Just over a week after an assassination attempt against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump resulted in the killing of one bystander and left two people critically injured, a GOP state senator from Ohio was condemned for saying a Democratic victory in November would result in a “civil war.”

“I believe wholeheartedly Donald Trump and Butler County’s JD Vance are the last chance to save our country, politically,” state SEn. George Lang (R-4) said  at a rally for Vance, the first-term U.S. senator from Ohio whom Trump selected as his running mate last week. “I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country, and it will be saved.”

  • @Rapidcreek
    778 months ago

    So Republicans are now on record for calling for civil war if they lose a democratic election. I think the American public will appreciate that knowledge in voting in November.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      337 months ago

      They’ve been saying it for a while, with almost no blowback. They are only going to get more and more brazen until they are either put into their place, or they get what they want. They had an insurrection on J6 AND an adjacent coup attempt. And really, not one of them has paid the price in FULL for that treason. Not one of them.

      • @ArmyTiger
        97 months ago

        Well, one did. There were videos and everything of her death.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          17 months ago

          Okay, there was one. The rest of them, including those responsible at the top, have not had any kind of reckoning at all. It’s all slaps on the wrists. Many have not even been caught yet. They were allowed to go home afterwards.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          17 months ago

          Ok: Ashli, but she just apparently would not listen.

  • @massacre
    597 months ago

    Sedition noun : incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

    Also from https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim

    §2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

    Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States… Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction


  • @michaelmrose
    418 months ago

    People suggest that that the fight against Trump is existential precisely because his side has promised to end democracy rather than accept defeat now or ever. Neither Harris nor Biden has promised anything more revolutionary than incremental progress towards issues like reducing drug prices and rebuilding infrastructure. If they think the boring normal shit is somehow the wrong direction they could simply try running a candidate who isn’t a traitor rapist felon in 2028 and NOT promising to build concentration camps or end democracy and see how that plays.

    • @cheese_greater
      7 months ago

      That just doesn’t track with their viewers + stakeholders

  • @[email protected]
    318 months ago

    Keep going - you’re doing great.

    Every time the Republicans say the quiet part out loud, we move that much closer to the day when that walking drain clog in a suit gets his flabby ass handed to him at the polls.

    • @rayyy
      17 months ago

      walking drain clog in a suit

      Don’t you mean sewer clog?

  • @CharlesDarwin
    267 months ago

    What the ever living fuck. How can these asshats just openly state this and not have some kind of repercussions for it?

  • @Ensign_Crab
    237 months ago

    Calls for political violence are out of line! Now lets have a civil war!

    • @CharlesDarwin
      37 months ago

      And if anyone calls these people Nazis, un-American, etc…then out comes the tone police, lecturing about unity and norms. I saw O’Lielly on Daily Show, acting as if calling Nazis, uh, Nazis is somehow related to a Republican nutjob trying to shoot their orange god-emperor.

      The fucking gall of these people, I swear. That is what pisses me off so much.

  • @Etterra
    187 months ago

    Good luck with that. Just remember that the military answers to the President and that they own all the tanks.

      • Diplomjodler
        17 months ago

        Do you think the yokels on mobility scooters are intelligent enough to operate a drone?

  • SpaceBar
    178 months ago

    Give it another shot. Our military will follow the Constitution.

    • @btaf45
      17 months ago

      And we have the most powerful military in the world.

  • @rayyy
    127 months ago

    Ah yes, Ohio, the land of sovereign citizens, home meth labs and civil war larpers.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      37 months ago

      I love it when the “sovereign citizens” go quoting things like the Constitution, by the way. You mean, from the country you are not part of? It’d be funny if people started deporting them…

    • @Sarothazrom
      27 months ago

      As an Ohioan, this jackoff does not speak for all of us. If he truly did, he’d be missing six more teeth, and drinking the fourth of his state-mandated six tall boys per day.

  • @ATDA
    87 months ago

    I’d rather KILL than admit my unpopular ideology is being propped up by elections rigged in my own favor yet we still lose.

  • @A_A
    8 months ago

    if it comes to that point, this time around the police and the army will be ready, so this guy’s idiocy will prove fatal to himself.

  • @michaelmrose
    58 months ago

    There won’t be a civil war either way. Tech companies could easily tell you who has given violent rhetoric, who has followed it, and who is susceptible to it. If there was open conflict the ring leaders and prospective ring leaders could be known within the week.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      107 months ago

      Problem is there are far too many fascist sympathizers in our government.

  • Cyrus Draegur
    8 months ago

    all right, fine. let’s kill the rebel scum all over again. this time, we won’t stop. we’re going to make Sherman look like a sparkler. there will be nothing left of the south except ashes and regret.

    hyperbolic jokes aside, I’m not even PART of “we”; none of my ancestors came here until the 20th century. none of my bloodline was present for the American Civil War.

    if that has to change, though, I’m gonna be PISSED, and I’m going to take it out on enemy combatants.