• finley
      2118 days ago

      i haven’t, but only because my parents are still alive.

      if you’d met them, you’d understand.

    • str82L
      818 days ago

      I literally laughed hysterically at this. Actually scared myself with the noises I made.

  • Maple Engineer
    11018 days ago

    Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung had said: “The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony.”

    Project 2025 is trying to drag the US back to a time where any woman who dares to question a man, or expresses an opinion not given to her by her father or husband, or speaks out of turn, is immediately labeled as, “hysterical”.

    • @[email protected]
      5318 days ago

      Oh this makes so much more sense now. The army soldier was a woman.

      That explains the whole “mental health episode” excuse.

      • @Corvidae
        418 days ago

        Also reverse victim and offender, DARVO.

    • @paf0OP
      3818 days ago

      The very solemn ceremony that they turned into a campaign video.

  • str82L
    8918 days ago

    He really is quite weird saying that someone who tried to enforce the rules they’re employed to enforce was ”clearly suffering from a mental health episode”

    Did I say ”weird?” I meant ”a complete cunt”

  • @Rapidcreek
    18 days ago

    For those keeping track, Trumpers have now picked fights with:

    -the US Army

    -Bud Light

    -the NFL

    -Taylor Swift

    • @EvilBit
      6318 days ago

      You dropped these:

      • women
      • LGBTQ+
      • persons of color
      • the rest of the military
      • Capitol police
      • atheists
      • the childless
      • education
      • people who like cats
      • literally not being mean to people
      • school lunches for poor children
      • Gillette
      • nonviolence
      • democracy
      • the rule of law

      The fact that they even have double digit vote share is a sign that actual merit is low on the list of criteria in politics.

      • @mohammed_alibi
        918 days ago

        Don’t forget (covered by “the rest of the military”) but still needs to be called out:

        • P.O.W.s
        • Medal of Honor recipients
        • Gold Star families
        • @EvilBit
          718 days ago

          “Woke” is basically “not being a raging dick to people”. They can’t ever define it because basically any real definition of the term makes them look incredibly bad.

          • oh yeah, makes sense.

            I’ve had my bad experiences in the past with people you’d typically call “woke”, namely I’ve had a person tell me that I couldn’t use the german word “Digga” because it sounded too close to “nigga”. (I am not making this up.)

            But I am very well aware that this isn’t what the MAGA crowd means when they call someone “woke” and that there are militants in every group (looking at you, c/vegan). So yeah, your explanation makes sense. Thanks for explaining :)

            • @EvilBit
              318 days ago

              There’s obviously such a thing as taking it too far, but yeah “anything I don’t like is woke” is more their play.

      • @auzy
        418 days ago

        You forgot the ex Australian prime Minister too

        • @EvilBit
          318 days ago

          And most of Europe. Look, it’s not a comprehensive list, okay?

      • @Tyfud
        318 days ago

        Wait, what happened with Gillette? How the fuck do you pick a fight with a company that literally sells razor blades and not expect to get cut?

    • @[email protected]
      618 days ago

      In just this last 24 hour news cycle, you can add wind (which causes people not to eat bacon) and sleeping on the beach while on vacation (Biden). Trump is a deeply weird dude.

  • @roofTophopper
    4318 days ago

    The guy could graffiti the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and say he had permission from a family, and his people would say it was totally okay.

  • @Etterra
    2318 days ago

    The biggest travesty here is that the employee won’t press charges because he’s afraid of retaliation. Either by Trump himself, his mom of rabid cultists, or both.