• @Bytemeister
    549 hours ago

    Take him to a cave.

    Caves are the best.

    Your child certainly won’t regret experiencing true darkness at a young age.

      • @Wogi
        107 hours ago

        Is it really Plato or just his shadow?

      • @Agent641
        118 hours ago

        Plato gets everyone sooner or later

    • @SirQuackTheDuck
      69 hours ago

      I installed new blinds on our two roof windows and closed them this evening. I’m not sure a cave gets much darker than that.

      Nobody got injured (so far).

  • @[email protected]
    329 hours ago

    I feel that. Took my five year old nephew to an amusement park, got home and mom asked, “what’d you do today?” and the lil shit shrugged and said, “I don’t know.”

    • @Agent641
      268 hours ago

      Sometimes the memories get clogged in their lil brains. Give them a really good shake to dislodge them.

      • @Passerby6497
        3 hours ago

        Do you shake them front to back, or side to side? I want to make sure I do it right so I don’t void the warranty on mine.

        • VindictiveJudge
          12 hours ago

          Just stick 'em in one of those paint shakers they have in hardware stores.

        • @meliaesc
          13 hours ago

          That guy in Texas is on death row for improper shaking technique, wise of you to check first!

  • @[email protected]
    3710 hours ago

    Cool vacations tend to be, unfortunately, bookended by extreme boredom and frustration of being stuck in a car. That was probably the most salient thought for that kiddo at that moment.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    6112 hours ago

    Sometimes memories just take some time to process, especially if you’re exhausted. Given a few nights of sleep, I bet this kid will start running the events back through his head more and more, and thinking about bits of it he wants to talk about.

    • @[email protected]
      3512 hours ago

      Yeah this is what happens with our kid (who, admittedly, has ADHD so maybe he’s a bit unusual). The first day or week after a cool experience he’s pretty meh about it and won’t volunteer much in the way of thoughts or feelings and then suddenly he’ll realize it was real again and all of a sudden he won’t shut up about how cool it was! Then eventually he settles down into a steady pattern of “hey remember when we did X thing wasn’t that so cool we should do it again” which is my favorite phase because that’s how I know what he really likes that stuck with him. : )

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        110 hours ago

        Hey, c’mon now! You can’t be going around saying people with ADHD are unusual. Have you SEEN society lately? Pretty sure everybody has…IS THAT A BUTTERFLY???

        gleefully chases a butterfly at age 41

    • The Snark Urge
      3013 hours ago

      I’m certain my kid would say this and he’s the most ADHD person I’ve ever met, but also kids say some crazy shit

  • @[email protected]
    3013 hours ago

    I know one that refers to “when it was next week” to talk about events that happend earlier today or yesterday.

    Kids that age ain’t stupid though just confused spirits.

    • zeet
      2012 hours ago

      Kids that age ain’t stupid though just confused spirits

      That’s why parents should exorcise their children for at least 60 minutes per day.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      1412 hours ago

      Watched a 3 year old for a couple of months. I found out she thought “Sunday” was the daytime, when I mentioned “We make pancakes on Sunday” and then had a very long confused somewhat irate conversation about how she could see the sun very clearly but I was refusing to make her pancakes for breakfast.

  • @[email protected]
    2112 hours ago

    My 4 year old’s memory ability is all over the place. One day forgets mid sentence what he was talking about about or can’t remember if he is wearing pants, then later says, “remember 3 months ago when you promised me a Popsicle” or repeats verbatim the theme song for some random show.

    • @IMongoose
      911 hours ago

      It’s wild. Someone asked my almost 4 year old where he got a monster truck from. We got it 8 months ago but he remembered exactly where. He remembered that someone broke his plane at daycare over a year ago randomly. But I ask him what he did at school and he says “nothing.”

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        710 hours ago

        To be fair, he might be telling the truth. My dad used to ask me everyday, “what did you learn in school today?” “Nothing.” “You MUST have learned SOMETHING!” “…mmmmmm, nope.”

        And it’s true. I used to twirl my pencil and imagine what would happen if the soviet union got invaded with nuclear bomb eating dinosaurs. This was back when we had atomic bomb drills, and the 1980s were full of nuclear war concerns. But what if we could TEACH the dinosaurs to eat the bombs, and invade the soviet union???

        And then I remember watching the Berlin wall come crumbling down live on CNN. Remember how I said I didn’t learn anything in school? Well, while watching the fall of the Berlin Wall as it happened, live on CNN, I thought it was some ghetto in Milwuakkee. I was like “Damn. Look at all that graffiti. It’s not even spelled right! It’s like a totally different language!!! Must be Milwuakkee. That’s where all the beer is.”

        So yeah. Ask your kid what he thinks about atomic bomb dinosaurs, and what he thinks happens in Milwuakkee…or maybe your kid ISN’T exactly like me. Still though. Just to be safe, you should probably introduce him to Super Mario Bros, and bet him that he can’t save the princess. He’s going to love that game!

    • @FelixCress
      1112 hours ago

      Just buy him the bloody Popsicle.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      -210 hours ago

      One day forgets mid sentence what he was talking about about

      Or his dad forgetting which words in his own sentence he already typed…

      Also, you can’t just be forgetting to give the kid a popcycle! Do you even KNOW what being 5 years old is like? Those popcycles are the very foundation of life!!! It’s super serious business!!! It’s a life or death situation!!!

      …and by that, I mean if you give a kid GRAPE as the popcycle, he’s legally allowed to slit your throat in your sleep while no jury would convict him. Why do they even MAKE grape??? The world would be a better place if all the grape flavor were replaced with the red ones. What flavor even is red? I don’t know. It’s gone before you get a chance to ask.

  • @[email protected]
    2513 hours ago

    I feel stupid for knowing exactly where this is, being within easy driving distance, and still not going to the cartoon Network hotel

  • @Sam_Bass
    410 hours ago

    the perennial flashbulb that is childhood.

  • @[email protected]
    312 hours ago

    I wonder if you remind your child of a specific memory they made daily, if they will remember that moment till their adult life.