• @Areldyb
    52 hours ago

    My wife and I recently started our first playthrough. We’re mostly interested in the story and style and I don’t want to deal with any bullshit difficulty spikes, so we set it to Safe Mode and are absolutely here for the 120-hour push-button anime experience. So far, it rules.

  • @samus12345
    114 hours ago

    “120 hour anime series” is fair, but “occasionally click a button” is not. If P5 qualifies for that, then every turn-based JRPG ever does.

  • @Pacattack57
    44 hours ago

    I refuse to play games that I can’t quit within 2 minutes of starting it. Persona series is one of those that I refuse to play. My time is way to valuable to commit an hour or more to 1 activity.

    • @[email protected]
      149 minutes ago

      So do you just play on Xbox where you can jump between titles and have it save your game state?

      • @TriflingToad
        123 minutes ago

        I get that, however before getting on meds I had no problem playing RuneScape for hours straight with YouTube on the side. No idea why I was fine with literally running in circles for 6 hours straight but making eye contact for 2 minutes was painful.

    • @[email protected]
      12 hours ago

      I think you’ll miss out on a lot of great games thinking that way! Sometimes needing to commit time into a game is where a lot of the value comes from in its experience, and persona is one of those series.

  • @[email protected]
    45 hours ago

    Persona 5 is the only game in my life I ever played and made my eyes hirt, it just felt nauseating

  • Codex
    5013 hours ago

    I don’t have time for games that long

    plays Factorio for the 274th hour

    • @[email protected]
      1611 hours ago

      A friend of mine tried to convince me to get Factorio a couple days ago. Couldn’t help but feel like he was a junky trying to get me to try just a little bit of heroin.

      • @[email protected]
        87 hours ago

        It’s more like crack or meth. You start a gamenin the early evening and suddenly it dawn’s outside. I hate myself for loving a game which basically simulates the job of “process optimization”

        • @ashok36
          87 hours ago

          I always describe it as a puzzle game where all the puzzles are designed by an idiot and that idiot is you.

        • @bbuez
          46 hours ago

          Hey if your actual job is process optimization, you get to enjoy it twice as much 🥲

          • @captainlezbian
            34 hours ago

            I’ve never played factorio, but I am an industrial engineer and my builds in the minecraft mod create make my wife sad

              • @villainy
                3 hours ago

                Satisfactory, however, will be 100% totally safe and good for that marriage. Trust me bro!

            • @bbuez
              158 minutes ago

              Whatever you do, don’t install clockwork and valkerien skies. You maybe become but a memory to your wife

  • @[email protected]
    1511 hours ago

    God I wish I could play this game again with a fresh slate and no knowledge of anything again. Story, style, soundtrack, and gameplay all in an endearing package.

      • @[email protected]
        67 hours ago

        Me neither but Winter is coming and my pile of shame recently got Space Marine 2 added …

        But one day I will be old and retired. I will only die when I played them all!

        • @[email protected]
          25 hours ago

          That’s what I’m hanging on too. On the upside though my pile doesn’t grow so much now days since so much that is released is a steaming pile of trash

    • @[email protected]
      37 hours ago

      If you played all of the games up to 4, you were invested in the story, and therefore the cutscenes were welcome.

    • @[email protected]
      59 hours ago

      MGS5 did it very well! (That’s if you made it passed the long intro)

      It’s chapter based. So you get 1-2 minutes of introduction, then tossed into the field. Story follows more gameplay like cassette tapes or walkie talkies while you explore, with cutscenes when you hit certain points.

      After MGS5, I find it hard to play the older ones with its 10-30 minute cutscenes.

      • @[email protected]
        47 hours ago

        It’s funny you praise 5 for that, but as a huge fan of the series I think the best description I read of mg5 was: “it’s simultaneously the best stealth action game out there and the worst metal gear game in the series.” Lol

        I think the open world kinda ruined the pacing of the story and it all felt kind of disjointed in comparison to the linear games. That’s coming from someone who LOVES open world games too. Still lots of fun though

    • @[email protected]
      39 hours ago

      In Persona 4, it took me something like 5 hours before I got to my first combat scene. Then another few hours before I got into a dungeon.

      • @[email protected]
        17 hours ago

        Well yeah. The dungeons are in the TV world, you’re a high schooler in the real world. They needed to introduce you to your party and provide the context in which you’ll be adventuring. Most JRPGs provide very scant gameplay in the first few hours. Sounds like OOP just isn’t into JRPGs, which is totally fine.

  • @atmur
    20 hours ago

    Every time it goes on sale, I think about picking it up, but then I remember…

    It takes me long enough to finish 10-hour games I already own…

    • @[email protected]
      15 hours ago

      Those numbers would be awesome, if it wasn’t a Persona game. My friend tried getting me into it on the PS1 and I bounced right off.

    • @[email protected]
      510 hours ago

      It’s one of those games with a fun grind. With how snappy the UI and everything is, nothing ever really feels like a chore. I played Xenoblade Chronicles recently and I think it took my 50lbs to beat, but those 50lbs felt longer than Persona’s 100+ hours.

      I like Xenoblade more personally anyway, but just wanted to share my experience.

      • Tanis Nikana
        810 hours ago

        Measuring games by weight? Neat.

        • @[email protected]
          29 hours ago

          As a kid in the 80s with extremely limited funds, I used to buy games based on the swag.

          Like damn, this game came with a cloth map? Yes!

    • @TommySoda
      3720 hours ago

      I highly recommend the game, but I totally get you. I didn’t buy it for years for the exact same reason. Eventually it was on a good sale when I was between games so I got a chance to play it. If you’re an anime fan you will probably love the game. And if you’re not, it may be cringy as fuck on occasion but you’ll probably still love the game after getting sucked in. But if you end up never playing it, that’s totally fine too. I’ve found in life that you don’t need to watch every movie and play every video that are highly praised. I still haven’t played the Mass Effect games even after owning all of them for 5 or so years.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        617 hours ago

        I’ve found in life that you don’t need to watch every movie and play every video that are highly praised.

        You’re absolutely right and I’m glad I reread that sentence: at first I somehow missed the “don’t” and was gearing up for a long and pointless rebuttal of what I THOUGHT I just read 😄

    • @Viking_Hippie
      12 hours ago

      Personally, I’m a sucker for long completion time. I only like specific types of games that don’t get released that often, so I’m always in danger of running out of games I haven’t replayed to death yet 😁

      Most of it being cutscenes is a huge negative if not an outright dealbreaker to me, though.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        312 hours ago

        I do feel like some of these games lose their premise if they grind on for too long. I think Haru Okumura’s dungeon is one of the more inspired, but by the time you get there, the game loop has gotten stale. Then the finale is just an interminably long series of hallways.

        They could have compressed that game by half (especially towards the back end), keyed up on the drama, and maybe fleshed out the daytime normal-life content a bit more.

        But I say that within the context of a game with a truly captivating story, some solid twists and top 10 anime betrayals, and a charming romance system that draws you into the characters. Had a great experience on my playthrough. Can’t imagine ever trying to play it again, but it was a wild ride the first time.

    • @Gutek8134
      320 hours ago

      I’ve tried P4G and I just can’t stand the required grind, nor the 3h bossfights, otherwise good game

        • @Ultraviolet
          25 hours ago

          I can’t think of a single remotely modern JRPG with required grinding. It’s usually that you have the choice between learning how the game works or overleveling to brute force everything. People then do the latter and don’t even realize the former was an option.

        • @Gutek8134
          313 hours ago

          Persona 4 Golden, though it may have been a result of me just pushing through the dungeon without any grind

          • @[email protected]
            17 hours ago

            Like most JRPGs, the Persona and mainline SMT series have a battle system that resembles a complex game of rock/paper/scissors. You’re either strong, weak, or neutral against a foe depending on what Persona/Demon you have out. You generally don’t have to grind for levels ever in JRPGs outside of the battles you invariably encounter on your way to objective x.

            • @Gutek8134
              06 hours ago

              I have to object - to this day I’ve played a few turn based jRPGs - FF X, EBF 5, aforementioned P4G, and Trails in the Sky 1 come to my mind, maybe there was one or two more - and some bosses and areas pose a level gap too wide to ignore with just strategy and consumables

              • @Ultraviolet
                15 hours ago

                Watch a speedrun. They avoid almost all encounters and still nuke bosses in a few turns.

  • @[email protected]
    2120 hours ago

    This is me and Persona 4.

    There’s a lot of good game elements. But it’s SOOOOO MUCH. It’s like a damn visual novel with bits of game.

    And I’m sure the payoff is great, since the Persona games are very well received. But after a long day, I don’t want to think. I just want to mash buttons until the pain stops.

    • @[email protected]
      613 hours ago

      If you like monster collection games. Check out shin megami tensei. More rpg than graphic novel. Same overall concepts but none of the daily dating sim like aspect.

      • @[email protected]
        37 hours ago

        I feel like the people looking for a JRPG, having been guided to Persona, that wind up hating Persona, were probably looking for one of the mainline SMT games instead!

  • @yamanii
    111 hours ago

    Peak isn’t it? The expansion for the remake of 3 launched too, go play it!

    • @Linnce
      12 hours ago

      You’ll see that my mind is too fast for eyes