• @[email protected]
    61 hour ago

    suppressing wages and social housing so that starvation and homelessness make labour cheaper

  • @[email protected]
    31 hour ago

    Motorcycle airbag vests that will not work if you aren’t up-to-date on the subscription payments when you have a crash…

  • @[email protected]
    113 hours ago

    Today I heard Meta has laid off workers because they brought their own food for lunch instead of buying it from the company cafeteria.

  • @[email protected]
    104 hours ago

    A more recent example comes from the med-tech giant Abbott Labs, which used DMCA 1201 to suppress a tool that allowed people with diabetes to link their glucose monitors to their insulin pumps, in order to automatically calculate and administer doses of insulin in an “artificial pancreas.” -eff.org

    We joke about someday having to jailbreak our own organs, but we’re basically already there.

    An exoskeleton let a paralyzed man walk. Then its maker refused repairs.

    Doctors Remove Woman’s Brain Implant Against Her Will

  • @whaleross
    399 hours ago

    Here in Sweden we currently have the problem that hospitals are understaffed and keeping wages of nurses so low that a lot of nurses quit and leave the others with an even crazier workload so the hospitals buy nurses semi permanently from temp agencies that cost multiple times more and the rental nurses have better pay and agreements of overtime and such. We had a well functioning health care but then the privatisation of everything and selling out communally owned services to private profit making schemes since the 90s. Because our government has been dominated by right wing market liberals and “sossehöger” - social democrats that jump on right wing populism to stay in power when they can rather than being consistent in left wing ideals.

    Fucking end the market liberal experiment already. “The market solves all problems” - yeah, of it’s own interest which is how to squeeze out more profits regardless the how and how low it stoops.

    • @Postmortal_Pop
      189 hours ago

      Damn, I didn’t know America was contagious…

      • @whaleross
        7 hours ago

        It’s been the strategy of the right wing here since forever - get in power sell out as much they can (and for some unfathomable reason for discount prices), fuck things up in general, leave it to a left wing government to salvage what can be saved while blaming them for public service being garbage so they can motivate selling out more when they have power again. It’s a mix of blind idealists and profiteering scum that are in liaison with the right wing nationalist party with former nazi connections and obviously the Christian democrat leader that models the party according to the republicans is the most buddy-buddy with the fringe right.

        And the populist right wing of course romanticises about the good days when everyone had housing and was safe and provided and so on - that was built solely by the left and the right wing fought them every step of the way and that they have since then torn down. Blatant lies and disinformation all the way.

        But it is what people vote for. We get the societal break down we deserve.

    • @[email protected]
      73 hours ago

      In June 2022, a federal appeals court affirmed Donziger’s criminal contempt conviction. In March 2023, the Supreme Court declined to hear further appeals.

      I’m shocked.

    • @[email protected]
      147 hours ago

      Donziger’s story is heartbreaking and infuriating, and I’m continually disappointed that so few people are familiar with his story and what the courts did to him. It’s one of the clearest examples of judicial corruption and the power and benefits that are afforded to corporations and almost never extended to the people fighting for what’s right and just.

    • Vanth
      3210 hours ago

      ☝️ recently got a covid test that based on all my research beforehand, it should have been covered except for $10 I would pay.

      Jokes on me, it actually cost me $200 they charged to my credit card two weeks later. I didn’t even get to know the price at the time I needed medical care.

      Sometimes other countries make fun of America for things they don’t understand. Not on this one, America deserves every bit of mocking it gets for it’s medical coverage atrocity.

        • Vanth
          22 hours ago

          Nose swab into a piece of lab equipment about the size of a bread toaster. They put the swab into the thing right in front of me but I didn’t note any further details about the equipment.

          I went in for strep testing (which is what it ended up being). They advised covid test too due to local outbreak, I predicted that they might so had done some prep research and thought I could expect a much lower bill.

          Lesson learned, avoid getting tested for covid 😂

      • @[email protected]
        8 hours ago

        It’s a developing country. You will catch up.

        Also we guys in western Europe are happy we are not ruled by Russia or China, and that’s because of the USA I think.

        I kind of like the US culture, but it’s ridiculous how they treat human beings when money and power is on the line.

        • @grue
          22 hours ago

          It’s a developing country. You will catch up.

          It isn’t and we won’t. The US is a post-developed country backsliding.

      • Random123
        18 hours ago

        Americans stupidity is another one that they get correct but there’s plenty of things to laugh about America as there is to laugh about 3rd world countries.

  • @fart_pickle
    2710 hours ago

    I cannot find the exact quote but it was something like “If you don’t grow, you’re dying”. This is the source of all enshittification. Companies are being forced by VCs to increase revenue every year to meet unreasonable revenue goals just to satisfy a handful of investors.

  • LalSalaamComrade
    11 hours ago

    Microloans, also called microfinances. Very popular in developing countries in South Asia, and also the same thing that is responsible for the suicide epidemic of farmers in India. With high interest rates and fixed time-period constraints, they’re the most cruel and fucked up things to ever exist, they’re worse than indentured serfdom.

    • @[email protected]
      3211 hours ago

      Sounds like ‘pay day loans’ in the US.

      Back in the day, a loan shark was a criminal who charged an outrageous 20% interest for money. Working class folks were at the mercy of these “six-for-fivers.”

      Ronald Reagan became President and now established banks could charge 35% or more.

      • @LrdThndr
        1111 hours ago

        (Looks at my credit cards)

        Yall got any more of that 20% interest?

        • @[email protected]
          1210 hours ago

          Yeah, a factory worker would get $5 and pay back $6 the next week. That was a terrible crime. Then Reagan deregulated the banks and it became business as usual.

    • @[email protected]
      10 hours ago

      To be fair, usury is much older plague than capitalism, but it’s been one of capitalism roots, and capitalism cranked it up incredibly.

    • @[email protected]
      1010 hours ago

      I’d like to add that there are good versions of “microloans”! I learned that there used to be (or still are, didn’t check) non-profit " banks" in some parts of India (and South africa I think) that would give out small loans of a few dollars to a few hundred dollars (which can be quite a lot of money in India). There was no collateral and low interest, but a group of people had to apply for a loan together. Until the first loan was paid back, the rest of the group couldn’t apply again. It was meant to provide financial backing and capital to microbusinesses (e.g. fishers, farmers, peddlers) that would otherwise be excluded from the financial market due to a lack of collateral and otherwise be forced to take high-interest loans.

      • LalSalaamComrade
        10 hours ago

        SHGs (which is what you’re talking about, also called SBLP in some places) are not a majority, their lenders/borrowers are often people within the same marginalized group, and it is very slow, so people tend to avoid them. MFIs dominate the microloan industry, and they’re very exploitative.

        • @[email protected]
          39 hours ago

          Thanks for the info! I didn’t think they were widespread, but figured they might be a bit wholesome and would light up this thread :)

  • @[email protected]
    1710 hours ago

    My boss once said to a group of new joinees including me," Eventually you will be able to afford subscription to all the streaming services."

  • aramis87
    78 hours ago

    That person who was in a car that ended up crossing three lanes, hitting a pole and then hitting a tree. They declined an ambulance because they were scared of the ambulance bill - then got a bill for $150 for refusing the ambulance. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @piyuv
    2310 hours ago

    “Vote with your wallet” means more money gets you more votes.

    Some users leaving Reddit/instagram/twitter is not a problem, especially considering network effects, but some advertisers leaving is a crisis.

    • @fart_pickle
      1310 hours ago

      I think you misinterpreted the phrase. “Vote with your wallet” means that if you’re unhappy with a product/service, you stop using/paying for it.

      • @[email protected]
        58 hours ago

        “Vote with your wallet” means more money gets you more votes.

        This is the basic idea of capitalism. The more capital you have, the more say you have in directing the meas of production.

        Some people have so much capital, they can singlehandedly decide that thousands of people are going to work on some space launch company, for example.

      • @piyuv
        710 hours ago

        So long as the capital markets were willing to continue funding loss-making future monopolists, your neighbors were going to make the choice to shop “the wrong way.” As small, local businesses lost those customers, the costs they had to charge to make up the difference would go up, making it harder and harder for you to afford to shop “the right way.”


        Food for your thought.

        • @fart_pickle
          79 hours ago

          Again, I think you are misinterpreting the phrase. The quote you provided proves it. If you’re not happy about the “right way” of buying things you can buy elsewhere, aka “vote with a wallet”. The phrase means that you pay for a product/service you are comfortable with. For example, if Amazon offers a great deal on something you’d like like to buy and the price is, let’s say, 30% lower than a regular retail price, voting with a wallet would mean that you ignore the Amazon’s deal and buy directly from a merchant.

          • @InternetCitizen2
            28 hours ago

            Are you purposefully missing the point? If the greater market is uninformed and buying inferior offering; soon that is all that will be available.

          • @piyuv
            -49 hours ago

            You clearly haven’t read the full essay.

            • @fart_pickle
              29 hours ago

              I have, but the moment I got to the Napster Wars part I realised that the article is nothing more than the “eat the rich” rant. I despise the music labels and all the crap that happened in late 90s but it’s not an excuse to go “over the law” just because you think the law is bad. I know, there were many implications of piracy that shaped the current landscape of music industry but still, just because you don’t agree with the existing law, it doesn’t mean you should “work” around it.

              Again, if you’re unhappy with record label, vote with your wallet and buy from the independent ones. The more people to vote with the wallet (in the way you misunderstood) the less power major companies will have.

              • @[email protected]
                28 hours ago

                it’s not an excuse to go “over the law” just because you think the law is bad… but still, just because you don’t agree with the existing law, it doesn’t mean you should “work” around it.

                Then what’s a good reason to go around the law? It’d be pointless to go around a law you do agree with.

  • @[email protected]
    1711 hours ago

    Charging money for supplies after people had there whole lives uprooted by a natural disaster. Cough cough hurricane helene

    • @Mirshe
      49 hours ago

      Don’t forget cops and military protecting stores in disaster zones, full of supplies that will wind up getting paid for by insurance anyway and will go bad before the store reopens.