Donald Trump has watched a video clip of the attempt on his life at a Pennsylvania rally “over and over again,” leading to fears that he may be suffering from PTSD, according to a report.

The former president has viewed the “seven-second” clip, in which his right ear was grazed with a bullet, multiple times – an act which has not helped a reported mental spiral brought on by Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 race.

  • TipRing
    1 month ago

    He doesn’t have trauma, he is watching because that was the moment everyone told him he won the election. It was his glory moment and he wants to relive it because he fears it slipping away. Spare me this disingenuous sympathy plea.

  • @Sterile_Technique
    1591 month ago

    May his suffering be proportional to that which he’s caused.

    • @morphballganon
      361 month ago

      There’s no conceivable way on Earth he could sustain that much pain before dying.

        • @morphballganon
          81 month ago

          Only testable once.

          But I guess we could substitute those who voted to not impeach/remove him from office and those who voted to overturn Roe for additional data.

        • @Fedizen
          31 month ago

          I do think its a worthy experiment

  • @CobblerScholar
    1441 month ago

    If it were anyone else it’s not a stretch to say nearly being killed would shake a normal person and cause some trauma. With Trump on the other hand that behavior seems almost masturbatory, like he is trying to re-live the moment where he was the center of attention

    • @SirSamuel
      251 month ago

      TBH, I would believe it.

      Someone pointed out that he has always had a paranoia about people harming him. For instance, preferring takeout to avoid poisoning. He has played a very dangerous game with very serious players as a property developer, and in the process has made a lot of enemies.

      So yeah, one of his greatest fears was realized. What other fears lurk just past the penumbra of the stage lights? What waits in the wings, should he lose the election? If only he could control things a bit more, maybe get Joe back in the race…

      At least he can control the remote, and maybe if he watches his assassination attempt again, he can control that too

  • @Boddhisatva
    981 month ago

    I’ve said it before. I do not believe Trump has PTSD. I do, however, believe he is a carrier.

  • @Rapidcreek
    881 month ago

    It was the high point of his campaign

    • @[email protected]
      1041 month ago

      And as an event that almost changed everything, it was forgotten about in about 3 days. It is crazy to me how quickly no one gave a fuck that he’d almost been assassinated. It fell off the news cycle before Biden stepped out of the race. I guess once they figured out it was a crazy guy and not politically motivated, no one cared.

      • @RadicallyBland
        251 month ago

        Yeah I was like oh shit, Biden is out, someone tried to kill Trump, he’s gonna win for sure… and then the response to Kamala’s campaign was crazy. It gives me hope.

      • @[email protected]
        131 month ago

        I suspected that would happen. It’s like that time he got COVID and almost died. Huge story at the time, now people barely remember.

        • @[email protected]
          181 month ago

          As soon as it’s clear that something isn’t going to kill him no one cares, he is so unpopular he has crossed some kind of public opinion event horizon.

        • @Jimmyeatsausage
          131 month ago

          We decided as a nation that people getting shot wasn’t worth getting excited about decades ago.

      • @[email protected]
        121 month ago

        But you know that if it was a minority or someone on the left, they would have milked that shit until it was desert dry, then try to milk it some more

        But instead it was a white guy who seemed to be a republican, or a centrist at best. So, not interesting to talk about

        • @SeattleRain
          01 month ago

          I think it more like they’re afraid of triggering an all out “night of the long knives” situation. The media isn’t stupid. They know Trump’s rhetoric has been leading to violence. It’s just that it’s been directed at the poor and PoC. Now that it’s coming home to them and other elites they’re being careful now.

          They did the same thing with the black guy that went on a shooting spree in Dallas because of Ferguson. It was the perfect race baiting story, the shooter was a genuinely mentally ill person who was a hardline black nationalist that attempted to join numerous anti police protest groups and just had that “scary black man look” that Fox News loves.

          But once it came out that

          1.) He had been ridiculously effective in killing cops using the “shoot and scoot” tactic he learned serving in Iraq. Only being stopped once the police tied a bomb to a robot they sicked after him.

          2.) He had killed to hardcore white nationalist police officers, kinda proving his point that the police were a force for black subjugation.

          The story seemed to disappear from the headlines over night.

          Compare that with the Ft. Hood shooter that was Muslim that Fox News talked about for YEARS after it occurred.

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
            11 month ago

            Great post. Same for the Vegas shooter. He was apparently trying to prove a point about mental health and fun control. Nobody said shit.

            Also, thought you might like to know it “sicced.”

      • @NJSpradlin
        71 month ago

        Was it entirely NOT politically motivated, though? Has there been anymore word on the shooter?

        • @[email protected]
          191 month ago

          No one was inside his head, but he donated to Dems and registered Republican. He googled both Biden and Trump events and seemed to pick the most convenient one. So we can’t know for sure, but none of the evidence points to any particular political motivation, just wanted to go out famous.

          • @NJSpradlin
            41 month ago

            The googling part is news to me, hopefully we find more info as we go. I know everyone’s holding their breath waiting for a big reveal of something.

        • @[email protected]
          51 month ago

          What I found most interesting is he apparently had pretty good opsec and kept his communications private and encrypted. You don’t usually get that with people who actually commit violent crimes. They usually either loudly tell the undercover FBI agents all about their scheme in a public venue or coordinate over FB Messenger or other extremely obvious opsec fails

  • @kikutwo
    841 month ago

    Guy with no empathy seeks some, finds none.

  • @EnderMB
    521 month ago

    Can someone spread a credible-sounding rumour that due to this shooting Trump is considering a ban on guns?

    It would be the death of MAGA, as they internally wrestle their love of guns for their fanatic support of Trump.

    • @Wogi
      191 month ago

      Trump has been screeching about gun control behind closed doors. It’s hard to find information on it because his staffers are understandably keeping that from the media. But he’s been screaming about it since he was shot at.

      • @EnderMB
        111 month ago

        Oh man, can you imagine the shitstorm if the Harris campaign were to get hold of that footage? Imagine the Dems targeting the GOP by saying “look, they want to take your guns!”

        • @RestrictedAccount
          41 month ago

          PACs should run that non stop in stronghold counties to depress turnout

    • @Fedizen
      171 month ago

      he’s already attempted to ban bump stocks, which is more of an attempt than biden

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      101 month ago

      He’s already said “Take the guns first, then go through due process second” and none of them batted an eye

  • @800XL
    441 month ago

    Good, fuck him. He is a self-serving narcissist piece of shit. Too bad this didn’t happen 30 years ago where he could have done a 180 and not turned into the waste of air he is today.

    • @Burn_The_Right
      -21 month ago

      Agreed. That bullet never touched him. The real victim’s blood spatter is what we saw on his cheek. The man who was actually shot was just feet behind Trump, within range of that small spatter from a high velocity projectile.

      • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
        71 month ago

        Guys… the picture is right there.

        If it was splatter from the man in the crowd, there would have been a wider distribution of smaller globules.

        I’ve seen enough pink mist on the internet, man…

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          I think he was absolutely grazed by the bullet, but it is still hilarious to me that the FBI put out a whole statement saying they won’t confirm it was a real hit. I think the dude is absolutely headstrong enough to keep campaigning after something like that. It can’t have had no effect at all.

          • @[email protected]
            31 month ago

            Someone on lemmy said that it was probably the shockwave from the bullet rather than the bullet itself which hit him. Pretty sure I also saw something about an FBI statement which seemed to later corroborate that. Ultimately, its not super important. He was shot at, lightly injured, and now he’s spiraling for one reason or another

            • @4lan
              31 month ago

              look at the pics!! that is not a 223 bullet wound.

              funny how this left the top of the news so fast. almost suspiciously fast like they didn’t want us to think too hard about it

              • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
                11 month ago

                They might have done that to prevent copycats. If they talked about it non-stop people would think it’s a way to gain infamy. It’s the same reason coverage of mass shootings doesn’t focus on the killer’s name anymore.

                • @4lan
                  11 month ago

                  Finally a good reasoning, that does make sense.

                  So you are saying we should keep talking about it? 😂

  • @NocturnalMorning
    1 month ago

    PTSD can happen to anyone, even someone as narcissistic as Trump.

    • @meco03211
      421 month ago

      He’s got the best PTSD. Lots of people are saying it.

      • @Death_Equity
        1 month ago

        He has spoken to many many smart people, experts, they are called. At least that is what he calls them. They know a lot of PTSD, he knows all about PTSD, those ex-perts know more. They asked him, how does he have such good PTSD. He told them, he didn’t know, he just does. They are shocked at how good his PTSD is. Remarkable, they call it. Sleepy Joe Bi-den doesn’t even have PTSD. He couldn’t, and if he did, Lord God King President Donald J Trump knows it would be poor. And his diversity hire? Not even worth mentioning. What a loser.

      • @NocturnalMorning
        01 month ago

        Mental illness isn’t something I really find funny joking about, even with Trump. It’s not a good look.

        • @meco03211
          01 month ago

          I consider that less making fun of people suffering PTSD and more making fun of that idiot’s narcissistic need for embellishment and to be seen as the best despite all evidence to the contrary.

  • @Etterra
    351 month ago

    Well maybe he should get therapy…

    … HAHAHAHA sorry, I couldn’t hold it back any more. No he’ll do exactly what you think he’ll do - let it fester into an (additional) mental illness.

  • @[email protected]
    271 month ago

    Joe stepping down looking better all the time. It’s like when J Cole apologized for dissing Kendrick, people were mixed until everyone realized, “hoooly shit thank god he did that”

    • Match!!
      51 month ago

      oh my god and now harris is "Not Like Us"ing the vance/trump ticket into the ground by hammering on how weird they are

      we got fucking foreshadowing this season

      • skulblaka
        41 month ago

        Drake and Kendrick were friendly - ish - around 10 years ago but they’ve been souring since then.

        Drake and J Cole recently collaborated on a song, First Person Shooter.

        Kendrick Lamar threw the first recent punch with a line on Like That that specifically calls out Drake and J Cole about that song.

        J Cole released a diss track in response, 7 Minute Drill, went to bed, woke up, and then decided he didn’t want the smoke and removed himself from the situation and removed the song from streaming services. Drake took the bait and released Pushups and Taylor Made Freestyle (which he’s being sued for for other reasons).

        I’m just gonna quote the wiki article for the next part:

        In response, Lamar released “Euphoria” on April 30 and “6:16 in LA” on May 3. Drake responded with “Family Matters” later that day, accusing Lamar of being a domestic abuser and alleging that one of Lamar’s children was fathered by Dave Free. Roughly twenty minutes later, Lamar released “Meet the Grahams”, accusing Drake of sex trafficking, being a sexual predator, and fathering another secret child. Lamar then released “Not Like Us” the following day, further accusing Drake of pedophilia and disrespecting the rap scene. On May 5, Drake responded with “The Heart Part 6”, denying Lamar’s accusations and claiming that his team gave Lamar false information about the secret child. A music video for “Not Like Us” was later released on July 4.

        After seeing what Kendrick did to Drake, it is popularly believed that J Cole made the correct move. J Cole managed to neatly sidestep this entire beef and let Kendrick hit Drake with a biblical level smackdown.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          Thank you! Especially appreciate the commentary below the wiki article - otherwise I’m not sure I would know who’s “winning” or “losing” in that mess.

          Even if no one wins, sounds like he won by not playing.

          • skulblaka
            31 month ago

            That’s the general consensus, yeah. Kendrick wins the actual beef but J Cole wins the most out of all three of them by just not being present.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    231 month ago

    This is how the rest of us feel about footage from January 6.

  • @Rapidcreek
    1 month ago

    ABC News: The U.S. Secret Service is making arrangements for former Pres. Trump to resume outdoor campaign rallies by surrounding his podium with bulletproof glass

    NOW Hannibal Lecter comes to mind.,