- Donald Trump contributed $6,000 to Kamala Harris when she ran for California attorney general.
- Trump donated $5,000 to her 2011 campaign and $1,000 in 2013 as a private citizen.
- Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Kamala to replace him.
People forget that Trump wasn’t a Republican until like 2012. The only reason he ran Republican was that someone convinced him that was the only way he’d ever win. Remember, winning at all costs is literally the only thing Donald Trump cares about.
Honestly, he’s never been a Democrat or a Republican. Even now, if you go by what the Republican party was before he took it over. He’s always been a Trumpist, nothing more and nothing less. He cares solely, without exception, for one thing: Donald Trump.
Absolutely true but he will give these fucks what they want in exchange for adoration
Will he actually, though? Or just say he will?
I think the only way that could happen is if it just happened to be something he wanted.
I read that the project 2025 people were ecstatic since he delivered on like 75% (or more?) of their policy goals for his first term. Roe v Wade wasn’t an accident, for example
He’s for sale to the highest bidder. He’ll do anything they want as long as there’s a big enough check attached.
I don’t believe that’s why he’s doing what he’s doing. Unless it’s like a sick compulsion or something. He’s a 78 year old billionaire. Why whore yourself for money when you’ve already got enough to last you a lifetime? I think the power and whatever is more of a motivator.
Idk, ask that to every billionaire CEO giving themselves bigger and bigger raises. I agree that power is the main motivator, but I feel like the money and power go hand in hand.
He’s a deeply malignant narcissist. He just likes being called president trump, and is jealous of Putin and Kim Jong Un because they permanently rule an entire country.
Trump can’t stand anyone having something he doesn’t, so trying to take over the US is his next step to being “the best” and in what he perceives to be the big boys club.
Narcisstic people are motivated by some petty shit. It’s mind boggling but true. Just look at the shit Elon Musk has been pulling and how petty it is.
Sounds like a modern Republican.
Republican is an international description of political ideologies. Don’t let USA redefine the word.
Uhhhh that happened like 200 years ago it’s time to give up bud
Nope. This is not true
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Words can mean more than one thing, and people assume you’re intelligent enough to be able to put them in context and figure out which one you mean. If I say “The general gave an order”, you assume I don’t mean at Burger King. If you want hard definitions with one meaning only, perhaps I can recommend this?
Hey! That’s not true!!! You need to be fair here.
…he also loves Mcdonalds.
I think he loves all hamberders equally
i’m skeptical. but i think i’ll enjoy spending the next 3 months thinking about republicans flying into a blind frothing rage over losing to a black woman
Oh my god, if we think Obama sent them into a fury. Buckle up folks.
It would be more effective, the spreading of misery, if you went to the local pool and took a large shit in it. You could ruin several people’s day instead of like 3
Pelosi just needs to go away. She should have a couple of decades ago.
THAT is certainly true. We agree there.
But in this case, she’s pushing for a good thing, so I have no trouble agreeing with her.
Yeah but if you shit in the pool you could ruin like 40 people’s day.
At this rate, I’ll beat that in another 2 hours.
Got 20 down-votes now! Lets Go People!Edit: There we go! 42 down-votes in 2 hours. Thank you everybody.
Shut up, Steve
After all this pushing to call Biden too old, the 70 year old rambling old man is gonna look really bad to their own base when he’s up against someone who isn’t even old enough to retire.
That’s possible.
I’d hope that’ll be the case.
She might be able to be coached away from these rambling nonsensical answers.
We’ll see.
Man, you try public speaking every single day without making mistakes or stumbling. It happens to everyone.
Sure. Mispeaking a word would be normal.
But what she was trying to do was talk about something she doesn’t understand, and wasn’t preped on. Rather than saying some version of “I don’t know”, she starts making up whole sentences of nonsense.
That’s why I think she could probably be coached out of it. It’s not a brain fart, it’s a choice to try not to look stupid. But it backfires.
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That’s not entirely true, his turn to republicans was a little sooner. Trump was the “Long Form Birth Certificate” guy all during the Obama years.
Until the democrats choose a black person as candidate.
he might not have been a republican but he was a paleoconservative who ran for president in 2000 under buchanan’s party
Side note: He’s a private citizen right now.
with immunity though.
I was going to make a “just been revoked” joke, but I suppose someone tried that already.
Yeah someone tried, but he missed. Almost revoked the shit out of him though.
Can we have a do-over? The sun was in his eyes. (I mean, he was staring at it, but still.)
I would love for her ads to end with a line saying, “This message paid for in part by Donald Trump.”
God damn it would make him upset.
He just might shit himself. Before 10am. Again. A fourth time.
I haven’t gotten to do a Riker in a few days. It’s like taking off an uncomfortable pair of shoes.
Thank you, I needed that. 😆
Whew, those dogs were barkin’
She’s a conservative like most Democratic candidates and Trump used to be a moderate conservative.
Ranked most politically left compared to Senate Democrats
Our unique ideology analysis assigns a score to Members of Congress according to their legislative behavior by how similar the pattern of bills and resolutions they cosponsor are to other Members of Congress.
For more, see our methodology. Note that because on this page only legislative activity in the 116th Congress is considered, the ideology score here may differ from Harris’s score elsewhere on GovTrack.
Compare to all Senate Sophomores (0th percentile); Senate Democrats (0th percentile); All Senators (1st percentile).
Yeah, but all Senators in the Republican and Democratic party are right wing. Bernie Sanders is an independent so not included in the “Senate Democrats” label. He is a centrist and thus left of her slightly, but there are no leftists in the Senate. Their scale is just from most to least right leaning and not from left to right for a reason.
So true, but you’d be oblivious if all you watch is cable news
Calling it “news” is disingenuous and helps no one, mind you.
In addition to what @riotsoma said below, people also don’t like her due to her actions as a prosecutor before she was in the Senate. They equate her with police basically.
I disagree wholeheartedly with how she handled drugs in CA, etc., but let’s be clear: prosecutors are not cops. How would a modern society function without them? Truly, this is an open question to all those “Kamala is a cop I’ll never vote for her” people.
i posted that to have a summary but if that’s not enough you can just look up her votes. she’s mostly pretty good, and her votes include supporting budget cuts to LAPD. criminal justice is still probably her weakest point as she obviously would have bias but it’s not as bad as people might assume.
her votes include supporting budget cuts to LAPD
Any politician willing to suggest budget cuts to the cops is actually pretty brave.
no way this is a serious post lol
good bait
Lol she literally made her name putting black people away on weed charges in Oakland. She’s conservative af. Still will vote for her though.
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This is the best response when conspiracy nuts try to talk about the Trump shooter donating to a Dem PAC to prove he wasn’t one of their own.
Plus he donated in response to whether or not Dems should pardon Trump.
I think the better response, even if a democrat voter DOES do something like this in the future is “Yeah, ok, but it’s your policies that allowed him to get a gun so easily without any mental wellbeing checks, or any gun control. Our policies would have stopped him. Your policies gave him free reign.”
"Yeah, ok, but it’s your policies that allowed him to get a gun so easily without any mental wellbeing checks
That’s not an effective argument.
It wasn’t his gun, it was his father’s, and he took it without the knowledge or permission of the gun’s legal owner.
Stricter storage requirements could have potentially have prevented this. Legally Pennsylvania doesn’t have any particular gun storage requirements, had his dad kept tighter control of his gun, perhaps to comply with a law mandating it be locked up and prevent his son from having access to it without his permission, it wouldn’t have happened.
It wasn’t his gun, it was his father’s, and he took it without the knowledge or permission of the gun’s legal owner.
Doesn’t this imply the gun was not properly stored?
It does, but if you really want to and have the time all but extremely expensive gun safes are not guaranteed to be all that hard to get into.
I’ve personally lockpicked my way into one that is deemed safe enough for civilian weapons in my country (as a demonstration to its owner, for the record).
Isn’t that completely unproven, and likely a different person with the same name?
I think it has been verified by address, but my source for that is a Legal Eagle video on YouTube, so take that with about a quarter pound of salt.
Should they ever meet on stage for a debate she should thank him
if they ever meet on stage, trump is cook. an experienced prosecutor going against a convicted felon? good night.
He should probably drop out of the race.
The human race.
So? This is NOTHING! But Thomas Crooks giving $15 to Democrats PROVES HE WAS ACTUALLY A DEMOCRAT!
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Apparently not. The address of the donation matches the shooter, not the 60 year old.
But still, a donation so small that it’s about the same as a McDonald’s meal is hardly what I would call a screaming endorsement.
Unless he lived at the shooter’s address, it supposedly wasn’t.
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No that wasn’t Trump! He just let them license his name for the donation. He didn’t make that donation! He can’t be held responsible for the things people do in his name! That’s crazy talk!
Well, guess that means he just can’t take credit for other things than either. Trump never picked up a hammer, never worked on that wall. Guess Trump never built that wall. Someone else just did it in his name…So I assume his base will be angry over the news that Trump failed to build them that damned wall. But that’s his problem.
You libs and yer damn logic! When will you ever learn people don’t care about all that nonsense!
Why is this even news? Nobody cared when he donated $100k to the Clinton foundation, nobody cares about this either
I care.
Kamala Harris is such a good candidate even Donald Trump financially supports her.
Kamala Harris is corrupt! She’s been taking donations from convicted felons!
And it will make for a good line at a debate.
I mean, she could even open with it:
“First of all, before we get into it, I’d like to thank Mr. Trump for his donation to my 2011 campaign for attorney general of California. As a New York resident, you couldn’t have voted for me in that election. But, this time around I hope I can count on your vote for President. Unless that felony conviction prevents you from voting…”
It’s just piling on the mille feuille that is Trump’s outrageous hypocrisy
He was using money to try to buy influence just like Epstein used to do because he has long been a creature of the machine. Politically important people get away with things.
when you’re a star, they let you do it
IMO what’s interesting about this timing is that in 2011 Trump wasn’t yet running for office, but he was at the head of the racist “birther” movement. And, this was months after Obama had made fun of Trump at the White House correspondents dinner.
So, while this isn’t GOP presidential-candidate Trump supporting a democrat, it’s definitely after Trump started getting involved in politics as an opponent of the democratic president.
All these gruesome pictures of trump need to be marked NSFW.