• @Marleyinoc
    283 hours ago

    Does the interview discuss the health issues related to obesity? That would be my only concern but it’s not my business to tell anyone that anymore than it is to tell a smoker about their cancer risks. I assume everyone knows it.

    But when you go on TV and talk about fast acceptance you have an audience of all ages and, while I’m not going to hold someone’s weight against them, I’d hope that would be discussed.

    • @[email protected]
      243 hours ago

      We ought to have compassion for all addicts and accept them as people however we ought not accept their addiction as normal.

      All addicts deserve help.

      • @DillyDaily
        123 hours ago

        Hence why the body neutrality movement is the way to go for a gentle love approach to health through weight management, fat acceptance is a strange concept, fat isn’t healthy, why accept poor health for yourself?

        The body neutrality movement is exactly that, your physical body is neutral, no judgement for whatever size or shape it is, so just focus on improving your mind. Are you struggling with addictive tendencies around food? address that, your body will catch up to the health improvements you make for your mind.

        • @[email protected]
          72 hours ago

          Fat acceptance people have a weird love affair with their obesity. It’s part of their personality. And I guess that makes sense - when it’s the first thing people notice about you, when it inhibits the things you can do (not just physical activity, but also basic things like fitting into a restaurant booth), when you’ve managed to convince yourself that diabetes is normal (maybe because you come from a family where everyone is fat and many of them are on diabetes meds), and when you feel that you’re being judged for whatever you eat, or for how out of breath you get just going up a flight of stairs, etc - yeah, these people become really defensive. They know they’ve eaten themselves into disability and disease, but don’t want to take responsibility for it. They don’t think they can lose the weight and they think the world should cater to their size.

          I’m not unsympathetic. In my late teens/early 20s I went through some bad shit and turned to food as a comfort. Predictably I ballooned up from a BMI of 20.5 (105 lbs) to a BMI of 34.6 (177 lbs). It was a struggle to lose that weight but I did (most of it anyway) and I’ve kept it off. At 42, I don’t expect to weigh what I did at 18 years old, for a number of reasons (a huge one is weightlifting). But I do expect to be a normal weight, be capable of strenuous physical activity, have healthy bloodwork, and be comfortable in my clothing.

          I fought against obesity and it was hard but I won. These fat acceptance folks took the other path - they leaned into it and made it a defining characteristic of their existence. It’s really sad but also frustrating because they’re choosing to continue a lifestyle that only leads to grim outcomes. They may not be able to get pregnant or safely carry to term. They may not be able to play with their pets or children. Their self-esteem will always be low. They are likely to develop skin infections due to poor hygiene. And it gets worse from there: hypertension, diabetes, certain cancers, bigger danger of breaking bones if they fall, etc etc etc. And it’s all avoidable if they could just commit to fixing the problem.

  • @[email protected]
    507 hours ago

    What do they want us to accept? I’m willing to accept that they exist and should be allowed to be happy, and just like everyone else - that happiness should not come at the others’ expense.

    • @EnderMB
      223 hours ago

      The answer is a little muddy. Some just don’t want to be picked on, some want people to accommodate their size/weight in society. IMO none of these are bad things to want.

      Where it gets messy is when people take it too far, where they push being fat not only as a lifestyle choice, but to also argue against obesity being harmful to their health.

      I’ve known a few people get into these kind of “fat acceptance” communities, and it never goes well. I don’t go into too many details, but a friend went from a fairly intelligent person to XL modelling and beauty contests (funded by them), weird social dating mixers where they get paired with what I can best describe as “people that like fat people”, and weird online groups where they align on social media messaging, bully beauty contests and model agencies for not accepting XL women, and share links online where they pick on people they seem as “fatphobic”. This woman in particular has a PhD in Human Biology, yet would spend their free time debating online about how she (easily in the high 200 lbs) is healthier than someone of average weight.

    • @[email protected]
      52 hours ago

      Probably hoping people don’t needlessly mock them on the Internet for dumb shit like landscape mode while being judged for somehow affecting others’ happiness by simply asking for some understanding?

      Just a guess, tho.

    • @HonoraryMancunian
      174 hours ago

      that happiness should not come at the others’ expense.

      Wdym by this — do fat people’s existence typically necessitate others’ unhappiness?

      • @[email protected]
        133 hours ago

        Could be the potential extra burden on the healthcare system since obesity is highly correlated with a wide number of illnesses. Of course this applies to smokers and heavy drinkers too.

        • @[email protected]
          22 hours ago

          People who due early are cheap for the healthcare system.

          The government in my country won’t ban smoking because of this grim truth. The tobacco taxes income is larger than the cost of healthcare for a few years for smokers.

      • @HootinNHollerin
        103 hours ago

        I’ve been in an 11hr flight in the middle seat between two obese people and I should’ve gotten a partial refund for all the room they took spilling over into my seat

        • @barsquid
          83 hours ago

          You should have gotten a full refund. I’m disgusted at how miserable every experience on a plane has become. Either pay extra to pick a seat or be jammed in the middle of a narrow row that shrinks every year.

          Wish we could have high-speed rail.

    • @[email protected]
      94 hours ago

      that happiness should not come at the others’ expense.

      It’s probably a failure of imagination, but I’ve never really understood this part of anti-acceptance sentiment.
      Any valid criticisms I’ve seen largely come down to regular old accessibility failures or capitalism making people believe airline seats should be miserably cramped.

      What is the trade off, in a real, not hypothetical sense?

      • Dr. Bob
        52 hours ago

        I’ll bite. Airlines are a great example because there are really strong physical constraints on flight, but the basic rules apply to almost every piece of built infrastructure. What does it take to make a plane “accessible” and what standards will it be built to? Are we going to accomodate “small fats” up to 300 lbs or so, or will we continue into the 500 lb range or 700 lb? This matters because aisles, seats, and doorways will all need to built to standard.

        If you’ve seen the “Big Johns” in Vegas you’ll know that the washroom alone will take up the entire width of a small passenger jet. That will allow for the oversize toilet, room to turn, the doorway and aisle. That means there will only be one unless we turn them sideways to put in two. But those toilets now remove 6-8 rows of seats. So that’s 18-24 fewer paying passengers. I could go on here but you get the idea.

        Widening the aisle would require removing 1-2 seats per row. And the remaining seats become wider so there are now 3-4 people per row instead of six. So the economics really matters here.

        These discussions are true for every piece of infrastructure. It’s not just a matter of making things bigger to allow people room to move and sit. Every supporting piece of infrastructure has to match. What does it do to land use if parking spaces need to be 50% wider to accomodate larger vehicle doors that swing fully open?

        The built environment is a series of interdependent systems that are built to a set of standards - some tightly regulated and some informal. Changing those to accomodate a larger body size is not a simple task.

      • @subtext
        23 hours ago

        When I pay my healthcare premiums or my taxes, individuals who are obese are taking more of that money and raising prices overall (everything else equal, not getting into universal healthcare vs not). That is a trade off of me being okay with the notion that people should be covered, but having to pay more for those people.

        • @[email protected]
          41 hour ago

          So are the old, children, and anyone not within the “best for capitalism” bell curve (which I just made up, but you get the sentiment).

          That’s basically a pro-capitalist argument used to justify a system which should not exist in the first place.
          If we’re discussing our thoughts of what should be, then I believe healthcare should be a function of government and a human right.

          • Adderbox76
            14 minutes ago

            I agree. But weight is a health issue. So providing them health care equally to all other citizens is very different than altering society to accommodate them unduly. If we’re using airplanes as an example, we shouldn’t put “fat rows” into airplanes any more than we should bring back ashtrays on airplanes.

            Supporting something as a health issue, and catering to it, are two very different things.

            It’s sad that we live in a world where the old show “scared straight” would get sued because it was hurting the kids 'fee-fees. The health care system can’t tell them they’re obese and have to do something about it because it makes them feel bad…fuck that.

          • @[email protected]
            127 minutes ago

            Even with universal nationalized healthcare, in a non capitalist place, the cost is still happening

        • @lath
          53 hours ago

          Health insurance is a scam when it gets to decide what treatment you’re allowed to have.

    • @[email protected]
      5 hours ago

      Nope, I don’t accept them. I mean come on, a drug addicted person isn’t accepted, too. Everyone would say: “stop it, your lifestyle kills you and makes your family and friends sad.”

      And fat people get accepted? Like: “oh it’s okay, eat more till you die, I don’t care.”

      This isn’t correct. Blame your fattys and tell them they have to change their life. It’s a slow suicide, and they need help.

      • @surewhynotlem
        194 hours ago

        Yes, I also shout at my ADHD friends to pay attention and my depressed friends to just feel better. It works!

        • @[email protected]
          21 hour ago

          Alcoholism is a disease, but it’s the only one you can get yelled at for having. “Goddamn it Otto, you are an alcoholic.” “Goddamn it Otto, you have Lupus.” One of those two doesn’t sound right.

          - Mitch Hedberg

        • @[email protected]
          34 hours ago

          Both aren’t things that came from uncontrolled misuse of substances or food. Bad examples if you ask me.

          • @surewhynotlem
            144 hours ago

            Oh yes, I agree. And it’s only coincidental that I dropped 40 lbs without trying when I got on non-stimulant ADHD meds. Mental health and physical health are unrelated. It’s really just they eat too much and totally within their control.

            • @SupraMario
              44 hours ago

              More than 40% of the USA alone is obese. No where near that many people are obese because they are taking stimulant ADHD meds. It’s great that you lost weight, but a very massive portion of our population is obese because of their eating habits and sedentary lifestyle.

              • @surewhynotlem
                74 hours ago

                Do you think more than 60% of the US has a healthy mental state? In this economy??

                • @TrickDacy
                  23 hours ago

                  Of course they don’t. What do you think you’re proving? I think the world is more complicated than you imagine

            • @[email protected]
              3 hours ago

              ADHD meds? What are they doing? Lowering the ADHD? Well shit, if I take meds that lowers my “drive” I would get fat, too.

              I don’t want to start a discussion about ADHD but maybe it is to decide what could kill you more. They say even Mozart had theoretically ADHD, but they don’t gave him meds, they gave him a Piano.

              • @surewhynotlem
                120 minutes ago

                ADHD causes executive dysfunction. You don’t get to choose what you’re doing.

                If that sounds crazy, that’s because it is. That’s why it’s a neurological disorder.

                ADHD meds give you more executive function. You get to choose what you do.

                Maybe Mozart would’ve been happier if he hyper fixated on harpsichord less and showered more. If he was ADHD, he didn’t get to make that choice.

                But regardless, Mozart wouldn’t survive today’s society with a harpsichord fixation. At best he’d be in a mediocre band. At worst he’d be homeless. If you aren’t comfortable with that concept, then maybe we need to fix society.

      • @Smoogs
        01 hour ago

        You’re angry. Calm down.

        So like that? Did it work? Are you calmed down yet?

        Here I’ll try spewing more abuse at you targeting this hostile emotion you’re clearly addicted to . Maybe that will calm you down. But I dunno, it doesn’t seem like it should be the one and only tool in the toolbox to reach for when talking to people about their issues.

      • @[email protected]
        145 hours ago

        You have to consider that this is, in some cases, issue of mental health, money, or education.
        Garbage foods are the ones most readily available, and health care much less so.

        That obviously doesn’t apply to the person going on tv to promote this lifestyle

        • @Akagigahara
          145 hours ago

          Drug addiction correlates in a similar way though

          • @[email protected]
            63 hours ago

            Overeating, drug addiction, even workaholism and endless accumulation of wealth are all maladaptive coping mechanisms due to unintegrated trauma.

            • @Warl0k3
              32 minutes ago

              I feel like casting actions that society views negatively as all the result of trauma is… probably wrong? Like in the case of drugs, sure some people use them as a coping mechanism or whatever, but most people don’t have secret trauma and just think that drugs are fun.

        • @Warl0k3
          5 hours ago

          Sure, but according to this here memo


          “Fuck the mentally ill”
          - every society

          • @TrickDacy
            23 hours ago

            It’s more like “fuck telling the mentally ill they’re mentally healthy” -a few people

            • @Warl0k3
              123 minutes ago

              I’m sorry, I’m not really sure what you mean.

        • @[email protected]
          25 hours ago

          Yes, it’s often education. And that’s something more educated people can help, too.

          The promoting person could be some kind of mentally illness. Our brain loves to lie about facts that could hurt us.

      • @[email protected]
        3 hours ago

        Some people are genetically fat though, or have metabolic disorders. Just keep that in mind.

        Edit: lol, down voted for stating a proven fact? Interesting… not a great look for Lemmy, is it?

        • @Randelung
          2 minutes ago

          Nobody’s genetically landwhale or ham planet. We’re talking people who need landscape tv coverage, not a few pounds extra.

          • @Maalus
            34 hours ago

            Actually they are. Health problems are no joke. I knew a guy at a military-adjacent youth group. Dude’s nickname was Garcia. He had health issues that made him look basically like a ball. But he worked out, he was active and ate well - meaning he was in better shape than me. Sometimes you just lose the genetic lottery.

            • @[email protected]
              43 hours ago

              I’m curious if you know anything more about this condition so I can learn about it. If I’m understanding right, it made him seem fat but it wasn’t fat, right? Otherwise it seems to break my understating that it’s physically impossible to not overeat and yet still get fat

              • @Maalus
                23 hours ago

                No, he was fat. He probably was overeating for his metabolism, but the issue was he had a really really slow one. I for instance in my youth days could devour two huge burgers, same as a coworker that was 30cm higher than me and extremely muscular, but I was a stick cause my metabolism was fast and with a little bit of excercise (rollerblading to work, 2km one way each day) I kept fit. When hormonal issues pop up you can put on weight incredibly fast. Google hypothyroidism for instance.

                Under the fat, you could be extremely fit - for example sumo wrestlers are in the best form of their lives, despite the excessive weight. Sometimes you are just fucked no matter what you do.

                • @Randelung
                  12 minutes ago

                  Nobody says you can’t be fit under the fat, but fat people are overeating - period. The fat itself is a problem, it releases harmful hormones and impedes functionality of the organs it surrounds, not to mention the issues for circulation.

            • @[email protected]
              03 hours ago

              My comment about genetic disorders was downvoted. People here must hate fat people so much that they cannot accept that a small fraction of fat people have genetic disorders and are not fat due to any fault of their own. But hey, fuck em, amirite?

              • @Maalus
                23 hours ago

                Why do you care about downvotes, they are imaginary points from people you never met and most likely won’t ever talk to since 95% of people are lurkers

                • @[email protected]
                  3 hours ago

                  Very true, but it still sets the tone for the community and the platform as a whole. If factual information on Lemmy is always downvoted then it makes Lemmy look like a misinformation engine, no better than the other bullshit platforms that have gone to shit. Lemmy is a platform that is trying to grow. Why would people join it if it comes off as toxic?

          • @[email protected]
            104 hours ago

            You are nearly there… If 40% of any group are anything, that is not an individual problem, it’s a systemic issue.

          • @[email protected]
            43 hours ago

            Ok. My point was just that these people exist. I made no claim about the frequency of occurrence.

  • @Username02
    74 hours ago

    It’s funny because she is fat? Is that it?

    • @SassyRamen
      103 hours ago

      No, it’s funny because she was so big they had to change her video to a wider form.

  • @[email protected]
    148 hours ago

    Reminds me of Fifteen Million Merits episode of Black Mirror where they run show on screens for workers making fun of overweight people

  • @Illuminostro
    -269 hours ago

    “Fatty fall down, hurr hurr.”

    Yep, hilarious. 🙄