• @[email protected]
    2557 months ago

    They’re not really lying, it’s more like those medieval drawings of exotic animals the artist had clearly never seen before, based purely on rumors and secondhand descriptions.

      • @[email protected]
        317 months ago

        Every individual person has things that they are and aren’t attracted to, and it’s all different. Some people like big boobs, some want small boobs. Some people like blondes, others like brunets. Some want that ultra chad body, others are into the computer nerd. Some people really hate the idea of women being tall/taller than them, I want them to step on my balls.

        • @[email protected]
          197 months ago

          Lul at the ball stepping. Some people area REALLY into the dad bod gamer Boi thing. My fiancee and ex of 12 years had both said that if I lose weight they would leave me, granted they said it tongue in cheek but they both like the dad bod thing.

          It really is about how you carry yourself and take care of yourself. I’ve been described as smart, funny and decent looking. I’m fastidios about cleanliness and dress nicely and I don’t go around thinking about people being normies.

          Some of those people just need to chill off 4 chan for a bit and need someone to hold their hand while they lead them back into society.

  • SharkEatingBreakfast
    1397 months ago

    The man I’ve come closest to falling in love with was a short, chubby, hair-thinning, stuttering goofball. He kept himself clean, well-groomed, and wore nice clothes that fit him.

    He was so passionate about what he loved (art, cats, and European history) that I couldn’t help but be absolutely smitten. His sincerity had me smiling from ear-to-ear every time I saw him get excited. Telling me about pieces of armor, paintings, music, and all kinds of other things, taking me to different places the way he spoke so happily about the things he cared about.

    People can, more often than not, see through insincerity. Be real with what you like & who you are. The people who appreciate those things about you the real ones.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      No…no…no… the only way is to catfish and lie because nobody will love you ever. The most you can hope for is to momentarily fool somebody into thinking your are something other than what you are for one hot second. That’s just Interwebz 101

      When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie…

      • SharkEatingBreakfast
        347 months ago

        Yes I’m sorry my bad. Fake it until you’re massively insecure and hateful because you feel you can’t be yourself for the sake of attracting feeeeeemale attention. Then wallow in your misery when you realize that the problem might be a deep-rooted personal issue, but be sure to blame it on “normies” & wimmin instead of taking steps towards self-improvement and personal growth. ✨️❤️💵🤡🎉🎺❤️✨️

    • @blazeknave
      207 months ago

      Looks like we found Marissa Tomei

    • @Okokimup
      147 months ago

      I want to hook you up with my brother, who sounds very much like your dude, but not married.

      • SharkEatingBreakfast
        7 months ago

        Drop me his email! Or whatever people use to communicate these days (with his consent, of course).

    • @[email protected]
      427 months ago

      Someone much smarter than me once wrote that everyone thinks of their outgroup as “normies”: Catholics think of non-Catholics as “normies”, and “goyim” is just the Hebrew word for “normies”.

      • @[email protected]
        207 months ago

        I just want to say: everyone in my outgroup sucks.

        They don’t like it when you pat them on the head or rub their belly. Like; they’ll tell you their dog died, their fiancé left them, and they have to fight for custody of the kids - and they expect you to use words to comfort them?! Words. Absolute insanity, I tell you! In-sa-ni-ty!

      • @Sylvartas
        57 months ago

        Which is why I ironically use “muggles” with my tech-literate friends when talking about people with normal levels of tech literacy

    737 months ago

    The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

  • southsamurai
    567 months ago

    It’s almost like being an actual human being and putting in minimum effort makes you interesting at a base level compared to just jerking off on your keyboard and dwelling in the past.

      • southsamurai
        47 months ago

        Well, if they are lower, they’ll just end up jizz stained and crumpled up under the bed.

  • 🩸Bloodmouth🩸
    407 months ago

    They’re just trying to get you to lower your guard so they can trick you and make fun of you; don’t fall for it Anon!

    • Sabata
      47 months ago

      Every fucking time I think its going well…

  • Icalasari
    397 months ago

    Anon forgot to act like the average /b/tard. That tends to get normies to flee in terror

    • @RedditWanderer
      7 months ago

      Yeah that’s always a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy