• snooggums
    452 hours ago

    In some cases, they ran in districts that were already heavily Republican, often due to gerrymandering. They won because any Republican would have won.

    If other Republicans ran in the primaries, they won the primary by exciting the primary voting base. Far fewer people vote in primaries, and they tend to be engaged in hype, and MAGA is all hype based propaganda based on fear and anger. That excites Republican primary voters.

    The few that defeated incumbent Republicans did so through the hate and fear angle, because it works. It is a successful fascist playbook, as shown throughout history.

    So basically they mostly won for the same reason Trump won in 2016, fascist propaganda stoking fear. They promised to solve all the problems they made up about the groups they blamed.

    The whole Ohio immigrants eating pets is just the same thing, dialed up to 11.

    • @Bertuccio
      1 hour ago

      This is also why you vote in the primary of the party with the candidates you like least.

      If you view any candidate in party A as better than every candidate in party B, you need to vote in party B’s primary so the best candidate for you will make it to the general election. Then even if party A loses the general election you still get the candidate you like most from party B.

      This was a key strategy for black people in the south to get the least racist Democrats into office. It’s basically ad hoc ranked choice voting and it reduces the power of extremists.

  • @[email protected]
    12 minutes ago

    They promise to punish the people republican voters don’t like (poor people, minorities, and “elites”). And then they fulfill the first two.

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    2 hours ago

    Much of USA treats their leaders team with the same reverence and loyalty they treat sports teams even if they are consistently shitty poopy.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      61 hour ago

      I live in Cleveland. I know all about cheering for shitty teams. Republicans are more like a cult.

      See, I refuse to cheer for the browns until 2027. I refuse to cheer for a rapist. I treat empathy of humans over who got the points by throwing a ball.

      With these people cruelty is the point. If I see a stray 99mph pitch hit another opposing player in the head, my immediate thought is “OH MY GOD!!! IS HE OK???”

      Whereas, the way republicans treat politics, the message is clear. “Oh my god, I hope they die!”

      Which is what helps explain a lot of their policy. They want to ban abortion, because they hope women die. They don’t want gun reform laws, because they hope people die. They don’t want medical care for anyone but them, because they hope others die.

      Sports is supposed to be the thing I watch to distract myself from all this bullshit. Sooooo…GO GUARDS!!! BEAT THE YANKEES!!! (in a game of baseball. Not with violence.)

      • iltoroargento
        157 minutes ago

        Republicans are more like a cult.

        Republicans are more like a cult.


        And agreed on all fronts.

  • @PunnyName
    2 hours ago

    Some ran unopposed.

    • @[email protected]
      72 hours ago

      And some that ran unopposed weren’t unopposed until they harassed and threatened their opposition into dropping out of the race.

  • @Sanctus
    222 hours ago

    Systematic capture. They planned it.

    • @Kintarian
      21 hour ago

      It saddens me to know that 68% of my country are a bunch of racists.

  • @Kintarian
    142 hours ago

    They believe they are living in a godless country. Liberals are out to destroy America with their evil atheist ways. They believe liberals are destroying traditional family values. They believe liberals want open borders so all the immigrants will vote for them. They believe those immigrants are all gang members just waiting to kill God fearing Christians. They believe this is a Christian country. They believe abortion is murder. Finally, they believe Trump is the only one who can save the country.

    • @radix
      82 hours ago

      Something like 63% of the US population identifies as Christian. That number is over 75% in Latin America.

      If they really wanted more Christians, they’d welcome the immigrants. But that’s just an excuse to cover for the racism.

  • FartsWithAnAccent
    45 minutes ago

    The real, possibly main answer is largely because many people, especially young people, do not vote in large enough numbers to stop them.

    There’s also stuff like gerrymandering that help parties in power stay in power when they get to draw the district lines but I would argue that poor turnout is what makes the biggest difference.

  • @rhacer
    32 hours ago

    Conservatives typically win by promising what they will not do vs. what they will do. (At least the true conservatives do. Not all Republicans are conservative though)

  • The Snark Urge
    62 hours ago

    The way politics works now is that MAGA tries to reenact the Handmaid’s Tale and/or sell the world to disaster capitalists while doing nothing to actually govern, Democrats try to play it cool and actually govern sometimes, and dark money gets poured into elections to make everything even murkier.

  • sunzu2
    32 hours ago

    The same way all regime whores get into the office… Donor money and captured political process.

    While plebs fighting culture wars, the parasite class is executing a class war!

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    11 hour ago

    They promised to be “not biden”, and lemmings ate the fish like dynamite.

    See, that phrase didn’t make sense, but it doesn’t need to. Politics for these people isn’t about policy, or logic, or even country. It’s about “if I win, you lose, so fuck you!”.

    And that’s how we got here.

  • @[email protected]
    34 minutes ago

    Citizens United. In 2001, corporations were suddenly allowed to donate an unlimited amount of money to political campaigns. Campaign donations were deemed a form of expression protected by the first ammendment. The entrenched far-right republicans were suddenly being outspent by even further right people from out of nowhere, unseating many of them. The game for both parties then became how much corporate donation can you attract, and for Republicans, they found the further right you go the more votes you get. So republican nominees could have standards or keep their job, not both. The ones that were the far-right were still professional legislators, genuinely believing conservativism is in society’s best interest, and many of them tried to resist, like McCain and Romney. The new far-right ones are professional shills in it for personal gain. The old ones are greedy cowards who know better. The Republicans have slid right at lightspeed ever since Citizens United.