotten more strict recently. I used to almost never get them (edit: on my pc with an adblocker. I did get them on mobile but now I’m seeing them on my pc too)

    • @n0clue
      23 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • @[email protected]
    -63 months ago

    Fortunately diet and lifestyle means you won’t have to put up with it for long…

    Reckon both these guys will be in the ground before the next election cycle comes around.

    • @Bahalex
      3 months ago

      Trump is a foot in the door, there are some scary and actually intelligent people behind the scenes.

      We’re in a frogs in the pot situation.

    • @rayyy
      63 months ago

      They said Bernie Sanders was too old 8 years ago yet he is still around.

  • @[email protected]
    -203 months ago

    It’s going to be crazy when Trump gets elected, is unable to pass laws due to a stalemate in congress and then is replaced by an idiot genx/millenial four years later.

    • @WraithGear
      83 months ago

      Why pass new laws when you can break them instead!?

    • @[email protected]
      73 months ago

      I hope you’re right, but I don’t think you are.

      I don’t expect to have meaningful or fair elections for the foreseeable future if the fascists win in November, to the point that I have contingency plans for various scenarios in that domain.

    • Queen HawlSera
      23 months ago

      Naw it’s okay bro, he can just sign an executive order saying the law is passed. Official Act baby!