• @Sam_Bass
    226 minutes ago

    repugs simply will not take blame for their own problems.

  • @[email protected]
    1788 hours ago

    I went over to my sister’s house recently to cook hamburgers. She told me not to cook hamburgers for my nephews because they won’t eat them. Just to play it safe, I asked my nephews if they wanted me to cook them hamburgers. They said no, “hamburgers are gross.”

    After I finished cooking, I got everyone served their burgers, sat down, and then one of my nephews asked where his burger was. I told him that he said they’re gross and didn’t want one. He started crying and saying that he wanted a burger. So, to play it safe, I cooked up two burgers for both of my nephews and toasted the buns just like I did for everyone else.

    Then they got upset that I ruined “the bread.” I asked if they wanted it not toasted. They said yes.

    I move their patties to untoasted buns. They pick at the crust of the bun and say that they don’t like it and that hamburgers are disgusting.

    So, I fixed them plates of their favorite foods.

    At this point, their attention spans were fully expended and they pretty soon left to watch tv and play without eating much.

    Come bedtime, they cried that they were hungry and needed some snacks. So they ate their snacks and went to bed feeling like this was a perfectly normal way to live their lives.

    They were 5 and 3 at the time.

    This is what Republicans are. Fucking toddlers who throw a tantrum when they don’t get what they want and say that they don’t want it when you give it to them.

    • Ech
      63 hours ago

      The comparison doesn’t really give them enough credit. If your nephews were doing all that in an effort to cast you/their parents as incapable or harmful to them, then we might be in the same ballpark.

      These people aren’t doing this because they’re stupid (well, not all of them). They’re doing it because they can tell their voters it’s Biden’s fault and no of them will question it for a second.

    • @Lon3star
      8 hours ago

      My kids are 9 and 7 and this is nearly every dinner time for us over the last few months, it’s maddening

      • comador
        54 hours ago

        After the 3rd and final (albeit oopsie child), I started using my Mom’s saying:

        “This isn’t a fucking restaurant; you get what you get and don’t throw a fit”.

      • @gibmiser
        408 hours ago

        Don’t give in to terrorists. Male them eat plain white bread if they won’t eat what they are served.

        No jelly. No peanut butter. Nothing to make it better. Just plain white bread or your supper you were served.

        • @[email protected]
          86 hours ago

          Caveat I don’t have kids.

          Can’t kids just miss a meal if they don’t want to eat it? Not like a kid is going to die from one missed meal.

          • @[email protected]
            153 seconds ago

            Assuming we’re just talking about a kid being picky/fussy/cranky and there’s not some broader abuse or medical issue at play, then healthwise, sure. But there’s other factors at play. Kids need to eat to grow. You also want the kids to start embracing good habits and shying away from bad ones, which sometimes means doing things they don’t want to at times they don’t want to.

            Kids also don’t always fully understand the signals their bodies are sending their brains and can get confused. So they actually are hungry, but their lack of energy and confusion (and just general preferences) mean saying they don’t want to eat. In a situation like that, having the kid skip a meal actually makes the problem worse. There’s other reasons too, but you get the idea.

          • IninewCrow
            5 hours ago

            Same here, I don’t have kids … but my best example of parenting were my own parents. Mom made homemade food just about every day when I was a kid. She made food and we had to eat … had to eat it. There was no option, no opinion or alternative. Mom ran the dinner table like a dictatorship … there was no say or opinion in the matter … you were served a plate of food and you ate it.

            I don’t say that I fully agree with it because I remember bawling my eyes out a few times because I didn’t like the meal. However, it did force me to appreciate a lot of different foods because I just didn’t know any better back then. Plus I was always taking in plenty of nutrition. One example I always think of now is … fresh pan fried fish. We are indigenous and mom always pan fried four or five large fresh trout or arctic char (big fish that were about two feet long!) for the family every Friday (because we were also good Christians). She made nothing but pan fried fish, several stacks of them and it was basically all you could eat.

            Problem was … as a dumb kid … I didn’t like fish, so I stayed away from it for several years and just nibbled on it once in a while. Mom would make me eat a whole piece and I would force myself.

            Later on, when I was about 18, 19, 20 I started liking the fish but then mom stopped making it all. Now I crave that damned fish and I want to tell my damned kid self to eat that fish and eat as much of it as he can. Man I miss all that fish now. I wish had it again.

            Now I go to fish places or order fish specials and none of them taste any good and all I can imagine is mom’s platters and platters of fresh fried fish that my uncles caught that afternoon. I’m sorry mom :(

            • @[email protected]
              253 minutes ago

              I mean … Of your mom’s still around… Maybe buy fish and like, ask to learn the recipe and cook it yourself? I’m not a mom, I’m a dad, but I cook a lot and if my kid wanted to learn what I do when cooking, that’d be cool.

              • IninewCrow
                144 minutes ago

                Sadly mom passed away about ten years ago. And I’m not ashamed to say I’m a pretty good cook, mom actually taught me a lot as I worked alongside her in a fastfood joint we ran for a few years. And yes I’ve cooked wild fish myself before, it’s a huge job and it’s also a rare event. I no longer live near my original home so I can’t find, buy or even get the same wild fish. And mom made them in the most heavy batter cooked in pure lard. It’s not exactly healthy to make. The thing I miss is the circumstance of it all … I was young, I was kid, I could eat whatever I wanted no matter how unhealthy it was and mom made it a particular way with a particular pan in a very haphazard kitchen with an old propane stove. No matter how much I may try, I’ll never be able to replicate one piece of fish, let alone an entire platter of the stuff. I know most of mom’s recipes now, the easy ones at least … but I’ll never get those same fish I remembered as a kid.

          • @AA5B
            24 hours ago

            Sone of it depends on age. You want the little ones fed despite themselves.

            The problem is when they’re not your kids, or aren’t used to having boundaries set. Then it becomes a huge drama. While we tried to elicit preferences, we only made one dinner and they could eat it or not eat it.

            When my kids became teens, I just handed my kids the website for a meal kit service and told them to pick what they wanted to make us next week

          • @meco03211
            35 hours ago

            From a health perspective, it’s fine barring any medical issues. You could, however, run into trouble if CPS or something like that caught wind without context. Years ago I read a news article where a dad got in major hot water regarding custody of his kids because of that. It wasn’t the most amicable divorce and when the ex-wife found out, she used that to argue for more custody.

            • @Serinus
              23 hours ago

              If there’s a custody battle, maybe but CPS doesn’t take kids lightly. They know that those kids tend to be screwed one way or another, and they’re choosing the lesser evil. The family situation has to be pretty damn bad for foster care to be a consideration.

              CPS isn’t doing anything over one lost meal beyond investigating worse claims.

        • @[email protected]
          46 hours ago

          My nephews’ favorite things are mini cheese wheels, tortillas, and bread. You’re describing a well-balanced meal for them.

          • @TexasDrunk
            45 hours ago

            One of mine is in a tortilla and American cheese phase. I don’t worry about it because I’ve seen kids have all kinds of food phases and as long as they’re exposed to good food they’ll get there eventually.

            His brother pretty much just eats vegetables (either vegetable soup or salad), fruit, and will have a slice of pepperoni pizza once a week. That’s about it.

            • @[email protected]
              146 minutes ago

              You know what’s the fucking bomb? Tortilla, turkey pepperoni, string cheese stick, pizza sauce, and parmesan crumbles. Assemble however seems appropriate, microwave for 10 seconds, and then roll 'em up for a good time.

              Bonus recipe: freeze the cheese sticks and sub the tortilla with those tubes of croissants that you bake in the toaster. Fuck yeah!

      • @[email protected]
        156 hours ago

        I meal plan with ours, he helps decide what we’re eating for the week, and I get maybe one complaint a week instead of daily when I unilaterally made the plan.

        Sometimes it’s as easy as “want taco Tuesday?”“yes”. "Manicotti Monday? " “Nah”

        If anyone says no to an idea, they are next to suggest something, and take-out does not get planned unless there’s a good reason. I still sometimes squeeze things that I want to cook into the mix, but I’m usually ready with a backup.

        • @barsquid
          95 hours ago

          Sometimes kids just want to have a level of agency even if the outcome is basically no different. This is a great idea. Whoever declines needs to present a substitute is also a great idea.

          • @[email protected]
            53 hours ago

            Instead of yes, and, it’s more of a no, but

            It’s working decently enough, and it’s a joy when a request for something I like is made,

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        77 hours ago

        I let that fly up until they’re old enough to use the microwave. Now they cook their own damn dinner if they don’t want what I make. Hard part is keeping them away from snacks but not locking up the pantry like Fort Knox.

      • @linearchaos
        67 hours ago

        We’re working through that too. Have had success with making something they absolutely will eat (10/10) being on every plate, and adding some small amount of something they don’t love (5/10) that they need to take a bite out of. To earn a small dessert, they eat all of 10/10 and one reasonable bite of 5/10. If they’re still hungry later, they get noodles or cup-o-noodles.

        After having to try the 5/10 over and over, they slowly build up a taste for it and it slowly moves up the chain until they’ll eat it.

        For us, it works for everything but texture issues.

      • @HappycamperNZ
        25 hours ago

        12, 8, 4.

        Its my job to make sure you have food, not to force you to eat it. Eat or don’t, you’re problem.

    • IninewCrow
      188 hours ago

      That story just really grinded my gears into fine metal shavings … not because of your bratty nephews but because it perfectly illustrates America politics. Thanks for this.

      • @[email protected]
        116 hours ago

        I understand your desire to call my nephews “bratty” based on that story, but doing so really misses the point. Ask anyone who’s been around toddlers and you’ll find that this kind of story is the rule, not the exception. I’m not saying that Republicans are like “bratty” toddlers, they’re like toddlers in general.

        They can’t help themselves but be emotional, short-sighted, selfish little shits who will piss themselves and throw food at you and blame everything on you because they don’t know how to be happy on their own or how to enjoy other people’s happiness. And the funniest fucking thing to them is watching other people get hurt.

        • IninewCrow
          21 hour ago

          My apologies for being unkind to your nephews. I have dozens of my own (I have a big family) and most of them are good but a few are definitely brats according to my definition.

          I get your interpretation and you are right, republicans are behaving like children. And like unruly children, they need a bit of discipline in order to make them listen. At first you attempt to persuade them with reason and logic that you try to teach them … but if they still won’t listen, then you have to gradually escalate the levels of discipline. I don’t believe in corporal punishment for children … but for republican politicians, I’d make an exception and publicly spank them for creating this completely insane political environment.

          • @[email protected]
            254 minutes ago

            No apologies necessary! Toddlers and “bratty” are synonymous. I wasn’t offended, merely making my point more clear.

  • originalucifer
    858 hours ago

    they got exactly what they wanted… a purposefully orchestrated disaster they could complain about for political reasons.

    if only the people of florida werent so ignorant as to the actual causes of their problems.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      7 hours ago

      if only the people of florida werent so ignorant

      Gerrymandered seats, deluges of right-wing propaganda, and over 1.1 million people currently banned from voting, often because they cannot afford to pay court-ordered monetary sanctions. An estimated 934,500 Floridians who have completed their sentences remain disenfranchised, despite a 2018 ballot referendum that promised to restore their voting rights.

      “Why are Florida voters so dumb?” is the wrong question.

      A better question is “Why has the Civil Rights Division of the US DOJ under multiple administrations failed to intercede on behalf of these voters?”

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          47 hours ago

          The racket in Florida doesn’t hinge on “ignorant” people nearly so much as it hinges on segregation and political patronage. People who vote Republican are making a conscious and deliberate decision, with the expectation that they’ll get more as a mercenaries of a private corporation than as patriots in a public system.

          You can argue their math is bad. But there are quite a few Floridians who have gotten filthy rich off the business-friendly rackets. They’ve got a vested financial interest in keeping the minority population under their heels, even if that does mean you get the occasional Congressclown who forgets to vote on hurricane relief until after the storm passes.

    • @ChocoboRocket
      8 hours ago

      if only the people of florida werent so ignorant as to the actual causes of their problems.

      Knowing you are an idiot doesn’t stop you from making idiot decisions in the future.

      Not counting their inability to comprehend who their real enemies are - yeah the cause of your problems is Republicans

    • @RapidcreekOP
      28 hours ago

      I’d have to have a lot of spare time to explain the demographics and political mechanisms of Florida. Plus the experience of the population with storms. But, that’s not true.

  • @dirthawker0
    6 hours ago

    Why not make that money available only to the districts whose representatives voted in favor of it. If the representative voted against it, that means their district must not want it, right?

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      During the pandemic stimulus payments, I wanted text in every letter sent to individuals the name of their congressional representatives and how they voted on it.

      I even recall vaguely someone putting this on as an amendment but I believe it got blocked. I could be remembering incorrectly.

    • @RapidcreekOP
      46 hours ago

      Luna’s district is on the gulf and the western edge of Tampa Bay. If Milton beelines to Tampa, her district will be destroyed. Not by a little bit either. They’ll be lucky to have building foundations with a Cat 5.

      • @dirthawker0
        6 hours ago

        Well wouldn’t that be a shame Edit: I don’t mean to imply I’d be happy about people being harmed. But maybe they should not elect a person who plays politics at their constituents’ expense.

        • @RapidcreekOP
          15 hours ago

          I’m sure this was her last gasp in any case.

  • @Myxomatosis
    208 hours ago

    Vile trash. I’m sure she’ll take credit for it too because that’s the republican way.

  • @frickineh
    36 hours ago

    Oh you mean Anna Paulina Mayerhofer, whose whole background is up for debate, is a liar and a hypocrite? That’s shocking.

  • Rhaedas
    77 hours ago

    Trade Florida for North Carolina and She for He. Oh, hi, Mark! (Robinson)

    Only he didn’t try to block it, he just didn’t bother voting because he doesn’t give a shit about his state’s people.

  • AtomicHotSauce
    37 hours ago

    How about she demands in one hand and shits in the other and sees which one fills up first?