To clarify, the pictured poster Caroline Kwan is an ally, not a TERF. The TERFs referred to in the title are the ones ‘protecting a very specific idea of what a woman is’

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Yep, heard someone complain about Khelif and I asked them if we should have disqualified Phelps considering his genetics give him all the advantages and if they believed we would have complained about Khelif 20 years ago and if they believed that men who’s testosterone is under a certain level should fight in the women’s category. That was the end of them complaining.

    • @[email protected]
      811 month ago

      50 bucks says they didn’t listen to a word you said and are still complaining about it, just in online echo chambers instead of to you

    • Flying Squid
      161 month ago

      I keep bringing up Brittney Griner and ask if she should be forced to play in the NBA and suddenly it’s, “no, she couldn’t even come close to beating the worst NBA player.”

      So if you’re a woman with masculine features and want to be an athlete, you can’t compete with anyone apparently.

      • Schadrach
        21 month ago

        Realistically she had a choice - she could have either become the first woman in the NBA and been essentially an also-ran beyond that or do what she did - join the WNBA and set a single game record and tie a career record in her first game. Just going to point that out again, she tied a career record in the WNBA in a single game, the first one she played under them.

        Now she’s better known for being arrested and thrown in a Russian prison for trying to bring a weed vape into Russia when that’s illegal there. Pretty sure that’s technically international drug smuggling, albeit in the smallest and most innocuous possible way.

        • Flying Squid
          11 month ago

          Ah yes, the Air Bud rule. “Nothing says women can’t play in the NBA.”

          And, of course, it was her choice on which league to play in. Because players get to choose such things.

          • Schadrach
            11 month ago

            It was her choice which leagues to try to join. She didn’t try for the NBA and fail - she didn’t try for the NBA. There were even some commentators far deeper into the sport than I considering the possibility that she might do so before she joined the WNBA instead.

            As far as it being the Air Bud rule, one woman has officially been drafted by the NBA in 1977. She decided not to try out because she got pregnant. Mark Cuban talked about considering Britney Griner back in 2013, and there’s currently some chatter about possibly drafting Caitlin Clark though she’d be one of the smallest dozen or so players at only 6’ tall.

            But yeah, there is no professional sports league in the US that bans women from participating if they can compete at the relevant level. There’s even the occasional woman that tries out for the NFL, the last of which got injured early on in the process and bowed out. High contact sports are a hard sell for women to compete with men just because of size, weight and strength differences and professional sports athletes being more than a standard deviation from the mean.

            • Flying Squid
              11 month ago

              Or maybe most women who think they have a shot get scared off by a bunch of asshole misogynists- the same asshole misogynists who think that they also can’t compete with women.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Reactionaries don’t want womens sports, they want beauty pageants with extra steps; something they can fap to. That’s why they go after somewhat brolic looking women, regardless if they’re cis or trans: they no make pp hard, therefore they shouldn’t be allowed

    • @chiliedogg
      1 month ago

      Look at how they used to require the female athletes to dress in beach volleyball. Men get loose, comfortable shirts and shorts, while woman were allowed a maximum of 10cm of cloth on their bikini bottoms.

      • @Jiggle_Physics
        371 month ago

        And people were pissed when the new options weren’t exposing almost their entire body. Got all angry about the woke giving athletes more options to choose from when performing their sport.

      • Flying Squid
        211 month ago

        And there were complaints when that was changed. Including the similar white knight shit going on right now- “how will they be able to perform at their best in shorts?! You’re forcing women to have a disadvantage!” No, they’re forcing your dick to have a disadvantage.

  • @[email protected]
    841 month ago

    Do women want to fight Imane? Probably not.

    Do I want to fight Tyson in his prime? Probably also no lol

    I’m not trying to make her look like Tyson but they are both outside the norm just like 99% of top athletes.

    • @[email protected]
      641 month ago

      Do I want to fight Tyson in his prime? Probably also no lol

      Do I want to fight Tyson right now at almost 60, also no lol

      • Billiam
        151 month ago

        At least now you can get the drop on him. He won’t hear you coming!

    • @[email protected]
      341 month ago

      Anyone can become amazing at a sport if they work hard enough at it, but the top athletes are always going to be people who worked hard and have a genetic predisposition to it. Lots of sports are dominated by people who are taller than average. Where do we draw the line on a genetic trait giving someone too much of an advantage?

    • southsamurai
      171 month ago

      I don’t want to fight her, and I’m a dude with martial arts training twice her size. The lady has skill.

    • KillingTimeItself
      131 month ago

      it reminds me of the recent volleyball injury case that went around. Trans student spiked a volley ball into the head of another student (not exactly intentionally) and it injured them quite significantly. Naturally her first reaction was to bitch and moan about it, but at the end of the day, nobody would want to be spiked in the face with a volleyball, from a man, women, child, anybody. That shit would at the very least concuss you, and might even kill you in all honesty.

      the fact that the other student was trans is probably more inconsequential than you would think.

      • @yamanii
        31 month ago

        I feel this would be a great MythBusters episode: “can you die from being hit in the head with a volleyball? No, but what if we built a machine that shot it as fast as a bullet?”

        • KillingTimeItself
          21 month ago

          it would certainly be an interesting one, though if i had to guess, the chicken airplane one is probably similar enough…

          as long as you ignore the chicken and the airplane part lol.

    • NaN
      91 month ago

      So far it seems like only Italian women don’t want to fight her.

  • qevlarr
    1 month ago

    I’ll repeat what I said elsewhere about this debate. You probably wonder “so what should the rules be to include an athlete for women’s sports? Surely there must be some rule”. This is understandable but please realize that the transphobes who are pushing this aren’t concerned at all with the specifics. They’re not even interested in women’s sports. They want to remove trans women from public life altogether. Not just sports but everywhere. Intimidating trans athletes into obscurity is just their most recent tactic.

    So please remember that there is no test that will satisfy the transphobes. There is no fair rule that can be agreed upon, because the transphobes will always keep moving the goalposts. This gets extremely complex. There is no use in debating these people. They will debate forever, because the actual deep down motivation is disgust with trans people.

    Save your energy. Don’t debate transphobes.

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      That’s why transphobes shouldn’t set the rules. And when the rules are set, there will be backlash, which needs to be ignored by the scientific community and the authorities governing professional sport.

      This is a tall order, but I do think the question of where the line must be drawn to guarantee fairness is a question worth answering, preferrably not by me, because I don’t have the credentials to deliberate on what’s fair and what isn’t. This is the role of science.

    • LustyArgonianMana
      31 month ago

      They’re not even interested in women’s sports.

      Yes, they are just weaponizing one disadvantaged group against another. Just like how in Portland, they had disabled people sue to remove homeless people from sidewalks (even though majority of homeless are also disabled). Or when churches bringing up abortions of PoC being a “genocide” (which they don’t care about) so they can ban abortion for everyone.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    631 month ago

    When you’re a gold medal winning man, you have overcome the obstacles of a normal man to become a superman.

    When you’re a gold medal winning woman, you have overcome the obstacles of a normal woman to become a man.

    That’s the logic at play.

  • @Skullgrid
    571 month ago

    I looked her up again to get caught up on what kind of info wikipedia has updated on her.

    I really admire her stance.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Imane Khelif doesn’t even have genetic differences! She’s a cis woman who happens to currently be one of the best in the world at punching!

    • @[email protected]
      191 month ago

      I admire the hell out of her.
      She didn’t let the bullshit stop her from competing to the best of her ability.

      Proves she’s as strong in character as she is in the ring. Keep kicking ass Imane Khelif!

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      I agree with your point but

      She’s just a normal cis woman

      Trans women are women, and are perfectly normal.

      • @TankovayaDiviziya
        1 month ago

        Can you elaborate in your own words how this is an issue in women’s sports? That wikipedia page only mentioned at the end about “issues” in competitive female sport but did not elaborate and only cited one study. I clicked on the linked study but no one has the time to read eight pages of it especially one that is full of jargon for those without scientific or sports background. So far though, I see that the authors of the study criticised IAAF testing methods as being flawed but I couldn’t find the meat and bones of what specifically they are trying to criticise.

        • @[email protected]
          -81 month ago

          It is a complicated issue, hence the need for details. In a nutshell, rare people like have such a significant competitive advantage against vanilla females they would come to dominate some female olympic disciplines to the point it would destroy female olympics as a sport competition. I would argue they need to compete in their own class for the same reasons of fairness as female and male ligas are distinct.

          This cannot be discussed rationally in the current political shitstorm unfortunately.

          • @[email protected]
            331 month ago

            No matter what arbitrary divisions are in place, be that gender or weight or race or whatever, there will always be people who dominate the field. That doesn’t destroy the Olympics as a sport competition, that is the Olympics as a sport competition. Competing in order to find the best of the best, the “freaks of nature” who manage to far surpass the average person.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              Competition is core to human nature, but so is fairness. Which is why men and women compete in different categories. If you want to discourage women athletes to compete it would seem somewhat unfair to me, but really I only care enough to correct technical points in a discussion.

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                I don’t know your political leanings, but this is consistent with the same people who are anti-DEI and anti-anything else that forces equality.

                So what’s so wrong about forcing equality literally anywhere else? Or, why is it necessary only in women’s sports?

                Then, going back to the original post, why is Michael Phelps lauded despite having clear genetic advantages?

                • Schadrach
                  21 month ago

                  Or, why is it necessary only in women’s sports?

                  As a general rule in sports, men participate in essentially “open” leagues, while women’s leagues exist to protect women from having to compete against everyone else to promote women taking part. In other words, women’s leagues are already a form of protectionism to encourage participation because people care about women having a “fair” environment to participate in in a way they do not for men.

                  This idea that sports leagues for women/girls are a form of protectionism even extends down to school sports and Title IX, which is why under current Title IX policy girls must be allowed to try out for boys teams but not the reverse.

              • @[email protected]
                91 month ago

                But where are you basing your definition of “fairness”? If you exclude people with a biological advantage, since that would be unfair, then literally all current athletes would be excluded, since by qualifying for the Olympics they have proven that they have a strong biological advantage over the average person.

          • Flying Squid
            241 month ago

            vanilla females

            Please define “vanilla females.”

            • Schadrach
              21 month ago

              Presumably they mean XX cis female persons with no medical disorder altering production or action of any sex-related hormone or anatomy. But that’s a big mouthful to describe a large majority of female persons, and folks get real angry when you describe the by far most common set of common traits a group of humans have as “normal”.

              • Flying Squid
                11 month ago

                and folks get real angry when you describe the by far most common set of common traits a group of humans have as “normal”.

                By that argument, Christianity is normal. It’s the most common religion.

                So I assume you think Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam are abnormal, yes?

                • Schadrach
                  21 month ago

                  By that argument, Christianity is normal. It’s the most common religion.

                  So I assume you think Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam are abnormal, yes?

                  I think when talking about what religion is “normal” you’re better off to talk about within a given society or region because it is an extremely regional trait and trying to consider it globally makes it less useful. And it shows a lot in how those societies interact in the broad strokes with those religions. Including the presumption that one is at least probably familiar with it and it’s broader teachings by default. For example, in India Hinduism is “normal” and you would expect a typical person to have a familiarity with Hinduism, to be aware of it, to see it’s influences on culture even if a given individual isn’t a devout Hindu. You see the same as regards Christianity in most of western Europe and North America, Mormonism in Utah, Islam in the Middle East, etc.

                  By comparison, unless you are in one of a few very particular contexts, Scientology is almost never normal.

                  But then you’re trying to assign a moral value to being “normal.” The degree to which one resembles the average or typical person of some group or social context is not a measure of their goodness or morality.

          • @TankovayaDiviziya
            211 month ago

            Someone said it better:

            Yep, heard someone complain about Khelif and I asked them if we should have disqualified Phelps considering his genetics give him all the advantages and if they believed we would have complained about Khelif 20 years ago and if they believed that men who’s testosterone is under a certain level should fight in the women’s category. That was the end of them complaining.

            Lol, no one complain about Michael Phelps but people are suddenly making faux concerns about women’s sports-- which is specifically strange considering no one says the same about men’s sports. It is though this isn’t motivated by misogyny and transphobia.

            • @[email protected]
              21 month ago

              Yes, by all means let us abolish the artificial separation between olympic male and female sports. I personally don’t care one bit, since I don’t have a stake in the game. Career athletes will probably disagree, but fuck them, right?

              • @TankovayaDiviziya
                161 month ago

                So, would you agree that if a born male is below the certain testosterone level that the person should compete in women’s category? No one seems to be railing on this but somehow everyone is up in arms when it comes to women’s sports.

                • Flying Squid
                  101 month ago

                  I do love how the people constantly white knighting women by claiming that women who are athletes should be protected from other women who are athletes, but with masculine traits, but when you flip the script and try to suggest that maybe that should apply across the board if that’s how we’re doing things and “feminine” men should play against women, suddenly it’s “no, not like that! Our precious property women must be protected!”

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  Not really. Not a sport physiologist, but the core advantage is due to male puberty. If you prevent male puberty with blockers and afterwards keep male testosteron in low range and/or use the same regimen as in M2F transition these individuals would be better matched in a female competition.

              • @[email protected]
                21 month ago

                Or, you know, one could separate athletes into brackets/categories that are better comparable and don’t give certain people a huge advantage over others. Make a separate marathon category for East Africans. Make a separate swimming category for people like Phelps. Make categories for boxing based on strength or performance.

                Multiple female skiers have called for a different way of doing things for example, because the shorter courses for women bore them and they aren’t allowed to compete against men.

                • Flying Squid
                  21 month ago

                  Make a separate marathon category for East Africans.

                  Holy fuck…

          • @Dasus
            131 month ago

            So should someone like Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps have their “own classes”? Who would they be competing against?

            They too are “rare people who have a significant competitive advantages against vanillas”.

            This cannot be discussed rationally in the current political shitstorm unfortunately.

            You misspelled “my own ideology isn’t rational, so I can not discuss this rationally”

            • @[email protected]
              31 month ago

              Fyi I don’t agree with the previous commenters ideology about two separate classes for women.

              I however agree that we can’t discuss this rationally today because social media (including lemmee) is a terrible forum for this discussion, because, unfortunately, a person who is AFAB and has a DSD, or other naturally occurring condition, which gives them more or less testosterone/lactic acid/something else than the typical woman, and thus an advantage, gets conflated with having a trans woman compete, because then the people who feel strongly about trans people on both sides come out of the wood work and start yelling…

              And then everyone gets pissed and/or understandardly triggered and nothing can be argued.

              By naturally occurring I mean w/o the use of drugs/doping/surgery. Which in my understanding is what’s the case with the boxer.

              I don’t post this to argue or convince. Just clarify what I think they’re trying to say.

              I won’t respond to the “are they female”/“what to do” debate, only that this forum is terrible to have these debates.

              Thank you for coming to my Ted talk/soap box lecture

              • @Dasus
                61 month ago

                By naturally occurring I mean w/o the use of drugs/doping/surgery.

                Without discussing the sex/gender side of this argument; I don’t understand why you’re not applying the same logic to freakishly dominant male athletes?


                We measured lung capacity in biology class in the ninth grade, and I had the largest of the class. Six liters. Most guys were around 5.5l.

                Phelps has twelve.

                And there’s a ton of scientific studies about Usain Bolt.

                I understand your point, but would the same logic not be applicable, even if the “unnatural” (they’re very natural but you get the point, that’s why the quotations) physical traits for Phelps and Bolt aren’t necessarily as significant as having very high testosterone levels in a women’s league?

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  Apologies I meant the person you were originally replying to. I can see it being ambiguous.

                  I agree with you, this argument is dumb, sexist, and not fair.

                  I’m just saying this is just not a good forum to handle it.

            • @[email protected]
              31 month ago

              It’s a reasonable catchall, could have said baseline. Or define things by exclusion, which is unnecessarily technical and verbose.

              • Norah - She/They
                1 month ago

                It sure is a catchall. However, you don’t need to be technical or verbose. The scientific term you want is phenotypical.

                I still wonder how you don’t think you’re being intersexist at the moment though? Like, where do you draw the line? Is a woman with PCOS disallowed because it causes a slightly elevated testosterone level? What about a woman with webbed feet? They wouldn’t be considered phenotypical either.

                But why don’t we get a little more technical and verbose for a second. The typical female testosterone range is 0.5-2.4 nmol/L (that’s nanomoles per litre). The typical male range? 10-35 nmol/L. A woman with PCOS may have levels around 2.5-3.5 nmol/L. Someone with Caster Semanya’s (alleged, never confirmed) condition would typically have around 3.5-5 nm/L. Still half or less than a phenotypical male. So I bring it back to the webbed feet, because they’d probably be similarly on par in terms of the advantage they provide.

          • Todd Bonzalez
            1 month ago

            Aren’t the Olympics about finding the most capable athlete from whatever category the sport is separated into? Not even every event is gender segregated, there is no “female Olympics”, there are simply gender segregated Olympic events.

            And for those events, if the categories are separated by gender, wouldn’t “rare people” like Caster Semenya be the most deserving female athletes to win Gold in those events?

            And if that’s a problem, maybe we need to find a different way to categorize athletes other than the current system that sorts them by their genitals.

          • Norah - She/They
            1 month ago

            Ugh I am still so frustrated with you for name-dropping Caster Semenya like you know what you’re talking about! I have the same intersex variation that she (allegedly) has. The only reason anyone cares is that she has an XY karotype. She was born a girl, she was raised a woman. Why should she be disallowed from competing as one? Why is your solution to exclude some cis women from sports as well? Where will it stop?

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Which doesn’t apply to Khelif in any way that anyone has been able to prove, and which she and the IOC has denied even being tested for. This was a rumor from a disgraced Russian testing firm and spread by Russian state media after Khelif beat a Russian boxer. So why are you mentioning it here?

      • @_stranger_
        1 month ago

        Which doesn’t matter in any way, shape, or form anyway. The original tweet is making that point. Phelps is a fucking fish mutant and we let him compete as a “man” but a woman somehow must conform to some platonic ideal of a woman to even be considered such.

        It’s fucking sexism, and genetics doesn’t factor into it in the slightest.

  • NickwithaC
    401 month ago

    It’s not about protecting women. It’s about attacking women.

    There I fixed your conclusion.

  • @WoahWoah
    381 month ago

    Genetically, he’s been disqualified for swimming due to having a Z chromosome, meaning he’s sexually a fish.

    • @[email protected]
      111 month ago

      I thought ZZ made you a bird.

      We need to settle this, everyone. Is Phelps a bird or a fish? No other options here.

        • Flying Squid
          51 month ago

          Those guys are assholes. I keep bumping into them mid-air. Have they ever once apologized?

      • @WoahWoah
        141 month ago

        ZZ/ZW is used by assorted fish and birds. Disgusting. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… MASS HYSTERIA. Brought to you by the woke mob. Thanks, Obama.

  • KillingTimeItself
    311 month ago

    i think we need a normie olympics, it’d be like the paralympics, but for people randomly selected from the average population.

    • @[email protected]
      321 month ago

      My kid said just the other day. “they should have an average person do it first so we could see the difference.”

    • @[email protected]
      171 month ago

      You should watch Takeshis Castle then. It’s pretty close to normie olympics.

      Sometimes athletes go on, but the obstacles are so fucky even they struggle with it.

      • KillingTimeItself
        11 month ago

        oh right, that show, i remember hearing about it at one point, what a weird show.

    • Cethin
      111 month ago

      Should we have other protected divisions though? Why don’t we have a protected division for people not born with attributes that help them? Making a division aimed at women and then not letting the best women compete in it seems rather dumb and it’d be similar to making a division for men who aren’t athletic so they can compete without having to be the best.

      • @Lemming6969
        61 month ago

        We do, we have the Para-Olympics. But, it seems you’re conflating being good with being scrutinized. The better you are in a protected class, the more you should be scrutinized to retain the class protection. It does not mean you will be disqualified… You may be the best ever in that protected class.

        We could make a lazy couch division if we wanted to. I don’t think anyone wants that.

        • Cethin
          31 month ago

          Para-Olympics are divisions for people with disabilities. It’s not for people without advantages (and I’m not saying there should be, just posing a hypothetical). If we don’t allow the best women to compete because they’re too advantaged, doesn’t that also imply we should have other divisions for less advantaged people too?

          Obviously the woman thing we’re seeing is just conservatives policing what the idea of a woman is though. They don’t actually care about the women or the sport. They were not watching women’s MMA (or whatever the event was) before this happened. It still does bring into consideration what divisions we should have though, and whether women’s division actually makes sense to have or if it should be something else, and what that should be. We don’t have divisions for socio-economic status despite that playing a large role in most sports. Should we?

          • @Lemming6969
            41 month ago

            Just saying it was another type of protected division. I agree, the men’s division is also protected to some degree from PED users. There is no clean solution. I like someone else’s post about Heap Problems. It’s clear there are naturally occurring classes of athlete, but the lines we draw are arbitrary, and that’s just how it is. Just like any other science experiment, we must pick and choose variables that make the most sense, as we cannot infinitely slice.

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        Sports is full of divisions. Age divisions. Weight divisions. Each sport has its own set of rules based on what gives an advantage in that sport.

    • @[email protected]
      111 month ago

      This is a pretty good take, except that the men’s division is also protected. Performance enhancing drugs are not allowed, it is not a free-for-all open division.

      I don’t think anyone thinks the men’s and woman’s division should be combined because there is no good way to differentiate the difficult place in the middle; this is a classic heap paradox, just because the division between woman and not woman is difficult does not mean it doesn’t exist.

      Just one example from speed climbing men’s WR = 4.74s, woman’s WR = 6.06s; the men are 27.8% faster. No one is arguing that men are more dedicated and train more, that they have access to better nutrition or equipment. Men have a natural advantage; combining the divisions would simply mean that no women could possibly get into the top class competition. This maps across ALL sport.

    • p3n
      -11 month ago

      Yes. I think that this is the concern of everyone who is genuinely interested in fair competition. While I’m sure that some people are triggered ( in both directions ) by the transgender debate.

      I mentioned in another thread that I think the simple solution to this is to not define divisions by gender, but to simply measure testosterone and have a high-T “open” division and a low-T division. This is where the perceived competitive advantage lies and sidesteps the whole gender issue entirely.

      • @Noodle07
        141 month ago

        While sensible, is T really the only factor at play here? Once you get into the science where do you draw the line?

        • Schadrach
          41 month ago

          Realistically it probably depends on the sport. Y chromosomes, being exposed to certain levels of testosterone in utero (unless one is resistant or unresponsive to the hormone), being exposed to certain levels of testosterone in puberty and maintaining certain levels of testosterone all do things to the body than could effect performance and that’s all still mostly just focused on the one hormone. How much each of those things has an impact (if any) is going to depend entirely on the nature of the sport in question.

      • Flying Squid
        131 month ago

        Should Brittney Griner be tested for testosterone and then forced to play in the NBA if it’s too high?

        • @SirNameHere
          61 month ago

          You can’t tell how high someone is by measuring testosterone. Maybe you were thinking of the Toblerone test.

          • @[email protected]
            30 days ago

            You’re right. Determining what’s fair and what isn’t is a task non-transphobic scientists should be working on, not something you discuss lightly around a beer at a pub. There needs to be actual research.

            Transphobes will probably not like the conclusions of that research, though…

          • Flying Squid
            51 month ago

            Cute weed joke considering it landed her in a horrific Russian prison as a queer woman, but also, I didn’t say she was too high.

        • LustyArgonianMana
          01 month ago

          The WNBA is still part of the NBA. She’s been playing in the NBA

            • LustyArgonianMana
              1 month ago

              What’s funny is that is THE issue we’re discussing - misogyny in sports. That the NBA in your mind defaults to “Real Men’s Basketball^TM” and women have this little side denominator with their girl basketball… like no. Be exact if you don’t want to be sexist. The NBA is both the men’s and women’s basketball associations.

              What you MEANT was whether Britney should change to the men’s division of the NBA.

              • Flying Squid
                01 month ago

                …or I don’t watch basketball and just didn’t know that.

                Nah, it must be that I hate women.

                • LustyArgonianMana
                  1 month ago

                  What do you think the letters in “NBA” stand for?

                  Interesting apology for your accidental misogyny. Kinda looks like you do hate women.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        And what of high testosterone people who are completely testosterone insensitive? Those are the women who have Y chromosomes

  • Queen HawlSera
    261 month ago

    This whole thing de-legitimatizes any point any TERF argument ever had, is what I’d say if there was any point they had to begin with.

  • @I_Clean_Here
    221 month ago

    How is that a TERFy statement as is? It’s this post ragebait or brainrot?

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        That’s Caroline Kwan. Will Neff’s girlfriend(maybe wife) who is Hasan Piker’s best friend.

        I think OP is taking their side AGAINST transphobia and TERFism.

        Or wait…… I reread the post and I’m confused too.

        Do they think Caroline Kwan is a TERF?

  • @[email protected]
    141 month ago

    I’m so stoked for the future of women rugby. Partially, because it’s a very inclusive sport and it inherits a lot from its lore and ethos - with only a few years left until a woman will referee a high profile test game. And partially, because I want to see the same ferocious generic selection applied to female athletes.

    Anyways, give it a go - some really good footy. If you’re absolutely unaware of it, look up highlights of Portia Woodman.

    • Ada
      131 month ago

      Inclusive? World Rugby is famously transphobic and exclusionary when it comes to women’s rugby…

      • Zagorath
        91 month ago

        Not that it’s necessarily a reflection on them today, but rugby union was also one of the last major sports to ban apartheid South Africa. Athletics banned them by '70, cricket tours were being called off from '70, soccer suspended them all the way back in '61, and they weren’t allowed in the Olympics from '64. But they were still doing official international rugby union tours as late as '84.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        I’m not saying it’s ideal, but things do change rapidly. South Africa about to start giving female players centralized contracts, etc.

        • Ada
          41 month ago

          Your submission in “TERFs taking their gloves off for Imane Khelif” was removed for Transphobia.

    • Instigate
      31 month ago

      The NRLW in Australia is an awesome comp and is growing rapidly in viewership too! It’s a great game to watch and young female athletes are finally getting some serious role models they can aspire to as well. I’m not much into rugby union being a New South Welshman but the league games are intense.

    • KillingTimeItself
      11 month ago

      rugby is the sport predisposed to head injuries correct?

      That’ll certainly make for an interesting game, regardless of who plays.

      • @chonglibloodsport
        41 month ago

        Rugby, NFL football, hockey, boxing, and even WWE professional wrestling all have histories of multiple athletes suffering from CTE. Women’s hockey I think will have fewer incidences of CTE due to rule and equipment differences but it’s still early to say. We often didn’t find out about CTE in men’s hockey players until after they died young in retirement.

        I have no idea what the rules for women’s rugby are like, if there are any differences. The real issue is a swinging motion of the head (caused by falls or sudden stops), not unlike the way a hammer swings. The movement of the brain inside the skull with sudden stops or changes of direction causes tearing like you’d expect if you swung around a bucket of jello and then slammed it against something.

        I try to be cognizant of these things and not support these sports so much, yet they’re in my social circles and I do enjoy them. Every athlete makes their own choice to participate in these sports at the end of the day, though I wonder how informed they are about the risks.

        • KillingTimeItself
          1 month ago

          yeah, most sports include increased rates of brain damage, weirdly enough, but to my understanding, as somehow who doesn’t know much about sports, rugby is just football (the american one) but with more contact and less padding afaik. Is that accurate?

          I don’t have a problem with people voluntarily giving themselves brain damage, i think, but it’s definitely an odd problem to have.

          • @chonglibloodsport
            11 month ago

            Rugby has some similarities but is otherwise a completely different sport from American (gridiron) football. American football actually evolved out of rugby, first by the introduction of the snap. This led to the concept of “downs” and the requirement to advance the ball a minimum number of yards (originally 5, now 10) within the allotted number of tackles.

            The sport was extremely dangerous at the time because of the way mass formations of players would impact into each other at full speed. More rule changes were needed to make it safer, and the field was made wider to give more room for players to run around the other team instead of ploughing through.

            • KillingTimeItself
              11 month ago

              The sport was extremely dangerous at the time because of the way mass formations of players would impact into each other at full speed. More rule changes were needed to make it safer, and the field was made wider to give more room for players to run around the other team instead of ploughing through.

              is this rugby or the variant of it known as american football?

              • @chonglibloodsport
                11 month ago

                It was neither? Both? It was an intermediate sport between the two. They had made some of the rule changes to rugby that are more in line with modern American football but not all of them. Modern American football has the forward pass and rules for protecting the passer, called the quarterback. That dangerous in between sport did not.

                • KillingTimeItself
                  11 month ago

                  ok i see, i know that spots have changed over time, i’m just not really sure how they’ve changed. Obviously football has a lot of protective gear now, though it’s debatable how well it works.