Refrigerator logic, or a shower thought:

According to Genesis, God forbids Adam and Eve from eating fruit of the tree of wisdom, specifically of knowledge of good and evil.

Serpent talks to Eve, calling out God’s lie: God said they will die from eating the fruit (as in die quickly, as if the fruit were poisonous). They won’t die from the fruit, Serpent tells them. Instead, their eyes will open and they will understand good and evil.

And Adam and Eve eat of the fruit of the tree of wisdom, learning good and evil (right and wrong, or social mores). And then God evicts them from paradise for disobedience.

But if the eating the fruit of the tree of wisdom gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil, this belies they did not know good and evil in the first place. They couldn’t know what forbidden means, or that eating from the tree was wrong. They were incapable of obedience.

Adam and Eve were too unintelligent (immature? unwise?) to understand, much like telling a toddler not to eat cookies from the cookie jar on the counter.

Putting the tree unguarded and easily accessible in the Garden of Eden was totally a setup

Am I reading this right?

  • Flying Squid
    32 hours ago

    That is how I have always read it too. God tells them not to do something but they don’t know it’s wrong to disobey him, so they do it anyway and then he gets mad even though he created them that way.

  • FuglyDuck
    43 hours ago

    Adam and Eve were too unintelligent (immature? unwise?) to understand, much like telling a toddler not to eat cookies from the cookie jar on the counter.

    This is literally what ‘ignorant’ means.

    I like to… adapt the story, where god is a dog owner, and adam and steve are golden retrievers. It’s not Adam and Steve’s fault that the human left the squeaky toy out for them to play with… any one older than a toddler is going to realize that, of course, they’re going to find it and play with it. they’re dogs. it’s a squeaky toy. it’s meant to be played with. Only an asshole kicks their dogs out because they got into the squeaky toys.

    Now, couple that with a being that’s supposedly omniscient, all knowing. Of everything- past and future included. If this is all to believed, then it was all god’s intent that Adam and Eve eat the damned fruit.

    Which means the asshole set them up, just so he could kick them out. And, ultimately, just so he could LARP as a white-knight savior.

  • Lvxferre
    178 hours ago

    I think that you are reading it right. And while I personally wouldn’t associate obedience with moral “good”, whoever wrote this myth clearly did.

    In fact the whole myth feels like Yahweh creating a successful trap for the couple - the tree is in the garden, but they aren’t supposed to eat from it; the snake was in the garden, but they weren’t supposed to listen to it; and the serpent speaking the truth while Yahweh was being a liar (“you’ll die”… except they didn’t.)

    • @fishpen0
      64 hours ago

      While I agree it is a setup, it is interesting to consider they did eventually die after being cast out of the garden. Nobody said they would die instantly, only that the eating of the apple would kill them. Which it kind of did eventually.

      “If you eat the apple I will revoke your immortality” is roughly the same as saying “if you eat the apple you will die”.

      Modern translations of “on the day you eat of it you will surely die” are likely taking an idiom and mistranslating it specifically in this sentence as the same idiom is used in other texts and even other parts of the Bible and not translated to mean “specifically on this day”

      Given the Bible is largely built up of stolen mythology from other cultures of the same time, reading into some of those stories reveals a bit about the original meaning.

      In the Sumerian story of the gardens of Dilmun, Enki and Ninhursanga, Enki eats of the eight forbidden plants so as to gain knowledge of them (a.k.a. “determine their destiny,”) and Ninhursanga curses him with these words:

      “Until his dying day, I will never look upon him with life-giving eye.”

      That doesn’t mean he died that day, but that he was stripped of his immortality that day

  • @ivanafterall
    56 hours ago

    God wanted them unaware they were naked. He got all pissy and threw a huge tantrum after Satan told them the truth, basically damning humanity for not going along with his voyeur garden.

  • @[email protected]
    98 hours ago

    Yeah basically.

    Without knowledge of good and evil how can you avoid evil acts? You can’t.

  • @jordanlund
    47 hours ago

    You want a better plot hole?

    Ask yourself one, really easy, simple question:

    “Which came first? People? Or animals?”

    Then read Genesis 1. Think you have the answer? Then read Genesis 2. ;)

    • @[email protected]
      13 minutes ago

      My favourite is when god says “let there be light” a couple of days before he creates the sun and stars.

    • Uriel238 [all pronouns]OP
      47 hours ago

      According to Dan McClellen, Genesis 2 is a retelling of Genesis 1 revised according to the sensibilities of a later century, according to scholarly consensus. Of course, also according to scholarly consensus (and revealed to students in seminary) the bible is not univocal, not divinely inspired and not inerrant, even though many denominations assert these by fiat. (Otherwise they wouldn’t give ministries authority to tell their flock not to be gay.)

      • @jordanlund
        24 hours ago

        It’s not though. Genesis 1 is the Elohist creation myth, Genesis 2 is the Jahwist creation myth. They both just got jammed together.

        This is why Genesis 1 has animals created first, and man and woman created at the same time, while Genesis 2 has man created first, then animals, then woman.

        Two different mythologies.

        • Flying Squid
          22 hours ago

          Also, plants come before the sun in Genesis 1, which just sounds like bad planning on God’s part.

        • FuglyDuck
          33 hours ago

          it’s also important to note that Gen 1 was pretty much intended as propaganda. it was riffing off other mythologies; except trying to one up them. “OUR god is so STRONG that he created the world ALONE. In SIX DAYS. and he NAPPED on the SEVENTH!!!”

          It gave justification for a few of the earlier genocides, because their god was stronger than the other peoples, so it’s all cool.

        • Zloubida
          24 hours ago

          Terms like Elohist are not used anymore by scholars. The documentary hypothesis collapsed in the 70s…

  • @dyathinkhesaurus
    58 hours ago

    I always thought that this myth was Yahweh testing whether their free will (which he had given them) was actually working or not. It was totally a set-up.