• @[email protected]
    1749 hours ago

    Hey, everyone who’s claiming Harris is going to be just as bad for Gaza as Trump will be: square this circle for me, would you?

    • @barsquid
      62 hours ago

      Well actually several Dem congressmen vote for stuff we don’t like therefore all Dems are as bad as Repubs and therefore they are worse than Repubs.

      My sources are lemmy.ml and hexbear.

    • @elliot_crane
      206 hours ago

      That would require them being capable of critical thinking, and anyone willing to vote third party clearly lacks in that department.

      • JaggedRobotPubes
        -133 hours ago

        Critical thinking would lead you to vote third party.

        What they lack is a specific piece of electoral information about first past the post voting: https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo

        Combine the understanding that america–deeply unfortunately–uses first past the post voting with critical thinking, and it’s obvious third parties are, for now, a waste.

        But if you wrongly accuse them of not having critical thinking skills, they’ll use their critical thinking skills, which they have, to assume that you are not a good source of information, even though you’re encouraging them in the right direction.

        • @[email protected]
          93 hours ago

          That seems like a very roundabout way to say that in the present in the US, critical thinking leads you to not vote third party.

        • @barsquid
          12 hours ago

          Sure, but we all give them that specific piece of electoral information in nearly every thread.

        • @elliot_crane
          2 minutes ago

          No. Critical thinking skills preclude even entertaining the notion of voting third party, because critical thinking skills would lead one to comprehend how FPTP and the EC work, and realize the all-but-guaranteed mathematical impossibility of electing a third party president.

          Anyone who proudly proclaims to vote third party is one of the following, without exception:

          • an uninformed idealist, aka a useful idiot
          • a bad actor
          • an entitled jackass with zero disregard for the effects of their actions

          In any of these cases, I wouldn’t trust these people with a butter knife let alone a ballot. But that’s not my call, so I call them out for what they are.

          E: forgot a word

    • @guacupado
      02 hours ago

      Exactly. Meanwhile privileged ass college kids talking about voting for this guy because Biden wasn’t being a baby. Fucking idiots.

    • @rustyfish
      177 hours ago

      Last time I checked on those people they claimed Trump would be completely pro Palestinian and everyone who didn’t see this true true was stupid. Didn’t know they jumped right to jUsT As BaD.

      • @[email protected]
        -306 hours ago

        No one claimed Trump would be better for Palestine, we’ve said Harris and Biden is as bad as Trump would be.

          • @[email protected]
            035 minutes ago

            So we should completely ignore what’s going on by something that he has said. If we’re holding people accountable by what they’ve said, should we not also be holding Harris accountable by saying that she once supported livable wages and universal health care?

        • @[email protected]
          5 hours ago

          Ohh, well here is a perfect example of him being worse.

          Biden/Harris still “just as bad?”

            • @[email protected]
              3 hours ago

              So it’s your honest belief that Trump will just literally, not “defacto,” ban Palestinian refugees and go no further?

              The man who said he would illegally exile American Palestinian supporters? The man whose only comment directly on the genocide is that Israel needs to "finish the problem?"

              You think the half cocked, more extreme person who has already called for more brutality to Palestine and Americans who support Palenstine, who is clearly playing politics by not stating his exact concept of a plan for Palestine, is the better answer here?

              • @[email protected]
                136 minutes ago

                They’re both going to be shit to Palestine because they’re both owned by Zionists. And with an amount of money and weapons that the US is providing to Netanyahu, they are allowing him to finish the problem.

              • @barsquid
                42 hours ago

                They saw the rhetoric against Haitians in Ohio and were delighted. There’s no point in attempting to reason with them, unless it is fun.

                There are only three kinds of lemmy.ml denizens. The first are MAGA and want Donald to start pogroms in the US. The second are “leftists” who love state capitalism like China or straight-up oligarchical kleptocracy Russia, they want the US to fail so China-style authoritarianism can spread. The third signed up for the wrong instance and will eventually leave when they find out the admins are deathly frightened of facts.

    • @[email protected]
      349 hours ago

      The people who claim that are campaigning for trump.

      Some because they like him. Some because they are accelerationist motherfuckers that want to see the world burn. Some because they are useful idiots.

      But they are all spreading lies in service of Trump.

    • @RoidingOldMan
      48 hours ago

      Basically his ideas are automatically the good ideas, and since Harris isn’t gonna do the exact same thing as him that means she’ll be bad. Same logic in saying she’ll be bad for Israel, the southern border, etc.

  • [email protected]
    178 hours ago

    One thing that I always appreciate about trump is his ineptitude. His actions, despite being a cancer on society, are sloppy half-measures at best. It’s something to be thankful for- his father imbuing complete confidence into his idiot, bigot son.

  • @[email protected]
    7 hours ago

    Yeah, those goddamned refugees better not return to the land they had taken from them just now!

    Edit: Ahh I realize I misinterpreted the title. W/e, Trump would be dumb enough to say something like that so I stand by what I said.

    • @[email protected]OP
      4 hours ago

      Low numbers =/= full ban

      Read the link and look at what they are asking for. They’re asking for a designation change to make the process simpler/easier for gaza refugees

      Not to say we shouldn’t also be doing that, but that the link does not say there is a full ban as trump is suggesting

      • @[email protected]
        -94 hours ago

        Not letting them in while there is an active genocide occurring in their country is a ban. While liberals are concerned about something he said they ignore what’s going on right now. Harris once said she backed livable wages and M4A, shouldnt we be holding her to the same standard?

  • @givesomefucks
    -138 hours ago

    Is Biden currently allowing them?

    I know he’s announced he’d “look into it” but I don’t think he’s ever let any in for the last year.

    It’s just a concept of the potential for empathy for the victims of a genocide…

    • @draneceusrex
      68 hours ago

      Research options on helping Palestinian refugees is just as bad as outright banning them along with other Muslums from entering the country… thanks for clearing that up…

      • @givesomefucks
        -28 hours ago

        It’s been a year…

        What exactly needs to be “looked into”?

        Like, you’re mad trump says he’ll do this…

        But not mad that it’s currently happening right now?

          • @givesomefucks
            7 hours ago

            and at the people that try to gaslight that the Democrats are worse, for whatever reason.

            No one is saying they’re worse, just that “better than trump” is still supporting a genocide, refusing refugees and cutting off valid humanitarian aid based on propaganda from the genociders and not undoing it…

            if you think Trump is better for the Palestinian people.

            Again, no one is saying he would be…

            Just that Biden is illegally supporting a genocide and if he had an R by his name other people would demand he face consequences and the US stops supporting a genocide.

            You’re literally inventing a strawman to be mad at…

            Which we all give Vance shit for…

            • @guacupado
              02 hours ago

              Just that Biden is illegally supporting a genocide and if he had an R by his name other people would demand he face consequences and the US stops supporting a genocide.

              Ironic that you’re saying other people are the ones inventing stuff.

              • @givesomefucks
                12 hours ago

                There’s the Lehey Law and it’s amendment that says if a country can’t prove their weapons aren’t used for war crimes we’re not allowed to give them weapons.

                Biden has ignored evidence US munitions are used in war crimes, and went around Congress to unilaterally facilate a sale.

                Thata not all of it, but I doubt we’re going to have a constructive discussion about why you believe that’s not illegally supporting a genocide.

            • @[email protected]
              46 hours ago

              Well no we are also demanding that the current admin stop and face consequences for its action. We just know that Republicans would gleefully do worse and anyone pretending that is not the case is operating with a malign agenda. Its pretty straight forward.

              • @draneceusrex
                35 hours ago

                Thank you for jumping in with a bit of a different but reasonable perspective. I’m not sure why I even stepped into this cesspool.

              • @givesomefucks
                6 hours ago

                Well no we are also demanding that the current admin stop and face consequences for its action

                Does that “we” include Harris or any Dem not named Sanders, Talib, or AOC?

                We just know that Republicans would gleefully do worse and anyone pretending that is not the case is operating with a malign agenda

                It’s weird I have to keep saying this:

                Literally no one is saying that Trump wouldn’t be worse here…

                I’m saying if you think trump is so bad that we can’t criticize Biden for breaking multiple US and international laws to support a genocide and remove aid from it’s victims…

                You’re still supporting a genocide

                You can say genocide is unacceptable and trump is unacceptable. Especially since Biden isn’t even the nominee anymore.

            • @draneceusrex
              07 hours ago

              Look, fuck Netanyahu and fuck Hamas for starting all of this. It is cold and heartless to a degree yes, but there are political nuances that you clearly don’t care about. I’d rather do everything we can within the current political reality than be right like Jimmy Carter and for the Dems to basically lose all political agency for the next decade plus. Right now I am lucky enough to say that and be so caulous. I hope my family and I can still do so after the inauguration in January. I hope we don’t have our own concentration camps of immigrants in our backyards.

              • @[email protected]
                -37 hours ago

                Hamas didn’t exist in the 1800s, they didnt start this. But I am glad you “people” finally admit you have no empathy or think of people outside yourself; I was getting tired of hearing the lie that liberals are more caring than other conservatives

                • @draneceusrex
                  26 hours ago

                  No one called themselves Palestinians back in the 1800s in the Ottoman Empire either. But yeah man, you got me dead to rights. Great Job.

              • @givesomefucks
                7 hours ago

                It is cold and heartless to a degree yes, but there are political nuances that you clearly don’t care about.

                So you’re saying that because trump exists…

                We can’t criticize Biden for breaking multiple US and international laws to support a genocide and removing aid from it’s victims?

                You do you I guess…

                But I dont have time for people who think genocide is acceptable under any circumstances

                • @draneceusrex
                  37 hours ago

                  The first and foremost rule of first aid is to ensure your own safety first. Same rule applies here. Hope your righteousness doesn’t bite you in the ass, I truly do.