• @just_another_person
    1224 months ago

    Remember these same assholes that started this shit in the 90’s about the “Gay Agenda” converting all the children? According to that very same fear mongering, we’re all supposed to be gay by now, cuz that’s how that works…

          • @jj4211
            24 months ago

            Judging from the downvotes, people evidently really need the /s…

          • @just_another_person
            54 months ago

            Yes, they were wrong. There was no “Gay Agenda” trying to convert people to being gay. That kind of dumb activity is apparently only meant for the religious nutjobs trying to turn people straight, which was and is a real thing that happens.

                • @felbane
                  74 months ago

                  Look, I’ve seen the gay agenda first hand and all I can say is that Lisa Frank did an ✨ a m a z i n g ✨ job.

                • arefx
                  34 months ago

                  I just assumed it’s all a sarcastic joke

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      -404 months ago

      From a purely numbers standpoint, aren’t they kind of fight?

      Not many gay people were “out” in the 90s. Tons of gay people out today.

      So from a recordable numbers standpoint, the number of known gay people HAS gone up drastically since then.

      I think the bigger question to that fear mongering would be:

      “Yeah? And?”

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        They’re not right because they numbers didn’t go up from conversion. They went up because people could admit who they are without fear of violence. The true number didn’t change, we just became capable of getting a more accurate count.

        • @[email protected]
          184 months ago

          Right, I think this is the point that the above comment is making as well. That the numbers of publicly/out gay people went up because of a more accurate count thanks to a less hostile sociopolitical climate.

          I think the point that’s being confused in that comment is that the fear mongering was obviously bullshit, and modern bigots pointing at any increase in LGBTQ+ identification nowadays may continue to use those statistics as justification for anti-LGBTQ+ platforms. Instead of engaging that argument that the hate mongers have always known is in bad faith, it’s much more to the point nowadays to make them explain what they think is wrong with increased LQBTQ+ identification, or as the original comment put it, “Yeah, and?”

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          64 months ago

          Thats exactly what I just said though…

          • @paf0
            54 months ago

            No, it isn’t. You responded to a comment about conversion and are making it sound like conversion was successful.

            • @[email protected]
              74 months ago

              I think they were saying conversion may seem successful to some because of how the numbers look.

            • @Lost_My_Mind
              04 months ago

              No, I said thats how the census views it. All the census is, is a collection of numbers without context. 1990s, not that many recorded gay people. Key word RECORDED. Today, much higher. Therefore the census sees a jump. The conservatives tried playing this off as a scare tactic, as “THERES MORE GAY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!! AHHHHH!!!”

              And I said my response was

              “Yeah? And?”

          • @[email protected]
            54 months ago

            Ah, it came across as thinking they were actually right, that conversion was the reason for the increase. I think that misunderstanding is why you’re attracting down votes.

          • @TokenBoomer
            34 months ago

            I understood you. I don’t think it’s you, there are many who were never trained in deductive reasoning. It sucks because it limits effective communication.

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        194 months ago

        “We wouldn’t have so much Covid in America if we’d quit testing.”

        Yeah, that tracks.

      • Butt Pirate
        174 months ago

        All those people were always gay though. They’re just safe enough now to say it.

      • @shalafi
        164 months ago

        My god, the downvotes. Had the same thought. No one was out in the 80s and 90s, I was there. I can see idiots thinking people were converted, hence the rise in numbers.

        I think the vast majority of people are saying, “Yeah? And?” People generally don’t give a shit any longer. Notice the conservatives aren’t banging the gay-hate drum and have pivoted to trans people?

        • @Freefall
          54 months ago

          TBF they are often caught banging the gays like drums…they needed a new enemy that they haven’t got caught banging repeatedly. So much self-loathing in that party.

      • @just_another_person
        64 months ago

        …you’re either an idiot, or trolling. Either way, you deserve the downvotes.

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          94 months ago

          How am I an idiot for saying that census data shows more people admitting to being gay, and it not being a problem?

          • @[email protected]
            84 months ago

            Because it’s not that they were “fight” (sic), but that people aren’t as afraid to be honest.

            • @[email protected]
              184 months ago

              Yeah, obviously. But autism rates are going up because doctors are better at diagnosis and people are more comfortable being identified as different, which some assholes attribute to vaccines. Of course they’re not going to look at higher rates of LGBTQA+ self identification as a sign that people are more comfortable being themselves, but instead as evidence that CRT or fluoride or whatever is at fault and must be banned.

          • @Freefall
            44 months ago

            You tripped in a circle jerk and got taken out of context or just misunderstood and pounced on. I am pretty sure everyone in this chain is pro-LGBT or at the very least not homophobic. When passions are high and people are defending a cause close to them, the internet has them trained to go off on a hair-trigger. I catch myself doing it too. Sometimes it is justified when an actual shithead comes in and says some evil stuff, but the friendly fire can be just as brutal. I got banned from a subreddit (and ended up leaving reddit mostly), because a mod that likely shares ideologies with me permabanned me for “being racist” for using the word “criminal” (which they read as “black”). The one person in my life that means everything to me, is black…I am 99% sure I am not racist, and she would SO TELL ME if I was! 🤣 Don’t take it personally, and don’t let the overzealous push you away.

            • @Lost_My_Mind
              54 months ago

              Here’s a story your girlfriend/wife will get a kick out of.

              I am white. My whole family is white, however our last name is mostly thought of as a black name.

              In the 1960s my grandfather was planning a vacation for the family, which included my dad as a teenager.

              So in those days, no internet, phones existed but were a hassle to find the phone numbers for places in other cities as phone books were local only.

              So my grandfather writes a check for what it cost for a family vacation in mertle beach. He mailed it directly to the hotel. The hotel had ads on television which told you where to mail the check and how much. You did this months in advance. They mailed you back the list of dates you could reserve for, you mailed back the completed form, they cashed your check, and mailed you back a confirmation letter stating everything was set with your reservation.

              At least thats how it’s SUPPOSED to work.

              My grandfather 5 months ahead of the vacation sends off his correct check, does everything the right way, money in the bank, innitial forms completed, ect ect ect.

              Three weeks later he gets his reply from the hotel.

              “Dear Mr (Family last name), While we do appriciate your interest in staying at our resort, we do not allow (pretty bad word here, starts with N) at our establishment. Whites only.” They also stamped his already filled out check with “VOID”, and returned it, ripped in half.

              I’m too young to ever known my grandfather. My only memory of him is me in the late 80s his hand dangling off the side of his hospital bed. I remember him talking, but I was shorter than the hospital bed. So I only saw his hand. I’m told that he was a mostly calm individual who just worked his ass off to provide for his family. What made him happy was making others happy. But when he got mad, it was like a tornado. If my dad, or aunts heard him yell, they knew shit was getting real.

              So my dad is upstairs in his room as a teenager when my dad got that rejection letter. Suddenly he hears from my grandfather downstairs “ALRIGHT GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!! NOW!!! EVELYN, GET MY CAMERA!!!”

              Evelyn was his wife, my grandmother. He NEVER yelled at his wife. He yelled at the kids when they fucked up. He never yelled at his wife. So you better beleive all my aunts and my dad raced down there in an instant to not make things worse. They saw my grandmother setting up a camera. My grandfathers face literally red with anger. None of them saw the letter, so they had no idea who fucked up, or what happened. They just knew not to poke the bear. Lots of “Yes sir. Right away sir.” until they could figure out what’s happening and why.


              The way my dad told the story, he was sure even neighbors several houses down were smiling in their own living rooms, to not further anger my grandfather. I’m sure he’s exaggerating, but it helps set the mental visual of my family nervously smiling with a pissed off man behind them using a squeeze pump to take a family photo.

              He sent back to the original hotel a letter with a copy of the rejection letter. His new letter read:

              “Dear (hotel managers name), in light of our recent correspondance, I have included a recently taken family photo. In your rejection letter responding to me, I was informed you do not allow people of color on your grounds. This is a mentality that I cannot tolerate. I will not be seeking any further reservations with your establishment as I do not conduct business with racists. America is a melting pot, with which all men are created equal. We’ve faught wars over this, both foreign and civil. Our country will not move forward until civil rights and liberties are respected by all for all within our borders. I will seek my family vacation elsewhere.”

              Included was that photo. Just to show them that despite our last name, everybody WAS white, and it was a white person looking down on their racism.

              I know this post was long winded, but you being called a racist by clueless idiots who don’t know what they’re talking about just reminded me of the story my grandfather had to deal with racists…who were clueless idiots that didn’t know what they were talking about.

              And all because people lose their ability to think when dealing with sensitive subjects.

          • @just_another_person
            04 months ago

            Are not familiar with the right-wing fear mongering about the “Gay Agenda”? Read about it.

      • @Adulated_Aspersion
        14 months ago

        What numbers database are you referencing? Is there a GayTaBank somewhere that I need to know about?

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          24 months ago

          I said it multiple times. The census. They know which areas have whom living where. They track all that. And they track when people move in or out, but not context as to why. So from their perspective there’s this sudden burst over 20 years of gay people popping up, not realizing they didn’t just pop up, or suddenly turn gay. They’ve always been there, just not recorded as such. So now they have to find ways to explain that. This coming from the same people who explain what happens on this planet as being done by an invisable man in the sky, who controls everything, has all knowledge of all things at all times, but somehow just can’t balance a budget He needs money. Always needs money. 10% of your income has to go to the sky man to pay for clouds or something. It’s never explained why these tax exempt churches need so much money.

          …and these are the people explaining these shifts in numbers to roughly half the country. Now despite the fact that I would NOT say that half the country is homophobic, their leaders sure are! So even if they personally have nothing against gay people, their politicians used scare tactics for years trying to condition their base to be homophobic. The problem is, they aren’'t. At least not overwhelming majorities. So the gay people started coming out. But that goes against the leaders talking points. They couldn’t have been gay the whole time, because that would mean they were wrong. If they’re wrong, then they have no political power. And so now they have to explain the census data.

          There’s tons of gay people, coast to coast, and there’s no appocolypse. There’s no great doom. Nothing happened. And that threatens their position.

    • @Nobody
      114 months ago

      If you think Trump’s Rule 34 is scary, take a look at Trump’s Order 66.

    • billwashere
      94 months ago

      I know what this is but I’m still kind of curious to look. But I’ll never unsee goatse or tub girl so I’ll refrain. There is only so much eyebleach.

  • @NegativeInf
    574 months ago

    Don’t worry, when people start catching up to this one, they will downplay it and start pushing Order 66.

    I want off Mr Bone’s Wild Ride!

    • @Zachariah
      114 months ago

      Yes, you’d know this, too, if you’ve done any research on Rule 34.

      • Monte
        64 months ago

        No, no, no. Just searching “rule 34” won’t give you any credible results, you have to include at least one politician’s name in the search.

  • @Got_Bent
    424 months ago

    On schools:

    Safe, Secure, and Drug-Free, by “immediate expulsion for any student who harms a teacher or another student.” This includes sending the “out-of-control troublemakers OUT of the classroom and INTO reform schools and corrections facilities,”

    Yikes. Start rounding em up and locking them away, probably as free labor, while they’re young.

    • @P1nkman
      44 months ago

      There’s no need for the “probably”.

  • @TokenBoomer
    314 months ago

    The plans include constructing “freedom cities” on empty federal land, investing in flying carmanufacturing, introducing baby bonuses to encourage a baby boom, implementing protectionisttrade policies, and over forty others. Seventeen of the policies that Trump says he will implement if elected would require congressional approval. Some of his plans are legally controversial, such as ending birthright citizenship, and may require amending the Constitution.

    I’m not even shocked anymore. Flying cars?

    • FuglyDuck
      4 months ago

      I used to chuckle about people pushing flying cars.

      Aircraft typically use their main engines to push themselves around on the ground. It’s ridiculously inefficient. If you add an otherwise more efficient drivetrain that powers the wheels, that’s added weight, added complexity, and these hybrid trains usually suck at both jobs anyhow.

      Further, flying will always be more fuel inefficient because in addition to moving, you’re spending some energy on staying in the air.

      The best approach, if your rich enough to afford entertaining this notion, is just to have 2 vehicles, one a car designed to do car-things and the other an aircraft (probably a far 103 compliant ultralight.)

      And if you are rich enough, please please get any of the large number of quad-rotor designs that are coming out- and right me in the will. (For some reason they forgot that bird strikes shatter rotors and the disc planes are literally at neck height. Just saying. Cf this one)(also, just for the record my 150 rc helis have enough energy to decapitate you in the rotors if you disrespect it. These, when they shatter, are basically thrown straight out and are flying daggers.)

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        They don’t mean flying cars that can drive arming, they really mean safer helicopter/air taxis (so quad+ copters). A bunch of tech billionaires are likely behind that inclusion, because they want to be the next air Uber, and it might actually be easier to automate than cars on the road.

        I’d still a fucking terrible, noisy, dangerous, and inefficient way to do it though. Mass transit to airports, or high speed rail between more cities, is a much better investment, but can’t be as easily exploited by the tech bros.

        • FuglyDuck
          64 months ago

          they really mean safer helicopter/air taxis (so quad+ copters). A bunch of tech billionaires are likely behind that inclusion, because they want to be the next air Uber, and it might actually be easier to automate than cars on the road.

          no. it won’t be safer.

          not once you have to start dealing with air congestion. access to landing locations, Routing. seeing obstructions and maintaining safe flying patterns. basically all the shit you see cars doing now? like running kids over, hitting boulders? when you’re flying… everything happens faster. when you’re flying between tall buildings a hundred feet from the ground; you have half a second to regain control of that aircraft before you smash into a building. There is a reason that helicopter flights over most metropolises are extremely restricted. and AI piloting is going to be just as geographically dumb as self driving cars are- and for aircraft that could be a death sentence for hundreds of people if, for example, they wander into tower-controlled space, or congested airspace on approach to an airport.

          by the way “flying car” almost always has meant something that can do both. probably the least ridiculous was the aero car form the 50’s. or from the 40’s there’s the ConVair model 118 ConVairCar which was a massive flop because it’s roof mounted engine drove the wheels on the ground.

          it’s only a recent trend where …I like to call them idiots… like Musk…have begun referring to Personal Air Vehicles as ‘flying cars’, and that’s probably to evoke the idea that they could be super common. (nope. they’ll never replace normal cars. Tons of gas is ‘wasted’ in traffic each year, sure. But aircraft will always be less effecient than a car. which is less efficient than a railroad.) which is kinda the same idea of calling them ‘flying cars’ back then… too… listen to to the Airphibian advertisment. This one was somewhat more reasonable… the idea being you convert into a car by removing the propeller hub and tail/wing section after flying into hangarage.

          Also, most of the newer things are more or less based off of Moller’s Skycar 400. advances in motor/jet engine technolgy has made it somewhat more reasonable… though, my personal favorite is the Hiller V1 pawnee- which technically it was a ground effect system, but it had the distinct advantage of being intuitive to operate on a level none of the others were. if you can balance on two feet you could safely operate it.

          an honorable mention is the Avrocar, which was meant as a close-support vehicle for the army. if you look up the skirts of a hovercraft, you’ll see an avrocar. (it’s problem was that it was horribly unstable, especially outside of ground effect. Slap on a skirt, though, and it operates beautifully.)

          Oh. an then there’s the Malloy hoverbikes. all I’m gonna say on that one is that New Zealand engineers are an entirely unique breed.

  • @Jackfinished
    104 months ago

    Can we just call it Order 66 and be done with it?

  • @[email protected]
    -204 months ago

    Unfortunately, it looks like Trump is headed for a landslide unless something significant happens within the next few weeks. Buckle up!

    • @dezmd
      204 months ago

      No, he isnt, thats just fear feeding fear.

      • @[email protected]
        -134 months ago

        Or is this naive optimism? We HOPE he isn’t, but all signs indicate OP of this comment is correct. Don’t bury your head in the sand. Recognize the reality and keep fighting to turn it around. And definitely DO NOT join in the gaslighting bullshit. Biden didn’t just “have a bad debate night”. He’s senile and has dementia… Don’t try to pretend he doesn’t. Stick to the fact that at least with him we’ll get a not batshit insane cabinet, and at least the government will be fighting against the fascists in the upcoming civil war, instead of fighting with them.

        • @dezmd
          4 months ago

          I hope you learn to appreciate the irony of burying your head in the sand while you tell others not to bury their heads in the sand. Reality is exactly what I recognize.

          Fear feeding fear. Stop it.

        • @Skyrmir
          54 months ago

          Current polls show Trump gained a slight advantage after the disaster of a debate. Most voters don’t seem to be supporting Biden, so much as not supporting Trump. So it’s still a stupidly close race. Not to mention current polling is based on turnout from 2020 with some educated guesses, that have all undercounted Dem votes in every election since then.

          The outlook isn’t good, but Trump is further from win than is immediately obvious.

    • @enbyecho
      204 months ago

      “…unless something significant happens…”

      Yeah, like all of us voting.

      • @[email protected]
        -44 months ago

        All of us were always going to vote… Let’s be honest. But that’s not going to be enough. Biden needs millions of young progressives to turn up and vote for him, but to get them to do that, he’s going to need to start meeting them halfway, instead of continuing to meet Republicans/fascists halfway.

        • @Freefall
          64 months ago

          If they choose the vote for trump with more steps by not voting blue, I hold them fully accountable. Sorry.

        • @enbyecho
          34 months ago

          Because it couldn’t possibly be that we ALL need to compromise to make this work. Biden, as far as I’m concerned, did in fact meet us at least part way. Not even close to where I’d want but not nothing either. And in doing so probably alienated more conservative voters. So they didn’t get everything they wanted and neither did we. But in the process we all got some of what what we wanted.

          If “kids these days” can’t figure out that democracy is fundamentally a compromise in which nobody is 100% happy then truly we’re fucked.

          • @[email protected]
            34 months ago

            When did megacorps, billionaires and insider trading political dynasties ever have to compromise?

            • @enbyecho
              34 months ago

              When did megacorps, billionaires and insider trading political dynasties ever have to compromise?

              For starters, some random examples would include state minimum wage laws, environmental regulations (e.g. banning drilling in the arctic, banning certain chemicals, etc), and labor protections generally.

              • @[email protected]
                04 months ago

                You see, when most people think of “compromise”, they think of meeting halfway… When liberals and their corporate owners think of “compromise” they think “I give an inch, you give a mile”

                Young people still have some fight in them (and they’re brains are still working on understanding long term consequences), so often times they see their great grandpa pacifying the rich and mostly ignoring them and they think, fuck that, I’d rather fight.

                • @enbyecho
                  34 months ago

                  Which would be great if “fight” meant “run for office and vote”. But really it means “shake fists angrily and complain online”.

                  Go ahead folks, downvote me. But you know it’s true and the date supports it.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            The people Biden needs to turn up, aren’t paying attention. They’re not not showing up because they’re pissed. They’re not going to show up because nothing about politics has caught their attention. They show up when something excites them. Dems know that, but still keep going for the least exciting candidates they can find. That’s on the DNC and Biden.

            • @enbyecho
              34 months ago

              They’re not going to show up because nothing about politics has caught their attention.

              I mean I can somewhat relate. When I don’t get chocolate ice cream and only vanilla is offered I also get pissed and refuse to eat any ice cream at all.

              • @[email protected]
                -14 months ago

                Especially if you were promised ice cream the last 4 times you agreed to come to the party, and once again you’re being told “sorry, all the ice cream is for the Nazis. Best we can do for you is this cone full of dog shit. What do you mean you’re leaving? Don’t you know YOU’LL be the one letting the Nazis win?? How dare you not take this cone of shit and be happy!”

                • @enbyecho
                  14 months ago

                  what is shit for you? Is your comfortable home not large enough? Is your TV only 65" instead of 75"? Is your car older than you’d like? Did you have to eat rice and beans more than once a month?

        • @enbyecho
          24 months ago

          Are you easily discouraged? Do you stamp your feet an yell when you don’t get 100% your way, 100% of the time? Or do you recognize that other people exist and have different needs and wants?

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            It’s a fact that Democrats and progressives don’t show up as consistently to vote as conservatives. It’s just not part of the culture like it is for conservatives.

            Trump is a convicted felon and it does not make a difference for his voters. Biden has a bad debate and Democrats are fleeing left and right. That’s how you lose elections.

            • @enbyecho
              24 months ago

              Oh well I guess just don’t bother to vote then since clearly we’re gonna lose


        • @Freefall
          24 months ago

          One is a cult of press-stamped NPCs, the other is a massively varied collection of people that want everything their way or they are taking their ball and going home. It is a rough position to be in when your party has to cover “everyone that isn’t a conservative”…it’s a huge majority of people to gather up under one umbrella.

    • @Freefall
      34 months ago

      Not according to anything I have seen. He is slightly ahead in the polls by less than half the margin of error of said polls (which are rarely accurate, but more of a weathervain)…so…