• Optional
      369 days ago

      For the 40,000th time in eight years - Yes.

  • @ceenote
    859 days ago

    Seems like a problem springing from the press’s bias towards neutrality, or how sometimes a politician is objectively wrong but the press treats them with kid gloves for fear of being accused of unfairness.

    They can’t print Trump’s entire 3 minute rant, and they’re scared to characterize it as meandering or incoherent, even if that’s the best description. So, they print a single line from his rant and provide their own context.

    • @grue
      779 days ago

      Towards the appearance of neutrality, you mean. When person A says “2+2=4” and person B says “2+2=5”, “neutrality” is not reporting some kind of false compromise at 4 1/2, but instead factually reporting that person A is correct and person B is wrong!

      • Diplomjodler
        8 days ago

        Stop oppressing me with your woke math and shit! It’s my deeply held belief that two plus two equals five!

          • @[email protected]
            98 days ago

            We jest about bad math being called heritage, but remember that, sadly, 3/5 = 1 was unironically a huge part of their heritage.

        • @Eldritch
          78 days ago

          For large values of 2 it can even approach 6.

          • Diplomjodler
            38 days ago

            You’re very good at conservative math.

            • @Eldritch
              48 days ago

              Heh well conservatives are irrational, but then again. Sometimes numbers are too. But 2.999999999999 + 2.9999999999 is pretty darn close to 3.

      • @[email protected]
        238 days ago

        I feel like the media would roll this out in the most bad-faith and then evolve it in the most malignant way possible:

        • Both candidates discuss 2+2
        • Person B passionately argues values on 2+2
        • Is person A too ingrained in the establishment to consider new ideas on 2+2?
        • Person B campaign staff says person B will likely “soften tone on 2+2” after they win election
        • Person B supporters wear “5” to latest rally
        • Experts weigh in on the true meaning of 4 1/2
        • Person B says “4 is low-energy just like person A”
        • Should a 4-believer really be president just because person B is a rapist and a felon?
        • Person B won the election and it’s all your fault
        • @aesthelete
          8 days ago

          They write completely content-less headlines and articles that are so “neutral” they look like they were written by an extraterrestrial attorney.

          Guy A shoots guy B with a gun and they write it up as “spectators allege that the bullet that happened to strike B may likely have originated from the barrel of a gun that A has been said to have held in or around the same period where B happened to be struck”.

          I took journalism in high school and the instruction at the time was not to use the fucking passive voice…but that’s all the motherfuckers use…even when covering extremely high stakes shit.

      • @starchylemming
        27 days ago

        2+2 is actually 5 I’ve read it in a book with a bunch of numbers as a title. its basic knowledge, just like: War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength

      • @ceenote
        8 days ago

        You’re confusing neutrality with objectivity.

        Edit: Neutral (adjective): not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.

        Are you a big enough baby to downvote because you don’t like what words mean? Neutrality and correctness are two different things. Objectivity does factor in what the facts are, neutrality doesn’t.

        • @grue
          219 days ago

          Perpetuating lies just because one side claims them is neither neutral nor objective!

          • Ech
            -28 days ago

            It is absolutely neutral. You’re mixing up neutrality with equivalence. Just because a neutral party reports on something that’s clearly incorrect doesn’t mean they are sponsoring or supporting it over something else, nor is it saying they are equally valid claims.

            The purpose of neutral reporting is to have a record of what happened, not to judge it right or wrong. Unfortunately, sometimes (a lot of the time, nowadays) noteworthy events involve unpleasant and/or malicious actors, but we can’t just shun them from history because their purposes are ignoble.

    • OhStopYellingAtMe
      9 days ago

      Agreed. Their motivation is money, and there’s more money in keeping the election a neck & neck horse race, even if one of the horses is rabid, lame, and in every way unfit to run. They’ll downplay his blaring faults, and magnify any tiny fault they can find in his competition, just to keep the race “fair” - for ad revenue.

      • @Tujio
        28 days ago

        They also don’t like to get sued, and Orange Julius has a habit of suing anybody who offends him.

    • Fern
      59 days ago

      Too true, also what we call civility politics. I wouldn’t be surprised if corporate backers prefer it that way.

      • @[email protected]
        28 days ago

        I’m relieved to learn this is a term. I see so many appeals to civility and decorum, and it turns into giving the Supreme Court away.

    • @[email protected]
      -129 days ago

      They did the same with Biden until the horrible debate. It’s not a political bias but a bias towards rich politicians.

      • @[email protected]OP
        129 days ago

        I want to know what media you were watching that didn’t highten every biden stutter when that man has had a stutter his entire life

  • @[email protected]
    758 days ago

    Yes. By printing a translation of his rambling, rather than the direct insane rambling, his muddled thoughts appear as if there is clarity.

  • @SGGeorwell
    459 days ago

    No, they’re begging the devil himself to come tear shit up again because if it bleeds, it leads. They’re professionally negligent, venal narcissists who will say anything for money.

    • Diplomjodler
      169 days ago

      Plus, they work for oligarchs who want Trump to win because they want to reinstate feudalism.

    • @[email protected]
      38 days ago

      Does the press think there will be some protective force field for them if they succeed in setting America alight?

  • @expatriado
    9 days ago

    that term is hilarious, surprised never seen it before, because this situation started long ago

    • @[email protected]OP
      119 days ago

      The article talks about how the term has only really started to take off in a big way in the last week or so. (Though the term itself is a fair amount older)

  • @[email protected]
    228 days ago

    If the press is giving me the “sanewashed” version, they’re genuinely wasting their time, because motherfuckwr still seems batshit crazy.

  • RubberDuck
    228 days ago

    It’s absolute malpractice to interpret his incoherent ramblings and turn it into something you writer thinks he might have meant. This guy’s lies and lies… and later on he can say “I never said that” and he would be right.

    The correct reporting on his childcare response would have been: when trump was asked about what specific policies he would further to improve childcare in the US, he rambled incoherently for 4 minutes, about all the money they where going to bring in from other countries via an import tax. The only thing touching on the question was “childcare you have to have it in this country”.

  • @ZhaoYadang
    139 days ago

    More like sucking on his tiny mushroom cock nonstop. See, the media LOVES Trump. For most of them, it’s not because of ideology. It’s because he’s a headline buffet. There will always be more, it will always be more salacious, there is no bottom. Which is great for selling ads attached to what they write, film, and so on.

    Biden? Boring. Harris? Booring. But Trump? Trump will always be a lalapalooza of insanity. And to the current celebrity media, that’s all that counts.

    Sad thing is they’re gonna get us all killed with that shit.

    • @[email protected]
      28 days ago

      I understand there will be no consequences for the media kings, but I wonder about the levels below. They can’t all be in a position to skip out on what they are flirting with on behalf of America.

  • @Myxomatosis
    48 days ago

    Of course. The media has done nothing but carry water for Trump for nearly a decade now.