• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    He’s too old. He should drop out. I’m hearing more and more people say that recently.

    Right now trump is almost 20 years older than Kamala Harris. We have never elected someone as old as trump to the office of the presidency. The man can’t drink a glass of water.

    Can he walk down a ramp unaided? Can he hear out of his right ear? Can we really entrust the government to someone that decrepit?

      • @_sideffect
        258 months ago

        Ha, awesome doctor who reference

      • @fluxion
        88 months ago

        Keeps repeating himself over and over, and going off on some sort of delusion that he’s been the actual president for the last four years

    • @Myxomatosis
      618 months ago

      I saw parts of his RNC “speech” and he could barely string a coherent sentence together. Really low energy and kept falling asleep. He needs to drop out.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          228 months ago

          Even by donnie’s standards, he’s getting incoherent. And that’s really saying something.

            • @grue
              58 months ago

              To be fair, you aren’t wrong: his coherency had already substantially declined even back in 2016 (compared to e.g. interviews from the '80s and '90s).

    • @CharlesDarwin
      438 months ago

      Everyone is saying it. Why, just the other day, a man ran up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said, “Sir! Sir! Why won’t donnie drop out of the race? He’s far too old and senile!”

      • @[email protected]
        358 months ago

        It’s true, more people are saying it every day. “Dozing Donald” they call him. So many people are calling him that, but he can’t even hear them. It’s sad.

    • @Maggoty
      368 months ago

      Didn’t Trump fall asleep during his trial and the convention?

      We want a president who can stay awake.

      • @[email protected]
        318 months ago

        I’m just asking questions. I think it’s time that we had a president where you don’t have to wonder about their health. A younger, vibrant person not old and decaying.

        I heard Kamala Harris is so comfortable putting felons behind bars that she routinely works out in prison yards, lifting the heaviest weights they have. Huge men run up to her, with tears in their eyes, saying “Ma’am, your gainz are so huge.”

  • @DevCat
    1788 months ago

    Trump told CNN he believes Vice President Kamala Harris will be easier to beat.

    I want to see a debate between a felon and a former prosecutor. If she keeps referring to him as such, he’ll lose his shit. His derangement will know no bounds.

    • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
      618 months ago

      I kind of doubt Trump debates Harris. He’s obviously senile and he can just say, “She didn’t win a single primary. I don’t have to debate her.” He’ll probably pull the same shenanigans as in 2020 and get CNN or whoever to have a “town hall” Q&A where everyone in attendance is a Trump supporter.

      • @Myxomatosis
        528 months ago

        And then she needs to call him out constantly for being a weak ass bitch. Provoke him until he loses his shit.

        • @barsquid
          408 months ago

          I would be okay with seeing Harris needle the misogynist and racist Donald until the bigoted rage overflows.

          • @Myxomatosis
            218 months ago

            I bet that he will drop the N-word at some point.

            • @barsquid
              168 months ago

              Would that finally clue in so-called “moderate” Repubs that he is a blatant racist? No, somehow they’ll claim she was acting up and deserved it. (Actually they are racists and approve of using the word.)

              • @Myxomatosis
                8 months ago

                Conservatives and their media lapdogs. “He made an honest mistake and had a slip of the tongue, okay. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Least racist President in American history.”

    • @irish_link
      268 months ago

      I hope for a debate before September but at least we will(should) have one before the election.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      218 months ago

      I’d love if everyone, bothsiderist “liberal media” included, would start referring to donnie as a felon, all the time, and with every mention. Including in headlines. For example this one: “After Biden drops out, convicted felon Trump lashes out”

      I like it.

    • @Zachariah
      78 months ago

      He could just drop out of the race to avoid this.

    • @gex
      28 months ago

      It wouldn’t be a debate, it would be a cross examination

  • bquintb
    8 months ago

    I can’t believe the Republicans are running such an old candidate. I mean, what if he dies in office? what about his mental state? I just don’t know if this is good for the country.

    he should probably drop out.

  • @Rapidcreek
    1358 months ago

    Time for the press to hold Trump to the same standard as they have Biden.

  • @Myxomatosis
    1018 months ago

    Hahahahaha. It’s dawning on the MAGA turds that this won’t be an easy win for them now.

    • @jeffwOP
      458 months ago

      Trump said he’s happy Biden dropped out because Kamala will be easier to beat lol. He acts like a child

      • @Myxomatosis
        8 months ago

        He’s lying so that means it’s the opposite and he’s shitting his diapers.

        • quicklime
          128 months ago

          Exactly. He and others in his party have been telling journalists for quite a while that they preferred a matchup against Biden. Naturally he flip-flops on that the moment the situation changes.

        • @TrickDacy
          118 months ago

          Assuming his senile ass remembered to wear them

  • @[email protected]
    608 months ago

    MANY people are saying trump should drop out based solely on age.

    Dude has been wearing diapers for at least 12 years.

  • @DaddleDew
    368 months ago

    He’s terrified that they’re going to pick someone who won’t let him get away with bullshitting his way through the debates.

    • @jeffwOP
      108 months ago

      It’ll almost certainly be Kamala

  • BoofStroke
    228 months ago

    I’m sure trump wishes he could drop out, but his only possibility to dodge consequences for his crimes is to be president again. He also loves his demented pep rallies.

    • @dhork
      28 months ago

      He’s been formally nominated, he can’t drop out now unless God exercises His ultimate recall vote.

  • @InternetCitizen2
    78 months ago

    Somewhat unexpected. While I agree that he is too old I’m really curious about what the plan is here. Tho if the runner up is savvy they will use the curiosity and confusion to get their name out there.

  • @anticolonialist
    -868 months ago

    If the DNC keeps Harris I think she will get beat

    • @disguy_ovahea
      508 months ago

      She’s the only candidate with access to the existing campaign funds. There’s not enough time to refund them all and donate to a new candidate before early voting ballots go out in eight weeks. If it’s not Harris, they’ll have to be independently wealthy to fund their own campaign in time.

      • DarkThoughts
        228 months ago

        Why is US politics relying so much on campaigning and donations anyway? Not that we don’t have the odd politician speaking somewhere physically here either but it is fairly rare in comparison. Most of the whole “get to know” part happens through TV or internet media. The US just seems to make it a weird spectacle, which imo just further reinforces the whole “team” aspects of it and with that the whole two party system.

        • @disguy_ovahea
          278 months ago

          Our news system has no integrity, and is loyal only to money. Ad campaigns are the only option to reach the passively informed with a clear and uncompromised message.

          • DarkThoughts
            68 months ago

            Is there no publicly funded news media / broadcaster? Like the German Tagesschau, or UK’s BBC, or the Canadian CBC, etc? Typically there’s a higher amount of trust for those, since they are mostly acting independently and the majority of funding coming from the people itself.

            • @disguy_ovahea
              8 months ago

              We have NPR and PBS. They don’t get as much exposure as corporate news. You’ll see posts on Lemmy from both publications often, but this is obviously not the average American’s experience.

            • @[email protected]
              108 months ago

              There is, unfortunately they’re viewed by on of the political parties as being evil liberal propaganda machines, and they very much want to privatize them or just sell all of their content off and shutter them.

        • @barsquid
          78 months ago

          In 2010, a biased and purchased Supreme Court declared that wealthy people are allowed to spend whatever amounts they want to on propaganda. There’s no way to get a word in edgewise.

      • @Maggoty
        28 months ago

        To be fair that money can all go to the DNC and get used on “issues” or “support” ads. Officially around 30 million could be used in collaboration with a new campaign committee, but in reality it would all be supporting the nominee.

      • @bostonbananarama
        08 months ago

        Yes, she’s the only candidate, but the funds can also go to the DNC or a Super PAC if Biden directs them there.

    • AmidFuror
      208 months ago

      Maybe one day a party will nominate your perfect candidate, and then you can watch them get their ass whooped because the policies you support aren’t popular.

      • @anticolonialist
        68 months ago

        That’s the thing, the policies supported by socialists are wildly popular until the socialist label goes on it.

      • @mean_bean279
        48 months ago

        While I’m not the OP you’re replying to I definitely think Harris is going to be unpopular. The problem isn’t winning over city democrats, it’s winning over Joe Schmo in Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Those people are the ones I worry about whether they’ll vote for a minority female candidate and they’re unfortunately the ones whose vote counts. This late in the game, I think the best course of action would have been running some stale white guy that mid westerners could more easily swallow. Though time will only tell and November is quickly approaching.

        Also, is Harris’ politics popular… because last time I checked she was a former prosecutor and a lot of people here on Lemmy were upset about a “cop” being elected to office. She doesn’t seem to have an opinion/political belief.

    • @AuroraZzz
      98 months ago

      Lol. The troll guy sowing discord again

      • Rentlar
        68 months ago

        Yep Clinton bad. Biden bad. Harris bad. Nothing will satisfy this person.

    • @kromem
      68 months ago

      I do think others would be stronger (I especially think Whitmer would be a strong candidate), but I think people underestimate just how weak Trump actually is as a candidate right now.

      It just hasn’t been capitalized on because Biden was a fucking mummy, but Trump is old and tried. His RNC speech was just exhausting to even watch, and he is falling asleep in most drawn out public appearances.

      He’s surrounded by yes men who peddle QAnon conspiracy theories and rambles on about things only his most loyal fan base even understand, playing the encore for his fans but leaving any independents or less politically engaged folks bewildered.

      None of this was able to be capitalized on by an ailing and addled Biden, but as long as Harris can be halfway coached to focus on these points and juxtapose them, she’ll be fine (even if I agree there could be much better options than a previous CA senator and law enforcement pick).

      • @dhork
        -48 months ago

        Whitmer’s one weakness is that she hasn’t really been tested yet on the national stage…

        … which will be fixed once Harris picks her as her VP

        • Drusas
          38 months ago

          It’s cute that you think Americans would elect an administration with both a female president and vice president.

        • @kromem
          38 months ago

          Or when she still throws her hat into the ring if delegates are unpledged and people want a more healthy competition for the nomination.

    • @FlexibleToast
      08 months ago

      I don’t think she will get beat, but she is probably the second worst candidate.