If you are awake at 4 am, and have to be at work at 7, should you even try to get back to sleep or should you try to do something with your time?

  • @AA5B
    54 hours ago

    My cutoff is three hours. If I sleep for less than three hours, it’s worse than no sleep, at least in the morning

    • @AtrichumOP
      13 hours ago

      What about 3 hours early in the night, say 11pm to 2am?

  • @GrammarPolice
    24 hours ago

    I slept only an hour last night, and was energetic throughout all of today, and I still have gas in my tank. Although, ymmv.

    • @AtrichumOP
      33 hours ago

      That was me up until my mid 20’s

  • @grasshopper_mouse
    24 hours ago

    I’d do my best to try and fall back to sleep. I’d try until 6am, then give up and get up.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    24 hours ago

    If I’m fully awake I only give up when I’ve got less than 90 minutes left before I get up. That is long enough for a full rem cycle.

    If not, then I am thankful for the flexibility I have at work. I can usually go to work early and subsequently leave early too.

    • @AtrichumOP
      36 hours ago

      In a pinch I could, by pretending to be in a zoom meeting.

  • @iconic_admin
    359 hours ago

    Even one more hour of sleep could change the course of your day. I vote sleep.

    • @AtrichumOP
      59 hours ago

      True, but I’ve found it is just as like to change things for the worse as the better. Waking up from a deep deep sleep after only an hour can leave me as a zombie for the whole day.

      I ended up sleeping for maybe 20 minutes this time and it has worked out so far.

      • @abominable_panda
        24 hours ago

        20 mins is about bang on the “power nap” zone btw

  • @[email protected]
    168 hours ago

    Sleep cycles are usually around 90mins, so you could theoretically get 2 of those in before 7am. Or, you could try doing something calming for 90mins, and only get one cycle in. Yoga, reading a book etc.

    • @EvilBit
      6 hours ago

      I vote this. The 90 minute REM cycle is no joke.

      My personal sleep therapy approach:

      1. Deduct 30 minutes from when you need to wake up. Set one alarm for this time, one alarm for your normal time. If you do nothing else, do this. It’s awesome, trust me.
      2. Deduct another 30 minutes then figure out how many 90-minute periods fit between now and that time. Go to bed at the beginning of one of those periods.
      3. If you need to go to sleep 30 or 60 minutes earlier for some reason, add another “snooze” or two at the end.

      What this does:

      • Prevents getting up in the middle of REM, which is what causes you to feel like death even though you got enough sleep
      • Gives you a 30-minute window to fall asleep first
      • Wakes you up 30 minutes early in case something messed with your cycle and you feel like crap. Hitting snooze on your alarm clock gives you a bewildering 9-minute, 11-minute, or other arbitrary bit of extra sleep, but giving you a consistent 30-minute snooze period starts your morning with a reliable power nap instead of just gambling on your timing. You always wake up feeling good from a power nap.

      Example: it’s 9 pm, I have to be up at 6. I set alarms for 5:30 and 6:00, then go to bed at 9:30 so I have 30 minutes to fall asleep, followed by 7.5 hours of sleep, which is 5 cycles. I wake up at 5:30, immediately kill the alarm, then wake up again at 6 and start my day.

      Note: In general, I wouldn’t have three 30-minute snoozes. I’d just go to bed later. I try to avoid stacking two or more power naps at the end, but sometimes I will if I’m not going to be getting much sleep otherwise, like if I go to sleep NOW, I might get 3 hours.

      • @SkyezOpen
        13 hours ago

        Used to do this and it was wonderful. I have a smart watch to track sleep, I wonder if there’s an app to automatically detect a certain amount of sleep cycles and wake you at a good time instead of guessing.

      • @[email protected]
        36 hours ago

        Pretty much what I do exactly. I have an app that notifies me 1hr before it’s 8hrs from wake up time. So basically, I get notified 9hrs before I want to wake up. I go to sleep 8hrs before, but realistically fall asleep around 7.5hrs before I want to wake up. Then, if I feel groggy when I wake up, I do a 30min snooze. Sometimes I’ll also take a caffeine/theanine pill before the 30min snooze. Then you reallly wake up.

        • @EvilBit
          36 hours ago

          The option to sleep an extra half hour when you don’t want to get up is key. I recommend it for anyone. It’s so worth it.

  • @[email protected]
    46 hours ago

    awake at 4 am, and have to be at work at 7

    This is just my life. I could probably stay in bed until 5.30 at the latest, but then I’d be in a rush, and might get fucked by traffic.

  • BougieBirdie
    108 hours ago

    When I was younger, I’d try to power through. Now that I’m older, I recognize that my day is always better when I try to get some sleep.

    When I was younger, not sleeping was the result of bad choices. Lately it’s because of insomnia. I don’t know if that makes any difference, but I guess it’s worth noting.

    PSA: 24 hours of sleep deprivation is similar to having a BAC (Blood Alcohol Count) of 0.10%. That’s over the legal limit in most places. If you have to go to work, don’t drive.

  • @abominable_panda
    1610 hours ago

    Check out the phases of the sleep cycle. IIRC a full cycle is around 90 mins so in those 3 hours you can potentially hit 2 cycles and not feel groggy.

    With all the benefits of sleep (and the problems from lack of sleep) it would be better to sleep

    • @Frozengyro
      49 hours ago

      Cycles get quicker near the end of the night. Though I’m not sure how waking up effects things.

      But those last cycles tend to be the most important. And studies have shown even trying but failing to fall asleep gives some benefit of actually falling asleep.

    • @Passerby6497
      49 hours ago

      Between the time it takes to fall back asleep (which is nontrivial), getting ready for and getting to work, you’d be lucky to get 1 full cycle in before you had to get up anyway. And IME, rolling the dice on a rem cycle like that is more likely to fuck up my day by leaving me groggy AF than refresh me.

  • AmbiguousProps
    12 hours ago

    Any sleep will improve your work day, at least in my experience. It will still be pretty rough, of course.

    I try my best to practice the basic sleep hygiene tip of not laying in bed when I can’t sleep. I get up, do something else (like I am now) and wait for the sleepiness to set in before going back to bed (even if it’s 4 am).

  • Boozilla
    611 hours ago

    Sometimes (infrequently) I’ll take a magnesium pill, and that will help me go back to sleep. Or, I’ll go read in another dimly lit room for about 20 minutes and then return to the bedroom go back to sleep.

    But, once in a while, I’ll feel creative at 4am and just get up and do something (write, code, whatever) until it’s time to get ready for work. I’m an early bird out of decades of routine, but wish I could be a night owl. I love how quiet it is at night.

  • The Hobbyist
    812 hours ago


    my tip: put your phone on silent and place it in another room to prevent you from reflexively taking it while you struggle to fall asleep. just make sure to have the alarm volume be high enough for you to wake up.