Makes it very clear that Vance knows that what his doing is evil, but he’s weird enough to decide to do it anyways.

  • @big_slap
    762 days ago

    “The reason that I changed my mind on Donald Trump is actually perfectly highlighted by what’s going on in Springfield,” Vance said. “Because the media and the Kamala Harris campaign, they’ve been calling the residents of Springfield racist, they’ve been lying about them. They’ve been saying that they make up these reports of migrants eating geese, and they completely ignore the public health disaster that is unfolding in Springfield at this very minute. You know who hasn’t ignored it? Donald Trump.”

    ho-ly shit. I don’t even know how to react anymore.

    • @[email protected]
      222 days ago

      As a Canadian, hearing about poor people supposedly eating dogs and cats, now geese, it makes me wonder where the fuck are the social programs in America that help people who’ve been beat to shit enough that they would stoop to eating any passing animal?

    • @[email protected]
      132 days ago

      Bro you have been a senator from Ohio for years now and you only mentioned this issue like a week ago.

      Shut the fuck up.

  • @Rapidcreek
    632 days ago

    Vance, once again, nailed by the way back machine of the Internet archives. Rarely is anything ever really gone. Except for text messages between Secret Service agents on January 6.

  • @Sanctus
    382 days ago

    Its called an opportunist. They are fairweather fans that blow wherever the breeze takes them and hold no views or convictions of their own. They are the spineless chaffe that makes up most of a fascism shake.

  • @NotMyOldRedditName
    102 days ago

    Nelson told CNN that during the 2016 Republican primary he agreed to delete the article at Vance’s request, so that Vance might have an easier time getting a job in Republican politics

    And here I was hoping it was recent and he paid the guy to remove it and then doesn’t report it becomes an illegal campaign contribution.

    • @[email protected]
      52 days ago

      He’s ever beem anything other rhan a slippery weasel that wants to be adjacent to power. He just got really popular 8 years ago because his book about how much he hates his mom told liberals in the suburbs it’s ok to hate poor rural people for being rednecks.

  • @EvilBit
    82 days ago

    I appreciate that you’re signal boosting “weird” but I think this is full-on “shitty”.

  • EleventhHour
    32 days ago

    Oh, the ol’ reach-around, eh?

    We learn more about Vance everyday…

  • ArchRecord
    22 days ago

    As much as it fills me with joy to see fascists like JD Vance get mauled by their own past words, I hate how much this will be propped up as an argument against him today.

    I think we can all agree that people change their minds, whether it be from propaganda, malicious intent, or genuine education, so the only thing he has to do to escape this line of attack is just say “my opinions changed.”

    I’m sure that to a degree, he still believes what he originally wrote, but has simply repressed it in favor of being able to do less thinking about his political positions, and garner more public attention and power.