A man with a facial disfigurement says he was asked to leave a restaurant in south London because staff said he was “scaring the customers”.

Oliver Bromley has Neurofibromatosis Type 1, a genetic condition that causes non-cancerous tumours to grow on his nerves.

Speaking to the BBC, he said when he had gone to place an order at a restaurant in Camberwell, staff told him there had been complaints about him.

“It’s a horrible thing to happen. I took it very personally on the day,” he said.

  • Flying Squid
    552 minutes ago

    They don’t want to look at that guy’s ugly face? I bet it looks nicer than their ugly minds.

  • @Seleni
    356 hours ago

    See, Britain just needs Ugly Laws, like what America had up until 1974! Then they could just have the guy arrested!

    In all seriousness what the fuck. What goes through a person’s head that they think treating someone that way is even remotely okay?

  • magnetosphere
    828 hours ago

    I wouldn’t want to look at that while I was eating… SO I WOULD AVOID STARING AT HIM. Complaining about the guy is not the answer. Self control and respect are.

    • @[email protected]
      7 hours ago

      The article says he thinks there wasn’t enough time for someone to complain, the restaurant staff was using it as an excuse.

      “He said: "After entering I noticed a cash-only sign, so went straight back outside to withdraw my money.

      “I went back into the restaurant to place an order, and they told me to ‘please leave’, because in their words I was ‘scaring the customers’, and there had been complaints about me.”

      He added: “There had not been enough time between the time I had been there first, and the time I went back, for anyone to have made a complaint about me so obviously the restaurant staff were not happy with the way I looked.” “

  • @[email protected]
    15010 hours ago

    He said they had told him that although it was a hate crime, it was “unlikely” officers could pursue it further.

    That’s messed up.

    • @[email protected]
      939 hours ago

      Welcome to British policing.

      “We have determined that this was indeed a hate crime, and therefore we’ll be doing nothing. But if it happens two more times we’ll congratulate them on the hat trick and offer to enroll them in the police academy.”

        • @Cosmonauticus
          554 minutes ago

          Living in Europe I have to constantly remind ppl that American racism is just European racism with better access to guns

        • @[email protected]
          65 hours ago

          I mean, the sad part is that Britain policing started out with some really good ideas. It’s actually worth reading Robert Peel’s principles of policing by consent sometime. They are an incredible blueprint for how to create a police force that serves the people.

  • @PugJesus
    719 hours ago

    I know judging people on their appearances isn’t right, and he shouldn’t have been kicked out regardless of what he looked like.

    … but it doesn’t even look that bad? Like, “I’ve got one eye and a skin condition”, is that really what the restaurant is willing to kick people out for?

    Hope he gets some sort of justice out of this.

    • Flying Squid
      231 minutes ago

      I feel so bad for this guy. Imagine the shit he has to put up with all the time. I used to work with a lady who had a big tumor on her face. She was so sweet, but I’m sure she had to put up with all kinds of horrible shit. I honestly really liked her. I would have asked her out if I hadn’t been in a relationship because we got along really well. I don’t care if you have a big tumor on your face. I’ll get used to it after I’ve seen you for more than a minute or two.

    • @[email protected]
      -307 hours ago

      It isn’t that simple. A worldwide measles outbreak is in the news, as is the fact UK is dealing with a surge in far-right BS. As a layman all I know about measles is it has spots as a glaring symptom and is dangerous for children.

      This dude would have made me worried about a measles exposure, but a simple query assuring the proprietors it was not contagious would have resolved my concern. This dude has my sympathy because this is not the only hassle he has been forced to endure, as if the condition wasn’t enough suffering.

      • @[email protected]
        173 hours ago

        This looks nothing at all like measles, to even bother the person enough to ask such a ridiculous question is revolting.

        • @[email protected]
          -31 hour ago

          Yes, yes we all know everything you wouldn’t do is repugnant. Must be nice. I am not a doctor, and 99% of the population isn’t either. This could also be that new pox variant gathering steam. Point is, you see something like this reminiscent of a serious and contagious illness, in an eatery, and there are reasonable concerns for the public beyond politeness.

          Like, someone walking in to a restaurant coughing like crazy with hollow eyes and pale skin wouldn’t trigger any alarms? Be realistic.

          • @[email protected]
            09 minutes ago

            and there are reasonable concerns for the public beyond politeness.

            No, there are not.

            This is a seriously fucked annd irrational attitude to hold.

            • @[email protected]
              15 minutes ago

              This is a seriously fucked annd irrational attitude to hold.

              No, it isn’t. RL life isn’t Lemmy dude.

              • @[email protected]
                11 minute ago

                This is real life, right now. Lemmy doesn’t exist in a different reality, everyone you are talking to here is a real person in real life.

                And it is very fucked up. It’s the sort of hateful shit one would expect from a right winger.

      • @stoly
        32 hours ago

        LOL this is a pretty common condition. You’re projecting your ignorance without taking a moment to look up the wikipedia article on this disease.

        • @[email protected]
          1 hour ago

          Sorry, I’m in the middle of dinner at a nice restaurant. I’m not going to try looking up every known contagion with spots or bumps as a symptom when the person could just do a public courtesy and alleviate everyone’s concerns by just stating “I’m not contagious”.

          Edit: better yet, it’d nicer if the world wasn’t full of selfish assholes willing to spread their suffering to others intentionally so we wouldn’t even be worried in the first place.

      • @[email protected]
        97 hours ago

        That’s not an excuse. No questions were asked, nor were there any follow-ups to clarify what was happening to him. People just didn’t want that sight while eating.

  • @[email protected]
    5510 hours ago

    Whats the UKs disability rights laws look like? Hope he takes em to task for their discrimination.

    • @[email protected]
      107 hours ago

      On paper, the Equality Act 2010 is great in a bunch of ways. In practice, it’s exceedingly difficult for the average person to pursue justice through it. I imagine the barrier is similar to how it works in the US, except the UK has way less of a litigation culture.

      • @[email protected]
        36 hours ago

        The Americans with Disabilities Act is in a similar spot then. Its a good law, but we’ve been to court multiple times to force them to actually use it. Including going all the way up to the supreme court in the Obergefell decision, and more recently seeking conscent decrees because many states still don’t follow many parts of the ADA, a 30 year old law, but continue to not suffer any punitive actions.

      • @[email protected]
        -97 hours ago

        Oh, you can sue for anything in the US and settle out of court. Coffee too hot? Sue. Coffee too cold? Believe it of not, sue.

        • @raef
          176 hours ago

          You need to look up the McDonald’s coffee case. The woman got third degree burns and needed skin grafts. She only sued to have her medical bills covered. The judge raised the amount because McDonald’s had been warned about their coffee temperature several times.

          • @AnimePhantasm
            42 hours ago

            Thank you for jumping on this with the truth. The coffee was so hot it fused her labia together! That smear campaign against her is such an atrociosity.

  • @[email protected]
    8611 hours ago

    Some people are just determined to make it difficult to believe humanity is worth saving.

  • JoYo
    46 hours ago

    Fuck that restaurant, everyone is too “ugly” to eat there. I can think of many DC restaurants that would love to serve them.

  • @ohwhatfollyisman
    -1911 hours ago

    wait, in the article, why is his left eye removed in the first photo and his right eye in the next?

    • @BradleyUffner
      32 hours ago

      Obviously he’s faking his condition for attention…

    • Skua
      5911 hours ago

      It looks to me like the first one was taken with the front-facing camera of a phone, and those often have a horizontal flip option

      • @wjrii
        89 hours ago

        Pocket squares/boutonnieres are pretty much always on the wearer’s left-hand side, so that’s my guess as well.

    • @[email protected]
      510 hours ago

      Seems like BBC isn’t checking their pictures or maybe he chooses which side to pop his eye in each morning

    • @Nurse_Robot
      -37 hours ago

      Lmao most downvoted comment for asking a reasonable question (albeit with a pretty well understood answer). Lemmy truly is reddit 2.0