• The Giant Korean
    518 minutes ago

    This is exactly my life right now, and it’s great.

  • @dejected_warp_core
    91 hour ago

    Ideally yes. This is me and Mrs. Warp Core and I wouldn’t change it for the world.


    Well, let me put it this way. Ever have a best friend that, after spending a lot of time around, you find out that you actually can’t stand more than a few hours at time? That is absolutely a possibility here. Only now their stuff is in your house (or vice-versa), and/or they’re on the same lease.

    $0.02: It may not always be advisable, but absolutely benchmark the practical aspects of your romance long before tying the knot. Long-term co-habitation is not the only route here. Consider other ways to rack up large blocks of time: getaway vacations, long weekends, or even just “play house” for a few days at a time. You’d be amazed at what horrible, terrible, filthy, obnoxious habits your partner has when “at home.” The reality is that everyone is a bit (more) of a mess in private, and the only real question you have to answer is: “what am I willing to put up with?”

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      228 minutes ago

      I’m a full blown mess in private or public, they know what they’re getting into before seeing me at home. I have no shame

  • @Asclepiaz
    310 minutes ago

    It’s really nice if you got the right person for it. I love my person so much 💓💓💓

  • cobysev
    112 hours ago

    This is exactly the relationship my wife and I share. We’re each other’s best friends, so it’s easy to hang out every day. Which is important because we’re both not working, so we’re around each other 24/7.

    So many couples struggled throughout the pandemic because they were actually forced to spend a lot of time together and realized they just didn’t care for each others’ company as much as they thought. But it had no effect on my relationship with my wife because we already spent almost every moment of our free time together.

    And it’s not like we do absolutely everything together. There are plenty of days when we’re indulging in our own separate hobbies or interests. But we’re always close by, so we can chat or share our geeky hobbies with one another.

    If you marry someone for looks, status, money, etc., you may find yourself in more of a business relationship than a romantic one, which will struggle as you get older. But finding someone who completely gets you is refreshing. You don’t need to put on a mask around them; you can be yourself and be confident that they love you for YOU. And if you truly respect them, you’ll also love and appreciate them for being themselves too.

    • @[email protected]
      349 minutes ago

      This is me and my husband. I find the part about going through the pandemic together especially true. “After” the pandemic I never went back to the office and the number of coworkers I had who seemed to be flabbergasted that I wanted to stay at home was through the roof. They seemed genuinely confused that husband and I weren’t dying to get away from each other.

      I have to admit though, it may have become somewhat of a hostile work environment as my husband has been threatening to tell my boss about all the times I make fish for lunch.

  • SuiXi3D
    41 hour ago

    My wife is the best thing to ever happen to me, plain and simple. My life would be a whole lot worse, and a whole lot more boring, without her in it.

  • xigoi
    152 hours ago

    Well, one more reason to be sad about being unlovable :/

    • @[email protected]
      2 hours ago


      I only really ever had two goals in life and I managed to fail them stupendously:

      1)Not be the guy who’s miserable every day and doesn’t want to wake up to go to work.

      2)To be in a loving relationship.

      1 is making 2 even more difficult. On second thought it’s like an ouroboros, 1 makes 2 more difficult which compounds the misery of 1 lol

    • @Im_old
      52 hours ago

      Surprised this isn’t the first comment. That’s lot of us here.

        • SuiXi3D
          21 hour ago

          Love is an action, and it takes two. If you haven’t found someone to love you, keep looking.

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    At the same time, it really, really sucks thinking you found this and then slowly realizing years into it that it’s not going to work because it’s just crushing your soul and there are some fundamental incompatibilities that are just not going to change and you have to get out for the sake of your own sanity and long term happiness, despite how much you want to make it work.

    Source: I’m in the terminal phases of that process right now.

    Apologies for being a Debbie downer. Just having some pretty rough times right now, and the next couple of weeks are going to absolutely suck, and there’s definitely no way around it but through.

    • flicker
      122 minutes ago

      Hey, I just did that a year ago this November 1st!

      Man, am I glad I did. And man, was it so worth it.

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      125 minutes ago

      Yo, I’m turning in the divorce papers in a few weeks. After months of detangling finances and finding new places 🎉 Only took like 5 years of me giving it my all and my former spouse constantly telling me I wasn’t doing enough for them. The years before all that were pretty great though

    • partial_accumen
      42 hours ago

      At the same time, it really, really sucks thinking you found this and then slowly realizing years into it that it’s not going to work

      Its not going to work with that particular person, but that doesn’t mean your life is over nor that the one you’re looking for still isn’t out there looking for you. I’m really sorry to hear about the situation you’re in right now, and its not going to be easy to get through this and its certainly not going to be quick, but you can get through this. You can heal. You are so much more than just that relationship even though it may not feel like that right now.

      You must navigate these choppy waters with an aim to come out the other side whole in time. You owe it to yourself. If you want to try again in the future, should you want to try again, you owe it to the other person thats still out there looking for you.

      • @[email protected]
        2 hours ago

        Oh, I know that. I am actually very confident I’m going to feel way better in the long term. I’m just struggling a lot with guilt and stuff right now because a big part of me feels like a complete psychopath for basically spurning someone I love a lot, and who I know loves me a lot too.

        That said, I do appreciate your well-wishes. <3

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      133 hours ago

      I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you manage to navigate this uncomfortable (and temporary) period of your life and can get back to building happiness again.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    32 hours ago

    This entirely unironically. Life is better when you can share it with other people.

    • @weegee90
      359 minutes ago

      We found Leonardo DiCaprio’s secret Twitter.

    • subignition
      154 hours ago

      Well, the odds of one partner passing first are a lot higher than both going at the same time :( but that’s a problem for future we.

    • @[email protected]
      33 hours ago

      Isn’t this just phrasing it differently? “Until you’re old” doesn’t imply anything different than “as you grow old” to me.

      • @Blue_Morpho
        21 hour ago

        Until means up to the point. The sentence implies a change at the point of being old.

        • @[email protected]
          1 hour ago

          Maybe if it was “until you die”, but I read it as getting old being the change, not the relationship changing

      • @[email protected]
        52 hours ago

        As an old person with my same old spouse, I’m glad it didn’t have to end as soon as we got here. We’re going to continue growing older and older together, because as much as getting old sucks, it would be worse all alone.

  • southsamurai
    133 hours ago

    It’s damn nice, ngl. And I didn’t get married until 2013 at almost 40.

    It’s one of those things worth waiting for, rather than jumping into at first opportunity. Not saying I wouldn’t have preferred to have had what I have now sooner, but younger me wouldn’t have been ready anyway. I’m just saying that it isn’t something to rush for the sake of being married, it’s about being good partners, matching well, and that’s not something that’s guaranteed to happen at any given age.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      42 hours ago

      Know more than a few people who lived together for years before tying the knot primarily for the economic benefit (plus throwing a big party is fun). By the time you’re really vibing with someone, marriage is almost an afterthought.

  • @rustyfish
    3 hours ago

    We decided to finally play Jumanji. She had to crawl across the living room and almost broke her knee. Now she is pouting with a cool pack while I boil water to make her tea.

    Being single is cool and all. But I never want to go back. I decided this to be my life.

  • @MirthfulAlembic
    12 minutes ago

    It’s great as long as both parties fully understand the other’s “drawbacks” and are prepared to deal with those. Never assume you’ll fix somebody with time. Hopefully both parties do grow and improve themselves over the years, but nobody is perfect.

    Love is being able to get angry with someone, wanting to resolve it healthily, and then actually moving forward and feeling it was worth it. It can feel like work sometimes, but the work should never feel pointless.