• @ChowJeeBai
    22 hours ago

    Maybe trump voters shouldn’t multiply?

  • @bcgm3
    2215 hours ago

    Alternative headline: “This Just In: The Youth Swipe (and Skew Politically) Left, But Will They Pokemon-Go To The Polls?”

    According to the study in the article, maybe not? While 43% of those surveyed would feel negatively if their potential hookup was voting Trump, 40% wouldn’t care; and 65% don’t even give a shit if their next date plans to sit out the next election.

  • @shalafi
    20 hours ago

    I was dating hot and heavy in 2020-2023, on several dating sites. Women either said they weren’t political or not interested. That’s a big, fat flag, “If you’re Republican, STFU about it.” Others simply stated that MAGA need not apply.

    I was talking to a potential date (who turned out great!) and joked that I was something of a redneck.

    “Uh… exactly how redneck?”

    “I loathe Trump if that’s what you’re asking.”

    “OK. Whew. Thanks, just had to check.”

    And this was in NW Florida, about as conservative an area as it gets. There were very few women openly looking for conservative men, and I only remember a single MAGA nut.

    Related note; I can’t tell you how many women I met, including my wife, who said they would go on a date and the man would start going off about Trump bullshit. Imagine that. On a first date.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      I post on a message board that has absolutely nothing to do with politics. Of course, there are always topics that come up that someone has a political opinion about, so occasionally the board devolves into some political bickering.

      However, at some point, I realized every time one of the posts became political it was because a conservative brought politics into it. I thought maybe it was just my bias and overlooked it when it was a leftwing/liberal. . .but nope, every time I noticed it getting political from there on out, it was always, without a doubt, a conservative who had to bring their politics into it.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      1015 hours ago

      Related note; I can’t tell you how many women I met, including my wife, who said they would go on a date and the man would start going off about Trump bullshit. Imagine that. On a first date.

      I find that the magabrainz will even start up with that shit on an elevator if they can. If you think of con memes as a brainworm from another planet that is seeking to infect the entire human race, it makes a lot more sense…they seek to spread that shit in nearly every interaction, even with people they have just met. Invasion of the Body Snatchers was supposedly about the red scare, but I find it far more like the way the redcoats behave…

    • @SpaceNoodle
      419 hours ago

      You really went turbo mode with that dating, huh

  • Admiral Patrick
    9922 hours ago

    Had to read the article to find out if the headline was describing a good trend or a bad trend. I’m so old 👴

    • @SpaceNoodle
      1719 hours ago

      Right? How am I supposed to know what “left” implies in some random app’s context?

      • @[email protected]
        918 hours ago

        Left and right are a de facto standard in dating apps. It’s a terrible UI but they all do it now.

        • @SpaceNoodle
          517 hours ago

          Smartphones didn’t even exist last time I was dating.

        • Trailblazing Braille Taser
          316 hours ago

          The thing that trips me up, as a dinosaur, is whether “swipe left” refers to the direction your hand moves or the direction that the viewport is traveling. If I scroll by moving my finger to the left, now I’m looking at stuff that was previously on my right.

          • @RampantParanoia2365
            214 hours ago

            In tinder when you swipe, the picture itself moves, not the whole screen.

          • @[email protected]
            014 hours ago

            I have this issue with my stove top, which burner goes to with nob/diagram. Does the picture line flat or flip over. I only every end up using the one with both high and low cause it’s easy to tell which it is.

            • Trailblazing Braille Taser
              114 hours ago

              I am a weirdo and always get things backwards that the rest of the population has no trouble with.

              Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey made no sense when I was a kid because I focused on the bottom of the thing I was spinning instead of the top.

              Same with the stove. Wtf is the “front” burner? I mapped the four burners to the four seats of a car in my head, and I thought the front burner would be the ones farther away from me. 🫨

      • @[email protected]
        216 hours ago

        And why are they stealing it? I don’t even know where to start planning a caper involving left theft. Guess I could start from the right…

    • 👍Maximum Derek👍
      1720 hours ago

      Yeah, I met my (now) wife over 20 years ago. I blissfully missed app dating and I always make sure she wears her seatbelt and what-not so that never changes.

    • @ThePyroPython
      2422 hours ago

      So good trend or bad trend?

      I can’t read the article, does anyone have an archive link?

      • Admiral Patrick
        4622 hours ago

        Good trend.

        Why it matters: The consequences are steeper for those supporting former President Trump.

        By the numbers: 43% of people between the ages of 18 and 34 say they’d have a more negative view of a date if told they voted for Trump, according to a new Generation Lab poll.

        17% say they’d have a more positive view, and 40% say the information would make no difference.

          • Admiral Patrick
            21 hours ago

            The 17% is worrying


            but that 40% is worse

            I’m assuming those 40% just want to get laid and that’s all they care about. Lol, I’m not young, but I remember being young.

            • @[email protected]
              1318 hours ago

              Keep in mind Trumpers hate birth control and that one night stand might turn to an 18 year marathon with a crazy parent.

      • @[email protected]OP
        22 hours ago

        What happens when you attempt to read the article? It’s an Axios article. Free with no paywall.

        • @Whats_your_reasoning
          618 hours ago

          Not OP, but for me a window popped up and asked for my email, without any button or other option to opt out/make it go away. I got around it by using “Reader” Mode.

  • peopleproblems
    3620 hours ago

    Having experienced an awful divorce from someone not even a Trump voter -

    A Trump voter is a good indication that they aren’t very intelligent people, and you’re gonna have a bad time.

  • PhobosAnomaly
    6022 hours ago

    I think it’s brilliant that people publicise their political affiliations - it’s like a big red flag to either avoid certain topics… or just avoid them altogether.

    It’s like Social Interaction for Dummies.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      15 hours ago

      It’s kind of like that stupid red hat the gomers like to wear (when they feel they can - I notice a lot of them don’t wear it all the time, though - imagine that. It’s almost like they know what that hat really means to normal Americans.)

      When I see someone wearing that, now I know it’s someone I can just skip over. It’s like wearing a “do not talk to me” shirt.

    • @rustyfish
      2422 hours ago

      Last time I was on the dating market some of these people popped up on the dating app. Holy hell and it were always the maniacs that had to make their dumbassery public.

      My favourite was that young lady who was extremely anti vax and tried to make it a “my body my choice” kind of thing. Everything read like she died on that hill a couple of times already.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        214 hours ago

        That’s something that often occurred to me when I saw some antima/antiva Karen during Peak Covid - I felt sorry for anyone that was their SO, most especially if they were married to them, assuming they weren’t down for that level of crazy.

    • Kalkaline
      1622 hours ago

      It’s not a difficult thing to sniff out. You just have to mention something innocuous like toilet paper and suddenly you’ll know more or less which side of center that person is on.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        114 hours ago

        Ever since donnie it became something almost impossible to avoid finding out. Most redhats would out themselves pretty quickly. And then Covid happened, and with things like masks and vaccines, the crazies found it nearly impossible to hide themselves…I’m sure there are still a few being quiet, but I think once the fauxbrain really takes hold, they seem to find it impossible to NOT broadcast their assholery.

    • @[email protected]
      1021 hours ago

      I never swiped right on a lady firing a gun. Or taking a picture in the mirror of a public bathroom. Not the same thing. I just remembered the second one as I mentioned the first.

      • @bazus1
        2722 hours ago

        You’re correct - it was the ushers that stopped boebert.