• @[email protected]
        4 hours ago

        Oh right, i have third-party scripts blocked by default on mobile. Now it works.

        Still, uh, why was it made that way, that it needs JS to random-load a page?

        • @[email protected]
          24 hours ago

          Without JS the button points to the RSS feed. This serves as a placeholder. The button was most likely copied and pasted.

          Upon page load the website makes a call to the /rand.php endpoint, which returns a date in ISO8601 format. That is then used to produce the actual link.

          			$('.cc-navaux').attr('href','https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/' + data);

          (lines 172ff. of the HTML source) Why? Ask the author.

  • Queen HawlSera
    2410 hours ago

    Obviously Earth has passed the test.

    They were given a task, found a group for whom the task would be ideal in both their willingness and ability to do it, and presented this group to the task giver. They did not force a slave class, they didn’t do a lottery, they didn’t see it as a chance to get rid of undesirables, they just sent people who legitimately wanted to go.

    There was no victim, thus there was no crime.

    If these aliens can’t tell, they’re morons who clearly didn’t think it through.

  • AwesomeLowlander
    3616 hours ago

    It’s weird… I feel like any civilisation worth joining the galactic federation would have no issues finding volunteers to save their civilisation anyway (though maybe not 14 minutes…)

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      Time is a question of logistics not proclivity, 14 min is not a long ask for 100,000 with a wide enough net. Heck you could probably fill it in the US alone in that time period.

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        As an individual, when you’re presented with the choice of giving up yourself for the rest of mankind, don’t you think 10 minutes (minus the time it takes to receive the call) is a bit tight to think about it?

        • @[email protected]
          4 hours ago

          You underestimate the number of us who would fuck off the earth and leave our current boring lonely miserable unfulfilling lives in a second.

    • @OriginalUsername7
      5220 hours ago

      Does that mean there could be species which humans want to fuck, but which would not consider humans intelligent enough to give proper consent?

      • @TexasDrunk
        4119 hours ago

        Theoretically, yeah. There are tool using species right here on this planet that pass a lot of tests about self awareness, but we’re an order of magnitude more intelligent than a bonobo (well, mostly) and shouldn’t be banging them. I purposely used a species that has recreational sex as an example here.

        If there were an intergalactic species that saw us as little more than self aware tool users, that would be up to their morals.

        • @DogWater
          211 hours ago

          I think that as long as we pass this test from their perspective then it’s fine

          We have to convey the 3 check boxes to one another.

          It doesn’t matter who is more advanced as long as both species can answer yes to all 3 questions

          • @thawed_caveman
            13 hours ago

            ☑️ Does it have Tier 5 intelligence or greater?

            ☑️ Is it of sexual maturity for the species?

            ❌ Can it communicate with subatomic gamma waves?

          • @candybrie
            14 hours ago

            The first question is the problem. If the aliens have an analog rule (“Do they possess our intelligence or greater?”) then it only works if humans and them are roughly the same intelligence.

      • @[email protected]
        19 hours ago

        Either you’re smart enough to understand the concept of consent or you aren’t. Even if there is a sliding scale of intelligence of creatures (I have some issues with the concept of intelligence as a thing that can reasonably be objectively measured, but we can put that aside for now), whether you’re intelligent enough to understand what you will be doing and what will be done to you and make an informed decision about whether you want to do it seems a pretty binary thing, and largely independent of your intelligence in other contexts (e.g. ability to use tools).

        You could make the argument that alien sex might be complicated enough for whatever reason that that the aliens would argue that humans couldn’t meaningfully understand everything that was being done to them and thus could not, by definition, give informed consent, but at least from my experience, humans seem pretty on board with things they don’t fully understand. Whether it’s ethical to fuck someone who has admitted that they don’t know anything about what you’re going to do to them, is aware they may be harmed by it, and wants to do it anyway is another question.

        Besides, all we’d need is for one human to fuck one alien for science to know whether or not it was safe.

        • Dragon "Rider"(drag)
          414 hours ago

          What if it turns out that all sex has unforeseen consequences that human beings are incapable of understanding? A lot of cultures ascribe spiritual and metaphysical values to sex. What if aliens have an empirical proof that sex affects metaphysics in a way too complex for any human mind to conceive of?

          • @DogWater
            110 hours ago

            I think In that scenario that you are describing there is an imbalance in the sexual encounter. I feel that there is a way to approach it in a way that alien explains the consequences, but that would depend highly on what the objective reality of the encounter would entail for the human. (I say human assuming that the human is the one unaware and/or new to the metaphysical experience presented to them by the alien partner.). In a way, I think the human has to agree to accepting unknown consequences.

          • @[email protected]
            13 hours ago

            Considering that metaphysics must be affected in that way in order for any species that practices copulatory sex to not die out…

            (You could make an argument for IVF, but…no.)

            • Dragon "Rider"(drag)
              13 hours ago

              Yes, but that’s also the case for animals. Animals don’t understand they’re gonna get pregnant from sex. They still do it. And we avoid doing it with them because they don’t understand it. Maybe aliens will conclude we don’t understand sex either, and only the asshole aliens will be willing to sleep with us.

        • AwesomeLowlander
          616 hours ago

          they don’t know anything about what you’re going to do to them, is aware they may be harmed by it, and wants to do it anyway is another question.

          Every 18 y.o. on their first time, sounds like.

    • @pjwestin
      819 hours ago

      Might want to add, “Does it consent?” to the end of that.

  • @[email protected]
    3419 hours ago

    You know, sometimes I wish I did a little more with my life instead of hanging out in front of places selling weed and shit. Like, maybe be an animal doctor. Why not me? I like seals and shit. Or maybe an astronaut. Yeah. Like, be the first motherfucker to see a new galaxy, or find a new alien lifeform… and fuck it. And people’d be like, "There he goes. Homeboy fucked a Martian once.

  • peopleproblems
    4320 hours ago

    I mean id at least sign up. Who knows, I could be into it.

    If not, hell, at least I’m off earth.

    • @[email protected]
      1119 hours ago


      The odds feel at least even as a penniless immigrant in a space faring society, than as a citizen in one that no longer particularly seems to value truth or science.

  • @brucethemoose
    13824 hours ago

    A few years later:

    These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.

    Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations. And have sex with them.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        3823 hours ago

        I guess you’re not familiar with the exploits of Captain James T. Kirk?

        • VindictiveJudge
          3422 hours ago

          Kirk mostly used seduction as a tool; he fucked women because it was expedient. Riker did it just because he could.

          • @ZoopZeZoop
            616 hours ago

            Riker’s motivation seems more pure than Kirk’s manipulation. That said, I feel like Kirk was mostly in it for the fun. Like the other comments said, as long as both parties are consenting and not causing death or serious injury to anyone, have fun!

            • Dragon "Rider"(drag)
              314 hours ago

              Kirk flirted with a 300 year old little girl in order to get her to give him information. Riker is way better than Kirk.

          • @[email protected]
            1622 hours ago

            Yeah it’s made explicit with dialog in the show that the Enterprise itself is Kirk’s primary obsession.

        • @Norin
          1623 hours ago

          Never forget that Trip straight up got impregnated In season 1.

    • @Whats_your_reasoning
      19 hours ago

      “However, I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?”

  • @Maggoty
    1419 hours ago

    I’ll bet they have advanced healthcare.

    That alone would get you the volunteers.

    • @idiomaddict
      23 hours ago

      Maybe, but they might also have never encountered warm blooded species, so it’s a toss up

  • @dohpaz42
    411 day ago

    “Careful what you ask for, you just might get it.”

  • Justin
    19 hours ago

    Considering the behavior of hive organisms, what is the difference between a species forcing individuals to go with the aliens, and members of a species willingly going? From a biological perspective, what is the difference between individuals being exposed to fear hormones and being exposed to horny hormones, to an outside observer?

    Do bees willingly die to protect their hive? Do humans have children out of a desire to see their species thrive?