• THCDenton
    872 months ago

    This could have been a truth table

  • @[email protected]
    842 months ago

    This is anti Hitler propaganda, because you chose a pic where AH isn’t smiling to make him look more hitler 😑

    • AndyOP
      582 months ago

      You got me. I confess: I have a bias against hitlers.

    • @[email protected]
      292 months ago

      You know, I just realized I don’t think I’d ever seen a picture of Hitler smiling.

      So I looked it up. And there are plenty of them. And he looks…nice. Like, it’s weird. He looks like the fun uncle. He looks like there should be a mockumentary of him where he’s played by Steve Carell.

      • @[email protected]
        322 months ago

        One of the big things they taught us in history lessons was how he came across very charismatic and that he was good at winning people over.

        It’s really important for people to understand and learn in order to not repeat the mistakes of populism, evil people don’t generally go around shouting about how evil they are.

        • @shoki
          52 months ago

          I’m pretty sure that he kept his relationship with his wife a secret, so that women in the country would be interested in him

          • Hotdog Salesman
            62 months ago

            I thought it was to give of the image that he was married to the country, showing his patriotism or whatever

            • @shoki
              42 months ago

              Yeah, maybe that was a reason too

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Looking at the past 4000 years of human history, starting with the Egyptian Pharaohs:

          Nope. People dont care, people dont learn. Especially when the make a whole display of how much they learned, like Germany does, you should be worried. Behind the facade lies the fascism, like it is currently furthered by most German political parties.

        • @John_McMurray
          -72 months ago

          Populism isn’t a bad term. People think that they’re exceptional try to portray it that way. These people are usually fascists of one sort or another.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Mark Kelly.

    Navy Pilot, Navy Captain, Astronaut, Senator, husband of Gabby Giffords, twin brother of Scott Kelly with similar resumé, and he’s only 60. He and his brother can each win two terms and still be younger than Trump is now.

    He also flips red states blue: he’s pretty much the only Democrat who has won anything in Arizona in decades.

    • @De_Narm
      342 months ago

      “only 60” - the depressing state of politics. There’s a good amount of places where you’d retire before completing a single term at that age.

      • @[email protected]
        142 months ago

        Agreed. I’m rather tired of the nation being run by workaholics. I want to retire someday. I want a candidate who shares that value, and builds a nation where I can do that.

        Ideally, I think the oldest a candidate should be is 57 at the beginning of their first term, so that they retire from professional politics by 65.

        That being said, no candidate is ever going to be perfect, and, he’s still 24 years better than the current option.

        • @[email protected]
          -22 months ago

          Good thing China has a number of honey trap spies. I’m sure Schiff will be eager to tell them all the dirty, dirty secrets of a US President

      • SolidGrue
        2 months ago

        And the reality is modern medical science has made 60 the new 50.

        Which kinda works. because modern education has made 20 the new 14.

        //class wars are awesome!

    • @TheDoozer
      172 months ago

      Seriously, try being the candidate talking shit about an astronaut and decorated servicemember. “I like people who stay on Earth.” Well I don’t!

      • SolidGrue
        112 months ago

        “I like people who obey the law of gravity.”

        • @[email protected]
          82 months ago

          He could retort by saying that he was obeying gravity, but falling continuously towards the earth while traveling at a speed that kept him from hitting the ground.

          • SolidGrue
            2 months ago

            That implies the earth is round which might alienate some voters from that base.

            Although… It might attract the “I’m a sekrit alean” bloc…

            We should shop this, maybe do a tabletop…

    • AndyOP
      72 months ago

      I’ve actually been casting him as VP in my head for like four weeks now.

      I think it’s more likely than Biden being president next year, so fingers crossed.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Harris will get steamrolled by either Trump or Vance; Kelly wipes the floor with both of them. I think Kelly needs to be on the top of the ticket, and Harris needs to step down as well.

        • AndyOP
          62 months ago

          Did you not read the graph? She’s a lock.

          I mean, Kelly is a lock too. Anyone who can fog a mirror and doesn’t get an erection watching Starship Troopers will win this election. But Harris is kind of right there already, so that works for me. She could probably keep using the same email address and business cards. That’s a nice plus.

        • @Resonosity
          32 months ago

          Unfortunately I think casting away Kamala as the pick would do more harm than good. She is the likely candidate. Joe can even make the transition smooth by entrusting the rest of his legacy with her, which is the reason he chose her as a VP in the first place.

          People also know the name Kamala Harris, and they’ve known it for years now. It’ll be a huge turn to bring in a new candidate on top and do all of the rallying needed to get votes.

          I think Kamala’s success will spend on the VP choice, her administration, and her campaign team more than her herself.

          • @[email protected]
            42 months ago

            She doesn’t have a significant enough presence to challenge Trump. People may know her name, but they couldn’t pick her out of a lineup.

            Kelly just has to stand there while being introduced as “Astronaut” or “Fighter Pilot” to remind everyone that Trump hasn’t actually done anything with his life.

    • @Resonosity
      42 months ago

      Mark Kelly as Kamala’s VP? Having that balance of ethnicity would help her get the votes. It’s exactly why Obama picked Biden

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        Kelly’s “blue” credentials are sound, and his history will appeal to many otherwise “red” voters. He is a real threat to poach votes from Trump’s base in red and swing states.

        Harris can’t do that. She’s a lawyer, and everyone hates lawyers.

        But nobody votes for the bottom of the ticket. Harris/Kelly loses; Kelly/Harris wins.

    • @daltotron
      32 months ago

      nope, he’s too bald. can’t be havin that

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        Adam Schiff is a lawyer and California Democrat. He would easily win the blue states, but so would about 30 million other Democrats.

        The red states will hate him, and he’s opposed by BLM, so he won’t be competitive in the swing states either.

        There’s nothing special about him.

        • @ramenshaman
          42 months ago

          That’s fair. I’d vote for him, but then again I’d vote for a soggy roll of single-ply toilet paper over Trump.

  • @III
    462 months ago

    Maybe instead of “Alive” you should go with “Currently able to form full sentences”. Because Biden is just as “alive” as Trump in regards to how you are trying to frame him. The same issues Biden has, Trump has - just Trump’s cult doesn’t care.

    • @[email protected]
      412 months ago

      Trump makes full sentences, the fullest sentences ever by any candidate current or past, no one could ever make fuller sentences, especially the losers and suckers that Trump is running against that hate America and want to turn us into a weak nation that only produces organic electricity that can’t run our great country because it can’t go through all the rivers and lakes because the water just stops it in its tracks and it stalls like those foreign import cars that Trump is going to put tariffs on because our great capitalist America doesn’t need a bunch of foreigners telling us how to drive our cars in our country because America is great and we can do whatever we want unlike Taiwan, which isn’t even a country, and needs to go away just like NATO and NASA and NOAA and all those other government agencies in the swamp that needs to be drained because it’s full of gators that are making it difficult for people to use their yachts in all of this electric water that’s taking over this great country!

  • @Fedizen
    2 months ago

    trump is pretty braindead at this point. I’m pretty sure if he was beheaded he would keep talking for several days but wouldn’t make any less sense

    • @Buddahriffic
      32 months ago

      2024 election results: Harris sweeps the nation after MAGA vote split due to rumours they could vote in actual Hitler instead of his imitator who couldn’t even properly burn down his own capital building.

  • @marcos
    282 months ago

    I imagine Trump has only a partial check there. He’s not any young, just seems to be hiding that fact better.

    • AndyOP
      142 months ago

      I didn’t say young. I said he is “somehow alive”.

      • @_stranger_
        2 months ago

        There’s a slurry of drugs keeping the Jonestown dreamsicle on his feet, I don’t know if he’s any more alive than an LLM at this point. He’s certainty less cogent than one.

        At least Biden is still just running in “old human” mode.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      I don’t think he’s hiding it so much as he’s not gone off a cliff yet… We’ve seen with Biden that it can happen fast, and Trump is definitely old enough for it to happen some time in his next term

      • @hemmes
        02 months ago

        Yeah, he’s only three years younger

  • @[email protected]
    262 months ago

    Those suggesting other candidates should probably address the three issues AOC brought up:

    • Endorsements doesn’t transfer
    • Campaign contributions doesn’t transfer
    • Possible state level shenanigans by GOP to keep candidates chosen after some technicality off ballot

    None of these issues exist if Biden simply steps down.

    • AndyOP
      242 months ago

      Just to be clear: this post is my way of endorsing Kamala.

      Harris 2024! I’ll certainly end up protesting something terrible she does, but when I do I will very much enjoy not being rounded up by the Department of Homeland Security for it.

    • FlashMobOfOne
      12 months ago

      Are you sure contributions don’t transfer?

      Wasn’t the whole Clinton Victory Fund controversy about the Clintons seizing contributions to benefit their campaign from lesser tickets?

        • FlashMobOfOne
          02 months ago

          I’ll admit I could be wrong, but I remember there being a ton of writing on this since Trump won the presidency AND Congress, which wasn’t really expected at the time.

      • @TotalFat
        62 months ago

        Back and forth. Forever.

    • AndyOP
      82 months ago

      A little yes and a little no.

      I think all of these people are monsters, but I’m also trying to find the best option among bad options. If Harris is president, I can live with that. If Trump gets elected again… I think the possibility of Palestinians getting exterminated becomes a genuine possibility, and the damage to our climate and our ability to reverse course after four years look very fragile.

      It’s very depressing.

  • pruwyben
    2 months ago

    Well then, good news!

    edit: this was originally in reply to a now-deleted comment about some challenges in changing the nominee, which would be resolved if Biden stepped down.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    In US politics today, the main strike against Hitler would be that he was not a naturally born a US citizen.

    Had he been born in Kentucky, he may have been able to unseat Trump. He would almost certainly be the front-runner vs Biden or Harris.

    • AndyOP
      32 months ago

      Sadly, all the candidates are very big cops.

    • @Bernie_Sandals
      32 months ago

      Didn’t she work as a prosecutor? A literal prosecutor, vs a literal criminal, might be able to make an effective dichotomy of democracy vs fascism in (somehow) still undecided voters.