• @[email protected]
    982 months ago

    Yes America will, he just hasn’t been told how the US economy would collapse without Taiwanese semiconductors yet. Taiwan will not let China take the fabs intact, it’s their insurance forcing the west to help them.

    • @njm1314
      922 months ago

      He’s perfectly okay collapsing the economy as long as he and a few rich friends make it out with more in the short term.

      • @mipadaitu
        202 months ago

        Just depends on if Taiwan or China gives him the bigger kickback.

          • @[email protected]
            62 months ago

            Exactly then it’s all very cool and very legal thanks to the US supreme court. Honestly it’s my official duty to collect unnamed sums of cash for favours, how else can a poor President of the most powerful nation on Earth ever survive?

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          12 months ago

          Nah, Russia is Trump’s true love. He doesn’t care if China benefits, as long as it weakens the US, because that is what benefits Russia.

          He doesn’t need to make a decision or get a kickback. Russia has already provided for his every need; a massive publicity campaign that is ongoing, unlimited money in the form of crooked bank lending and sweetheart real estate deals. He gets Russian intelligence on whatever might threaten him or enrich him.

          He saw the Russian oligarchy in which a handful of cutthroat dogs control everything and can do whatever they want, and fell in love.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      This is exactly what “America should not defend other countries” dumbos don’t understand.

    • @Fades
      572 months ago

      and it will be transferred to China with Russia as their lapdog. A new age of authoritarianism which will be extremely costly and deadly to quell ala wwii

      • Tiefling IRL
        132 months ago

        I don’t even know who would be able to fight the trio from hell. At that point it’s only a matter of time before the whole planet is fascist.

        • @[email protected]
          82 months ago

          France, UK, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Finland, and presumably quite a few American mercenaries that don’t want to watch the global society fall into corruption.

          • @Freefall
            22 months ago

            Yup, the US (and it’s military personnel) would be split if it joins the new axis powers in WW3. That split would do significant damage to the readiness and performance of military as a whole.

    • @[email protected]
      232 months ago

      Not only that, I guarantee they will push us out of being the world’s reserve currency.

      Once that happens, we no longer can enforce our will around the globe via soft power (threat of tariffs, sanctions, ect.). Goodbye to normal prices of any kind and hello hyperinflation.

    • @[email protected]
      142 months ago

      If you just read Promise #3 in the Forward of the Project 2025 document, I believe that’s the point.

      Any time globalization is mentioned, it’s in a negative way. They call the global US treaties and economic policy a woke, progressive failure. They blame much of America’s problems on our current path of global leadership.

      They have to pull it all in and weed out what they dont like before they try to expand in a way that fits their image. (Oil and manufacturing) It’s how governments like this function.

      • @ArdMacha
        82 months ago

        Which is hilarious, if the dollar stops being the reserve currency for oil America’s massive debt mountain will be called in and the economy will collapse.

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          Yeah…alot of them don’t think it through. What was the Pol Pot guy in Cambodia… He kills everyone that’s not a farmer, then he needs someone to fix the broken radio…

    • @Fedizen
      82 months ago

      it will effectively hand trillions of dollars of business investments directly to china.

    • @anticolonialist
      2 months ago

      It needs to, the US needs to mind it’s own business

      • @HappycamperNZ
        132 months ago

        The US needs to act like a global citizen, not the global police.

        Saying that they have been a significant stabilizing pwer post ww2, and the changing world order would create significant upset.

        (Hate the term world order as it makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist - I mean the actual international relations definition)

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          2 months ago

          Well for now the US remains the only global super power.

          People say China is a superpower now, and maybe they will be, and perhaps they edge America out in certain, specific economic or military measures, but they don’t have the high power, strategic alliances that America has.

          NATO, Five Eyes, NORAD, ANZUS, US France, US Japan, South Pacific Treaty, US Canada (most? of the arctic), US Brazil, US Australia. UK. South Korea. Mexico.

          Even in Africa, we have a string of alliances right through the middle (the part that isn’t just desert), and still lesser, but still significant alliances in south and north Africa. Check the receipts on mutual defense agreements, cooperation agreements, joint military exercises, to say nothing of the many energy, space, and naval alliances, strategic military bases and territory; Alaska and Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Gaum, Samoa.

          Wow, China has more people; their GDP should correlate but it doesn’t. Also, seems like having more people may be a liability. One thing they definitely have going for them is public infrastructure, still with massive wealth and income inequality.

  • @Makeitstop
    772 months ago

    Trump is an idiot and a coward. He doesn’t give a shit about global security, he doesn’t get that abandoning allies only makes us look weak and unreliable, and he has no principles which could compel him to take a stand. He will decide things based on his own emotions and ego, doing whatever he thinks makes him look good. And his idea of looking good is less about being a leader or statesman and more about pretending to be a tough guy that gets respect by rewarding friends and punishing enemies.

    Remember, this is the guy who, when faced with a choice between showing leadership in the face of a pandemic or downplaying the disease so that it wouldn’t be associated with him, went with downplaying the disease. If he can’t be trusted to make the right choice in a conflict between a virus and humanity, why would we ever expect him to make the tough call to defend an ally in a difficult conflict.

    Honestly, I think if Trump had been president in 1941, he would have downplayed the significance of Pearl Harbor and would have used it as an excuse to stop aid to our allies. But I’m sure he’d still be all for internment, it’s very much his style.

    • @grue
      2 months ago

      pretending to be a tough guy that gets respect by rewarding friends and punishing enemies.

      Or vice-versa, when it comes to the US’ relationship with the countries themselves (as opposed to his personal fawning sycophancy towards dictators).

      • @Makeitstop
        182 months ago

        Right, it’s not about whether they are America’s friend or foe, it’s only about their relationship with Trump. And unfortunately, Trump seems to be better at relating to dictators.

        And it probably doesn’t help that democratically elected leaders from countries that have longstanding relationships with the US tend to expect America to live up to it’s obligations. They aren’t coming in and kissing the ring in exchange for favors, they’re putting the burden on the president to, you know, do his fucking job. “What’s that, Ukraine wants the defense funding that congress allocated for them? Well what will they do for me?”

        • @grue
          112 months ago

          And unfortunately, Trump seems to be better at relating to dictators.

          I know you’re not intentionally mincing words, but I prefer to be as explicit about it as possible: Trump idolizes dictators and wants to be just like them. He is a fanboi of Putin, Xi, et al.

  • Optional
    322 months ago

    Russia, China - hell, North Korea - take whatcha want.

    No wonder the idiot commies are for him.

    • @enbyecho
      2 months ago

      They are not really commies. But I’d guess you know that.

      Edit: In case it’s not clear, I strenuously object to the use of “commie” as a pejorative, particularly when it makes no sense whatsoever.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Totalitarian. The specific flavor is Juche. It started as an ostensible offshoot of Marxist-Leninist ideology, and then became whatever the ruling family wanted it to become as time went on. By now, its essentially just a cult of personality/deification ideology around Kim jong un.

          North Korea is absolutely not socialist or communist in any meaningful sense.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          Auth left, where the state plays the part as the capitalist and it’s citizens are human resources to be managed.

          Hasn’t Auth left and Auth right had enough time leading the world? (All of human history)

      • Optional
        -32 months ago

        I honestly don’t know what they are. I doubt they do.

        • @HappycamperNZ
          32 months ago

          I think they are a new definition to be honest. Is authoritarian one?

          • Optional
            32 months ago

            No idea. They’re very unhappy about everything. So - maybe?

        • @enbyecho
          -12 months ago

          Then why would you say “idiot commies”?

          • @[email protected]
            52 months ago

            They mask at leftist, but if you connect the dots they exclusively pipe up for trump and authoritarian countries like Russia, Iran or China

            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              If everything is shared under communism, that would include political power. That makes communism (IMO) a direct democracy. Does that sounds like those countries to you?

              • @[email protected]
                32 months ago

                What the fuck does it matter what I think? I never forwarded my opinion on the matter and simy made observations

          • Optional
            -52 months ago

            They claim to be communist in some cases. Socialist is also a sort of blanket term which “means something” which - is somehow different from what others know it as. And “liberal” is an insult, so. They’re very confident they’re “left” of all creation, and any real-world effort to help people through existing national political structures is obviously corrupt and unworthy of examination.

            Does that help?

              • Optional
                -42 months ago

                Ok then, thank you drive through.

        • OBJECTION!
          2 months ago

          Have you ever tried asking?

          The term you’re looking for is Marxist-Leninist. It is by far the largest communist ideology in the world.

  • @[email protected]
    222 months ago

    If we’re not going to have bases all over the world, we can shrink the size of the military, right?

    Right? Insert Anakin/Padme meme

  • @upside431
    2 months ago

    This kind of declarations are very dangerous and could lead to other countries to produce their own nuclear weapons (South Korea for example)

    • @BarbecueCowboy
      52 months ago

      A bit different, but South Korea already asked the US to redeploy nuclear weapons to South Korea and im fairly positive the US already agreed.

      • @upside431
        22 months ago

        I hope that if Trump wins the elections he don’t reconsider this agreement

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          My friend… The gop’s stated goals are to “dismantle the administrative state.” That agreement won’t be worth shit if he wins

          They want to fire all federal employees, and shut down our regulatory agencies (or at the very least, cause them to grind to a halt). And the ones they do hire back will be “their people.” In other words, sycophants who also want to dismantle the administrative state, but from the inside.

          I’m sure it will be a GREATLY reduced workforce just to drive home to people how “ineffective” those agencies and systems of government are.

          This is not a conspiracy theory, these are their stated policy goals. Don’t let this “unity” bullshit coming from Trump post assassination attempt fool you. His campaign is clearly trying to distance themselves from their own stated policy goals because they know how unpopular they are. Take a moment to let that sink in…

          The Heritage Foundation made the mistake of saying it out loud. I guess they thought there were more Republican voters that are like them (that is to say, evil, rather than just a working class person that’s been misled into voting against their interests)

          That agreement likely won’t be worth the paper it’s printed on. At least, if I were a foreign power, that’s how I would be proceeding. As if these things do not exist. Because they won’t.

    • @itsnotits
      32 months ago

      their* own nuclear weapons

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      142 months ago

      It’s so incredibly short sighted. It’s like your neighbor asking to borrow your hose because his garage is on fire, and saying no because it costs water and doesn’t directly help you. Not only is that going to mean your neighbor is never, ever going to help you with anything, but if that garage fire turns into a raging house fire, your house might go down too.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      “The globalist oligarchs are taking over!” - locally grown free range organic oligarchs probably

  • @Delonix
    2 months ago

    Fat greasey bearded red neck squeals intensify

  • @[email protected]
    72 months ago

    Cool I can’t wait until the price of all of our electronics goes up 400%.

    Maybe then all of the “I don’t care, politics doesn’t affect me” idiots will finally wake the fuck up.

  • @Etterra
    62 months ago

    Well he is a little bitch that’s afraid of a fight, so…