I mean they say he raised from the dead and all.

        • @DontTreadOnBigfoot
          7 months ago

          But only the Catholics believe in transubstantiation, so only they are cannibals because only they believe that they are literally eating his body

          All other Christians see communion as symbolic, and therefore are not cannibals.

            • @tacosplease
              27 months ago

              You really just need one Catholic for a post communion dissection.

              • @Burninator05
                17 months ago

                A sample size one? That’s hardly enough for a conclusive result. The one you dissect could have just been a cannibal anyway and while corrupt the findings. Really a brutal war is the only way to go if we want enough samples.

          • @Jarix
            27 months ago

            Well symbolic cannibals

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        No, it’s not just Catholics who take communion.

        Source: Mum tried to raise me Anglican.

        • @[email protected]
          47 months ago

          Really? That’s new information to me! Wow, just when you thought you knew a thing you find out you don’t. Are there any others that do the transubstantiating crackers?

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            Honestly, I’m not sure. You might still be partly right, though.

            The Anglican church originated from the Church of England which was created by (the formerly Catholic) Henry VIII, when the Pope wouldn’t annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.

            Just evidence, as always, of religion being used to further a powerful person’s agenda.

      • Dem Bosain
        27 months ago

        Are Lutherans catholic? I went to church a few times with my cousins years and years ago, and they were Lutheran. I snagged communion with them once, my aunt was so mad…

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          Lutherans too? Damn, that’s wild. I completely misspoke out of ignorance. I thought it was well-known and established that it was a catholic thing alone.

        • Em Adespoton
          27 months ago

          Lutherans would consider themselves Catholic for the most part; Roman Catholics would not.

          Catholic just means “universal” though… at least when it’s lower case. Which is why most denominations will recite the creed and say they believe in the catholic church — which is a totally different thing from the Roman Catholic Church.

            • Em Adespoton
              27 months ago

              Yeah; he was also a Catholic. He wasn’t protesting against the Catholic Church, he was protesting against the corruption within the church. He was a reformer, not a detractor.

              • Deconceptualist
                17 months ago

                Oh, I re-read your previous comment and understand better now. It’s been a long while since I learned this stuff.

  • Phenomephrene
    177 months ago


    I’m in the camp that believes that Jesus was a real person. And being that he was a real person, he did not rise from the dead, because that doesn’t happen. So, Jesus was not a zombie.

    If Jesus wasn’t actually a real person… sure, knock yourself out. Zombie, Lich, whatever else you want to call it. Doesn’t really matter if we’re just making up stories with no real historical basis.

      • Phenomephrene
        157 months ago

        Aww, and here I thought I was contributing to a discussion. I’ll leave you alone now since I ruin your fun. Hopefully you can feel free to be a bit more lighthearted in my absence.

  • sp3ctr4l
    7 months ago

    Assuming Jesus was a normal human being, one of many wandering apocalyptic Jewish preachers of the era… no, he’s just a dead cult leader who became legendary following exaggerated stories about him becoming popular after his death.

    Assuming you attempt to take any of these stories seriously, it depends on your interpretation and which stories you believe hold precedence over others.

    Paul seems to refer to Jesus as having a glorified spiritual/phantom kind of body, which evidently looks like a person but is capable of flying and either teleporting or phasing through walls. Paul never actually refers to a physical/fleshy Jesus, Jesus is always seen in visions, or encounters which can be read as fleeting appearances of basically a glorious or mysterious ghost, or more sceptically as hallucinations.

    Marcion and his followers embraced these ideas over the later Gospels, and rejected the idea that Jesus had been crucified, that he was physical/flesh whatsoever.

    The Gospels however, refer to Jesus very much having a human body, with holes from his crucifixion, (the doubting Thomas story), who eats and sleeps. so this is more in line with a zombie or lich.

    But, there’s also Jesus’ slew of powers/miracles that basically make him into a conjuration capable mage, a healing capable cleric, a necromancer, who raises the dead, a summoner of spirits (the transfiguration, Moses and Elijah come down from Heaven), and whatever kind of mage type spell is needed to either vanish or fly off into heaven.

    (Also I guess partly Bard as well, if you count telling parables as a Bardly skill)

    So basically he’s a custom or multi or hybrid class going by different kinds of TTRPG rules… ???

    The entities that were almost certainly zombies were all of the dead who rose from their graves upon the moment of Jesus death in Matthew 27 51-53.

    They then waited around the cemetery for the three days it took for Jesus to be resurrected, and then wandered around Jerusalem and ‘were seen by many’.

    Where they went afterward is unclear, they are never again mentioned.

    The nature of Jesus physical form vs spiritual form was part of considerable contention amongst early Christians: Was Jesus God incarnated as a human, or was he a human Messiah blessed by God… or… both?

    Eventually the concept of the Trinity was decided on, but this was after several hundred years of competing sects and stories and texts.

    Early Christian sects varied wildly on … basically everything, from whether or not the old Jewish law and customs needed to be adhered to, to which stories about Jesus were true and which were false…

    The Essenes believed that Jesus was a 96 foot tall demi-god/angelic being and that he had a sister, the Holy Spirit, who was female, and also a 96 foot tall demi-god/angel.

    The Cerinthians, the Valentinians and the Sethians seemed to all follow a line of thought which eventually became the Gospel of Judas, which proposes that Yahweh is actually Yaldabaoth, an evil demiurge amongst a pantheon of other gods, who created this world and all material existence as a kind of prison, and that Jesus was actually ‘from the immortal realm of Barbelo’, come to reveal to us mortals a path to basically escaping the matrix through the enlightenment of learning this and other hidden truths.

    (I use ‘escaping the matrix’ deliberately as the Wachowskis themselves incorporated Gnostic ideas into the movies, as well as concepts from many other religions and philosophers)

    So this Jesus would be less like a zombie and be more like Neo getting up after being shot by Smith: Jesus is but a man, he is a physical incarnation in a world with physical rules, but he can sometimes bend or break these rules.

    His true essence, his Spirit, is a separate entity that is elsewhere, in another realm of existence, and that spirit is basically just piloting the human form ‘Jesus’ as one directs a virtual avatar to move around in a video game.

    There were and currently are so many different sects of Christianity that uh, basically, Jesus is whatever is determined by whichever canon and theology you accept.

    • @daddy32
      27 months ago

      Thanks for the read.

  • @[email protected]
    147 months ago

    When I was in college I wanted to make a short film with Jesus as a fuckup: raises Lazarus as a zombie by mistake, needs little kids’ floaty arm things on ankles to walk on water, apostles only hang out with him for the free wine. Never got around to it.

  • @numberfour002
    137 months ago

    He’s a bitch. He’s a lover. He’s a child. He’s a zombie. He’s a sinner. He’s a saint.

  • @[email protected]
    117 months ago

    No. Jesus had his intellect and personality intact, which zombies do not.

    NB: I’m taking the Gospels as gospel, here. I do not think the man himself rose from the dead.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        You raise a fair point: what exactly is a zombie? To me, a zombie is not a sapient thing, so if it remembers its previous sapience, it’s not a zombie. But zombies aren’t real, which makes it difficult to define them precisely.

        • @Jarix
          57 months ago

          There are enough stories of intelligent zombies that its easy to say he can be considered a zombie inspite of his intelligence. I think a better argument is that zombies are only one form of animated dead.

          Zombies are dead things like liches, ghouls, vampires, wights, revenants etc. just as there are many stories of these creatures there are probably as many, or at least enough of coming back to life and not being some form of animated corpse.

          Resurrection, reincarnation, regeneration, wishing and of course miracles

          The story of jesus is clearly a divine/holy intervention though which suggests NOT an animated corpse but a true return to life.

          So I also say no, but for different reasons.

          Will that stop me from calling easter zombie jesus day? It will not :p

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          …yet the maga cult exists in swarms, obeying the loudest orangutang with the mightiest cholesterol.

    • FaceDeer
      57 months ago

      Nah, a lich is a wizard who returns to life by binding his soul to a phylactery. Jesus was a cleric, so he came back as a mummy lord.

      • Em Adespoton
        57 months ago

        Except he famously left the linen folded up in the tomb and had all his body parts intact….

  • @Kyrgizion
    97 months ago

    I suppose technically he’s more of a revenant. Higher hit dice.

  • Snot Flickerman
    7 months ago

    He was Jewish, so a Golem might be a better cultural fit, but I’m pretty sure Jesus was (according to the fairy tale) born to a human woman and not made of mud.

  • @AbouBenAdhem
    47 months ago

    According to the Wikipedia article on West African Vodun:

    Many vodúnsɛntó practice their traditional religion alongside Christianity, for instance by interpreting Jesus Christ as a vodún. […] The possessed person is often referred to as the vodún itself.

    • JackbyDev
      67 months ago

      Depends on the universe. The Santa Clause? Explicitly human.