
  1. I’m offended by bare Amish ankles and sock models

  1. my kinks often get me banned from communities online and in real life

You’re only 1 number, not a range. Commit and sell it. Bonus points for rounding up. Come-on, win the internet, I dare you! You know this means the secret kinks you never share or told anyone.

This is not serious and intended just for Moanday fun. I’m more interested in your flavor of self awareness.

  • @[email protected]
    52 hours ago

    I have no idea where I’m at, because the difference between a 9 and a 7, or a 4 and a 7, doesn’t really get into my mind much. I think some of my kinks would get me banned from places, but they’re mostly fantasy. They would never happen in real life. So does that make me a 10, or am I only a 5 because I set hard limits and know I don’t want those things, only to imagine them?

    …now, that being said, if there was some way to experience something and recover (so no permanent injuries, physical OR mental), I’d try just about everything. I know I wouldn’t like everything, but I’d try it just to say I had.

    Anyway, peg me about a 7. Between the occasional furry fling (and all the craziness drawn art can get up to, whoah), deepthroating 13" dildos, and my libido, I’d say I’m pretty perverted.

    • HobbitFoot
      22 hours ago

      You’re like that kinky statistician, you need more than standard deviancy.

  • @[email protected]
    435 hours ago

    I reject the premise. Sexuality at its core is not, and in in my opinion cannot be perverted. Kinks may have social implications and be less preferred, but outside of overtly illegal acts and non-consensual harm suggesting something is perverted only acts to shame people for natural desires.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      305 hours ago

      Kinky is using a chicken feather. Perverted is using the whole damn chicken.

      • kamenLady.
        104 hours ago

        Even then it could have a wide range of pervertedness:

        Is the chicken alive?

        With or without feathers?

        Raw or cooked?

        • @[email protected]
          84 hours ago

          Costco oven roasted and being stepped on for OF. The more donations, the faster the model attempts to debone the bird using only their feet. At the end of each month, the top four contributors receive a jar of chicken tortilla soup made from the fermented pedi-shreddy chicken.

    • @j4k3OP
      64 hours ago

      Identifying ones comfort zone is healthy for self awareness. Everyone has a comfort zone. The legality and external judgements of others are irrelevant to the question. The scale given does ground the question to cultural norms in an attempt to build a more translatable reference, but externalization is not the intended spirit of the question, nor is this some request to share one’s kinks or reasoning. It is really a question of how one views their self awareness internally. In a way, this is a more accurate measure of an individual’s conservatism internally.

      In abstract, everyone has an answer to this question. This is not intended to offend, or in any way judge anyone. Feel free to object or abstain, but I did not ask the question to judge you or guilt you in any way; quite the opposite really.

      • Noxy
        53 hours ago

        The legality and external judgements of others are irrelevant to the question.

        The concept of perversion is entirely based on the legality and external judgments of others, though. Even in your own example where 10 is being banned from communities as a result.

        • @j4k3OP
          12 hours ago

          Being banned from communities doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m basically banned from my entire social network I had growing up because of atheism. Grounding one’s perspective loosely against the stereotypes of others is just a transferable form of measure. The way you perceive the prerogative of others is none of my business or relevant to the level of abstraction of this question. You’re grounding the context too much in meaning that is not a required aspect of the question.

  • NevelioKrejall
    21 hour ago

    10, if that’s as high as it goes. I’m judging ‘perversion’ to be a combination of ‘conceptual distance from normative sex’ and ‘the degree to which the average person would be horrified by it.’ I don’t get banned from places because I’m not a jerk, but there aren’t any ‘communities’ for what I’m into anyway. I don’t think my thing even has a name, really. For that matter, it might not actually fit on a scale like this where the assumption seems to be ‘sex plus some stuff.’ My therapist thinks I should write a book about it.

    It’s kind of lonely, and it’s a pain in the ass to find porn (I usually have to just make my own) but I did get lucky in that none of it involves kids or animals or anyone incapable of consent.

  • @[email protected]
    53 hours ago

    Probably about a 5. The monsterfucker fantasy rears its ugly head sure, but unless scientists make hot bara werewolves real and aliens roll up and are dtf, I’m fairly vanilla in practice.

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    10 tbh. No pedophile shit but some things that would probably make some friends break ties with me. My close friends would understand but the ones who I’ve drifted away from over time who are more towards the conservative side of things (NOT conservatives though) would probably just peace out. More public facing, probably a 7 or 8? Let’s go with 8. Into BDSM and a big sub, watersports, impact play, bondage, etc. Petplay, kind of, I’d love to be someone’s pet but animal roleplay isn’t something I’m comfortable with. I’m a huge anal enjoyer and a size queen but I’ve only toyed, never been fucked. Some friends are comfortable with it and I can talk about it casually with them, others aren’t so I don’t bring it up around them. So yeah, in terms of the bell curve, I’m waaaaaay off to the right in sexual weirdness. Took me a long time to get comfortable with it to the extent I can talk about it like this, and now I’m a chronic oversharer. If you want to know about the 10, you can dm me, it’s just not something I want available to anyone scrolling through my post history.

    • Rhynoplaz
      53 hours ago

      I feel like I’m on par with pixeltree.

      Also not comfortable with sharing ALL the details, but aside from pain, which brings me no joy, there isn’t much I wouldn’t at least try once.

        • @[email protected]
          135 minutes ago

          Scat, eh, not my thing but I don’t find it repulsive. Not being grossed out by shit makes enemas more convenient. Watersports, sure, I’ve had a dom use me as a urinal, pretty hot. Rape? Sure, on the receiving end. Mostly in the vein of CNC with bdsm.

      • @j4k3OP
        12 hours ago

        If I wasn’t partially disabled and so easily injured, pain would probably do it for me too… Probably most hardcore cyclists as well, at least racers. That is pure pain for amusement type stuff. It is hard to communicate pain effectively to another person. It would likely be amusing to show what I’m really capable of with another person. I break bones and still ride dozens of miles home bleeding the whole way, but that only says so much.

        • @[email protected]
          230 minutes ago

          Yeah, I’m not a huge pain person either. I don’t enjoy the pain, I enjoy the submission, if that makes sense. The dom I occasionally see will alternate between spanking me and gently stroking my body, building the anticipation and juxtaposing the pain, and will fake on spanks–it’s truly something I never thought I’d love so much.

  • @cactusupyourbutt
    95 hours ago

    probably a 9. I have been timed out for my fantasies once so far

  • @Postmortal_Pop
    65 hours ago

    Maybe a 3+.

    While I’m completely satisfied by vanilla sex with my partner every time, I’m not locked into my personal interests or against the wider spectrum. 3 is where I want it, anything else is just extra credit.

    • kamenLady.
      24 hours ago

      So, a 10 out of nowhere would be game?

      • @Postmortal_Pop
        23 hours ago

        I’m not going to commit any crimes, but I had a fling drop knife play on the second hookup and it didn’t phase me. So long as my partner can and does consent I’m good to go.

  • @over_clox
    55 hours ago

    0 - ain’t had any (this year at least)